Tales of Avlear

The demon yelled in pain. KG saw the attack. "By the way, do not surrender." The demon roared again, shattering the eardrums of some unexpecting watchers. It swung it's tail, swung it's sword, and started smashing the floor.
OOC: Final Post, KG Wins!

As each of the monter's move began to get more reckless, Josh deviced a strategy in order to take him down. The battle was intensifying with each move made by both warriors. The flames that surrounded the whole arena began to burn even fiercer than before. The dust being lifted by the demon's attacks began to gather all arround him. Knowing that this would be his only chance, Josh ran towards the demon eluding each of the demon's attacks. When he got near enough to strike, Josh jumped while dodging the demon's last strike. While in mid air, Josh hurled the sword in his left hand at the demon's tail, piercing it. Soon after the demon' yelled in pain, Josh came down, slashing the demon's neck, beheading him almost instantly. As Josh landed on the ground, the demon's head fell on the surface of the arena, all surrounded in black blood.

Josh approached the demon's body and removed his sword, which was still stucked in the demon's tail. After cleaning the blood of demon from the surface of his sword, Josh sheathed both of his weapons. He smirks while staring at KG. "You are a true warrior, despite the fact that your moves were reckless in the battle before. I give this victory to you." Then he turned to look at the wild crowd and said "Behold your new champion!! KG!!!!!" After that, he left the arena with a small grin on his face. "This man is just like me, he will have a bright future someday....until then.....farewell."
" Kg meet me in the feild like we said it is time to fight where there are no innocent bistanders to be hurt by our power. Let us cut loss and us our full srength i will wait for you to recover." Walks away and gos to inn." The day has come to fight kg im trembling with excitement i cant wait to fight at full strength.'
KG was furious at Josh and Shukaku. He kicked the demon in the head. "You had to over reacte, didn't you?!" He ran after Josh and grabbed him, lifting him up. "I said 'Do not surrender'! YOU DO NOT DISOBEY ME!" He threw Josh into a wall and drew hiss word. "I wanted a worthy battle, and all I got was a man to dodge a few attacks and defeat a worthless demon. You are a pitiful excuse for an opponent." KG was ready to kill Josh.

((BTW, key, KG never got hurt. His demon did.))
Dracus appeared on top of arena ceiling and watched end of fight with Bon on ground resting.

Dracus saw KG move and jumps down and kicks KG into wall saying "Quit or I'll kill you."
KG's reckless actions have made Josh's anger to arouse. Josh stood up and unsheathed his swords once again. "You worthless, pitiful maggot!! How dare you to bring shame upon this arena with your petty actions!!! You deserve a punishment for acting with such selfishness!!! Who do you think you are? You have no honor!!!" Josh raised his sword and struck KG's hand with the hilt of his sword. "You should know that a knight must never bring shame upon his name!!" After that, Josh pushed KG with all his strenghth and sent him crashing against the wall. "That way you will learn to respect your elders!! I am one of the Four Great Guardians of Mana!!! Face my wrath!!!" Josh stood there with his eyes fueled with a raging anger that could corrode even the purest of souls. His swords began to glow with a powerful aura, a power so great that could vanish the strongest of demons. KG maid a terrible mistake by angering one of the Four Guardians of Mana, a being similar in both strenght and wisdom to Dracus.
"Disgrace? Me? You disgraced yourself. A true warrior never backs down from a fight, no matter the cost. If you don't understand that, then you don't even deserve the title of 'fighter'. More like someone who picks on weaker people. A bully is what you are. And petty actions? I was trying to bring the fight a final of a tournament deserves, full of action and danger. How bout this? I'll fight you both. Maybe I could have a partner though. Meet me in the location of my battle with Andrew. If you don't show, I will have you dead.' KG dissapeared to go to the location of his battle. "Hey, Andy, we'll be fighting Dracus and Josh. Get ready for a tough battle, though judging from the past fights I've seen of Dracus, and my battle with Josh, they'll run away if it gets tough for them. Whcih it will."
"Hey dude, I agreed to fight you and Josh. Not you and Bon-Bon. Bon-Bon, please leave. And niether Dracus or Josh will be joining us to finish this thing. Aight?"
Dracus says "I know she here to stop me from killing you."

Dracus glows with black arua and says "I'll be fighting you alone since Josh will get in my way."
Dracus says "I know she here to stop me from killing you."

Dracus glows with black arua and says "I'll be fighting you alone since Josh will get in my way."
Josh began to walk slowly towards KG, wielding his flaming swords. The armour that was protecting his body began to change. Its color, once silver like the purest of light now turned black like the darkness of the night. Josh's eyes, once blue like the calm river now glowed red like hellfire. "You do not know who you are fighting against, foolish mortal.....take your victory and live or die....." Josh said refering to KG. "I offered you a chance to live and yet, you wish to anger the Guardian of Mana. What use would you find in the bravery of a fool if he doesn't know that victory is beyond his reach?" Suddenly, a pair of black angel wings emerged from Josh's back as he got nearer to his objective. Josh stops a few steps away from KG and he smirks while gazing upon this unfortunate soul. "I am Alken, Lord of Balance and Guardian of Mana, face the wrath of my might." After that, Josh began to glow with a dark aura surrounded by a white light. "Dracus, it is time....."
Dracus smirks and says "Sorry Josh but I can't let you get hurt now since you'll have to help Bon out in end."

Dracus vanishes and appears in front of Josh and punches him in stomach.
Josh endures the attack and counters it with one of his own, a good punch straight at Dracus' face. "That should teach you to a lesson. If you wanted to tell me somthing use mouth, not your fist!!!" After that Josh sheathed his swords sttof there in front of KG. "Ok Dracus, you must decide now. Should I forgive the life of this foolish mortal?"
Dracus start to glow pure black and says "Josh get Bon out of here now and don't come back. I'm going to unleash a great darkness and I'm afraid it may hurt Bon. So please get out of here NOW."