The Final Fantasy Guild Of Mages

OOC: Naw! I'm the dragon guy here, get a phoenix or something or other mystical animal

IC: Ragnamir "It was dying anyway"

Ragnamir flew into ragnarok's den and de'fused there. Within seconds Ragnarok had curled up and Mith had lay against him. he couldn't be bothered walking all the way to his room. He would have serious words with his apprentice tomorrow
Aiden099 left the building..

"Hmm he won't take it.."
Alexander : then you know what must be done my lord.. it is written in the history "

"Alexander i will not kill another guild member"

"You may not have a choice my lord"

Desert : " Aiden go consult your mother..."

Aiden : "Okay, Alexander take these two back to the guild and keep a watch on them make sure they stay safe"

Aiden099 stashed his swords and walked over to unicorn

"Thank you my friend"

Aiden099 patted unicorn on the back..

Desert steped down off unicorns back

"Be careful okay?"

"I will be darling don't worry"

"I don't want to loose you again"

Maximus was stood behind him..
"You are a good man, a perfect warrior, a perfect husband.."

"I want you to marry desert.."
"What, Father?"

"I mean it - i want you to end with a warrior like myself.. no better to be treat than a queen."
As mithrandir slept against ragnarok's wing, ragnarok slept with an eye open, watching for any signs of danger that may harm his master. Ragnarok adjusted the position of his wing so that Mith was comfier.
"i am never going to give up my shadow" shadow said in a hideout he made long ago, shielded with his shadow forms power. "i will remain here until Aiden changes his mind meantime i will chat with mith whenever he uses the jet."
Aiden099 looked at maximus..

"your serious you want us to marry"

"why not aiden?"

"well not now, you've jst told me to go see my mother but when we get back will you marry me?"
"i will :)"

Maximus offered his sword to aiden..

Aiden bowed and removed the sword from its scabbard..

"This is a nice sword"

"Father , the family sword, i thought that was destroyed"
"It was i remade it.."

Aiden099 sheathed to sword and turned to desert

"i'll be off then..."

"Be careful darling"

"I will be"

Aiden099 reached over and kissed desert goodbye and shook maximus's hand

aiden099 closed his eyes and his wings expanded but not gold embroded... these wings were pure white..

his armour changed from gold.. to white..

he took off into the skies and then within seconds he was gone..and in the realm of light..


"I know aiden.."

"not this you don't"

Aiden099 removed his new sword..
"A family sword? you're geting married.."
"A old man's wish"

"oh.. well since your father cannot be here since you saw to that to get the amulut back.. i will come,, and so will your sister.."

"Mother if i choose the light.. will i be exiled here like you two?"

"no don't be silly we choose to come here untill your father was killed by the guild because it was safer for us.. he could not touch us here as we are opposites we are weak to each other"

"What about shadow?"

"There is the struggle that if he does not give up the darkness like you have it will consume him an he will become the lord of darkness like your father did.."

"father never gave up the darkness?"

"There is only one way since the amulut didn't wokr and reasoning failed."

"I have to realse my darkness which is stronger than it all.."

"that amulut you took from the darkness contains not only your darkness but all of ours.. mine yours, lucy's and your fathers.." "it is very strong in one form.. you must be prepared.."

"Thank you mother.. the wedding will be shortly"

Aiden099 closed his eyes and fell through the skies and expanded his white wings and flew to the guild landing on the floor..

he walked into the control room and spoke on the PA

"I'm calling a senior mages guild meeting

SA, Mithrider, Dante, Desert and Maximus are all needed to attend..
"The location - the realm of light"

meet me here for the entrence.
the PA brought Dante out of his heavy sleep and as Dante's eyes opened he muttered "I'm gunna kill him" he sat up and pulled on a pair of gray jeans and grabbed a white short sleeved T-shirt he then grabbed his Wyrmhero blade and walked to the control room in which Aiden had used the PA from.

As he threw the door open and entered the room he gave Aiden a fairly Evil look "there better be a good reason for you waking me up, and by good i mean the planets impeding doom"
"hmm well this will be interesting" shadow said listening to the jet he gave to mith and the one that he had placed into the meeting room. "a seniors meeting. and something involving me, as i am technically the incarnation of darkness" he smiled grimly "won't they be surprised when they try to fight me. i seriously doubt they will be able to beat me of course, but it's always good to be prepared." shadow thought for a way e could be prepared then brightened "of course. why didn't i think of it before? the head of the guild's spellbook. it's the only way for me to stand a chance against all 3 of them" shadow said then walked into the shadows once more "they will never win if i get that book"
Mithrandir and Ragnarok woke up instantly...

Mith "Ok, for the first time in ages i'm pissed off! If this is to do with Shadow i'm setting ragnarok on him"

Mith walked to the place of meeting and sat in his place. His face showed extreme grumpiness. he cracked his neck and raised his hand into the air. He then swiftly brought it down and suddenly the rooms perimeter was protected by the element of water. this stopped intruders, interference and magic signals.

Mith "Dante, as an elementalist, you do the same so we have double protection. Now! Aiden, what is it you wish to say?"
"hmm they threw up protection around the room" shadow said, mentally listening to the conversation "not going to matter, as mith holds one of my two spies in the room. besides that, i'm not going there" shadow veered and went in into the guild master's room "where is it... Aha!" shadow said picking up a book of spells. that also set off an alarm "how many alarms does this place have?" shadow said to himself, then smiled "ah well i already have what i want time to go" shadow said walking into the shade and disapearing.
Aiden099 looked at mithrider

"I've disabled the guild's alarm as well - don't want a michivious new member causing problems"

"Follow me"

Aiden099 took out his new sword and ripped a hole in the middle of nothing, it was the entrence to the realm of light..

Realm of Light

"mother please explain what you said to me"

"Well mages, you all know aiden contains half light and half darkness..

well as soon as you enter the guild he will be fully light.."

"Shadow stays as half light half dark, but the dark half is consuming him"

"The are 3 ways to stop this."

"1.. get him under control with an amulut and remove the darker half from him"
"2. take it by force from him and teach him the error of his ways."

"3. allow the darkness to consume him, he will take his place in the realm fo darkness as the lord of darkness and have another enemy"

"Oh and mages , shadow is attempting to break the barrier down and listen to the convsation.. please return to the guild"

Aiden099 ripped a hole into the normal realm and stepped back into the guild living room.

"guys come on - lets return and close all barriers and warpholes"
"don't want any unwelcome guests in the realms"

Aiden099 sat on the sofa and removed his barrier so there was only mith's and dante's remaining..

Aiden099 saw shadow stood on the other side of the barriers
Mith mentally spoke an incantation an his barrier was instantly released. Dante's barrier wasn't up, he hadn't bothered too.

Mith too saw Shadow in the shade

Mithrandir "As your tutor i am giving you on last chance. You can wear the amulet or we take the shadow side from you by force. That or you will not be welcome in the guild when SA's attention comes to this. If you actually think you're magic power can cast high level spells like a grand master mages. think again. You are limited, so please take on 2 of this planets elementalist if you choose"

Mith raised his hand and a waterva spell instantly formed
"hum de dum well i prefer not fighting and as Aiden is full light now, i cannot be followed" shadow said, then raised his hand "ancient evil i summon you once more" shadow said and the ancient shadow rose from the shade "now i am going to go study this book and train myself by using the power of the shadows instead of my own power, good luck with fighting my minion" shadow said then disappeared leaving the guild members to fight the ancient shadow.
As Dante stepped back into the living room he saw the ancient shadow creature stood glaring down at Mithrandir, Aiden and himself he simply smirked "fuck this shit" As Dante announced this, the fury in his voice could be heard "Death awaits you" Dante announced as his overdrive was released, it was not any damaging ability like his End game overdrive but instead the shadow creature was wrapped in a bubble of Non-elemental magic and the bubble got smaller and smaller until it was the size of a tennis ball it then flew into Dante's hand and he crushed it, destroying the Shadow monster.

Dante then looked at Mithrandir "I don't care if this kid wants to be a guild member anymore next time i come face to face with him, he is dead" Dante announced before leaving the living room and teleporting back up to the moon and to his element temple
Aiden099 walked out of the lobby and into his armoury..

"It is my duty as king to get this kid.."

Aiden099 got changed ito tracking gear and places his pistols and daggers in suitable pockets, he also placed his new sword on his back and the swords of kings either side of him.

"Mithrider i am going to track shadow.. as all light now i can fight him.."

As aiden099 walked out desert ran after him..

"Aiden what about our wedding.."

"It'll wait untill i get back, its the world or us desert.. and i want us to be together so i will risk the world on this, i have to track him.."

"Okay i'll jst travel and talk to your mother :)"

Aiden099 looked at the grave of Air Wolf..

"My Comrade.. you will have vengance one day.."

He removed his swords of kings and stabbed them into the ground..

"Untill that day may these swords watch over you"

As aiden099 let go the swords turned to stone and were wrapped in Ivy..

Aiden099 walked past the stables this time and did a inhumane jump to the top of the guild and was looking for shadow.
he saw him and ran out of the gates and started to track shadow..
he would inform the other members telepathically where to meet..

as well as the ancient imortal riders of the eastwold - they should surely keep him there.

aiden099 was running through deep bushes and keeping illusive to his prey..
he knew the realm of light depended on him... his mother was keeping it daylight for him so he was stronger..
Dante stood on the surface of the moon looking down on Earth "my friends, this is something i must do alone, allow me to end this battle once and for all" he whispered as the human Bahamut strode out and stood next to him "what are you planning?" he asked Dante looked at him and shook his head "I don't know, but i will find out" Dante then turned around and was about to walk into the temple when Bahamut Stopped him "your friend Aiden has called off his wedding until Shadow is dead, or behaving" Dante then looked at the floor "Aiden, my friend, you must get married leave saving the planet to Mithrandir and myself this time your wedding is more important to not only your wife, and yourself but also to me. risk it all to allow me this please, I will kill the kid you take care of your family" Dante then turned to face Earth again "I will kill him, if it takes everything i have to do so" Dante muttered so only Bahamut could hear him
Mith simply stood in the field of grass outside the guild awaiting for a sighting of Shadow. Ragnarok was slumped beside him dozing on the lush grass which swayed in the winds motion.

He stared into the horizon, thinking about the past and his people...and more to the point. The shadows. The shadows that dared kill the defenceless. the shadows that dared kill the pure. The shadows that dared kill innocent.

Rage swept through Mithrandir. Dante would be getting some help from the elementalist of water in the killing
Dante looked at Bahamut "what if..." Bahamut shook his head "you cannot leave the guild, they need you" Dante looked at the floor "Mithrandir could handle shadow, even without my help"

there was a flash of light and Dante was stood in the middle of the Guild courtyard, but something was different, the grass was overgrown and the stone was decaying, it was lying in ruin. "what happened?" Dante asked Bahamut "this is the guild in 10 years, if you don't return" Dante was shocked to see four gravestones next to Air wolf's "what the?" as he walked over he could read the inscriptions "Mith, ragnarok, Desert, Aiden What happened to them" bahamut stood next to Dante

"Ragnarok died in one of the fights, soon after your depature, then it was Aiden and Desert on the same day, Shadow tortured Desert and forced Aiden to watch it was slow and painful for both of them, As for mithrandir..." Bahamut hesitated "It took a battle that lasted for 3 weeks for him to die, once Shadow mastered the grand master spells using shadow magic Mith didn't stand a chance but he made it last, hoping that you would feel the power of the fight and come to his rescue" "I never came" Dante dropped to his knee's with tears rolling down his cheeks "I'm so sorry guys, i didn't want this to happen" Bahamut shook his head "thats just the beggining, after he defeated the greatest mages guild on the planet he went after the temples of the elements and after the Darkness temple agreed to help, the rest didn't stand a chance" Bahamut lifted Dante to his feet "Even the non-elemental temple fell, he was looking for you he would have destroyed the universe looking" Dante looked at Bahamut "what do you mean would have" Bahamut looked at Dante, "he found you the year after he destroyed the temple, you knew you couldn't win so you unleashed your Supernova technique, you gave your life to kill him but by then it was too late, he survived and killed whats left of your family, yes your younger brother" Dante's teeth slammed together in rage "take me back"

after Dante's order Bahamut returned them to the present Dante looked up at earth and at the forrest in which Aiden was hunting Shadow "Aiden get out of there" he announced telepathically before unleashing wave after wave of Scathe spells at the forest, with the help of the Earths gravity the spells had twice the power they would normally have.
Mith felt the anger rush through Dante. His empathy skills were great

He and Ragnarok flew to the forest nearby to find Dante cutting tree after tree down. Mith swiped his hands forward and waves of raw electrified, fire red water blast shot forth merging with Dante's scathe spells to create a literally explosive impact upon the forest