
Mizu smiled at Wullfe's protectiveness, just waiting incase an attack happened. But then she yelped as bullets tore at her hyde. She snarled and turned to look at Savior, ~Gah, Wullfe, we have more to deal with!~ She ran at Savior, eyes glaring in anger, ~You won't kill me off so easy!~ She leapt at him.
ummhh Im on top of a building lol :)

Savior laughs at the snarling Wolven '' Here doggy, doggy, how about some more??''. Savior fires two more bullets at her. ''I hope it doesnt hurt that much my freind, i wouldnt do it but you insist on helping my food escape, im hungry ''.
Savior then fires the rest of the round at Wulfie.
''Protect him now''......
~Oh. XD Well... XD Who ever said Mizu was smart? XD~

Mizu leapt at Wullfe and headbutted him hard to get him to move. Her harder-than-normal fur would protect her, but not forever against those strong bullets. Mizu shooved him, misty rising from her wounds and icing the place behind her. *Sorry for this Wullfe, but if it'll keep you alive!*
The ice was spreading across the ocean, it was a slow process, but it was a process none the less, he demons were becoming impatient,waiting for the call when they could take to the sky, and feeze the lands, and feast once again on warm flesh, they could wait another 100 years just for the chance but they sensed that it was comming,

"Kill everything, spare the strong demons that survive, they could be intersting, as for the warm blooded, you decided what is to be done with them, and if you encounter other supernatural creatures kill them, but bring the vampires to me," Kamui had ordered, they would not betray him, if one of them did, wel there would be consiquences, and the demons knew it.

Australia, was starting to freeze and so were Chile, Argentina and the bottom of Brazil
OOC: Love the twist, Kentaro :D I just wanted to say, you don't have to worry about the relationship between our characters in Chronicles of Spira:, your character is bad ass, and that's cool. Keep him that way.


::As Mizu slams into Wullfe, he's taken aback, and falls to the floor. Normally he would simply roll and stand once more, however, his injuries are taking their toll. Groaning, he sits.::

Wullfe: (What's going on?)

::Wullfe stands, holding his left shoulder with his right hand. He turns, exposing his back to Bellicus, to see what's happening with his companion behidn him.::

Wullfe: "Mizu?! What's going on?"

::However, before she has a chance to answer, Wullfe already surmises the situation.::

Wullfe: (Not good... he said his food... that's me... right? Well, I'm no easy meal.)

::Slowly, Wullfe begins to walk backwards to the bar, never taking his eyes off of Saviour. It appears as though he's retreating, drawing as little attention to himself as possible.::

Wullfe: (Got it!)

::Although his face remains expressionless, his eyes flash with a brilliant plan. Suddenly, he yells out to Saviour.::

Wullfe: "Hey there you stinking vampire BAT! You said I was your dinner, right? Well then, forget that mangy mutt, come get me!"

::By now, Wullfe has reached the door to the bar, and he places one foot inside it. All this time, he's been staring Saviour in the eyes, challenging him.::

Wullfe: (Sorry Mizu... I can't let you die for me...)

Wullfe: "If you really were half as strong as me, you would just come down here and try to drink my blood... If you don't, I guess you're more bat then vampire huh?"

::Just to drive his point home, Wullfe taunts Saviour one last time.::

Wullfe: "We'll see whose greater, the predator, or prey, provided you're not really just a sheep in wolf's clothing!"

::With those final words, Wullfe runs inside the bar and out of sight...::
Savior laughed what was the human on about, ohh well cant leave a job unfinshed. '' I've got a job to do first'' Savior said.
Savior reloaded his pistols and Fired four more bullets at the Wolven.
''Now human, dont you think it would be stupid, for me to walk write down there in front of that dog, a handfull of people and a mad man with a pistol??'' Savior said with amusment.
Once again Savior fired his pistols but this time at the humans standing the van, he thought to him self, there in the way, then he smiled....
"Okay demons, you have free rein, as long as you abid by the orders i gave you, go, eat to your hearts content, and freeze the land upon where you walk.

The ice demons took to the sky, and they where they walked, where they touched, they froze into ice, that is what ice demons do, and Kamui sat there, waiting for the ice to spread, and for him to go, and find those that will aid him, and destroy those that oppose
I thought I was gonna get out of this town soon but I thought wrong.

Once Bellicus saw a bullet barely missing him he jumped down to the ground.As he landed on the ground he realized their were people hiding behined the van because a few of the shots were not aimed at him.He jumped back up once he stopped hearing the sound of gun shots.

He took a balanced stance before aiming his pistol towards his attacker. "Ok, You tried to kill me and failed so now its my turn to try and kill you" Bellicus said befrore firing his pistol.
Savior filinched, ''The ice demons have been released.'' He muttered to him self.
Savior transformed he needed energy befor they came so he was prepared,
he took of in search of prey without lookining back.
While he was flying he thought to himself
''Those that stand in there way get destroyed, best to aid them....''
"Oh crap!" Leon ducked his head. Bullets hit and pierced the weak metal side of the van. "Let's get out of here!" With that he got up and started to run. "Leon!" yelled a voice behind him. He turned back and suddenly he felt as if he was going to be sick. Dan lay against the van, bullet wound in his chest. Faye knelt beside him crying. "Come help!" she screamed. He ran back, and tried to drag his friend away from all the commotion. Just then he realises there are other people as well. As he looks up he glances a glimpse of someone running into the bar. "Come on - let's get him inside."

OOC: One down one to go :P Make the last one snazzy
::Once inside the bar, Wullfe runs for the alcohol right away.::

Wullfe: "There's enough fuel here to light a fire for miles..."

::A look of sick satisfaction crosses his face.::

Wullfe: "Let's see, he should keep a pack of matches around here somewhere..."

::Wullfe vaults himself over the bar, only to land in a pool of blood and guts. Caught off guard, he stumbles backward, banging into the bar.::

Wullfe: "So..."

Wullfe: (Much death...)

::Even though Wullfe believed he had grown accustomed to this sudden, strange war and all the violence it brought and the death that accompanied it, it still takes him everything he has to not vomit at the sight of the dead bartender laying there. He hears the door opening behind him.::

Wullfe: "It's him!"

::Brought back to reality by the imminent threat, he grabs the shotgun from the deceased bartenders hands, prying it from his cold, rigid fingers. In one motion, he spins around aiming at the door...::

The ice demons were decending, faster, they saw a vampire fly past, they paid no attention to it, their orders were not to harm any of that kin, so they would not, they sensed that Kamui had also left the frozen castle, he man is on his way they all registered, let us begin,

"where ever we walk, it shall freeze, what ever we touch it shall freeze, where ever we fly, we will destroy, what ever we eat, shall be consumed whole" they chanted

Kamui landed on the ground outside a bar, the ground beneath him turning into ice, he was dressed in a ice armour, though it wasn't his ice aura death armour, that had to be more prepearation before he could use that again, he walked down the road, turning everything into ice, he noticed movments inside the bar, and began to walk towards it.
OOC: Eiolon i plan to get rid of the second one for you, just show a bit of emotion when she dies :)

Savior had been searching for the Ice Lord for a while, he then saw him flying over the bar where Savior had been earlier.
Savior followed him. The Ice Lord landed on the ground in front of the Bar, Savior followed and landed behind him;
''Welcome Kamui''.........
Kamui saw Saviour land behind him, "We meet again Saviour, what is it that you wish?" Ice was spreading into the bar, spreading and freezing as it moved...
"What is it that you wish, Saviour? and no i'm not a ice lord, not yet at any rate, just being able to manipulate well, i'm Dark Light, something a bit different... but what is that you wish?"
Savior studied him, Dark Light ehhh??
''I see you've made yourself welcome'' Savior said with a chuckle.''I wish to join and aid you, thats if you'll have me?'' Savior said with a grin.
Savior thought to himself, Not an ice lord but able to manipulate well, intresting...
Mizu snarled as bullets and ice went flying everywhere. Mizu leapt at the spreading ice, running over it with padded paws. Mizu growled, showing her white fangs as she ran towards the bar door, crouching and leaping at Savior, ~You won't kill these humans!~ Her eyes sparked as she leapt through the air, sharp claws extended.
The ice extended on front of Mizu, "I suppse this could be fun after all," drawing Shirakun, he lept up and the blade caught Mizu's teeth, "And on the contray i wouldn't kill them... i will rule them, and devour them, unless Saviour... you have other plans you would like to do?" Kamui's red eyes gleming, of course i accept, i wouldn't kill you, even if you tried to kill my demons, but if you were to try to kill me... then that would be a different story now wouldn't it?"
''Why would i attack you??''Savior said with a grin.''The only plans i have is gettin something to eat.''
Savior jumped to miss the running Wolven. Savior stood back and watched as Kamui and the wolven engaged.
He withdrew his pistols just incase....
''You don't give up do you dog?''Savior said.''Tell me this what do you get out of helping them?''
So now I had to hurry up my plan to get out of there.

Bellicus saw the strange person form ice around the area.He knew that he had to hurry or he would turn into a icicle.He took a few minutes to think over the situation before realizing the best thing to do is to get out of this hell hole.
He quickly ran over to the otherside of the van to get the damn key from the owner of the van.