The Final Fantasy Guild Of Mages

Mith sighed deeply. He got up from his ass and walked back to the guild. He walked up the stairs to the meeting room, he walked over to the wall and leaned against it. He couldn't be bothered sitting

Mith "Aiden, kindly explain what the hell is going on, i am more than confused and i wish not to take out my current mood out on you"

Electricity crackled between Mith's fingers implying he was slightly angry. thats what happened if you used to be the thunder elementalist
OOC: Yup, that was the original elementalist i picked but i became creative and found a way to change to water. Dante was first the dark, then light then fire and now non element xD
Aiden099 looked at shadow
"This is going to teach you alot,
and its going to get ugly.."

"I want you with mith's approval to ride alongside alexander because they can fly.. you can join my army and ride with the general and just use your skills with and without weapons"

aiden099 looked at Garsol

"Brother how are we going to do this.."

AIden099 pulled up a map..
the only place to fight on the scale we need to is the flatlands inbetween the kingdom of the eastwold and the immortal kingdom.. the hills where we met last time..
Take the immortals south.. that'll take 2 days, camp in the hills and wait hopefull they will come from the west from the orcs.. the riders can come from the east, the orcs from the west and the valkeries and the undeads from the north..

We should have him boxed into a submission.

I will not loose another family member to the darkness.
Its time this stopped we should live in balance with light and darkness"

Garsol nodded at aiden

"So it shall be then.. I will see you in 4 days"
"I shall await the call of the horn of the world"
"you have it right?"

Aiden099 pulled out a master horn

"Oh course i do"

"I will signal when to ride in that morning"

"I will brief the mages"

Aiden099 extended his hand to shake hands..

Garsol looked at him..
not the time for polities

Garsol gave aiden a manly hug and fly out of the window.

"Mages we wait for Dante and then the briefing will begin"
OOC: Dont mean to be annoying or shit, but i have no clue as to what the plot is of this litle mission of ours is. Explain the whole thing over again. Sorry

Mith stayed silent
OOC: is dark still open? because that would suit my character fine if and when i become an elementalist

IC: "ok let me know when i get to go" shadow said then turned and left for his room "high time i used this anyways" shadow said grabbing out a darkened amulet. all of a sudden, he changed into a man in a dark cloak wielding a scythe. "now let's see these fools fight me now" shadow said then laughed.
OOC: God almigty Shadow. First, yes its open. Secind if you're gonna transform into the reaper you may as well give a background. That like me coming out with "Mith suddenly turned into a falcon...for no reason"


Mith "You have my permission to ride with the army, Shadow. Now go"
OOC: yeah, kinda something i just came up with, but i'm a shadowy person, what, did you expect a warning? besides, a reaper would suit a man of darkness perfectly don't you think?

IC:" ok then sir, i will fight to the best of my abilities"
Aiden099 looked at Mith,

"Sorry ..
For generations my family have been the keepers of the balance of light and dark, Grey is the area inbetween light and darkness .. was the same as me for along time before i choose light."

"We have to pick the light or the darkness in our lives before we hit 30 OR grey appears and kills all that generation... I choose light 5 months ago, with 3 weeks to spare till i hit 30."

"Garsol has still to pick an element and he is dawning on 30 tommorow.."

"If he does not pick war will rage untill me and Garsol are killed."

Aiden099 looked at desert.. "I am sorry but this will be the fight of life or death"

Desert's eyes were full of tears and she stormed out of the room..

AIden099 ran after her

"Desert wait.."

"Aiden what i know of your brother, he will not pick and it will end up with you and him being killed"

"It won't i won't let it.. between the two of us we can beat him.. the others had no army and never rose to thier royal duties.. and they didn't have friends like i have."

"It will be a fight but one with a good chance of us winning"

Desert turned around..

"I don't want to lose you.."

"You won't i am stronger than grey.. i have the ultimate weapon."

"do you?"

"I have love.."

OOC : Mithrider the story will rage into a full blown war and it will end up with some deaths between my army and his and grey.
OOC: sweet more fighting i can't wait to finally unleash the abilities my shadow reaper has hehe

IC: shadow went next to Alexander "so how are we going to get to the battlefield?" shadow asked alexander.
In his whole life, Mithrandir had been in 55 serious wars...55 too many. He loved battle, yet at the same time, he wanted peace

Mith got up from his spot and walked to his room. He went into his cupboard, where he kept all his weapons and stuff. He pulled out a special gun. It was the length of a sniper rifle, with the power of a shotgun but was actually a hand gun. Unique. he then pulled out a special belt that allowed him to store magick energy, he had filled it up not long ago so it was ready to rock and roll. Finally he pulled out a necklace given to him by a myterious man he had helped whilst in the desert before joining the guild. He had given him a black necklace that gave him the power to deflect all dark forms of energy and power his own element up whatever it was.

He added all these things to his repertoire of gear and headed outside clad in black clothes and his cloak with the hood up. Ragnarok landed right next to him. They were ready...for war
Alexander looked at Shadow
"We ride youngling"

"King Aiden's army is that of the Legendary Riders of the Lght,

King Aiden is now the angel of light.. and his brother the angel balance.. Garsol must choose light or dark or both of them risk being killed"

Aiden09 walked out of the Guild..

"Alexander, my friend Ready the army" " We ride for Battle formation one"

"Send scout parties ahead an send a small unit to the Arcades for the Orc Chieftan"

Desert walked out in full leather battle gear..


Aiden099 turned around

"I am leaving to take command of the Valkeries and my father leaving to raise the undead's from the Graveyards."

"Take care darling .. I love you, please be careful"

Desert took to the skies and flew north to the female encampment.
Maximus walked behind aiden and shook his hand

"Good luck my son,"

"Good luck Maximus, Fight the good fight, remember 4 days till it begins"
"I know we will be there"

Aiden099 looked at shadow and alexander

"Shadow use your dark chocobo?"

Aiden099 walked into the stables and rode unicorn out..
Stroking unicorn he looked into its eyes

"Please be careful my friend don't do anything silly"

Aiden099 got onto unicorns back and morphed with her..

Alexander , Shadow let us take our leave

"Mith... ride from the east in the air"

"the generals will meet 2 miles from the battle field at the old ruins to discus plans"

Aiden099 rode off and alexander blew the eastwold horn and the army rode after them..

"It has began Alexander"

"Fight the good fght my lord. It has been a honour fighting with you"
"We are not going to die yet alexander"
Mithrandir flew to the battlefield with Ragnarok in the direction as Aiden had asked. Within an hour, they were there hovering in mid air awaiting for the series of events to take place
"alright then luka are you ready?" shadow asked his chocobo and it tweeted yes. "alright we are heading to battle you had better prepare yourself." shadow got onto his chocobo "alright time to show who controls the shadows" shadow said, then he rode off towards the battlefield.
OOC: Aiden get mith's name right it's mithrandir not mith rider

IC: "great golems trying to kill me" shadow muttered swinging his scythe in an arc. on his way over to the battlefield he encountered a blockade of golems meant to stop a part of Aiden's army. he decided against ignoring them and attacked them. "so now i'm stuck with about 40 golems on my tail and nobody to help me" shadow said grimly, then looked behind him. the golems were catching up. "great well maybe mith and Aiden can help" shadow said veering for the battlefield.