Tales of Avlear

Josh analized Kuja's weapon for a few moments after a few seconds he answered. "Let's see.... fine craftsmanship, strenghthened blade reinforced with an alloy made of the strongest materials.....hmmmm...an exact copy of my sword but still retaining some unique designs that were specially made for you. Also it has well designed hilt with a chain with your family crest attached to the sword's hilt. Where did you get it?" Josh stood there surprised by the new weapon that Kuja was wielding.
Kuja laughs and says "Almost right Josh this sword is 1000 years old and couldn't cut anything." Kuja puts it up to his hand and pulls it down in attempt to cut his hand as he says "See Josh."
"I better go to, and sorry for the trouble!" Rf yelled back at the nurse as he ran out the doors. He ran a little ways down the street then spotted Bon-bon on the roof of the bakery.

Rf snuck up behind Bon-bon on the roof. He stopped a few inches behind her, then yelled at the top of his lungs, "WHAT ARE YOU THINKING????"
KG walked out of the bakery. "I left and no one seems to notice......... This place seems to hate me........" KG heard voices. He jumped on top of the bakery. "Hey people!"
"AAHAHHHH!!" Screamed Bon-Bon as she was startled by everyone. "Gezz, mans. Don't do that!" Said Bon-Bon as she turn to everyone. "I thought you guys wanted to see the fights, why follow me." Said Bon-Bon as she looked at everyone.
KG looked around. "Those guys are pushovers. I'm stronger than them. BUT YOU!" he glares at Andrew," You had to quit before I could show the audience my mad skills."
"I dunno, I might like this place if I win. Unless they all hate me for killing either Kuja or Josh. Woever I fight..."
Kuja laughs and says "Almost right Josh this sword is 1000 years old and couldn't cut anything." Kuja puts it up to his hand and pulls it down in attempt to cut his hand as he says "See Josh."

Josh smirks as he saw that the edges of Kuja's sword were dull. Then he sheathed his sword and began to walk slowly towards Kuja. "So, I suppose you have a proper sword for our match, come one you aren't going to disappoint me, are you?" Josh kept walking, waiting for Kuja's reply. The winds were lifting small clouds of dust across the arena and they remained there, prepared for their battle, waiting under the beautiful sky. "A thousand years old sword....you know as much as I do that both of our swords were crafted by the same man. Both of them were forged for us as if they knew that we were going to become the greatest rivals. Those days training together until the sunset without a single moment to rest, always pushing over our own limits. We are gifted swordsmen Kuja, and you also known that."
Kuja smirks and says "I wasn't finshed Josh you see the legend with this sword is that it carries a power in it and you want to know the truth I know how to use it to thanks to him."
"You see, because both swords were forged by the same man, both swords' hidden powers are equall. It only takes a true swordsman to release their hidden potential." Josh drew the twin blade of Kuja's sword. "I suppose you remember the names of both swords. Here I have my sword, The Dreams of Fate!" Josh points his sword at Kuja. "Enough talk, the crowd will get bored if we continue our history lessons." Josh moved a few stepps behind while staring at Kuja with his sword pointing at him. The arena remained silent once more and then it was suddenly filled with Josh's challenging words "Kuja here I come! En-Garde!"
Kuja laughs evilly and says "Let see who can win Josh cause I'm making this one to death."

Kuja points sword at his heart and thrust into himself saying "Ixion I ask for your power to help me fight. GIVE ME THE ALASTOR ARMOR."

Black clouds start to surrond the arena as bolts of thunder strike spot Kuja in.
Josh stopped a few stepps away from Kuja who was suddenly surrounded by dark clouds. Josh grinned as he stared at what was supposed to be Kuja's transfromation. "You know.....I can play hard too...." Josh unsheathed his other sword and he lowered his head. Then the ground began to shake and Josh became surrounded in a clouds. After the clouds disspersed, Josh's armour was golden and his eyes glowed green filled with a vast ammount of power. Each of his swords glowed with a different aura, the Redemption Sword was flaming red, and the Dreams of Fate emanated a holy energy. "Four years of training and you thought I wouldn't be able to unleashe the powers of my sword?! Come one we both know each other's techniques. We've trained for five years together in order to earn these swords!"