Tales of Avlear

Dracus watching whole fight smirks and mutters "Well this is interesting twist or should I say part of plot. Well guess only thing I can do is go to shrine for now."

Dracus rises from ground again in front of Bon and Josh and says "Hey Bon."
The fox ears purked up and jumpped out of Bon-Bon's arms. With a quck flash of smoke a blonde haired fox girl landed infront of Josh. "Thanks for the help, I ran out of Mana Crystiles and I lost my way back to the Star Gate." Siad RPGirl as she wagged her tail.

Bon-Bon walked up to RPGirl, "That Josh-sama, he's helping about the Demon seed." Siad Bon-Bon as she looked at RPGirl. "WOW, Mega magic." Siad RPGirl as she twiched her ears. RPGirl pulled Bon-Bon aside, "Yo, Bon-Bon. I found out that theres these beings called Maidens Of Mana." Whisppered RPGirl to Bon-Bon, "Yeah, I have too. I found out that I'm one of them." Whsppered Bon-Bon. "Hmmm, I'm one of them too, I need to go back to Avlear and chat with Lul about this." Siad RPGirl as she put her hand on her chin.

"But since you guys helpped me out, I'm gonna do you guys a solid." Siad RPGirl as she reached into her Pokect. RPGirl Pulled out a Map, "Its a map to the Mana Shrines, but it will only show you the next location of the next shrine unless a Mana Spirit touches it." Siad RPGirl as she handed the Map to Bon-Bon.

"Thanks RPGirl." Siad Bon-Bon with a smile as she put the Map in her pokect. "Anytime!" Siad RPGirl as she ran off into the woods. Bon-Bon walked back over to Josh and Dracus. "There she goes." Siad Bon-Bon with a sigh.

Bon-Bon turn to Dracus, "Oh Hi!" Siad Bon-Bon as she waved.
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Dracus half waves back and says "Let see I'll allow you to use map once but after that I must have it Bon."

Dracus then twist Josh arm and says "Be bit more careful Josh you could have done job much better than that."
"Ouch.....sorry Bro, I know I must be responsible with my powers for I am one of the Mana Guardians....." Josh stood up fully recovered. As he noticed the sudden change of RPGirl he nooded and smiled. Then he walked towards the tree and leaned his back against it. "This is one hell of a family reunion.....ouch...."
Dracus gives good pat on back and says "One only learns frrom mistakes remember that Josh."

Dracus looks at RPG and says "So foolishly come to land that hurt you in long run bright idea you had I bet."
"Yeah, but I had some something to do." Siad RPGirl with a sigh. Bon-Bon looked over at RPGirl. "No..NO.. I didn't goo to see Poe, if I was I would go with you or Lil'Imp. But any ways. I'm outtie Bye." Siad RPGirl as she Disappered.

Bon-Bon sighed, "I don't know what Lul, she's in her. But she is a kind girl." Siad Bon-Bon as she watched RPGirl leave. Bon-Bon turned back to Dracus and Josh. "So where are RF and KG?" Asked Bon-Bon to them.

"Honestly I don't know, maybe they were caught by all that fame and glory KG go after the tournament." Josh walked towards the river, with his right hand below his chin and his left hand behind his back. Josh then looked at the road that lead towards the Montain Path and sighed. "Bon-Bon we can't keep waiting for them any longer. If you wish, I can ask one of my friends to search for them." Josh said as if he knew where KG and RF might be. The sun was setting and it was getting dark, the woods were a dangerous place to stay at night, specially if someone was after them.

Aiden Gyki:
High above the hill was Aiden who was under the control of Bon-Bon's nemesis, the dark man known as Gyki. He stared at Bon-Bon, Dracus and Josh who were planning their next destination. A dark aura surrounded Aiden as if he were fully consumed by Gyki's malice. Now they were one, Gyki and Aiden, the master and it's servant. Gyki's cruelty could be seen through Aiden's eyes whose glow was red due to the ammount of dark mana that he possessed.

"Ahh....poor Bon-Bon...if only she knew that in order to release her friend she would need the power of all the Mana Shrines......Dracus is such a fool if he thinks that she can prevail. So is Lanheart whose malice will surely lead him to me. Once I have him under my power, I will draw my attention towards RPGirl, and the rest of Bon-Bon's friends......" After saying that, the dark forest was filled with the echoes of Aiden Gyki's evil laughter.
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"I will ask an old friend of mine, a warrior that knows well the land arround us" Josh said as he stared at the mountain with a cold sight. The night was cold and they needed some shelter to resist its harshness. The stars glowed beautifully as if they were jewels decorating a crown with the night as its queen.
Bon-Bon looked at the stars in the sky, "I love iot when its night time, you can see how pretty the stars glow and the moon too." Siad Bon-Bon in a relaxing way.

Bon-Bon pulled out a cube from her pokect. "I knew this would come in handy after the Mana War." Siad Bon-Bon as she tossed out the Cube. Bon-Bon waved her hand and the cube grew into a camp site. "Okay, lets rest for tonight." Siad Bon-Bon as she smiled.
Josh looked surprised as he saw how a camp appeared out of a small cube. "You have many surprises under your sleeve, ok I'll take the yellow one." Josh laughed as he stared at the huge moon that glowed beautifuly high above them in the dark sky.
"Okay I'll take the blue one." Siad Bon-Bon as she looked up at the moon. A soft smile came a cross her face. It seems that the Moon's gental glow refesh her.

Bon-Bon's seem to sparkle like the stars in the sky as she sat by her tent and looked up at the night sky.
OOC: If you don't agree with this post you just have to tell me and I will delete it.

Remeber, it is just a dream, therefore it can't change anything...

Inside Bon-Bon's mind.....

The Nightmare.....

The night was pitch black, the fog was dense, iluminated only by the fires of burning houses. In there, the man known as Gyki riding his hell spawned black horse. At the far side was Bon-Bon, standing still, confused and yet encouraged to fight against her nemesis. The rain fell hard as the raging storm began to intensify, the fog began to disappear and Gyki was revealed to Bon-Bon.

"Come to face your inevitable doom, come and face me......"
Gyki said while staring at Bon-Bon. He dismounted from his horse and stood still, his dark cape tainted with the blood of innocent people, Bon-Bon's friends. He then walked towards her while unsheathing his sword, the Sword of Forgotten Souls. The sound of the blade being drawn stroke fear to every person that heard it. "I have a surprise for you....." Gyki said with a huge grin on his face. Then we see Aiden, his neck being held by Gyki's left hand. Gyki then tossed Aiden's body in front of him, his new victim laid unconscious before his might.

A faint voice was heard, it was Aiden, whose life seemed to fade away. "Bon-Bon......go.....save yourself.....don't be a heroin....leave...please..." Aiden seemed to be weak, as if his life force was drained by Gyki's power. Gyki raised his sword and pierced Aiden's back and a weak scream could be heard from afar. As Aiden's body was surrounded in dark mana, his soul and all that was left behind, disappeared fading slowly and entering inside the jewel at the back of Gyki's right hand. Gyki smirked as he felt his victim's soul giving him an inhuman strenght, more powerful than before.

"Now, it is Lanheart's turn......I wish so much to see your face....once he is dead...." The night was filled with Gyki's evil laughter, his eyes gazing upon Bon-Bon's Demon Seed.
OOC: Wow, its good. I like it.

Bon-Bon tossed and turned in her sleep as this nightmare played in her head. She was dreinched in a clod sweat as she called out the names of her friends in her sleep.

"Aid-kun....Josh-sama...kg-kun...rf-kun..No...don't die." Siad Bon-Bon in her sleep as she tossed and turned. Her heart was rasing as fear built up in her heart. "Lan..heart....Lanheart." Called out Bon-Bon in her sleep. "LANHEART!" Yelled Bon-Bon as she jurked out of her Nightmere. Bon-Bon was breathing havely as quickly looked around.

Then she sighed when she saw no one was in danger. "It..was...just a nightmear." Said Bon-Bon as she put her hand on her forhead. Her demon seed glint in the moon's light.
OCC: Sorry I've been gone for while

Dracus had been sleeping tree since camp was set up and was resting nicely when he heard something yell that made him jump up and fall out of tree.
Bon-Bon heard something fell, "Eh?" Siad Bon-Bon as she popped her head out her tent. Bon-Bon saw that some one fell out of a tree. Bon-Bon walked up to the person, its was Dracus.

"Hey, are you okay?" Siad Bon-Bon with a little worry, but still trying to hold back some laughter.
Dracus gets up and says "Well I would be if some people wouldn't startle me when I'm sleeping in tree keeping a look out."

Dracus start to climb back up tree and falls off again.
Dracus stumbles up and says "I'll have to decline since I'm going to keep watch for you while you sleep Bon so go back to sleep and leave it to me."

Jumps into tree and start to relax in same spot again watching and listening for anything odd.
OOC: Sorry for not posting. I've been busy.
Josh woke up after feeling Gyki's presence nearby. He rushed outside his tent and unsheathed his sword. He then noticed that Dracus was here, keeping watch over Bon-Bon. Ignoring Dracus presence, Josh directed his attention to the Dark Shadow he saw moments before over the hill. It was strange, as if he could feel his enemy getting close, perhaps too close.

After realizing that the dark presence was gone, Josh sheathed his sword and turned his sight to where Dracus was resting.

"Dracus I know you are there so don't ignore me. Come down, I need to share some words with you....it's about Aiden and Gyki...."