The bad things about the Kingdom Hearts series

I really hated the Gummi missions. I was thanking God once I was granted a warp-mode.

I also didn't like how OOC of some of the certain FF characters acted... :/

Cloud: Darkness... Brooding... Pity... I hate life... Sephiroth.. my heart... die..

basically all ff characters in kh 1 and 2 are bad, their made as children except a few ppl, e.g. leon but all over the series there are many good points and it tyes into disney and all the characters in disney
I've recently discovered I have a strong hate for Kingdom Hearts! :wacky:

I am aware that we have a Kingdom Hearts area, but this is about the series, and there is not a section to discuss the entire series, so as far as I know this is the best place to put it.

I know, I for one hated the fact that Final Fantasy Characters from good games and somewhat interesting personalities were completely destroyed, kudos to Nomura and company. So let's start with my list of bastardized characters that I give two shits about. :monster:

Seifer - Nomura should really be beaten in the head with a bat for this. I mean really, he turned him into a wigger ffs. That's got to be among one of the most degrading things to do to a character, considering the wigger style sucks, and is completely non-existent in Final Fantasy. Also, lawl at how he can't come off this bastardization with the new and upcoming game The World Ends With You.

Setzer - No. Just no. You do not get to be one of the people kick one of the greatest villians of all time's asses and bribe an amateur to lose a fight to you. Absolute bollocks. That, and it's incredibly disturbing to see him beat the crap out of a kid with a dhildo when it's known that he kills people with knives and cards.

Aerith - gtfo and run back to Cloud plz. Also, her voiceover was horrible. Really the only thing I have against her character in KHII is that she's warming up to Squall, which is irritating.

Cid - simply put, whoever composed Cid's KH series character should be shot, yes?

Cid was beyond bastardized. He was completely shattered. I mean, what the hell is with that toothpick and no cursing? Sheeshus Christ. If you're gonna be an ass about killing off all the good characters, at least pick the wussies of the litter.

I find it appalling that the KH series is only whoring out FFVII more than any other characters from other games. Seriously, the FF cast of KHI were

Squall, Yuffie, Aerith, Cloud, Cid, and Sephiroth. Amazing how the majority of those characters are from FFVII, isn't it? It also goes to show that the cast of FFVII blow even more in Kingdom Hearts II by adding Tifa to the game. All we need is Reeves, Barret, and Red XIII, and we'll have the entire cast! Go to hell plz.

Let's not forget that you don't get to fight Sephiroth or Cloud until late in the game, when they are very strong, therefore further hyping the over hyped Final Fantasy VII series once again. (okay, I know Leon[Squall] is in the group, but still, more than half...:wacky:)

Not to mention fighting Cloud with Yuffie, Tifa, and Squall definitely has it's downsides in the Coliseum. Also, Sephiroth is one of the hardest bosses in the game. Where is Kefka?

Kefka > Sephiroth.

Maybe I should take that back. I don't want them to turn Kefka into a pussy.

if they're going to keep using shitty characters, I wish they'd just go and grab characters from the Nintendo Final Fantasies. A lot of the characters that were ruined were really great characters, and it's really disappointing imo. The Setzer thing is probably one of the most annoying things to have ever been added to the Kingdom Hearts series.

And the characters that weren't ruined were characters that already suck because they've been whored out and become clichés of the Final Fantasy series. Namely Cloud and Sephiroth. Bastards.

It annoys me to no end that bastardized characters with ruined images keep getting reused after they've been completely ruined. That way, for the newer generation, people won't even know what the character was originally like, because eventually it will be a royal pain in the ass to get an old game to see what these characters were actually like.

/end fred rantz
Yes i completely agree with you about KH destroying some or all of the FF characters we've grown to love I think KH also ruined Disney characters too. I think it's all presentation though if the developers gave all of the characters themselves a better plot as awesome as the whole game plot instead of doing crappy cameos and dumb supporting characters popping out and saying here i am. Same goes with the Disney characters the way the presented them was pretty bland and didnt appeal to me as well. Just to simplify it how did you feel once you watched Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Aladdin, or The Little Mermaid or after finishing each FF from I-XII now what I wished they did was put in the same effort and imagination Disney and Square put in each movie/game and portray it better in Kingdom Hearts then it would be a truly great game in my opinion
It's basically a spin-off when the FF characters are involved in KH. I couldn't give a f*ck if they changed slightly. They're characters in the KH story, even though they were taken from FF.

The KH story is good, the FF characters make good fillers. I don't see the fuss.
I myself think including FF characters makes it more interesting and it makes you want to say something like, 'Oh look it's squall! Coooooool'
Thanks Nomura for giving us supreme fillers. Instead of some random civilians in a random ass town; 'Oh no my child has ran away! Will you go find him?' -New quest-
My one beef with the series is that it's REALLY easy. The only boss I died against in KHII was Demyx, and that's because accidentally I kept some attacks on triangle so that I couldn't hit the combo attack thing.

But the series is very easy, especially KHII, but I think that's probably because I was only 9/10 when I beat KHI, and I sucked at video games then.
The Final Fantasy characters themselves.

Some people if not the majority may disagree with that but there's absolutely no point in them being in Kingdom Hearts imo. They're there simply as a selling point which to me is pretty obvious when all the FF characters included are all the popular ones and no minor ones. They didn't really play a major role in the story line and for those who did have half-decent roles they could have just made some original characters specifically for Kingdom Hearts then took the FF characters out D:
From what I heard, Nomura first created KH, he was mainly focusing on the gameplay. The wasn't really a main story behind the game. Forgot who, but someone told him if he didn't develop more of the main plotline, the game would fail.

I think that pretty much explains why the plotline was so shallow in KH1, and the many plotholes the game had in KH2 (which are explained in 358/2 and I would assume Birth by Sleep too.)

I hated the Kingdom Hearts series at first and in ways still do... For one, I hated the sheer massive fan base of r-tards the game had. Most of them were all little kids too. It annoyed the fuck out of me when 50% of them would put 'Keyblade' in their names, and blabber on about how great the game is. Oh, and also how the fangrls would want to do things with Sora in ways and directions that would make grown-ups cry.

Another thing. Those massively large feet. I know Nomura was trying to aim for uniqeness, but GOD DAMN. How can they even walk??!?

Back then, I always thought the idea of keyblades were retarded. I mean seriously though, a blade shaped like a key? Yesh, Nomura and the undeniably retarded uniqeness again...

Sora's VA in KH2 and so on. *cringes*
Riku and his emo-ness. >.> It pisses me off.
Re:Chain of Memories. I. HATED. THE. GAMEPLAY. The idea was great for the GBA, but that's as far as it goes.
The FF charatcer cameos.

And lastly, the graphics. It was great for the first game, but come on, they COULD do better. >.>

I find the gameplay in general, pretty fun. I like the series, it's not great, but it's not all that bad either.