The Final Fantasy Guild Of Mages

Dante was stood in the area where Garsol was, Garsol had disappeared and Dante couldn't sense him "he is either dead or hiding somewhere in the realm of darkness, he wants to be dead" Dante then turned and walked back to his room to visit Kara. as he walked through the door he saw her on the bed asleep he walked over and knelt next to the bed "i am sorry for all the pain i have caused you in leaving, and if your here your always going to be in danger, so i apologize in advance"
A few days later, Wolf was looking up into the Blue sky as he saw Ragnarok swoop down from flight. A slightly larger and stronger Ragnarok. He was bigger than a large bull now. Another week and he'd be half the size he used to be just about. Another month and he'd be back to his adult height

Wolf smiled at Ragnarok who puffed large balls of fire into the air, practicing to master all his old dragonic abilities again from scratch.

Wolf "Well, you're old enough to look after yourself, its time i gave you your den back. You know where it is"

Ragnarok flapped his wings in excitment

Wolf "Ok guys, i'm back and ready for any action this guild has...Dante- I heard that a blue dragon was terrorising a village not to long ago, do you know anything about it?"

OOC: My next post will be tomoz, i have to go now
Dante smiled at Lone, "well if you are talking about the dragon that was terrorizing Kara and I's home town then it has been dealt with, i kinda slayed it it was only a low level fiend" Dante then grabbed Kara who was becoming quite a good wizard's apprentice (this is after the few days from lone's post) from their room and he took her to the training room to undergo some intense training "hey Dante, why do you train me so hard?" Dante smiled "incase you need to defend yourself when i am not there" the training session started and Dante observed and instructed Kara who was in a set of sky blue robes
OOC: so the training hall has two rooms now? seeing as i am currently training. ah well.

IC: Shadow ended the training session when Dante and some new girl came in. "hmm you two arrived at the right time, i was just finishing up. mind if i watch you guys?" Shadow inquired.
OOC : It has about 3 rooms - the one shadow is in - the one my angelic room is in and the main room.

IC : Aiden099 returned from the meal and the pub making a bit of a racket...
Desert helped aiden099 into his room and laid him onto the bed and closed the doors and curtains.
Dante smirked at Shadow's remarks "I would allow you to stay but she gets a bit shy," Dante then noticed that Kara hadn't actually been introduced to the other members of the guild and smiled "oh and Shadow this is Kara, she is from my home village, she is a childhood friend of mine. please respect her how you would me" Dante then smiled and got Kara started against some low level bots
Aiden099 woke up and walked onto the balcony and looked towards the moutains to the south .. he wanted to walk them once more..

"Ah... I wonder where they are now.."

Desert awoke and walked out onto the balcony

"Whats matter darling?"

"Well.. I am just wondering where my comrades are buried on those hills from the war of the dark ages.."

Aiden099 put his elbows onto the edge of the balcony..

"It was many years ago...Long before you were born...

The south and the North were locked into a war..

Where the guild is used to stand a Large Wall.. Blocking the sun from the North.
Those warriors climbed the wall... from the Dark Realm and then came into the Light Realm and started to cause a war.."

"You were telling me that darling and about fighting as the children units.."

"Yeah but after that me and Alexander and some of the other kings came with slaves and took down the wall with the help of the north"

"what about the rest of the unit?"
"They went over that mountain - .... and were attacked on the summit..
They are buried somewhere, but its too long since i went last to remember where they are buried.. as commander i need to go see them one final time."

"Well lets get exploring then?"

Aiden099 turned at Desert and looked at her..

"Thank you honey"

Aiden099 gave desert a hug and a kiss and started to put on his armor and weapons.
Wolf "Just and low level fiend?...hmm..."

Wolf got up and pondered exactly as to why there was a blue dragon in that region. something wasn't right. he'd visit the temple later
As Dante watched Kara blow off one of the smaller robots heads with a fire spell he wondered why she was only attacking the small ones "you do know that all of the robots have the same amount of power don't you" Kara looked at him and began blushing "yea but the big ones scare me" Dante became even more shocked at her statement and walked over to her "your never going to get stronger if you only fight the small ones, what if a dragon shows up and attempts to eat you" Kara smiled "you will be there to kill it" Dante sighed and unlocked the door "training is over" Dante then unleashed a Bio spell to destroy the rest of the robots "go and get some rest"
Aiden099 walked past Kara as she came out of the Training Room


"Computer.. Load Mission 16 - Angel of Death"

The computer whizzed around a little bit and then it loaded aiden099 into a simulation mission.
Dante was sat on the edge of his bed with his hands on his head, Kara lay sleeping behind him "what will happen if she doesn't get over her fears" was all Dante could think about, then out of nowhere he saw an eagle flying onto his balcony "Dante walked over to it and it released a sound so loud it woke up kara, who practically ran to the bird "kiko, why are you here?" Kara then took a note from its leg and read it "Dante the city is under attack" Dante looked at her, "go and tell the other guild members, then return to this room and stay here until i return" "but" Dante placed his hand on her cheek "I can't risk loosing you, not after all that has happened" Dante then turned and teleported to the City. Kara took the note and read it to Aiden through the training room intercom and asked him to go and help Dante.

looking around Dante couldn't see anything to be worried about but he still placed his hand on the grip of the buster sword "ahh Dante, it is good to see you again, but stay out of my way" Dante turned to the voice to see a face from his past "Kifer, why have you returned?" a man dressed in heavy armour stepped out of the shadows, the armour was covered in blood "i came to kill her family, and her" Dante smirked "well your going to fail" Kifer smiled "well i have already got rid of her parents, and all but one of her siblings, Sam left the village" Dante then noticed someone behind him "ut you knew killing my family would bring me back to the village" Dante stepped infront of the figure who had just shown up "Sam get out of here, Kara is safe and i will avenge your family" Sam strode past Dante "this is my fight" Sam then charged at Kifer who raised his sword through the stomach of Sam. "SAM!! NO!!!" "Kara is next" Kifer announced before vanishing Dante sprinted over to sam who was lying on his back dieing Dante raised his head "Dante protect Kara" was all Sam could say before he passed away, the clouds went black and the rain began falling at an extreme rate Dante became saturated and Kifer returned "i forgot, since you are the only remaining member of our blood line who i haven't killed, your next then I'm gunna kill your girlfriend" Dante stood up and lifted the Buster sword away from his back "your going to pay for that" Dante announced
Shadow heard the noise as he walked around the guild. "what the?" he muttered heading for Dante's room. he saw that he was gone. "where did he... the village where his childhood friend lives?" Shadow shadowwalked over to the village and saw Dante releasing the Buster sword and facing a stranger with blood on his blade. "Dante your not alone in this fight! i'm here to help" Shadow told him jumping beside him and releasing his jet blade. better save my shadow form as a surprise Shadow thought as he got into his battle stance.

OOC: guys, can we get back to training after this crisis? i mean, how many crisis's can you go through without running out?
Aiden099 lay in agony on the guild floor..

Within minutes he landed in the machine city..

he wings had grown fully back, aiden099 landed after completing the "angel of death mission.."

Aiden099 floated down dressed in full black and white wings and both of his swords of kings drew..

"Dante i am here.. And i feel So Good!"

"Time to end this"
OOC: Shadow you obviously dont know us well enough do ya :P


Ragnarok and Wolf heard what Dante had said. Ragnarok appeared suddenly as he always used to in front of wolf

Wolf "You are sure? OK"

Wolf got onto Raggy's back and ragnarok instantly took off surprising Wolf with his show of power. They got to the village within ten minutes instead of an hour. Fuck, Ragnarok was fast today, however all was not right, it was raining abnormally...very strange

Wolf jumped and landed next to Dante and looked at the opponent

Wolf "KIFER!? What are you doing here! Here to kill more innocent, did HE send you? How many innoecent have you killed this time. HUH!? I thought the weather was strange. Your Dragon 'Lord' will die after you"

Wolfs hand curled into a fist as the drenching downpour stopped suddenly.

Kifer "What the FUCK! What happened to my rain? I'm the elementalist here"

Wolf "Correction- The Darkness Elementalist of Water. You've been free for some while now haven't you. Leviathan and I still wonder how the hell you escaped your prison...and i'm the elementalist of water. dont play me at a game i'm better at"

Wolf blasted a torrent beam at Kifer. Would this be anyone else, they'de be dead, but Kifer simply absorbed the magic but was blasted back by the shear force of the beam

Wolf "I'll explain later what a darkness elementalist is and who they are, right now, Dante, i'll let you kill him. I'll also explain who he works for and why that dragon was here earlier"

OOC: I know you're a fan of twists aiden, so you'll love this
Dante glanced over his shoulder, his eyes seemed full of hate, "allow him to use his weak tricks, allow the downpour to continue Lone, i want him to feel why i was chosen for the temple of Bahamut" Dante then looked back at Kifer "Aiden, Shadow i will allow you to help, on one condition" Dante then took a step towards Kifer "If i die, you can handle him" Dante then charged and began attacking Kifer physically, knowing that his magic would only be reflected back due to Kifer's reflect status unlike lone's attack Kifer wouldn't have lowered his spell if Dante magically attacked.

Kifer and Dante were locked in sword battle for many attacks, blocking and countering the pair were evenly matched, Dante then realized that Kifer was wearing a ruby ring giving him his constant reflect, Dante knocked Kifer back and stood up straight "remove the ring and you will feel the reason that you don't stand a chance" Kifer smirked "how does no sound" he replied Dante then charged and continued attacking, although this time he wasn't aiming for Kifer, instead he was aiming for his finger and when Dante finally broke through Kifer's defense he cut off the finger that held the ruby ring and then blasted Kifer with a scathe spell knocking him back "i bet that hurt" Dante announced confidently
Kifer shook off Dante's attack and his finger stopped bleeding "so your fairly powerful brother" Kifer announced "yea well, i always was dad's favorite" Kifer began looking as though he was getting angrier as Dante spoke "the only reason he liked you more was because you were the oldest" Kifer then hit Dante in the chest with a waterva spell knocking him onto the floor but Dante quickly got up "your pathetic, you attacked a village of helpless innocents to show how powerful you think you are" Dante then hit Kifer with a scourge spell followed by a Siphon spell damaging his health and MP.

Kifer began to laugh "your forgetting that i am also an elementalist, Famfrit come forth" After Kifers announcement the esper Famfrit rose from the floor, but it wasn't it's usual blue colour instead it was black "your strong Dante but can you kill an Esper on your own?" Dante smirked "no, i can't Aiden, shadow, lone i could do with your help about now, i don't want to summon against this guy"
Lone unfurled his hand and Kifer's rain began pouring down again like a torrent

Wolf looked up at Dark Famfrit who looked back

Wolf "Begone dark summon"

Wolf then whispered the elementalist banishing spell for their summones and Famfrit disappeared

Wolf "How did you escape from the water temple prison kifer?"

Wolf leaned against his sword awaiting an answer
OOC: Jesus, you only joined FFF like 5 minutes ago :P Ah well, welcome aboard. Heres how the system works we have 3 seniors, myself, Dante (Altair) and Aiden (himself) plus numerous juniors who are working up the ranks. You'll start of as a wizards apprentice, if you go to the first post you'll find out all the ranks and what spells they can use. Our leader is SA, but he's been absent for quite sometime, so i'm in charge at the moment with Dante being my Right hand man. So welcome and all that shizz :P


IC: Wolf looked round to see a man petting ragnaroks (my pet dragon) gleaming black body

Wolf "Who are you"