Playstation Tekken

Are the Tekken games any better than the Dead or Alive games? I've seen DOA played, and it looked pretty cool to me.
Eh, as far as fighters go, Tekken is pretty solid. The series continues to be strong to this day while others seem to become lesser (Virtua Fighter, Dead or Alive, Mortal Kombat etc...).
I remember there being a Tekken anime, it looked pretty stellar to me, there was that old dude with the tall hair and such. Good stuff.
Eh, as far as fighters go, Tekken is pretty solid. The series continues to be strong to this day while others seem to become lesser (Virtua Fighter, Dead or Alive, Mortal Kombat etc...).

I disagree with DOA being on the lesser list.seriously give DOA4 a chance its much stronger than the rest of teh series,though my heart still lies with tekken, anythings better than virtua fighter thats the takiest game ive ever seen
There's a big list of famous fighter games isn't there?

Dead or Alive
Street Fighter
Virtua Fighter
Mortal Kombat
DOA just seemed too flashy for me, i like the game, it was just too flashy with visuals. Big bouncy breasts, kinky sexy clothing, panty flashes(trust me i like that stuff i honestly do) but overall I didnt think it was that great of a fighting game. It was more visually appealing than solid gameplay. The only thing that really got me interested in DOA were the girls and what an amount of money did i waste. Plus the guy that made DOA thought tekken was sh!t.

I think Tekken is more in-dept with alot of their characters giving history to them also Tekken has more varieties of Characters also more realistic fighting styles. DOA seemed to focused more on the women's story lines (excuding hayate) and just added in extra (not evem many) characters to give the game more (more like few) choices.

Virtual Fighter, taky as it was, it was actually pretty good. It was actually the most realistic fighting game there is. But i didnt think it was better than Tekken.

The only thing that im buggin with Tekken is the confusing Timeline. But that's it.

Either way i think both games are much more fun than the Street Fighter series. But anything's better than those Godawful DBZ fighting games.
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Its not that i dont understand the Timeline just the age's of certain characters threw me off. I think its just an error in the Tekken Zaibatsu page but they say Nina was 24 around Tekken 5 but it was more than a 19-20 years gap from T2 and T3. wouldnt that make her 5 years old during T2?

Plus she was also pregnant with Steve Fox during that 20 year gap. Im betting She's around her 40's right? I mean even if that's old there's still many women with really nice figures at that age. I think it is just an error Tekken Zaibatsu made. I just took Tekken Zaibatsu's word for the age 20's thing because it seemed like that site would know what they're talking about.

I'm still trying to learn more about Tekken. I recently got into it with T5. Its currently my favorite fighting game.
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Didn't she have Steve before she was put into her...Coma-Cyrosleep thing? That would explain it.

I've been playing good ol' Tekken since the second one. I remember on christmas day after getting my PS1 playing the orignal Tekken on the demo disc that come with it.

Now I can relive getting my butt kicked by JACK's russian kick over and over again in Tekken 5 as I can go back and play it on any of the previous Tekkens.

It's probably not a fluid feeling as Soul Calibur, but the stories are more solid and it still has a certain something to it.
I can't be arsed looking through the pages to see if anyone's asked this :monster:. Anyway, if anyone has Tekken: Dark Resurrection for PSP, have you noticed that Ganryu is in it? But I can't remember for the life of me what he used to be in?
Update on the characters :

New Characters (Confirmed)

  • Leo
  • Miguel
  • Zafina
Returning Characters (Confirmed)

:D it looks as if Tekken 6 is going to be the biggest Tekken ever. and you can customise the characters which gives them more moves! how awesome is that?

and Pooley Ganryu was in tekken 2 as one of Kazuyas bodyguards, he was in love with Michelle :lol: he's also in Tekken tag and Tekken 3...i think.
No, deffinitely not Ryu. I'm sure I remember a sumo called Ganryu or something like that from an old 2D fighter...

No, deffinitely not Ryu. I'm sure I remember a sumo called Ganryu or something like that from an old 2D fighter...
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2d fighter with a sumo character....nope. Only one I can think of is Honda from SF.

I like Tekken. Its not my favorite fighting franchise but its still fun.
Steve and Hwoarang are probably my favorites. And I really like Asumi or Aymui...I can't remember her name. Short hair, white and blue outfit. Fought like Jun.

But the customizing moves thing sounds like a bad idea to me. No game has been able to do it right. Wrestling, fighting game makers,...Mortal Kombat tried it. It just makes the game really unbalanced. I think Soul Calibur made a good attempt when they made a character base like Ninja, Saint, Knight.... At least its more balanced that way.
it should be interesting to see how they do it though :D my friend said that it was a move per item, so say if youy gave Nina a shoe she'd throw it or something (like that princess lass in Mortal Kombat) and it sounds a :/ looking forward to how they'll pull it off.
I WANT to see ASUKA.
She was one of my favorite characters tbh. She was definitely one of the more fun characters for me cause she was semi-realistic in her fighting style and wasn't overpowered like a lot of characters in Tekken
No, deffinitely not Ryu. I'm sure I remember a sumo called Ganryu or something like that from an old 2D fighter...

No, deffinitely not Ryu. I'm sure I remember a sumo called Ganryu or something like that from an old 2D fighter...
E. Honda from Street Fighter resembles Ganryu quite abit.