The Final Fantasy Guild Of Mages

Mith heard a mental call. Not far off 5 miles or so was Shadow.

mith "I dont know why i bother"

5 minutes of flying time later, Mith jumped and landed on the spft ground in the valley. He saw that about less than half a mile away were golems. Great

Mith "Dont bother fighting them...i have a way so they dont get us."

Mith used the fact they were in an enclosed valley to his advantage. He created a vastly massive wall of water that spread from each ends of the rock to roughly 60ft in the air.

If any golems dared pass through the water barrier they would disintigrate by the shear elemtal power of the water
"great mind making sure i don't die from it?" shadow said mockingly then turned around. "it might stall them, but they will recover. time for my first plan that i couldn't use before." raised his scythe "LIMIT: SOUL STEAL" shadow yelled and small orb like substances came from the golems as the golems disintegrated. "there that problems gone" shadow said then saw more golems coming "your joking right?" shadow muttered then continue running for the water wall.
Aiden099 unmorphed with Unicorn and patted her back

"good girl, its time to go to war again.."

Aiden099 saw Mith's wall of water and shook his head.

"Mith... Shadow hurry up.... we only have 2 days to assemble things"

Aiden099 started a fire and sat down and started to eat.
"YEAH YEAH I'M KINDA BUSY HERE AIDEN!" shadow mentally shouted, then looked behind him past the water wall. the golems were somehow getting through "you must be joking" shadow said then sighed "ok fine SHADOW QUAKE" shadow said pointing his scythe at the golems. they immediately crumbled. "ok that's taken care of on my way Aiden" shadow turning on his chocobo and heading for Aiden's fire.

OOC: can i lead the undead since i'm a reaper at the moment?
OOC: whats going on, i leave for lik a day and a half and i seem to miss out on everything

IC: Dante awoke from being teleported out of the fight By bahamut "I told you, only if i was next to dead" Dante then teleported back down so he was stood next to Aiden "hey what i miss" Dante then looked at Reaper "And who are you?"
OOC: not much, besides me unveiling my new shadow form the reaper

IC: "it's me shadow Dante" shadow said then laughed. "this would be my new shadow form."
Mith walked up to shadow and slapped him

Mith "Dont be too cocky. After this you still have some battle training to do with me and Dante. I look forward to it"

Mith and Ragnarok flew head to the deisgnated battlefield and set up their massive tent big enough to hold raggy as well. They had 2 days of waiting
Dante summoned Bahamut and upon the massive gray dragon's arrival Dante mounted him and flew to the same area as Mithrandir, Dante dismissed Bahamut and set up his own tent, a small one man tent that had only one entrance and enough room for Dante on his own, nothing else "ahhh, cosy" he announced as he climbed in
Mith sat underneath his massive canopy tent in a sofa he had summoned by magic, very cosy. Ragnarok's head lay on his lap as the dragon slept soundly. Mith was looking through a pornographic magazine
OOC: Mith, what did i do to piss you off? what did I DO?!?!?!?!

IC: "well good knight luka" shadow said to his chocobo then went asleep instantly on top of one the hills with nothing but a sleeping bag and his chocobo keeping guard.
OOC: Nothing, i just felt like that. Besides you DID plot to destroy the guild

IC: Dawn rose for the day of the battle, Mithrandir and Ragnaeok woke up. Mith poured himself a special potion which would keep his energy up for the rest of the day, he then sat on the couch and awaited everyone elses awakening
OOC: hey that was my shadow form not me. besides, if i'm allowed to use this form, your dead

IC:shadow woke to the rising sun. "well guess it's time are you ready Luka?" shadow asked his chocobo. Luka nodded his head "alright let's go find the others" shadow said hopping onto his chocobo and setting out to find the other mages.
OOC: hey, by all means, you're dead if i go into ragnamir form

Mithrandir and Rag got out of the tent, a flash of light erupted from Mith's hand and the tent vanished along with everything in it. Mith climped onto Ragnarok's back and the flew to the height of the clouds...
OOC: besides the fact that you know i can reverse every one of your attacks with this shadow form's ability Reverse Strike

IC: shadow saw Mith fly into the clouds. "ok fine i'll go find Aiden" shadow said and continued to look for Aiden
OOc: I'm just killing time until Aiden can announe the battle has begun

IC: Ragnarok fluttered in the air gracefully looking down upon the earth, he saw the whole armies ready for war. It pained Mith to see such a thing yet the adreneline of pre-battle rushed through them both
OOC: sorry my bad been away for a few days :)

IC : aiden099 and the riders where on the easten cliffs and the horn of the east was sounded..

Garsol sounded the magestic horn of the south

Gawosl sounded the horn of the west

Maximus's army rose from the floor from the north and the valkeries where in the skies..

The generals met in the middle of the area..

Grey appeared

"Garsol.. you have this one chance to stop all of this ... choose an element.."

Both aiden099 and Garsol had their wings expanded...

Garsol : "Why should I choose an element? I like being incontrol of the immortals..."

Grey : "Very Well.."

Aiden: "Garsol!!"

Grey pulled out a small silver dagger and slit Garsol's throat..

"War begins in 10 mintes.."

Grey vanished..

Aiden099 knelt beside Garsol.. they began communicating by the mind but it was so strong that everyone could hear it

"You Idiot! WHY did u not pick the darkness or the light.. why did u have to die!"


"Because what Garsol!?"

"Because it was my destiny and your's is to kill grey."

"You will be avenged brother"

"Leave my body it'll return to the darkness soon where i will purged and made into what father was.."

"Take care of mother aiden.. and of Desert.. don't let her die.. you cannot die take the sword , the bullet, the spell whatever for her. Fight with the power of the East and the South, Take Command of the Immortals"

With his last pound of strength in his body Garsol lifted u the horn and the sword of the south.. Aiden099 took themoff him

"I will Garsol"

"Rest in Peace.. it is over"

Aiden099 stepped back and Garsol's body was consumed in darkness and faded through the floor.


"Generals.. Target grey's army! I am going after Grey, No one attack him he is mine!"
"Desert... be careful if anything is going to happen.. fly away.
Get yourselfs and the valkeries out of here"

"Aiden i am staying till the end and i am not leaving you."

"Desert please.."

"Your Highniss - the Army Awaits"

Aiden099 looked at Alexander.. " so it begins.."

"Good luck and god speed to you all"

"Desert I love you"

Aiden099 kissed desert knowing it could be the last time

Aiden099 expanded his wigns and flew to the cliff top

the immortals stood motionless

Aiden099 handed Alexander the horn of the east and the two horns were sounded at the same time


The horns gave one last whistle and Grey appeared in the middle

"Well let it begin"

His arms rose up and an army appeared in the gap between the armies..

"Alexander i fly to the Immortals when the horn sounds charge down.."

"Aye my Lord"

Aiden099 Took to the skies and blew the horn

" Now the games begin"
OOC: it's about damn time Aiden. now the fun begins without Dante

IC: "it's about time" shadow said , then dismounted luka and turned to him. "you better get out of here boy" shadow said. luka nodded then turn and ran back for the guild. "alright then... COME GET SOME" shadow yelled turning and rushing towards grey's army.
Aiden099 nodded at Alexander and the two horns were sounded.

Grey looked around and Aiden099 had landed in the middle of the army and cast Holy on the floor and blew a hole in the middle..

"Lets end this"

Aiden099 drew his sword of the east that he had combined with his sword of kings of light and desert's family light sword. also in his other hand he had the sword of the south combined with the sword of kings of darkness.. This was going to be an elemental fight..

"You.. Just Killed Him!!!"

Aiden099 ran forwards and started to swing madly at Grey..