The Final Fantasy Guild Of Mages

OOC: Dante is right. Have contorl over yourself, we see this as fun on our part, but SA will instantly ban you from the guild if you keep this act up. Attacking other guild memebers is forbidden in the rules

IC: Mith jumped from rangnarok and landed behind shadow

Mith "I would keep yourself under control if i were you, other wise you forfeit you're mage mentor. I will not have any apprentice of mines be out of control. i am responsible for you till such time that you can prove your trust to this guild. Now let us get sleep! You have actually done the impossible and angered me"

Mith stomped through the portal and marched to his bed. He didn't bother de-equiping his gear, he just slumped onto the bed and dozed off
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Aiden099 watched as Dante took the energy ball for him

"Cheers man"
he must have been thinking i need to get back to the guild for Desert,

Aiden099 sheathed his family sword and looked at Garsol.

"Thanks bro,
We'll handle it from here"

Garsol : " Me and my army will follow this "Shadow" and inform you of any plans..

Immortals Track Shadow"

Aiden099 Expanded his pure white wings and flew back to the Guild...

he checked everything was in order with unicorn and boko, and then into the lounge where Alexander, Maximus and Desert all stood waiting.

Alexander : My lord, you return, have the task been completed.

"Negative the little sod ran off, my brother and the immortals are tracking them, as soon as we get word, the riders of the east and the elementalists will ride out one more to put a stop to this all."

Maxmius : "good sword eh?"

Aiden: " didn't use it - never fought once, grappeld a few times but no fighting"

Aiden099 walked past and did not even look at his new wife, he went into his private study, into his private armoury and stashed his wepns and went for a shower,
Sealing the door with magic just incase :P.
Dante lay in bed asleep as his dreams were taunted by the sights of the future Bahamut had shown him, he could see the battle in which Shadow killed his friends and in an instant he was back in the courtyard, standing over their graves.

Dante shot upright in his bed, a cold sweat pouring down his face, he was breathing heavily "it can't happen we stopped him" he announced as he climbed out of his bed and put on a pair of black jeans, after slipping on his socks and shoes he exited his room, his battle torn body on show, covered in scars one that was very defining, just above his heart there was a cured scar that looked like it was caused by a scythe. Dante walk ended at the training area and he looked at the control panel "Grand master mage, easy" he announced as the computer began loading the program once it stopped loading the doors opened to reveal a small pedestal in the center of the room, it had a pair of handcuffs on "what is going on?" he muttered "program 13586.1 requires hands to be bound" the animated voice of the computer announced as he placed the handcuffs around his wrists they tightened and around 50 robots flooded the room then the handcuffs flashed and shocked Dante with a small pulse of electricity "..." Dante's eyes widened he couldn't talk "Silence as well" he thought to himself "fuck this could be painful"

Dante unsheathed the wyrmhero blade and as the robots approached he cut them down, the level setting was right, this was fairly easy
"pretty nice dante" shadow said from the rafters then he jumped down "you could try using something else to fight with to make it harder" then shadow was silenced. he sighed then pulled out his esuna ring and put it on. "try using this flail and see how well you do" shadow said picking up a flail from a dead robot and giving it to him.
Dante stood and looked at the flail that was being handed to him "i don't think so, i use swords be they one or two handed, nothing else" Dante then cut a Robot in half at the waist "or I'll use" he then threw his sword into the and ripped off one of the robots heads with his cuffed hands "my hands"

After around 20 minutes of fighting all of the robots were dead and Dante left the training area but as he was leaving he looked over his shoulder at Shadow "don't try and do that difficulty level kid, you'll die very quickly, and also your esuna ring does nothing in this room, accessories do nothing in here actually
Aiden099 awoke to a loud banging in the training room.

he placed on his white robe which was hung up next to desert's red robes..

"Aiden where are you going"
"Did you not hear the bang?"

"yes but the others will deal with it?"

"i have to check darling i'll be back shortly"

AIden099 opened the door and looked outside, he picked up his pistols just i case and walked out.

Once going to the control desk he saw dante and shadow were in the training room.

"Oh here we go"

AIden099 ran down th corridor and took the stairs to the upstairs part


AIden099 threw 2 bottles down..

They contained Ale.

"Come on guys have a drink, go to bed we have to train in the morning."

"Oh and shadow i am teacing you with my wife tommorow - i'll teach you motorbike skills and combat hand to hand, she'll teach you animal skills"
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Mithrandir shot up from bed...oh fuck...NOW he was pissed

Mithrandir "calmly" got up, put on his black cloak. He stormed up to the balcony where Aiden was...he then summoned a waterva spell which he threw up and down between his hands

Mith "Hi *smiles* ehm...wanna not shout?"

Mith then hurled the pulsing waterva spell which blasted into the training room floor creating a mini crater

Mith then walked out and went into the living room and climbed up to the den. He fell asleep next to Ragnarok who lifted his head gently as Mith walked in
Dante smirked as he strode past Aiden "you know i don't train with the rest of you, i haven't done for over a year" Dante then walked past aiden and headed for his room to pick up his chocobo care kit, after he picked that up he went to spend some time with Boko, which he hadn't done in a couple of weeks
"My Apologies Dante, but Shadow should not be training in the evening, a mage needs his sleep"

Aiden099 walked down the stairs and entered the training area and tapped on the wall where his entrance was - it was secure, no one was getting in.

AIden099 turned around and went back to his room to be alone with his wife for a few more hours before he got up to meditate in his training room before taking shadow out on the motorbikes..

AIden099 hung up his robe and got back into bed cuddling up to desert.

"hey i'm back darling"

"good i missed you"

Aiden099 put his arm under and around desert and rested on his pillow and went to sleep

Just as he got to sleep his alarm went off.

"Damn man"

"Ignore it"
"I'm teaching"
Aiden099 got up and put on his black robes
" if you want me you know how to get into the training room , but don't touch anything inside my room, or i won't be able to finsh the training"


Aiden099 took his pistols and put them in his pockets, and attached his sword onto his belt

"I'll be back soon"
"be careful baby"
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Mith and Ragnarok woke up suddenly...fresh and awake.

Mith contacted all guild members

Mith "Me and Ragnarok are taking leave...we dont know where we are going but, we feel the need to travel about and see this world like we once did before...we will be back in about a month"

With that Mithrandir climbed onto Ragnarok's back and they soared to the skies...first stop. The water temple.

2 Hours later MIth and Rag were stood in the water temple chamber stood face to face with Leviathan

Mith "I tire of these endless battles, i need peace in this world...i need someone to love...i need eternal rest. I'm long overdue a break from living on this planet for over 100 years now"

Lev "I know, you have fought valiantly for these past years on behalf of the temples and the old people...King. Speakin of which, when will you tell them"

Mith "I do not know...i am scared of their reaction. I dont want to tell them i have lived on this planet longer than all of them combined and i still look as young as i was a hundred years ago. Gotta love bein an wandering elf"

Leviathan "I give you a place to stay for the meanwhile, to rest in the pools of rejuvination"

Mith "Thank you, for helping me and Ragnarok realise our real element"
Dante took heed of Mithrandir, and smiled "Mith my old friend, i think it would be a good idea for you to allow Aiden to master Shadow until your return" Dante then took a few steps out into the courtyard and stopped, his face had gone from a smile to that of great sadness ", please NO" Dante dropped his care pack and sprinted into the Stables he wrapped his arms around the limp neck of his Old friend "you were old, i knew you were but" tears had began streaming down Dante's face "please don't leave me please, i need you" Dante couldn't control his emotions "Boko, you can't be dead"
Dante was Crying as though he had just lost a family member "I promised you i would die before you" Dante stood up and carried Boko out into the center of the courtyard and placed him on the ground "Goodbye, my friend" he then set fire to the Chocobo and stood as it was cremated "to anyone it may concern, I'm leaving and im not sure i will be back" Dante announced telepathically moments before he teleported off of the planet earth
"my god is every mage leaving today?" Shadow muttered to himself then went to his hideout to put back SA's spellbook where he found it. Strangely it wasn't there. "ok i thought the buisness with my shadow was over already" Shadow said, then sighed "i hate it when fiends disobey. ah well, i'll look for it later, right now i gotta go find Aiden and get my training. Course, i might find it easier to keep up with Aiden on my black chocobo instead of trying to drive one and suicide" Shadow turned around and used his shadow walk to get back to the guild.
Aiden099 was in his mechanic gear and the motobikes where hovering in the air and he was checking them over..

he saw shadow walking into the guild

"Ah shadow welcome back, there is your motorbike"

Aiden099 lowered the bike and levitated one towards shadow

"Now the main weapons you can use. no magic here-

i'll lend you a training sword and a training set of pistols"

Aiden099 clicked his fingers and a hole opened in the handlebars and sword handles came out, aiden099 said " training sword1"

and thesword raised up and he handed it to shadow

Aiden099 also took out the pistols and gave shadow them..

Okay what you are going to try is to shoot or attack me

"Don't worry remeber i don't die :)"

"So get on the bike and lets get the chase on - if u have any problems or loose me shoot red flares into th skies like this"

Aiden099 raised his pistol to the air and shot a red flare out by thinking the bullet was a flare.
Dante was sat in his residence in the temple of no-element with a bottle of whiskey in his hand, drinking it as though it was water, he tried to stand up but couldn't because he had drank so much. the door opened and Bahamut strode in "Dante, what do you think you are doing? this is not the way an elementalist should act" Dante looked up at the cloaked man "i just lost the only creature i cared about, leave me alone" Dante then crawled over towards his bed "this is pathetic" Bahamut announced before grabbing Dante by the collar and dragging him towards the purification chamber.

upon their arrival Bahamut threw Dante across the room and then began walking towards him "what are you doing Bahamut?" Bahamut clenched his fists "I'm gunna beat some sense into you"
"okay well i don't think it'll be to hard to hit you, i have really good aim" shadow said, then put away the swords and brought out the guns "ready when you are"
Dante managed to get to his feet with the help of the wall, he then reached over his right shoulder to Draw his Wyrmhero blade but it vanished into a black smoke and appeared in Bahamut's hand "you have to earn the right to use this" the lord of the temple announced before a pillar of stone slammed into Dante's stomach with great force and disapeared again, Dante fell to his knee's in pain and followed by a cough of blood.

Once Dante managed to get back to his feet, again with the help of the wall, he threw a Scathe spell at Bahamut, which was knocked straight back at him. the spell hit Dante in the chest knocking him back to the floor "why are you doing this?" he announced whilst sat on the ground in pain "to show you how worthless your human emotions are" Dante looked at Bahamut "if you allow your emotions to control you then you shall never be a true fighter, you will be beaten no matter how strong you get"
Aiden099 said nothing and jst shot up his motobike and rode out of the guild...

"Shadow open your mind listen to me tlak in your mind" AIdne099 shouted

"Shadow can you hear me.. focus on my voice"

"No magic"

Aiden099 slammed on his brakes and did a 360 degree spin coming around he saw the sword put his pistol was covered by his large sword he stood and used his sword as a range target...

"Shadow i am going to fire at you, get moving evade the bullets and get within 50 ft of me and i move off agai"

Aiden099 targetted Shadow's motorbike and fired rounds at him..

"Get ready here they come"

Aiden099 stepped off his motorbike and drew a second pistol and started to aim faster , the bullets getting more rapid and making shadow evade quicker

"Come on shadow you can do it..

get clse enough and draw your sword"
"i hate challenges, i really do" shadow thought grimly then smiled "hehehehe watch this" shadow then went in a straight circle around aiden then he disappeared. "he said no magic but my shadow walk isn't magic, it's inherent ability" shadow smiled "thankfully i can take with me whatever i wish including the motorbike" shadow rode out of the shadow realm to come up on top of aiden with his sword drawn "HEEYA!!!" shadow shouted.
Mith and Ragnarok lay atthe bottom of the 50ft deep pool in the purifying chamber

Mith "We've had a great time together Ragnarok. Endless battles, it was just how we pictured it. Ya long will we last before either of us dies in battle or betrayal...we may have to leave if we wish to have each other in our lives. Boko made me think, i dont want to lose you Raggy"

Raggy snorted in appreciation, bubbles floating to the top of the pool. beams of light shone from high above, but Mith and Rag lay in a darker part of the pool so they could sleep for a long while
Aiden099 jumped to the skies and said

"it won't work shadow you forget being the angel of light i can see all the darkness in the world so i see all your moves"

Aiden099 drew his sword and sliced the motorbike into two leaving shadow stood in the middle of a crater with aiden099

"you have alot to learn"

"A mages powe comes not from his stealth.. it comes in helpful but it comes from his skills"

"Your skills you come with are good .. in the normal world.. but this is not the normal world.. this world goes un-natural to everything else... it is filled with kings and angels.. you need to abadon your skills and then adapt your skills to enfuse yourself with magic.

Look at dante he took the non elemental magic
Mithrider took the Water
I even though not being an elmentalist by family rights i have taken the role of angel/warrior of light

We fight as a single unit, using each other's strengths and each other's weakness's to combat

"Aiden099 looked at Shadow's motorbike , he clicked his fingers and the motorbike's disappeared"

"Okay now for the real challange.
Don't fight me.. magic is allowed, combat hand to hand is allowed"

"we are 100 miles from the Guild Of Mages ... No cheating you will learn a important lesson from this.."

"I know the way," aiden099 took out a long staff

"we walk and any enemy we come across you will destory and come enfued with your magic"

"Mithrider Lesson 2 has begn"

"Once you get back you will have a shower and get something to eat then Alexander is going to take you out with the army for some combat training
"Don't worry about what you do to them. they are like me.. cursed.. to live forever"

I'll race you back

Aiden099 dived off the cliff face and flew down 100 feet and landed at the bottom waiting for the apprentice to come as well
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