The Final Fantasy Guild Of Mages

"ok well this is great the most inexperienced mage in the guild left alone" shadow thought to himself, then sighed. "well better find alexander and desert" shadow said starting to move then felt the earth rumble underneath him "crap this doesn't seem good" shadow said drawing his blade. then he fell and an earth golem rose from the ground. the golem roared "you gotta be kidding me, i only know beginner spells" shadow said then assumed his battle stance. "well guess i have to fend for myself" shadow said, then rushed the golem.
Dante heard Aiden's voice as he dodged Mith's spell "sorry my friend we will have to end this another day, get back to the guild as fast as you can, they need us" Dante then slammed his hands together and teleported back to the guild so he was stood next to Shadow "I got this bitch, go do as Aiden ordered" he announced to Shadow before he began casting Bio spells in the forms of needles
"i was looking forward to a scrap. ah well" shadow said then ran off to find alexander and desert. he found them chatting in the garage near Aiden's motorcycle. "alexander, Aiden said the legend is to be complete. Desert, Aiden said he would be back soon.' shadow said then turned to leave. then he heard aidens voice from the jet that he dropped in his cloak when he was over him in the motorcycle. "the realm of darkness? that's my realm"shadow said,then walked into the shadows. "i gotta find Aiden's brother" shadow said appearing in the realm of darkness. he saw a royally clothed man. "hey you, are you Aiden's brother Garsol?"
Mith sighed loudly and muttered an incantation


Mith and Rag stepped through the portal and came face to face with a big fuck off golem. WTF! Mith swiped his hand in the air and a full force wave appeared from nowhere completely surrounding the golem as it sliced into is earthly, sandy body cutting chunks out of it

Mith drew the torrent swords, combined them and calmy ran forward and downward slashed the knee and it instantly fell off.

The second the golem leg hit the ground, another one sprouted and took its place. the fucking thing could regrow body parts!
OOC: hey guys, after this incident is over, can i get a promotion? kinda sucks having the crappiest spells ever and still having started an epic scene. Aiden, sorry bout this, but i'm going to use your bro's voice real fast so i can rescue him and help mith.

IC: "yes i am Garsol" the man said getting up.
"Good, because Aiden needs you."Shadow said taking Garsol's hand. "don't be alarmed by this mode of travel" Shadow said, then walked into the shadows and finding himself at Garsol's kingdom. "Aiden here's your bro, now i gotta go help mith" shadow said then turned and found himself in the golem's shadow. Shadow saw Mith in front of the golem. "Mith, i'm here to help you!" shadow said drawing his blade.
"Mith get your apprentice outta here or he will get hurt" Dante then unleashed a Scathe spell into the golems head, causing it to explode, seconds later it had grown back "what the hell, how we gunna beat this ugly mother..." Dante's sentence was interrupted by a large stone backhanded slap launching him into a wall "Owch" Dante then fired another two Scate spells directly at the golem
"knew you would need me" shadow said then raised his hands "try this spell on for size golem. SHADOW QUAKE" shadow yelled sending the quake at the golem and shredding it apart. because of the shadows in it it didn't reassemble. "see told you" shadow said smirking.
OOC: Sorry, i MIGHT be able to promote you coz you're my apprentice but i need to see what SA says, he is after all leader

IC: Mith "Well fuck you! I'm a very tired elementalist and have been pulled out from vacation for a freeking golem that cant stay at peace!"

Mith blew his top as he dived at the golem blasting waterva spells out of thin air without casting and slashing both swords like tornados, each spell smashed into the body of the golem and each sword swipe sliced through the earthy body. Mith roared in anger

He ran back and pointed his hands to the sky. He then brought his hands down with such force. The sky suddenly blackened and both bolts of thunder and water fused together crashed down upon the golem and waves appeared from the eartha nd crashed into it. It crumbled instantly. The weather then rightened itself...
Ah . Garsol :)

"Brother the legend is happening"

Garsol looked at AIden099

"Well its about time that we made the army then"

Garsol walked onto aiden099's balcony and blew a horn..
Within a few moments the immortals were riding towards the guild gates..

"Aiden099 just did a plain shout of " RIDERS OF THE EASTWOLD!" And the riders advanced"

"Garsol take command with alexander whilst i get the orcs and the undead.."

"Don't forget to go see mother!"

Aiden099 leaped off his balcony and fly directly west towards the orcs..

"Kaesl, it is happening"

"aiden099 why do you plot against me.."

The voice was cold and dark...
he turned around

"So you do remember"
"of course i remeber you.."

"Do you remember your true wife?"

"Its a memory I keep far from me ... "

"Well you know why i am here"

"you will not take my life from me here... I condone it... it must be done in battle with a fair chance for the earth to win"

"So you stil do know the bet.."
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Mith grew weary and couldn't be bothered to be more than honest. Time for ragnarok to take over

Ragnarok swooped down and reared up and spead his wings. He then blasted them forward. Any golems within the immediate area were blown apart by the shear power of Raggy
Dante looked over the powdered remains of the golems "now we find Aiden and demand he tell us what the fuck is going on" Dante then turned to face aidens balcony "AIDEN, WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON" he shouted as he charged into the guild and ran towards his room. he had a look of anger on his face as he threw open Aiden's bedroom door "what, where is he?" dante announced to Desert
OOC: talk to someone besides me

IC: "i remember taking Aiden's brother to his kingdom where Aiden is" Shadow said coming up behind Dante "go check there"
Dante let out an angry scream "I'll kill him" Dante then teleported to where Aiden was "Oi, Aiden whats going on, what legend?"
OOC: Pardon shadow's rudeness. SA's (our leader) hasn't been online for a while so you are welcome to join i suppose. Read the first post for a better understanding of the the final fantasy guild of mages. You can also see what spells you know. if you wish to join you instantly become a "wizards apprentice". Btw you can ask for a mentor who can show you the ropes

IC: Mith sat on the ground and awaited anything to happen
Aiden099 turned Dante around..

"This is the legend..."

"Dante meet grey... my vanquiser.."

"Do not kill him or i die now.."
"one of us must die in open battle"

Aiden099 looked at grey and shook his hand and then looked at dante

"we have 4 days"
"meet back in the guild i'm calling a meeting to fill you all in."
aiden099 looked darkly at grey and then expanded his wings and took to the skies

in the air he turned around

"Grey - We will attack by land, magic and by air."
"This time there are two of us to kill not just one"

"You will not take us both to the darkness.."