Tales of Avlear

"I don't care about my life. I wanted a good battle, and my opponent quit without dealing any injuries to me, or vice versa. Now that doesn't seem like a battle the crowd would enjoy, nor did I. Which is why I re challenged you. Dracus, I will fight him, you, then Andy here. that's hy you must all be here. And I don't think you know who I am. I am older than all of you, have more experience. I have enough power to handle you three. You fought a Level 1 demon. The highest is 9. So defeating it wasn't something very powerful. But trust me, neither of us should be dissapointed."

((Same rules as previous fight. No saying if an attack hits.))
Dracus start to glow pure black and says "Josh get Bon out of here now and don't come back. I'm going to unleash a great darkness and I'm afraid it may hurt Bon. So please get out of here NOW."
OOC: I will alow RPGirl to control my character until my return, I will be absent for a small ammount of time.
Characters under RPGirl's command:

"Understood, I will take Bon-Bon with me. Bro, be careful." Josh grabed Bon-Bon's hand and left the arena. The darkness that was about to be released was coming from deep inside of Dracus heart, a darkness that was sealed long ago by Josh. The seal was weakening, all hope was lost, soon Dracus' soul would unleash its dark judgement. The Four Guardians of Mana; Kuja, Alkir, Rarze, and Logre, all of them were scattered to the four corners of this universe, two of them now were present in this world. Josh, whose true name is Alkir, was now entrusted with the safety of the Sage of Mana.......
Dracus yells "I unleash Death fron your seal one who cause pain and suffering to all."

Dracus is engulfed in black clouds as he uneartly screams are heard.
"Dracus tho you re evil for doing I will save you from this dark power" transforms into light spirit" thought bubble appears. "The darkness sepping out of bon bon is great i must stop it." Muttering ancient words." Drans darkonayat purifico." Darkness dissappears must seal and purify bon bon " seaino purifico" de transforms from light spirit then all of the sudden tranforms into dark spirit." Run everyone I cant control it run and just get away as fast as possible i cant untransform run quickly."
" dogde sword and picks up kg by the neck fool did you think a human can hurt me i am a dark spirit i have the knowledge from a million years of me ever last dark thing there is resides in my being and now that i finally after all these years i will not be stopped only one with purifying powers can stop me ha ha ha" drops him and dissappears.
((You broke a major rule with me. Don't do it again, or I will leave this rpg))

"Well, Dracus, I guess it's just you and me now, isn't it?" KG grins and draws his sword.
((Hey guys, lets just skip all the fighting and said KG won, so we can go on with the Shrine Hunt?))
OOC: I'm back, and yes I agree. I will make a brief summary of all the events, sorry if I God-Mod here but it's necessary in order to skip all that.-_-

Brief summary:
After the tournament, KG left with the Champion Cup, the Sword of Arnazil (a sword that is given to those worthy of being a knight), and 15000 pieces of gold. After the tournament, KG fought and defeated Andrew and faced Dracus in a one on one battle. The battle took place outside of the arena and, after almost losing the fight, KG was able to defeat Dracus. Bon-Bon, Aiden, Josh, KG, and the others headed towards the next Mana Shrine after discovering that the Ancient Book of Mana was destroyed. Josh had a conversation with Dracus and bowed to never use his Guradian Powers' again unless is were strictly necessary, and he also agreed to take care of Bon-Bon and Aiden. They left the castle town after stocking up on some supplies, and now they were ready for their next adventure.......

To be continued......
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((What about the part where I fought Dracus and Andrew? Did you forget to mention I kicked their asses?))
Bon-Bon looked at everyone, "I think before we should go, we need a plain." Said Bon-Bon to the others. The group of travelers were stainding near the exit of the village. "Okay, first off we need to find the location of the next shrine." Siad Bon-Bon.

"And then maybe the Mana Spirit at that shrine can help us to the next." Siad Bon-Bon as she scrached her head. "Do you think tahts a good plain?" Asked Bon-Bon to the others.
Aiden spoke with Josh while the others thought about their next destination. "So, you are the Guardian of Mana.....quite funny to know that I had a Guardian of Mana by my side all along....." Aiden says while staring at the castle. "Yeah....sorry for not telliung you.....Aiden; may I ask you something?" Josh asked while approaching the huge tree next to the river. "Sure, ask me then...." Aiden replied while looking at Bon-Bon. Josh walked and he stood there watching KG, Bon-Bon, and Dracus talking about the Mana Shrines. "What do you feel for Bon-Bon?" Josh asked Aiden as his sight was caught by Bon-Bon's smile. Aiden began to get nervous and tried to avoid answering that question. Finally he gave up and sighed. "She is important to me....but I know that nothing will ever happen between us for I am cursed, tainted by the evil of her enemy, the man called Giky...." Aiden said while looking sadly at the mark of darkness on the palm of his right hand. "So, it will happen sooner or later.....you will fall under his control....." Josh argued. "Josh, promise me that if I ever fall under that man's control you will protect her from everything....even from me...." Aiden asked as his voice sounded with great sadness. Josh nooded his head and agreed to take care of Bon-Bon. "I will do as you wish, young master."

"Thank you, you are a true friend.......farewell Josh, I will miss you....." Aiden replied as he began to pick up his sword and backpack. Aiden then took his sword and went on the opposite direction from were Bon-Bon and the others were standing. "Were are you going?" Josh asked with a serious expression on his face. "I must go....if I stay here I might end up hurting her......Josh can you give her this?" Aiden extended his arm and opened his hand revealing a small jewelry box. Josh picked the small box and putted it in his pocket. "Sure Aiden....." Josh replied with a sad voice as if he knew that Aiden's darkness was starting to intensify with each second, a darkness that could consume his friend any moment. Suddenly, Aiden's dark aura began to grow and he was no longer able to control his body.

Aiden then ran towards Bon-Bon and the others while Josh yelled at him to stop. "Aiden!!! Stop!!!! Aiden!!!!" With tears of sadness flowing from his eyes, Aiden stood in front of Bon-Bon. The darkness inside Aiden began to grow, with Giky's voice calling him, commanding him to attack Bon-Bon.

"Bon-Bon please forgive me......farewell my l...o....v.......arghhhhhhhh" As Aiden tried to speak his last words he was stopped by Giky's influence, his eyes began to glow with a dark light and dark mana began to surround Aiden, enveloping him in dark clouds. As the dark mist began to disperse, the armored legs of a mysterious man were revealed. The mist kept dispersing, revealing a dark full body armor and, after the last remnant mist disappeared, his face was revealed. It was Aiden, whose eyes glowed red with darkness, grinning as if he were another man.

"I'm back........" Aiden said as he smirked devilishly while unsheathing his dark sword.