The Final Fantasy Guild Of Mages

Dante was awoken by the Guild's internal security alarm "what the fu..I'll kill that kid" Dante immediately jumped out of his bed grabbed the wyrm hero blade and sprinted through the corridors and down a couple of flights of stairs to shadow's room door, he stopped and kicked it so hard it nearly flew off it's hinges. Dante pointed his blade at shadow who was asleep "WAKE UP OR I'LL MAKE SURE YOU NEVER DO" he shouted extremely loud
Dante grabbed shadow and pulled him off of his bed, he then lifted him up and pushed him to the other side other side of the room, he then pointed the Wyrmhero blade at Shadow "You released you dark half again so unless you pull yourself together right now, your not going to live until the other members of the guild wake up"
"calm down Dante what are you talking about?" shadow looked over at where his sword should be and froze "crap stupid seal is actually wearing off" he said then muttered under his breath "i'm going to kill that teacher" then he spoke to Dante "well i didn't release him if i did my sword would still be here. as it is, he escaped from the seal so now we're gonna have to deal with him" shadow said then pushed Dante away. "this time he can be harmed. i have to fighting him as well or he'll keep running. pretty much, i am coming with you like or not" he said then spoke a spell "deth lamen!" he said. all of a sudden he was in full knight gear. " ready to go now?"
Mith woke up. he just knew the shadow form would get out. Fucking kid was mischevious

As mith turned the corner in full black cloak and torrent blades (my personal swords) he overheard Dante and Shadow talking.

Mithrandir "If i find out that this shadow form of yor has been released, me and raggy will find a way to kill it even if it means the level 2 fuse spell. No shadow, invinsible or not is gonna with stand a fusion of dragon and elementalist. Ask dante that one. He already fought me in my ultimate form because he killed a guild member. he isn't bullshitting when he says that."

Pixie guard (with a still singed arse): "Mithrandir sir! A shadow demon is in the courtyard"

Mith "Good. Mages, let move!"

Mithrandir moved with quickness to the couryard. Sure enough there was the shadow form of Shadow and looming behind him was Ragnarok breathing in as much oxygen as possible for a rather molten hot flame that would be sprayed over the shadow soon
Sform point of view: "heehee well this is great i got the entire guild up. not my best idea." he said to himself. "oh well if they want to die" he said then pointed at himself "SHADOW EXPLOSION" he said. he blew himself up leaving pieces of him scattered everywhere. the pieces flew to an abandoned house that was magically and physically protected "they'll never get me here" he said with glee.
Nform: "well that's just great." shadow said looking the direction that his other form flew off to "now i'm the only person who can fight him" he then turned to the others "my other self entered a house i used when i was with my last tutor, one that only i can enter. physically and magically sealed, the only way in is by entering the shadows. besides that, it's pitch black inside, hampering all but me in fighting. you guys mind watching my chocobo for me while i'm gone?" he asked

OOC: my shadow form is technically a demon, so it can do things that i can't do in my normal form, like that explosion. i can still walk in shadows however.
Dante became even more enraged "you insolent child, you think that the best way of killing your shadow form is to allow it to stay in a sealed room, trust me kid this fight will be a whole lot more simple if you drew him out back into the open and allowed me and Mithrandir to blast him with high power magic until all that is left of him is a god damn blood stain on the floor!!!" Dante then sprinted out into the courtyard and sheathed his sword "I don't believe this kid, he is always doing everything alone, if he wishes to stay a member of the guild he must learn to battle as a team" Dante announced to Mithrandir telepathically
"listen i would draw him out but unfortunately his power is equal to mine" shadow said to Dante "there is something i can do if you figure out a way for yourself to fight in the dark. i can bring people with me when i walk through shadows. you'll need to figure out a way to see in the dark though. once you do that come tell me and we'll go take him down. till then i'll go hold him off. use this to contact me" shadow said tossing his mentor a black gem. then he went over to his other self's hiding place.
Mith anger seethed inside, unseen.

Mith to Dante- "Get bahumat, this kid's forgetting the power of dragons. Dragon fire can break through even the highest level of magic. Bahumat and Ragnarok combined power is damn well gonna blow not only the shields but the fucking earth below it. As soon as we destroy the shields and prove our power, let the kid go in. Watch what happens, the second he gets hurt we jump in"

Mith and Ragnarok flew toward the house which was a mile to the west. Ragnarok hovered preparing his side of the attack, awaiting bahumat.
"ok you time to see who is really stronger" shadow said drawing his blade. his opposite self drew the shadow blade. mentally shadow made his voice come out of the jet "whatever you do, don't attack this house. a reflect spell was put on it among other things, and any attack will be disastrous to the surroundings. besides that i put a trap in here that will pretty much kill you if you use magic on the house or in the house. as it's my trap, it won't affect me or anything born of shadows, but it will affect you. please hurry and find a way to see in the dark. with the shadow blade my other self has a big advantage." then he reverted back to the room. "ready to die?" he asked the shadow but it only cackled. "ok then" he said then rushed it with his blade.
Mith eyes widened in horror

Mith "You're forgetting basically animal rules...dragon fire can surpass even reflect spells. besides you dont know how to cast a reflect spell yet. But if you wish to fight alone then be that way. arrogance is not a good weapon"
"who said i cast it?" shadow asked mentally while he parried another blow "my tutor did so i could rest easy, and the spell i put on this place summons a creature that eats magic. it is impossible to destroy except by 2 things: holy power of the utmost, or the one who created the spell. at the moment i'm way too busy to cancel it so your kinda on your own if you activate it" shadow said then yelled out loud "WATER" he said aiming the spell at his other self. his other self dodged then ran towards him. shadow moved so his other self would have to run over the puddle. it worked making the shadow slip and fall. shadow thrust his blade at the shadow's head but it rolled away. i can't keep fighting alone. i hope Dante and Mith hurry so i can get some help.
Mith "Fuck this. Ragnarok, start the fire"

Ragnarok spread his wings and blasted the dark blue, molten hot fire from his jaws upon the house which should theorettically destroy the shields
shadow sensed his spell being activated. crap that idiot i had warned him. then he spoke out of the jewel "YOU IDIOT. you just activated the ancient shadow, a creature that feeds endlessly on magic. it won't stop by any means known to magic except the two i mentioned earlier. get the hell out of here buy yourself some time until i can find a breather in which to deactivate the spell." shadow then parried another blow so successfully he disarmed his shadow. reaching out he grabbed his shadow blade "now then bye bye" shadow said then spoke the spell that would bind his shadow once more. his shadow disappeared leaving only him standing alone. "now to help Mith" he said disappearing into the shadows.
Mith smiled as he saw the massive shadow rear up from nowhere (i'm thinking the massive heartless you fight on destiny islands from KH)

Mith "Dont bother, i'll kill it myself"
"your funeral" shadow said then created his shadow dragon and rose up on it to watch mith fight "i'm warning you again, it feeds on magic, so magical attacks will be absorbed so you will have to kill it physically. oh yeah did i mention the fact that whoever activated the spell has a time limit of 5 minutes to defeat it before dying?"
Mith "Well thankyou very much mister shadow man. If this is a challenge, challenge accepted!"

Mith whispered a word or the ancient language

After a flash of light floating in the air was Mith's first fusion form. Ragnamir, His second form would kick in with the next minute if he wished...which he did

Rag beat his navy wings forward and combined his sword into one. He rushed at the demons head and slashed at it. Rag then floated down to its torso and aimed roughly for its heart. He pressed his palm against it and blew multiple waterva spells into its body. The demon reared back in pain and swiped at Mith which just hit him throwing him off guard.

Cloud began to form quickly and rain hurtled from the skies, pouring deadly, rain making mith more powerful and invisible. Rag flew round to it back, stabbed his great-sword into it back and flew upwards tearing a massive hole all the way up its back

Mith "Dante, i'd like some help, it'll give us some target practice btw"

OOC: Ragnamir is simply me and ragnarok fused as one. I'm off to bed now
"ah forget it" shadow said then dismissed the creature. the creature disappeared "your lucky that spell was old, otherwise you would have been dead" then shadow flew back to the guild on his shadow dragon and went to bed.

OOC: hey guys can someone give me a name for my dragon? calling it shadow dragon just isn't working for me
Aiden099 and Unicorn crashed through the window and through the reflect spell..

"As if your going to face this alone"

Aiden099 drew his swords of kings..

His form was a mystery to Shadow..

he had formed with unicorn again..

bottom half unicorn
top half aiden with wings..

"Mithrider i am in, i'll deal with this.. please stop burning the building around me..." aiden099 said mentally he knew that shadow did not surpress the power yet to talk mentally...

Within moments of aiden099 entering the building desert and maximus and alexander turned up around the building..

"Ragmir, Dante You Must STOP ! Aiden is in there!"

"Mithrider if i can get an amulut onto both Shadow and the creature they will be imobilised regardless of what ancient magic they try i have made this. nothing can stop them.."

Aiden099 snarled loudly and he stepped out of unicorns body and unicorn took off and jumped back out of the window..

"Shadow don't fight me i'm here to help... i know what you are going through..

See this amulut.. it stops my evil half of darkness coming out..

"Yes my father was the Lord of Darkness and my Mother the Angel of Light"

I am stuck in the middle.. but i can never die so fight me all you want and i will be brought back to life even stronger..

I have seen death many times and i tell you what, it doesn't scare me i know what is on the other side... Why do you think i fight as i do, i fight with fericious skills because it inspires my army they like to see a king who will fight...

Just keep fighting it and don't let that side of you give in..

"Now listen to me... don't move i am going to move the shadow from your mind to the back of your mind so you do not think about it.."
Dante was still stood in the Courtyard, he couldn't be bothered to help clean up the new guys mess when the shadow creature vanished Dante laughed "well that was interesting, hey kid learn to control your magic" Dante then walked back into the guild and went up to bed he didn't have the energy for anything to happen so if it did Dante wouldn't be impressed, and would most definitely kill friend or foe