The Final Fantasy Guild Of Mages

"ok staying inside good, going outside bad" shadow muttered to himself as he watched a rock he tossed out into the rain dissolve. "on my way Wolf" shadow said as he walked over to the training hall. as he entered, he saw Wolf with his sword out.
Wolf "Ok, little much sword combat have you ever had?..."

"there are many ways to hold your sword, hold it the way thta feels comfy to you, me..."

Wolf held his swords out in front of him pointing it a katana

"This is comfy to me, can attack and defend at the same time
"very well i'll go with my normal position" shadow said sheathing his sword at his side, but keeping his hand on the handle of the blade. "this is just what feels natural to me" shadow said moving his right leg backwards so as to present a smaller target to Wolf.
Wolf nodded


LW rushed at shadow with quick speed, he jumped and slashed downwards to where shadow was
Shadow unsheathed his sword and block Wolf's blade with as much speed as Wolf had moved, and he wasn't even trying. "nice start for a test, now block this Wolf" Shadow said, then unclipped his sheath and unleashed a flurry of blows at Wolf, using his sword, the sheath, and his fists in an organized way
Wolf saw the attack coming almost in slow motion. He was used to this sort of thing. Straight after Wolf had struck, he had detached the sword into 2...dual style :wacky:

Wolf raised the right sword to his chest, and the left sword to his waist, whilst shadow attacked with both sheath and sword, Wolf simply caught them with either sword and deflected them to the side, however Wolf simply had to move his body out the way to avoid Shadows feet

Wolf "Good! Using everything CAN use"

Wolf stepped back and joined the swords together again, he rushed towards Shadow once again, when he was a short distance from him, Wold suddenly spun and slashed at Shadow's legs
shadow jumped away from Wolf. "fine you want to play with 2 swords? SO BE IT!" shadow said entering a shadow and coming out with another shadow, each wielding the same weaponry. "now let's you block this" both shadows said, both launching a flurry of attacks at Wolf.
Wolf "Oh, here we go"

Wolf unfused the swords again, so they were 2 once more. He then used his right sword to parry one of shadows attacks, and the left sword to parry the other shadows attacks, expertly knocking the attacks to the side away from Wolf

OOC: I'm away to bed now :P
"ok fine let's see if you can block one of my newer forms then shall we?" both shadows said entering the shadow's once more and coming back out with 4 arms, each wielding a sword. "block this" Shadow said, launching another flurry of attacks.
OOC : Thanks Mith we are outside!

IC :

Aiden099 covered him and desert... his armourd cape could not protect his wings..
he cried in pain as the poison hit his wings..


A white light appeared around aiden099 and the rain stopped..

"Now i'mannoyed"

Aiden099 pulled out his sword and held the case in his hand and the sword in another..

"Desert stay here.."

"Aiden where are you going?"

"to kill these orcs"

Aiden099 ran at full speed towards the orcs and with one sword drew and his case he started to cut down the orcs..

a circle formed around aiden099 and he looked for the commander. the orcs wouldn't fight without a commander..

"Oh how wrong was i..."

"You are battle orcs, Grey was your commander.. You fight to avenge him"
"Damn right *"£"!)£ "

Aiden099 drew his sword and expanded his wings and took to the skies
"So be it"

"Mother - Lend me your Power"

Garsol came out of the ground next to him

"looks like fun - lets do this"

Aiden and Garsol reselmbed Dante and Virgil from Devil may Cry - they were throwing each other around killing orcs

Within moments the whole orc army laid dead on the floor.

"Thanks Brother"

Mental : " Wolf the orcs are gone -and i have a hole in my wing"

Aiden099 thanked Garsol and then ran to desret and then took to the skies again with her to went to the old world...


"Desert, take me to the oracle"

"Very well darling"
OOC: sorry for my absence was on holiday with my family

IC: stood in the cold cell in the bottom of the Elven prison Vankendar Dante's eye sight snapped in and out of focus, he was unaware of the events that had taken place in his absence. Bound in chanes in a room enchanted with silence dante was on one knee, arms extended outward, leaning forward, He was unable to move due to needles in his nerves stopping him from being able to move. the Cell doors opened and the prison master strode in.

"prisoner 4815, your sentence is over, are you ready to be released?" Dante couldn't move or reply but as the warden began removing needles Dante got feeling back in his entire body, his head shot up as he stood but the chains on his arms stopped him. "I SHOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN IN HERE!!" he shouted.

the warden smirked as he removed Dante's chains but left the iron bangles around his wrists, due to a request. Dante then glared at all of the guards as he left but stopped on the last guard and looked at him, "your lucky i was paralyzed or i would have torn you apart when you came into my cell to slam me around a bit" the guard then grabbed Dante by the scruff of the neck and slammed him into a wall "you deserved it all for destroying my ..." the guards sentence was interrupted by Dante's fist to his face and then Dante summoned a scathe spell and it appeared in his hand and he pointed it at the guard "say one more word about what i didn't do and you life will be over" Dante was then teleported back to his temple and was faced with Bahamut
Aiden099 walked into the Oracles Room..


"I know why you are here.."

"You will not find your answers here"

"HMm okay.."

"In your heart you will know what you need to do"

Aiden099 left the tent and walked off..

"That was useful..."

"lets go see my father.."

Aiden099 and Desert left the Village and walked to the Capital to see her father..
The guild was lonely,when a mysterious mass of body stepped inside the rooms moving towards to training area,where wolf and shadow where testing eachother out.The mysterious mass sat down to a chair,while he started watching the battle between Wolf and Shadow,his face was revealed,a young man with a dark face covered with blood and coldness.He watched the battle until it ended,while noone noticing him.Suddenly,when Lone Wolf was leaving the room,he noticed a young man sitting on a chair.
LW:You,how did you got here and why?
Young Man:That's non of your business,i only came here to get trained.My personal reasons and life is not the business of others.
Wolf heared a voice in his head-take him and let him be trained.''This voice,could it be Sephiroths?''He wondered.
LW:Alright,i will take care of you,if not now then some other time.
OOC: hey solidus, your god-modding, not supposed to be god-modding. welcome to the guild anyways, but only if the seniors accept you. wolf hurry up and post, i am still training with you.
OOC:Srry,at first i couldnt get the point of yours,but finally realised it.Sorry for god modding,but i needed a cool way to enter Mages guild.Wont do it anymore,srry.Anyway i am happy to join you guys :)(Offcourse if i am accepted by greater forces).
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OOC: the higher powers do not take god modding lightly, how do i know this, because i am one of them, i am the guild's second in command, your joining us wont effect me or my character so it's all up to Mith, but if he does accept you there will be no god modding
Aiden099 and Desert arrived at OKWEN - the Capital of the Old World..

"Lets seek out your father and get back to the guild i sense disturbences in the patterns of people's behaviour"



Maximus saw Desert running up the street...

He stopped his private Chariot and let Desert and Aiden get into it and stand in him rolling up to the Castle..

"What are you doing here?"
"To see the Oracle"

"you see her?"

"Yes .. not much use.."

"Oh.. thats strange.."


"Father why did you not tell me?

"Because Desert... Its complicated"


"Because it is!! Stop the Chariot"
"Desert Return to the Guild of the Mages on the New Continant with Aiden and Stay there"

"Why father?"

"Because its too Dangerous .. Aiden understands he did it himself.. the process is painfull.."

"Oh okay :("

"I'm Sorry"
"I love you father.."

"I know"

Aiden099 lifted Desert down and expanded his wings..

"Desert its time to leave.."

Desert grabbed around aiden's waist and aiden099 took to the skies and landed in the guild..

"I need to go see Lone Wolf.. Make a complaint!"

Aiden099 kissed desert and then ran up the stairs shouting

OOC: Altair- My names back to Lone Wolf again. Just call me Wolf. Solidjuss, you are welcome, just no more god modding. That includes controling other characters who are are actually human people, no super powers like blowing up the world in one single spell, that sorta shit. The usual Rp rules. You start off as a Wizards Mage, you can ask for a senior mentor who will take you as an apprentice. The seniors are myself, Aiden and Altair. If you disagree with shadow just slap him. That usually works. if you read the first post you can find out how the FFGM works and shit. welcome to the FFGM solid!
IC: Wolf saw the attack coming. Oh shit thsi would be hard to block. Wolf held his sword with two hands and began spinning it, so whenever any of the 4 swords came his way they were simply deflected back. Wolf could spin it with such speed because of his elementalist powers

Wolf looked up to see an angry Aiden...Wolf suddenly remembered the posionous rain...ah shit. Wolf laughed and prepared a waterva shield spell just in case hehe
OOC: slap me? how can you slap me when i can kill myself and pretend i was never even hurt? go back a few posts wolf, and you'll find that Aiden isn't the only immortal one.

IC: Shadow looked up and saw Aiden's angry face. "IT'S WOLF'S FAULT" shadow said running into the shadows hiding there until Aiden was done raging.
Face to face with the leader of his temple Dante had a look of anger on his face "you left me there to rot" Bahamut looked at himm "i had to" "NO! you wanted to watch me struggle for my life, were you trying to teach me a point or something" Bahamut stood up "no, if i were to help you then the elves would have attacked the guild" Dante stepped forward so he was nose to nose with Bahamut "and i would have killed them one after the other" Bahamut shook his head "go back to earth, return to the guild show you friends your still alive"

Dante turned and began to exit Bahamut's chambers, he glanced over his shoulder back at Bahamut "hey B, what did i miss?" Bahamut looked at the floor "quite a bit, including the death of Ifrit" Dante became shocked why, who, how" Bahamut strode over to Dante "you should ask your friend Lone-wolf about that"

Dante's face returned to a look of Anger and with a snap of his fingers he teleported back to earth and into the courtyard of the guild, the two pixie guards on the entrance were happy to see him "oh, mister Prime, you have returned" Dante ran past them and ran in the direction of the Living room "LONE WHERE ARE YOU!!" he shouted at the top of his lungs