The Final Fantasy Guild Of Mages

"CHAAAARRGEE" shadow yelled sprinting for grey's army with all of Aiden's behind him. "ALRIGHT GO SHADOW QUAKE!!" shadow yelled making the earth beneath Grey's army shake and crumble. "HIT THEM WHILE THEIR DOWN COME ON LET'S GET THEM PEOPLE" shadow yelled to the army behind, and, with Aiden's army at his side, he rushed towards grey's.
Mithrandir jumped from Raggy's back and landed on the soft earth in the middle of a shitload of enemies. Mith drew his sword, the light gleaming off of it.

Mith "OK, so which bastard is first"

10 of grey's army charged at him, Mith quickly split the sword into 2 and when the moment was right, did a 360 spin killing them all. Mith ran ahead to another group. He fused the sword again. In a flurry of sword slashes, blood sprayed from their throats. During this time a heavily armoured enemy had snuck up to Mith

The heavily armoured enemy grabbed Mith and began choking him, Ragnarok dumped himself onto the ground and swiped at the enemy with his massive claws, killing him instantly.

Mith "Ya know what, lets fuse again"

Mith muttered something of the ancient language and a second later neither Mith or raggy were there. instead was one person. Half man and dragon. Ragnamir

ragnamir used his giant black wings to float up into the air. He readied a spell that could wipe out a good chunk of the army

Rag "Eat this..."
"ALRIGHT MITH IS WITH US NOW. WE CAN WIN PEOPLE FOR THE POWERS OF GOOD!" shadow yelled and rushed towards the army with his scythe glowing showing he was preparing a powerful attack "ALRIGHT PUNKS EAT THIS LIMIT BREAK: SHADOW ORB GO FORTH!" shadow yelled jumping high and launching a huge sphere of shadow at grey's army.
The Army of the Eastwold Charged into the sides from the East..

The Army of the South Ran down the hills south..
Valkeries flew from the skies and attacked with missiles

The Army of the Undead drove the troops forward
The Orcs ran forward put a lone mage on the hills collapse the west expanse.. they were crushed


Aiden099 looked at Grey..

"Time to end this"

Aiden099 put on his helmet and clased swords with Grey..

Unicorn kicked him in the knees but she then ran away


"Damn Horse"

Grey Turned around and Cast a holyva spell towards Unicorn - taking out 90 of his own men.. Unicorns back legs disintregated and she fell to the floor

With one swift move of his hand.. Tears Rolling from his cheek aiden099 jumped in the air and swung at Grey Beheading him.

Aiden099 cast holy onto th lone head and then the army vanished


Aiden099 dropped his swords and ran forwards to his brav horse..

"Come on you carn't die girll"

There was a moan from Unicorn and her head bowed down and she passed away

"Unicon NO!"


A few of lone grey's men were chasing desert in the skies

Aiden099 took out his pistols and shot he men down..

Desert fell to the floor..


Desert was laid in aiden's arms with a dark spear much like aiden's light one through her sholder

Aiden099 could not touch it


"Garsol... Please rejoin Earth"

Garsol was laid in the eternal Abyss being purified

"Aiden - Desert NO!"

Garsol stood up and took off and returned to the battle field as the lord of darkness

"Brother - Can you remove it?

"I don't know its old magic.."

"I have the light ones.."

"GIve them to me"

Aiden099 past Garsol the Spears of light and they snapped the spear of darkness and forced it into the ground and out of Desert

"Come on Darling you can do it .. please hold on.. you have to hold on.."

"Aiden.. I love you.."

Desert's eyes faded to light and she lay cold.

"No this cannot be happening"

Garsol : "Aiden it has happened there is just one hope.."

Aiden: " What?"

Garsol : " Me and you.. We venture from the Realm of Darkness.. Go into Purgatory and take her soul back and give her life again..."

Aiden: "That is too risky you know that Garsol"

Garsol : " You want to be with here again then it must be done.. only the mages can do it!"

Alexander : "My Liege, the orcs"

Aiden: "Yes take the army and go rescue them - Alexander take this

Become the General of the Army .. I am Retiring its too much i am just going to be king again

You have comand of the East, and South."

Aiden: "Mithrandir ! What do you think - One final rescue mission to the end of the world again?"
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the attack hit and decimated grey's army by half. "CHAAARRGE WHILE THEY ARE WEAKENED. CHARGE FOR SIR AIDEN! CHARGE FOR ALL THAT IS GOOD!" shadow yelled as he hit the ground he continued to run he saw mith's spell hit as well. he then remembered another ability of this form. "MITHRANDER MY CURRENT FORM CAN BECOME A SHADOW OF SOMEONE AND DOUBLE THEIR POWER! IF WE DO THIS, THEN WE SHALL WIN THIS WAR EASILY!" shadow yelled at him then stopped and ran back to him.
Mith: You dont know how to control my form, thats the only problem. But either way, no. I dont wish you to learn of my true form yet"

Blue light glared from Mith. He raised his arms, and a small blue orb formed in between his palms. It began to grow, soon it was quite large in size and power. Mith whispered a prayer as he threw his hands down causing the massive ball to fall. Whilst falling the ball exploded into hundreds (literally) of smaller more concentrated balls of water which homed in on any remaining forces of Grey killing them.

Ragnamir dived at the ground and landed in a perfect swoop. if there was anyone left from that attack, That was Shadow's duty to kill them. Mith looked at Aiden

Mith "I know what it like to lose the person you love in your i will come with you to the realm of death. I have problems with shadow coming because of how young he is, but i have a feeling he'll end up coming anyway. You're right it is extremely hard even to be there as well as risky to our very lives, but i fear nothing! I'm ready"
Aiden099 looked up at Mithrandir,
"Thank you Friend"

"Shadow follow my Orders - Take Desert's body back to the Medic Center in the Guild"

"We will return with her soul in a few days."


Aiden099 looked at Mithrandir and Garsol

"If you will Garsol"

Garsol opened a way to the Darkness

"Aiden this is going to be tough.. your fully light remember you glow white in the realm of darkness.. Mitrandir you glow Blue.. I glow black"

"The monsters will obey me but will attack you two!"

"Be prepared its 300 levels to the entrance of the realm of the dead.."
"And then only aiden can go in and fight for Desert risking his own life for hers"

Garsol walked into the realm

"Ah home"

AIden099 looked at Desert

"Don't worry darling Hold on to the light I am coming"


"Mother i am travelling ot the Realm of the Dead.."

"Be Careful Aiden your father and now grey linger there..

"I know"

AIden099 enterd the realm and felt a huge force on him..

"Christ this is strong"
AIden099 stood up.

Lets go..

"Mithrandir hurry up :)"

"Its a long fight"

Aiden099 wandered intot he darkness

"Don't worry Air Wolf I am coming for you as well Just hold on I made a Promise.."
"meh fine" shadow said then tossed Desert's body into a shadow teleporting her back to the guild. "but i am coming with you anyways!" shadow yelled to them, then shadow walked to the realm of the dead where he had a close relative to visit.
"TOO YOUNG? MY UNCLE IS IN THAT REALM AND I HAVE VISITED HIM MANY TIMES BEFORE. HELL HE'S THAT REALM LORD'S RIGHT HAND MAN! HE ACTUALLY INVITES ME THERE!" shadow yellled at aiden. then he shadow walked to the guild and moved desert's body to a bed. "fine i will stay here and guard the guild. do me a favor though: say ello to my uncle luka" shadow said through the jet he had given to Aiden and Mith.
Mith stepped through the portal, as soon as he did, it closed. NO goin back and no help. Just the way he liked it. Only him, Aiden and Garsol.

He felt a wave of energy hit him straight away, because he was a water elementalist he wasn't as strongly hit by the darkness, but it was fricking sore. Meth looked around...everything was a shadow in some form. Mith felt eyes upon him...from the dark...this will be fun
"i hope they will be ok" shadow said to himself, then shook his head. "ah well now is a good time for me to become stronger" shadow said, then headed into the training hall where he had made a program before. "computer, initiate program unfinished training, and continue until one of the seniors return" shadow said to it. it beeped, and he headed into the training hall to shut himself out of the world and begin his true training.
Aiden099 looked at Mithrandir -

"best of luck my friend"

Aiden099 started to pace forwards and sliced down enemies

"Time to die and retrive my Wife!"

Aiden099 ran forwards and went to the elevator ...


"Time to get down to level 301"

Aiden099 looked at Garsol

"Come on old man :D"
OOC: hey guys i am now playing the role of my uncle luka who will guide you around the realm of the dead. my main char, shadow, is in a training program that will not stop until you get back. i will not show you the details of the training program until later. luka wields an axe and summons fiends to fight for him.

IC as luka: luka was sleeping when an alarm went off. he jumped out of bed and checked his console. there were three intruders at the entrance. "just my luck. ah well it's show time" luka said grabbing his axe and heading for where the intruders are. he saw most of his fiends were cut down. "who are you and what do you want here?" luka inquired of the intruders getting in a battle stance.
Aiden099 looked at Luka

"Hello Luka.. I am King Aiden of the Eastwold and Angel of Light - This is Garsol Lord of the Darkness , and this is Mithrandir the Elementalist of Water. Me and Mithrandir are mages of the Guild of Mages, We are Currently training your Nephew Shadow -

He said hello -

"We are looking for my recently Departed Desert - Leader of the Valkeries.. My Wife"

" I need Passage to the Realm of Dead to retrive here and find the ghost of my father and Grey!"
"oh your helping my nephew? that's good to hear how is he?" luka asked. "oh and who's watching him at the moment? if he's not being watched he'll go into this weird training program devised for him only." luka then noticed some more fiends "hey those aren't my fiends!" luka exclaimed, then cut one down "i will guide you to desert and help you fight these fiends, if you tell how shadow is doing"
Mith calmly walked ahead blasting any shadows that jumped out at him. Eventually they didn't come near for fear of dying. damn, he prefered the suicidal ones. After minutes of wreckless blasting at the shadows, Mith heard the voice of the realms guardian

Mith/Rag "Ah fur gods sake, its never as simple as blasting and rescuing. Guys, you go on ahead i'll take care of the shadows here"
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"very well then. mr Aiden, please step this way, we keep all our new arrivals over here" luka said walking the opposite direction they were going in the first place. "how is shadow doing?"
"He's doing well he's training up good, Mith's currently his tutor but we take it in turns to teach him other things.. he was a vital asset in this war.."

Aiden099 followed Luka to the room of new arrivals
"ah, but who is watching him at the moment though? i worry about him when he's not under watch. he has amazing potential, but if he unlocks it himself, his life could become very difficult" luka said while he continued to walk forward. he then stopped and looked around. "great they changed things around this helps" luka muttered then turned to Aiden. "well it seems i cannot guide you any further. however maybe you can sense your wife's presence?"