The Final Fantasy Guild Of Mages

Dante and Kara walked through the city back towards Dante's car talking about what had happened to them over the past 10 years, Kara's boyfriend who seemed jelous was walking about 5 meters behind them "you changed so much D, you used to hate fighting, and now your riddled with scars" Dante hit the button on his key to unlock the car and he grab his T-shirt off of the front seat "yea i know, but you change to survive, out there its different from here" Dante slid his t-shirt over his head and got the bust sword out of the boot sliding it onto his back he smiled.

"so you became a soldier, like your father" Dante looked at the girl, "no i join a mages guild, now i am an elementalist" Kara looked worried "you became a dog of the temples" Dante smiled "not exactly, i was chosen for the slumbering temple of Bahamut" Kara looked surprised as she and Dante headed back for the city center their casual walk was interrupted by a woman's screech, at which point the pair began sprinting
Solidus woke up in midnight.He was covered with sweat.''Arghh,just when i was in good shape,i needed to get poisoned.Lucky me i would say''.And he started to laugh.Then after a minute of laughing,he raised up and look at a piece of paper on table.''Hmm,what could it be.A secret lover.''And he started laughing again.He took the note,readed it and then used a fire spell on it.''Atleast i am not the only lonely one.''He bumbled to the door,tried to open it,but fell down.''Hah,i am a real wuzz,cant even walk without falling down.''He standed up and opened the door.Guild was quiet.''Good to have noone disturbing me.''Solidus walked until he made himself to the training room.A training program was left in by someone.''Lucky me''he said.''Fire''he shouted.And so he started training himself.It feeled like he was semiconscious,by not knowing where he was and who he was,he knew that he needed to fight.Suddenly,a virtual enemy shocked Solidus.Solidus fall down,he wasnt breathing,the program stopped.Moment later a young girl,a medic,rushed in.''You idiot,trying to be a new Shadow.Come here now.Oh no,i was a bit late.''Medic saw the body lying down.''Life2,Curaga,Esuna.''she whispered.Solidus started breathing.''Come here honey,''girl whispered.''Wow,seems,like i am very popular here.Take this letter and give it to Sha...rghh.''Solidus lost his conscius.

OOC:Most likely,this will be my last post before i go to camp.Solidus will be very ill and lie down in a bed until i am back :)
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Dante and Kara made it around a corner without seeing where the scream came from and then they saw it, a lady who's child was cornered by a large blue dragon, the boy couldn't have been older than 7 years old. Some of the towns folk were trying to save him, but the dragon was to strong and it was knocking them away with it's tail, "Dante help him please" Kara announced Dante smirked "fine"

Dante teleported between the child and the Dragon and lifted the Buster sword off of his back with his right hand, pointing the blade at the Dragon he smiled "leave now and i won't kill you" the Dragon lashed out at Dante with it's tail and Dante teleported himself and the boy behind the dragon. the boy ran back to his mother, who instantly thanked Dante, and then Dante turned back to the dragon, "this is gunna be easy" Dante threw the Buster sword high into the sky and threw a Bio spell at the Dragon, the spell was a direct hit killing the dragon, Dante caught the Buster sword and slid it onto his back.

Dante walked back over to Kara and Smirked "that a good enough demonstration of my new powers? oh and that was one of my weakest spells"
Aiden099 heard the rumble and crashin around in the traning room

The Medic's daughter was there strugging with Solidus

"Here let me help you"

Aiden099 lifted Solidus with one hand

"Get the doors Aslesa"


"Put him in the single room Aiden"

Aiden099 laid Solidus onto the single bed

"I need to examine him..
Will you and Desert help me.. I've never done this alone"

"Of course we will - I'll go get her"

Aiden0999 walked into main infirmary and snuck up behind desert and slowly kissed her neck

"Aiden what are you doing"


"doesn't feel that way - feels nice"

"Well what can i say"

"Dr Desert you are needed in the solitary room"

"oh.. i'll be there in a minute"

"Oh do you have my glasses honey?"

"Oh yes here"

Desert threw aiden his glasses and he put them on and walked into the room

"Okay lets look over him"

"Nurse can you take notes"

"well yes aiden but you are no doctor"

"No but Desert will be here to help soon"

Aiden099 started to analyse Solidus

"It looks like we were right.. look at his legs.. the poor lad was out in the rain like me and desert.."
"it burnt through my wing - god knows wt its done to his legs"

Within Moments Desert burst through the door

"Aiden we need to scan him fully and perform X rays and make sure we isolate the poision in his legs"

"Oh okay "

"Get me the needles"

Aiden099 walked to the desk and brewed up some injection's

"how many we need?"

"a fair few.. its strong poison"

"You're telling me - Remember it burnt through My Wing"

"oh yes"

Desert started analysing Solidus

"This is going to take a while
Aiden can you go alert Lone"

"Very well Darling"
Aiden099 left and went to talk to Lone Wolf
OOC: Right on time.

Wolf watched as Shadow grabbed Dante and threw him out the guild...oh no

Wolf "Shadow, i never want to see you do that again. it is forbidden to hurt another brother, no matter what he's trying. my fight is my own. Dante may have been trying to hurt me, but he is still a senior. I've known him for years. Next time that happens leave it to me unless you have my say so"

Wolf walked out to the infirmary seeing Solidus lying

"I think its best if i never used that poison spell again..."

Wolf turned around and saw Aiden...with a rather angry look

Wolf "Ok, yes i do know the poison hurt you, sorry. Anything else?"
Dante was stood talking to Kara about the past 10 years of his life, fighting alongside Sephirothalpha, lone-wolf and the rest of the guild, gaining ranks and becoming stronger, collecting weapons and fighting to save the world, becoming the first elemetalist, loosing his memory and being chosen to join the non-elemental temple.

"I don't believe it, you have put your body through so much, how are you not dead" Dante smiled "it happened once, it might even happen again" Dante then let out a small giggle he then opened his car and climbed in "you coming?" Kara looked at him "where to?" Dante put one of his feet into the car, near the pedals, "I'm not sure yet" Kara's Boy friend strode up to her and grabbed her wrist "if you get in that car we are over" as Kara went to reply she caught a glimpse of a light and then looked at Dante who's hand had a scathe spell in it "and if you don't let go of her you wont live past today"

Kara's boyfriend let go of her wrist and Kara opened the car door "you don't deserve me" Kara sat in the car and the man who was now her ex kicked Dante's car so Dante unleashed his scathe spell into the floor behind him, knocking the man over, "kick my car again and i'll kill you" Dante announced before getting into the car and driving away, he headed back in the direction of the guild "I'm going home can i drop you off anywhere?"
Kara smiled as she placed her hand on Dante's "yea you can take me with you"
OOC: Damn, am i the only one without romance :L

IC: Lone wolf leaned against the wall of the infirmary awaiting Aiden to go mental at him. He had a feelign he was in for a lecture...
Aiden099 looked at Lone - not hurt " I struggle to fly at the moment now look at that -" points out his hole in his wings!

Aiden099 looked at Mith and pointed to Solidus

"He's struggling to walk .. cannot stay awake - the poison has taken a new form in his legs.. with your permission i want to work ancient magic on Solidus to make his legs better"

Desert opened the door and looked at Aiden
"you were right honey, he needs Ancient Magic to remove the poision in his legs"
"As the Medics Assistant i am putting the Infimary onto a high alert -the high alert is on Solidus now "

The doctor walked in

"Aiden and Myself will be workng on Solidus in Solitude,
Desert and my daughter will see to general enquires"

Aiden099 looked at Lone

"So, Do i have your Permission to start the ancient magic, he may find walking hard for a few days but the poison will be gone"
LW "just asking but why do you need my permission :) I'm flattered..ehm no. i dont think so"

Lw looked at solidus and heard him moan in agony and stiffle a small scream from the poison

LW "Alright, alright...yes you can perform your ancient magic stuff. You do realise i would have said yes anyway. I'm goin to my room to check on the egg, if you need me contact me telepathically, if you come inside, i'll blast you out. sorry, but i have to"

LW walked up to his room and rook at the had rolled over. So it was moving. Wolf got undressed and went in for a shower. 10 minutes later he got dried and dressed. He opened the door...

There staring back at him on the bed was a very small black baby dragon...sneaky little shit, coming out whilst he was in the shower...he would call him..."Ragnarok" even although it was actually him

Wolf "Nice to see you again Raggy...thank you for saving me"

A tear rolled down his cheek
Aiden099 and the Doctor sealed the door in the private room

"Okay Solidus we are going to run ancient magic on you, don't move, don't try to move after a few days it will hurt"

Aiden099 had his hands on Solidus's feet - he started whispering incantations

His legs slowly turned from the dark green they were to the pale white and then the normal skin colour.

"Amazing Purly amazing aiden.."

Aiden099 placed his finger into a pot and the poision went into the bowl out of his hand

"Looks like we have a new pest killer :)"

"Okay leave Solidus for 48 hours and then inject him with normal medicine - that should sort it out"

AIden099 left the operation room and sat with desert in the lounge and relexed

"your really tense aiden.."

"i'm fine"

"come here"

Desert moved aiden so he was laid down on the sofa with his head on her lap..

"just you rest.. your too much of a warrior some time to remember that u need to rest.."

"mm if u say so babe"

Aiden099 did not know what desert did but she did something because he instantly fell to sleep..

and woke up a good few hours later with desert laid back on the sofa asleep too.
OOC: don't worry lone, kara is a childhood friend who is more of a sister than a female of interest. for now anyway

IC: Dante was cruising at about 123 MPH for the three hours it would take to return to the guild and as he pulled up to the main gate he could tell Kara was shocked at the sight of the guild, mainly because of her "oh my god" statement Dante simply laughed at her "it's big but it's home" Dante drove towards the stables which due to Both Unicorn's and Boko's death had become more of a garage, Dante pulled his car into the spot in which Boko would have been stood.

as Kara climbed out of the car she looked at Dante "hey D, where is Boko, you two were inseparable?" Dante looked at the floor "he is dead" kara looked more shocked at this news than at seeing the guild "what, how, why" Dante smiled "It's a long story, well it's pritty much the past ten years of my life, haha" Dante then took Kara up to his room so he could get changed into some regular clothes, his bright green shorts probably wasn't the best choice in attire.

Upon arrival in Dante's room Dante explained where things were, including shower, T.V, bed and Sword rack "you can have the bed until Either Lone or myself get around to finding you a room" Dante explained "who is Lone?" Dante smiled "he is the only mage present who is my superior, but we are evenly powered" Kara looked at Dante "so why is he your superior" "because when i got amnesia a couple of years ago i lost my place as our leaders right hand man" Kara simply nodded her head.

"hey D" Dante looked at her "yea Kara" Kara ran her right hand through her shoulder length blond hair "could i borrow your shower please?" Dante smiled "as long as you have it home by 10" both Dante and Kara let out a laugh "sure, just don't use all of the hot water" Kara looked surprised "you have limits to your hot water?" Dante smirked "no i just haven't had chance to say that since i moved in" Kara laughed as she went into the bathroom and Dante lay on the bed "and make sure you get dry before you come out of there, this is my room and i aint leaving so you can get dry" Dante shouted through the door "but then again, i could get called away in the next hour or so"
Aiden099 awoke on Deserts Lap

"Feel better darling"

"Aye I don't feel too bad - lets go to my room -the beds comfier - no offence"

Aiden099 stood up and helped desert get up, and then they walked off to their room and shut the door bolting it behind them..
They were both really tired, they were not coming out for a while.
Dante was lay on his bed running through his memories of his childhood with Kara, well up until he was 13 he then felt Aiden and desert go to their room and unaware of how tired they were he sat up and contacted Aiden telepathically and began singing "go on, someones gunna get laid, someones gunna get laid and it aint me so it must be youuu" as Dante stopped being childish he turned around to see Kara stood in the doorway of the bathroom in nothing but a towel "are you going to join me or not?" Dante looked surprised at how forward she was, she then walked over to him and put her hand on the side of his face "i fell in love with you ten years ago, and seeing you again has brought those emotions back" Dante was speechless "please say something Dante" then all of a sudden Dante teleported up to the moon and he was face to face with Bahamut "thanks" Bahamut smiled "you looked like you needed help"
aiden099 lay awake next to a very naked desert..

"Dante ya arse :P looks like you've got your own problem there :P and we are too tired for that :D"

Aiden099 put his hang back into desert's hand and went to sleep

then all of a sudden there was a loud bang

Aiden099 jumped and awoke desert

"Whats matter honey?"

"A loud bang jst stay here"

Aiden099 jumped up and put on just his robe and ran out of the room

Desert picked up her robe and ran out after him

Aiden099 ran to the control desk..

"Where was it"
"Damn it the infimary"

Aiden099 ran to the infirmary to see the medic's daughter holding a jar with his eye in and his medallion around her neck

"oh no!"

Dante could sense the problem and teleported back to the guild "Kara it's Dante, i can communicate telepathically, don't freak out, I'm going to the infermary, stay in my room, and put some clothes on we will talk when i get back" Dante appeared next to Aiden and looked at the jar "isn't that your, umm, well eyeball?"
OOC: don't feel bad Wolf, Shadow's a loner against all people mainly. so he doesn't have a love life either, not that he wants one anyways. i don't think he'd be very popular anyways lol.

IC: Shadow again awoke in the infirmary. he felt some strange pulsating magic coming from Solid's room, plus the feel of his power. "shit i thought i deleted that" Shadow muttered getting up and sighing. "i'd better go delete it now before any more idiots try to use it." as Shadow walked over past Solid's room, he decided to leave another note. the note said "your lucky you survived, don't ever try using my training again. if you do, it'll kill you. best stay away from the training hall for a while." as Shadow left, he noticed the poison in his legs were gone. "well that's a blessing" Shadow muttered, then he continued to the training hall, sealed it close, and initiated his training program.
Aiden099 looked at Dante

"Sure is.. its the one thing keeping me immortal since that was in the realm of darkness.. i fear to replace it..its going to stay in that jar untill i remember what it does.."

Aiden099 took the medallion off the doctor's daughter and picked her up and laid her on one of the beds

within a moment Desert burst in in just a robe

then she noticed she had aiden's on

"For god sakes aiden look which robe you put on next time"

"Why they are both white :D"

"Whats going on?"

"Looks like Garsols Work.."

"He's on our side.."

"its a calling card.."

"you are seriously not thinking of leaving now? its the middle of the night.."

"I must"

"Then i come with you"

"Don't be silly.."

"If you are to die there..I die with you"

"Desert i am so sorry..."

AIden099 reached over and gave her a hug but picked up a vial off the desk.. it was his tranqs.. injecting dsert with them..

"Dante make sure she stays here.. i have to go this alone"

Aiden099 left the room and went ot his room and put on his armor nad then made a crack in the rift of time an went into the realm of darkness

OOC: Is that Jealousy i detect Dante? hehe
And shadow, if you think you have no interest in love now...just wait till you get to our age

IC: Wolf looked down at the black baby dragon. Ragnarok was back. His wings had yet to grow so he could fly once more again

Wolf "Well looks like i'm gonna have to take care of ya till you're old enough to fend for yourself :P"

Wolf pulled out a small steak from the fridge in his room and threw it to Ragnarok who ate it hungrily. Wolf lay down on the bed and let Ragnarok curl up on his chest and fall asleep. Wolf fell asleep shorty after him, oblivious to the guild's alarms
Aiden099 walked into the realm

Garsol stood before him

"You didn't think we would let you stay immortal forever?"

"Garsol i have a wife who is immortal "

"Become the Lord of light"


"Aiden - you need to take up the Lord of Light again.."

"I don't want it.. .. Mother is doing fine.. i am staying as Warrior of Light"

"okay then you leave me no choice...

Garsol fired a dark spear at aiden that hit him in his stomach

"Aiden your immortal stats are being drained to the light.. when you take the light back you get them back.. "

"What about desert.."

"Oh that tranq you used desrtoyed the immortal stuff
Oh you might want to tell Shadow the same - he is no longer immortal"

"Why Garsol"

Garsol picked aiden099 up off the floor by the spear and threw him into the abyss

Aiden099 cast Ryker

Moments later he landed on the floor in the lounge


AIr Wolf was in the lounge and was playing he piano when aiden099 landed on it

"Air Raise the Alarm!"

Air ran and raised the alarm..


Wolf heard the words "He has landed on the piano..." and he bolt upright awake, Ragnarok fell off his chest onto the pillow still alseep


Ragnarok woke up then but by that time, Wolf was already in the living room looking at an unconscious Aiden lyin on top of a crushed Piano


Wolf cleared his head for a minute and strolled up to Aiden and flipped him over, he then tryed to touch the spear, but his hand was knocked back by the intense dark magic.

Wolf "OK, 2 can play this game"

Wolf summoned an exact replica of the spear only made of water magic...healing water magic. He grabbed the water spear and slammed it into where the darkness spear was, not only was the hurtful darkness spear destroyed and removed, but the water spear was in its place...not a stupid move considering it was healing water and he could control it if anything went wrong. Wolf picked aiden up and hauled him over his shoulder expecting to get his vision blocked by his goddamned wings, hell mabye the hole would be useful. However Wolf was stunned to see no wing in his way...strange. Nevertheless Wolf carryed him to the infirmary and gently placed him on the bed. The spear would keep him at bay till his body revovered itself