The Final Fantasy Guild Of Mages

Aiden099 landed on the hills..

"Unicorn you've been a good loyal friend all these years.."
"Why did you have to die?"

Aiden099 dug the hole on the top of the hill and lowered Unicorn into it..
"Goodbye my friend"

Aiden099 sealed off the hole and looked at desert

"Thank you darling.... the guild is just beyond this hill.. let us walk"
Aiden099 and Desert walked slowly back to the guild of Mages from the west
As Ragnarok swooped down awaiting Lw to climb up, Lw put on his black nomad cloak and put his hood up. Fitting, a black rider on a black dragon, rather menacing. Lw climbed onto Ragnaroks, back and they took off beyond the mountains in the south where the fire temple was located...

half and hour of flying later Ragnarok let Lw off and took to the top of the fire temple's spire to wait. Lw put his hood up and walked briskly in to fire temple entrance. When he went in he instantly felt the heat and saw the pillars of fire

Ifrit "Well hello, elementalist. And why might you be here"

After ifrit was finished speaking, lava golems popped out form the pillars of fire. Lw simply raised a hand and smote each golem with a waterga spell, vanquishing them instantly. Water was their weakness

Lone wolf "You know why i'm here, i'm here to kill. its my job..."

Not a second later LW was sent crashing through the opposite wall to where the sanctuary was. In the middle was a rejuvination pool like at the water temple, only it was made of pure lava. Lone wolf looked back to see the actual summon, ifrit had sent him through the wall and was now advancing on him

Ifrit, the fire angel "Ifrit (summon) kill him..."

Ifrit began running towards him with his claws outstreched and fire blazing. He was a fast fucker, as Lw didn't have the chance to move as Ifrit grabbed his legs and smashed him into a wall (again)

LW " die first"

LW flipped himself up and Lw's usual blue aura began to glow around him signifying he was about to let loose a shit load of painful attacks.
Aiden099 looked to the skies..

He could feel Lone's Pain...

"Lone hold on.."

Aiden099 sat down in the living quaters with desert..

"Desert your father.... has left.."
"what .. where has he gone?"

"Home.. to reunite the kingdoms and to fight the imperials"
"We must help him aiden?"

"I promised i'd keep you here where you are safe"
OOC: Who do you mean by lone?...alright if it the other dude call HIM lone, but from now on, call me "Wolf"

IC: Wolf got up and drew his dual swords. he rushed at Ifrit and struck him with each sword, blow after blow. Ifrit roared it pain. The aura began to glow even brighter as Wolf muttered an incantation. The next moment a blast of water in the shape of a sphere shot out engulfing Ifrit, throwing him back to the wall. Red liquid (lava) seeped from the gashes Wolf had made with his sword. Better still, coz they were his swords those wounds wouldn't heal if the opponent was fire element based (Ifrit was screwed basically)

Ifrit thrust himself up (thats sounds wrong) from the floor and ran at Wolf once more, his eyes blazing with fury. Beams of molten fire shot from nowhere, directly into Wolf's chest causing him to lose his breath. Ifrit reached him and began clawing at him, Wolf only just saw this and backflipped out the way dodged all but his final swipe which left a huge gouge out of him. Wolf jumped and spun kicked Ifrit in the head breaking a horn. As soon as wolf landed he blasted raw water enegy at Ifrit, blasting him back to the wall again. Ifrit wasn't done. Ifrit knew he was close to death and as a result he got up and ran once more in a final attack...
shadow felt something wash over him, as if something had casted a spell at him. he turned, looking for the source, but he couldn't find anything. "what the...?" shadow muttered to himself, then looked towards the fire temple. "wolf..." shadow said. He then walked into the shadow of a tree and headed for the temple. "wolf... I'm coming to help!"
It was a long battle, Wolf and Ifrit had taken many a blow. Now was their decider

Ifrit and Wolf rushed at each other, just on the last second Wolf jumped, intending to flip over him and slash him from behind, but Ifrit had saw it coming alright. Ifrit easily caught Wolf as he was in mid air, Ifrit then ran towards the centre of the room and threw Wolf into the lava pool. (this is the fire temples equivalent of the water temple rejuvination pool)

Not even the elementalist of water could withstand the heat of the molten fire pit. Wolf, was going to die, his vision blurry. Suddenly, Wolf heard an almightly crash. A boulder plummeted into the fire pit barely missing Wolf by mere inches.

Outside the fire pit: Ragnarok screamed down the tower was, towards the ground where Ifrit was standing next to the fire, he had sensed Wolf's pain and had broke through the tower spire. ragnarok roared just as he landed next to the pit, black glossy wings outstreched

Inside: Wolf heard a beastly scream of terror and he knew that Ragnarok had killed Ifrit, but he would be dead within the next few seconds. This is goodbye...

Outside: Ragnarok directly above the pit. His black body shone a brilliant blue. His blue eyes, gleaming as well. Ragnarok pulsed blue. Suddenly, a heavy downpour formed within a second, and waves, upon waves of pure, raw concentrated water energy began blasting into the pit. This was the power of a water dragon

Beams of water formed from the rippling air, shooting into the pit also. The rain also began closing in, so all off it was directed into the pit. ragnarok reared his head up and a blue orb formed in his mouth. In the next moment, ragnarok shot forth the massive dragon torrent attack into the blazing pit. In the next moment...everything was silent. No rain, no vibrating air, no water beams. Nothing. A black dragon lay limp and dead fallen inside the empty pit, expended of its energy. All to put out the molten fire in the pit and save Lone Wolf...
shadow appeared at the fire temple but he found himself too late to help in the battle. the temple was in ruins and only Wolf seemed to be living. "WOLF" shadow shouted as he ran towards him. he noticed all of the marks along Wolf's body. he felt a sudden rush of anger and sadness, but fought it down with the fact that Wolf still lived. he decided to bring him back to the guild after he had done a few things. "good thing i know this spell" shadow muttered then raised his hands and aimed them at Wolf. "SHADOW CURE!" shadow yelled sending forth healing waves of shadows at Wolf. Wolf wounds started to go away, and as Shadow brought him into a shadow to carry him back, he started to heal faster. Shadow used his shadow walk to bring himself and Wolf back to the guild. Once there, he put Wolf on a bed encased in shadows and let him rest. "he should be ok now" Shadow said to himself, then he walked to the entrance of the guild. he encased the guild in shadows, so only those who belonged to the guild and those closely in touch with the guild could find it. he then turned around and went into the training hall activating his special program, and shutting himself into the hall once more.
Aiden099 and Desert stood out on his balcony..

Aiden099 sensed Wolf's Pain..

"Whats going on aiden?"
"Mith nearly died.. Ifrit is Dead, Raggy is dead.."
"Oh My God Where is he?"

"In the infirmary"

Aiden099 and Desert ran through his room and went to the Infirmary
Air Wolf had sensed the pain of one of his brothers and had run into the infirmary

"Lone are you okay?"

"What are these...."
Aiden099 looked at the magic..
"This is shadow's doing... shadow magic cannot do anything with his wounds.. this magic is far to strong... ""Dispel"

Aiden099 dispelled the shadow Magic

"hmm let me see"

Aiden099 walked over to the medic and started to mix potions

There was some loud bangs and some smoke.. but the potion was created

Aiden099 handed the medic a pot of this potion..

"Spoonful an hour untill he is awake and his wounds are healed"

"Aye my lord"
shadow blocked another attack from a training robot and countered with his blade causing the robot to help litter the floor of broken machines. "I hope Wolf will be okay" shadow muttered as he raised his blade and pointed it at another group of machines. "SHADOW THUNDER" he said casting his spell at the group. they immediately blew up into small pieces.
Aiden099 and Desert where in the Infirmary helping the doctor take care of Air and Lone Wolves..

Aiden099 turned around and saw the moogle doctor hovering in his face

"yes doc?"

"Why don't you let me patch up your eye?"

"Because.. it doesn't hurt, and it is not lost forever it will come back.."

"Yes but anything would look better than a bodged patch of skin graft"

"Its fine doc, focus on the mages"
Aiden099 took a black bandage and covered his eye and tied it around the back of his head..
it would cover his one eye in his helmet.

"There thats better?"

"oh if you say so aiden - you've always been difficult .. ever since that curse"


"you wonder why you cannot die?"
"because i was in between light and darkness.. i never died untill grey decided time was time.."

"No you had a curse put on you when you were a little child.. you then were broght to Arcades when it was in control of men.. and then fought and raised to the rank of King"

"now you fight the one immortal on battle.. you fought with Garsol in the far depths of the south with the immotal warriors.."

"So they were cursed a well.."
"I thought grey would remove the curse?"

"No thats the sacrifice Garsol gave... he died so that you could live forever"
Everyone but the mages seemed to be affected in that battle."
"My Readings went off the scale..
There is a large surge of power in this room..
You and Desert"
"What about Desert?"
"She is cursed the same as you now.. she cannot die- you two will live forever together.."

"Sweet..Sounds Romantic"
"But one day aiden you must take your mothers place in the realm of light.."
"what about me?"

"you will have to be purified as aiden099 was centuries ago.."
"Centuries i am that old?"
"Yes can you not remember fighting in the War of the Dark Ages as the Immortal Warrior of Light?"

"No.. I cannot remember anything before coming to the guild other than being King of the East.."

"Oh... thats strange"

"Well i've lived longer than you have.. you were a child warrior.. the leader of the children detatchment.. you showed potential .. you were taking before Ultimacia and Purified... you cried aiden.. you saw your whole detatchment fall around you fighting the darkness when you still lived.. you died countless times.. and we brought you back to life..."

Aiden099 had the doctor by the throat at this point


"aiden let him go.."

Alexander appeared behind him

"I thought you went home?"

"I did and i came back.. I have the answers you need.. outside in the courtyard let us have a simple sword fight.. to the death"
"But i cannot die"

"You forgot i fought all those years ago with you andi was brought back everytime to life"
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shadow swiped the head off another machine, then laughed. "this is becoming to easy. computer, move the level up another notch i need a challenge again" the computer beeped as acknowledgment to his request, then started sending out bigger robots. "just bigger, or can they do something else?" shadow wondered aloud, then he punched one. it crumbled into dust at his hands. then he heard Aiden's voice from the jet he had given Mith. it's still active he thought. he listened to the conversation, then nodded his head sighing. "great another immortal or two will really make life difficult" shadow said sarcastically. then he ended his training, deleted the program from the memory, and walked over to the infirmary. "Aiden, your immortal? since when were you immortal? i thought i was the only one" shadow said as he walked in.
Aiden099 turned around..

"My memory is starting to come back..."
"There are many of us Shadow..

Because I Lived in the time of the Dark Ages I was a child warrior.. The Commander of the Child Warrior's .. Alexander was the 2nd Commander..

My Warriors stumbled into a cave..

And there was a witch... she cursed us all to live forever

In that long 200 year war.. the other men died.. our children lived..

They all scattered but Garsol brought them together - as the Immortals of the South..

I was sent to the east with Alexander to rule..
Now Garsol has been sent to darkness I have taken control of the South and Alexander of the East..

With the battle between us and Grey.. the death of grey affected a choosen few to strength their powers and make them fully immortal.

Those people were Myself, Desert, Garsol and Alexander.."

Aiden099 drew his swords
"Come on then Alexander.. lets do this one final time.. "

Aiden099 and Alexander started into a epic battle and within moments they were both laid dead on the floor

Moments later the light came from the skies and they stood up again..

"God Damn it!"

Aiden099 looked at Alexander
"I guess i was right my lord.."
"aye you were."

Aiden099 thanked Alexander and then walked back to the Infirmary covered in Sweat and Blood.

"Doctor, can I just clean myself up and i'll be back to sort Mithrandir out"
The Doctor Nodded and Aiden099 ran out and cleaned up and then walked back in clean and started to analyse Mithrandir's Stats..

"He is improving .. he will be sorted soon""

Aiden099 Fed him some more Potion..
OOC: Nuh uh, off my original plan, Shadow, no god modding (such as taking me back to the guild without my permission)- Pretend everyone is still at the guild and no one has came for me. I wasn't unconscious btw

IC: Wolf looked down at Ragnarok, who had sacrificed himself for Wolf, he felt blood sush from the three slash scar ifrit had left. Wolf cuddled into Ragnarok's neck crying for his lost pet, his scaly body cold and lifeless.

Wolf screamed in anger. Wolf climbed out of the pit

Ifrit, the fire angel "You're still alive, fine i'll kill you myself"

Ifrit shot a wave of fire at Wolf, but wof simply shot a wave of water back drowning the fire. Wolf was more than angry...the blue aura had returned and Mith whispered a word...In the next moment, 50 balls of waterva appeared and orbited around Wolf. He whispered another word and every one of them flew at Ifrit and Wolf watched without emotion as everyone of them smashed into Ifrit, killing him. Job fucking done

Wolf dived into the pit landing next to the dead Raggy. Wolf whispered another incantation and both Ragnarok and Wolf were transported to the temple of water, in the sanctuary where Leviathan was


Leviathan: "But Ifrit is dead? yes?"


Leviathan: "You're forgetting what species of dragon Ragnarok is"

Wolf "..."

Leviathan: "Watch..."

Leviathan said a paragraph of incantation and Ragnarok's dead body began to glow black, then dark blue, to light blue till eventually Ragnaroks body was glowing pure white. Suddenly there was a bright flash blinding Wolf. Wolf looked up to see an blue egg...a blue dragon egg

Mith "...what. the. fuck"

Leviathan "Inside is Ragnarok. He is simply reborn. He will have his memories but he wont have his old age and powers. But he is born of the pure water element now. Dont worry he will instantly know you when he hatches. You didn't know that Ragnarok's species of dragons were like phoenix's. They are reborn when they die"

Wolf ""

Wolf picked up the egg and transported himself back to the guild. he walked to his dorm and gently placed the egg on his bed...for now he needed patching up

Wolf staggered to the bath and filled it up with cold water...wolf simply dived in and let the water do its work...gotta love being the water elementalist
Aiden099 looked over Desert shoulder..

"Air wolf let us test your fitness.."

Aiden099 lead Air into he Fitness room

"Test 1 begin"

AIden099 picked up the clipboard and started to make notes..
OOC: ok so your at the water temple works for me get back here soon though please.

IC: Shadow watched the battle with amusement, then saw the two come back alive. "impressive. so you two get revived by light, while i get revived by shadows" shadow said, then he took a knife and stabbed it into his heart. immediately shadows formed into a new Shadow. "well guess that solves that" Shadow said. "so how are we going to help Wolf again?"
Wolf arose from underneath the cold water, the water had healed his wounds

Wolf got out of the bath and looked down at his chest, there was 3 long scars, where ifrit had slashed him...fucking cursed claws of ifrits

Wolf got dressed and looked down at the blue egg...he swore he could hear scratching sounds from inside it...aww...cute. He placed his swords in the cupboard...he wouldn't need them, not until Ragnarok was old enough to care for himself...roughly a month

Wolf (telepathically) "I'm back, healed and healthy. If anyone comes near my room, they're getting blasted through the wall. No one comes near the egg!"
"good to know Wolf, but uhm, didn't you mention something about testing me? oh and i need the back wall of my room replaced, i kinda broke it" Shadow thought back to Wolf as he walked outside the guild. "okay better get rid of this stupid shadow veil, i no longer need it" shadow said to himself, then he got rid of the veil and looked outside. "that isn't good" shadow muttered as he saw some strange creatures heading for the guild. "HEY WOLF any ideas what is coming up to our front door?"
Aiden099 walks onto the PA - Lone Wolf's Room is now Out of Bounds to ALL MAGE MEMBERS!

Aiden099 menally contact Mith - " there you go mate - have fun"
Aiden099 walked out to the courtyard and removed his motorbike and started to place his sword in it from unicorns Armour.. he left his horse's armour hanging in the stables where she once stayed and put his battle armour into the cabinet for a final time..

"Time to make a new set of light armour"

Aiden099 took up some materials and placed them into his room and closed the door after Desert..

"Okay Darling I need some light armour that is strong but flexible for my work on my Motorbike.."

Aiden099 stood still as Desert made his armour to fit his slender muscular body..
Within Moments Aiden099 had the perfect armour that couldn't be penetrated

"Thanks Darling.."

"Aiden... Lets go out on a ride.."

"Fly , Walk or Motobike?"


"okay darling"

Aiden099 and Desert walked out of the guild of mages and headed south towards aiden's new kingdom..

"aiden we must go help my father.."

"I promised him to keep you here.."

"Then here i shall stay... but you go.. you can be there within minutes.."
"I am not leaving you.."

"I need to make sure that father is okay.."

"Do you think there is anyone who would know about the war of the dark ages?"

"The oracle.. in my village.."

"Well then we will be off.."

Aiden099 expanded his wings

"Grab on babe"

Desert grabed around his waist and they flew off to the old continant to see the orcale and more importantly Desert's Father..

OOC: We will be gone fr a while - shadow just train - but stay the hell out of my angel training room.. you will be slaughtered and it needs a good lock pick and some special skills only i have to get in.
OOC: yeah yeah i don't like training with angels anyways, i'm a shadow mage, not an angelic one.

IC: "well there goes Aiden" shadow thought to himself then looked at the strange creatures again. they seemed to be making a cannon of some sort. "now why in the world would they be making a cannon... OH &^%*!" shadow yelled as he rolled to the left as a cannon ball went straight for him. "great" he muttered drawing his sword, then he shouted at the creatures by the cannon "OI WATCH YOUR AIM YOU NEARLY HIT ME...HEY!" shadow yelled as he rolled to the right as another cannon ball went for him. "ok this is starting to get tiresome" shadow muttered. "HEY WOLF GET OUT HERE SOME IDIOTS ARE ATTACKING THE GUILD" shadow yelled behind him, then he punched a cannon ball and watched it turn to dust. "ok then, good to know they are using cheap mass production cannon balls" shadow said to himself.
Wolf looked outside the window

Wolf "Oh no...this eg isn't getting hurt"

Wolf dived through the open window landing on the ground. Wolf smiled as black clouds began forming everywhere he could see. It was evil orcs looking for money and food...they picked the wrong place

Thunder and lightning came crashing down. It then began to heavily pour with poisonous rain. If the thunder striking them didn't kill them...the poisonous rain certainly would :wacky: and if not...shadow could kill them no problem

Wolf "Dont go outside shadow the rain is poisonous to all except me. Now get your ass to the training room so i can teach you sword fighting :P"

Wolf went to the training room and awaited Shadow