The Final Fantasy Guild Of Mages

Wolf "Aiden, i want you to take care of Solly :P"

Wolf walked up into the temple stairs and opened the large marble doors. Images of dragons were crafted into it.

He walked in and saw a grand hall. Pillars rose from each sides of the massive hall. At the end of it was a chair and in that chair sat a man

Wolf "So, we meet once more Drakon. Still alive i see"

Drakon "Yes. Still commander of the light dragons"

Wolf "Of course. I hear you've been sending out more dragons to do your bid. I swear if another dragon war like THAT one starts again. I WILL have your head. I wont have more innocents and dragons dying. Remember Ragnarok?"

Drakon "What? Ragnarok is here!"

Wolf "Scared of him aren't you and the legendary Bahumat is on his way too. You will die. I wont have any more attacks on anyone, and when you do die, i will take every dragon you control as my own. Besides you already have some of which were already mines whilst they were still young. I remember"

Drakon "Dragons...kill him"

A whole hord of dragons flew in from hidden pathways from the high ceiling. About 20 dragons landed all around him

Wolf spoke one word in the dragon tongue...all dragons just sat down and looked at him, instantly knowing his status

Wolf "Like i die"
Mark was riding really fast towards to Mr.Hell's mansion when he suddenly noticed a black body running next to him.
Few seconds later Mark was lying down covered in blood and shooting with his gun to everywhere.
''I will get you shitass,Turok is here in any second and you will die!''
''Hahahahaha''the body laughed.''No,he wont be,he is chatting with his new friend,and is about for hour away from here.''
Mark laughed:''You know,that i can do some serious damage to you,so Turok can end you up in seconds.''
''Hahah,idiot,you think its so easy, but it isn't.Now you will die!''
A girl falled down to land and said:''This is your end Kratos!Holy''.
A light started coming everywhere, holy stars attacked Kratos from every direction.
''Arggh,it cant be you,i know i killed you!''said Kratos.
Kratos started running and when he was almost down he teleported away.

Moments later,the girl falled down.''Kary,dont, nooo!''Mark shouted.
Aslesa was lying down halfdead,most likely the Holy drained all of her energy.
''I am sorry Kary,i didn't know, that you wasn't killed.I hoped that you are alive, but Turok always told, that you died in Ultima use by Kratos.I am sorry,but i need to go.Turok or Solly now,should be here in 10 minutes,so i will go forward.''
Mark raised his bike,what had taken some damage and jumped on it.Seconds later he dissapeared.

OOC:I am not making them super strong,i just want to tell their story.Some posts later i will reveal alot of mystery behind these guys, and then you will get that i am not making them gods :)
"Kara, it would be better if you stay here, Bahamut seems to have mixed feelings about you" Kara nodded and went Back to Dante's room, Dante mounted Bahamut and began the long flight to the temple during the flight Dante was teleported to his temple and he stood opposite Bahamut "Are you crazy?" the hooded master of the temple stood up and walked over to Dante "Take this" Bahamut handed Dante a small Golden necklace with a glowing gold stone "wear it and when you need it's power it will know" Dante took the necklace and as he put it on he was teleported back onto Bahamut's back

Upon arriving at the temple Dante had Bahamut wait next to Ragnarok and ran inside, the sight shocked him all of those dragons sat around Lone wolf Dante strode over to lone and placed his right hand on his shoulder "we'll take him together, this guy looks strong don't play the hero" Dante then let go of Lone's shoulder and lifted the Buster sword off of his back
Aiden099 skidded his bike infront of Solidus

"Where you off ?"

Aiden099 stepped off his bike and pressed a button and his pistols shot out of the holsters into his hands

"Solidus.. Lone Wolf has asked i take care of you... untill the war of the dragon lords is over.. we must return to the Guild of Mages now!"
Solidus started crying.''I am sorry Kary!I need to follow my masters orders!''
Solidus pushed his gunblade into his stomach and said:''Take my blade back to Guild and don't worry Aiden!''

Mark looked back and feeled a dissapearing aura.''No shit,that idiot,he can't beat Kratos when he losts his powers again.''Mark dissapeared to darkness.

Solidus fell down and his body dissapeared into the ground.The gunblade was left down.

OOC: dont worry,its not the end of Solidus :)
Dante smirked and charged at Drakon, he leaped into the air and came crashing towards him Buster sword first. Drakon raised an arm and stopped Dante in mid air, the threw him against the ceiling of the temple, holding him there with glowing black rings. Dante began to pull against the restraints and they pulled off of the wall still holding a large chunk on each shackle the earth on his feet shattered as he hit the floor.

Dante stood up straight with his arms still with the black rings on and the chunks of temple connected to them Dante then unleashed a small amount of his non-elemental energy and the earth shattered from his arms "hey, your pretty strong" Dante stepped forward and pulled the buster sword out of the floor "i guess i shouldn't underestimate you"
"Ah here we go "

Aiden099 fired a few rounds off to scare the other people off from around Solidus

Aiden099 grabbed him and dragged him to his bike and cast Ryker

Aiden099 carried Solidus back to the Medic Center : "Doctor Quite Here now!"

"Whats gone on?"

"Solidus has been stabbed"

The Doctor ran in and started to work on Solidus's wound

"It's only a scratch - he'll be fine"
Wolf walked forward drawing both katanas and mentally readying a full blast waterva spell

Drakon "Just like old times Wolf, you're ally is quite powerful. I advocate his strength...and bravery"

Wolf "Yes, he is strong. Stronger than me in fact, he is my friend and it will be by ours hands you die. guess what, he is the commander of Bahumat and also the non elementalist. Quite the combination"

Wolf began to ran but just as he was a mere few feet from Drakom, he raised his hands and shot a unique fire spell at wolf

Wolf "Dragon fire spells dont work on me. You really are sumb"

Wolf raised his swords and swung them down at Drakons chest. but they stopped in mid air, and Wolf staggered aside. Wolf casted that Waterva spell which hit Drakon on the back of the head taking him by surprise

Drakon stood up and teleported to the center of the room. Fucking nuisance darkness powers

OOC: Solidus- you really have to have a background to your plots
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Dante watched Lone and Drakon battling, he was quite surprised that Lone had admitted that he was the stronger of the two. Dante then returned to the room after Lone's waterva spell and when Drakon appeared in the center of the room Dante turned and blasted hit, at next to point blank, with a Shadow flare spell to the chest, knocking him backwards.

The dark dragon's lord stumbled back and smirked "Lone you weren't kidding about his strength" Dante smiled at Drakon's remarks "I'll take that as a compliment, although you haven't seen nothing yet" Dante walked backwards until he was stood next to Lone, "Bahamut is too big to fit in here, so i guess I'll have to do it for him" Dante then stepped infront of Lone so he was between him and Drakon "Bahamut, lend me your power" Dante then extended his arms out in front of him so his palms were facing Drakon, his arms began to glow and they shifted from human arms to a pair of Dragon arms, exactly like Bahamut's Dante then sprouted a tail Like Bahamut's and two big dragonic wings spread from his back "Mega flare" a large blue beam of non-elemental energy then shot from Dante's hands and hit Drakon. the blast also kicked up a huge dust cloud, when the attack was over Dante returned to normal and dropped to one knee due to lack of MP "well i never did check how much Mana drain there was for Mega flare" Dante announced before chugging a Hi-Ether
OOC: chugging an ether? That sounded wrong :P haha


IC: Wolf "Ya know ya could fuse with bahumat like i do with Ragnarok, only he's too young at the moment do to a fusion"

Wolf used the opportunity to walk forward whist it was still dusty and smoky to attack Drakon by surprise. He attack with a flurry of sword attack, the first few katana slashes hit, but Drakon caught on as he used supreme agility skills to dodge each attack after it. At the end of it, Drakon blasted a triple firaga spell at Wolf which he only just jumped out the way in time to dodge 2 of the fireballs but the last one hit him in the back throwing him forward

Drakon "Oh come on, surely you can do better than that"

Wolf "You're right...TORRENT BEAM!"

A 3 huge beams of pure water energy blasted from the air around Wolf blasting into Drakon who never expected the attack causing him to be sent soaring into the ceiling, as he fell he teleported and landed behind near where Dante was...
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''Solidus,...he is dead!''The medic shouted.''I dont know what happened, he just passed away.''

Some time later,when medic was wandering around the guild a similar voice said.
''Did i surprise you?''
''How,Solly,how you could?''
''Same way as Aslesa came to you.''
''So you're a ancient too?''
''No,but Aslesa showed me a while back how to do it.''
''But you dont have any skills now?''
''That's true,but i hope Aiden can teach me well, to get as skilles as i once was.''
Solidus turned around and started to walking towards to his room,to get his blade.
''Wheres Aslesa?''Solidus asked.
Medic started crying:''I dont know,she lefted just after you.''
''Okay''.Said Solidus.
Aiden099 walked into the Infirmary

"What the hell Solidus?"
"I thought you were a gonna for sure?"

"Okay anyway its my privalage to teach you whilst the mages are away.. you will be under instruction from Desert, Air Wolf and myself.. Good look.. sleep well and meet me in the morning"

Aiden099 turned around and saw Kara walk past.

he talked onto his mentally contacting

"Dante speak to me.. do you want your training continuing with kara whilst you are away.. i have to train Solidus i can take over on kara untill your return if you wish.."

Aiden099 nodded at kara and said "Hi" and walked past towards his room
Wolf looked at where Drakon was, behind Dante

Wolf "You do realise you cant kill either of us"

Drakon "You are both mortal, of course i can kill you. I live in darkness and power. You will never kill me"

Wolf "I wouldn't be too sure of that if i were you"

Wolf launched an all out waterva wave which hurtled towards Drakon, when it reached Dane it simply slowed and passed through him but quickly got to full speed as it rushed towards Drakon

Wolf "Ahh, water. Calm and gentle but also powerful and ravaging"

Drakon laughed "Darkness is still better"

Drakon then threw a wave of Darkness even bigger than the waterva wave. The two spells collided creating an explosion which resulted in a huge cloud of dust getting thrown up covering the whole room
Aiden099 closed the door of his room..

his head was killing him..

"What is going on.."

Aiden099 felt a pain on his back and he removed his light armour and within seconds his wings had fully expanded again..
"Not again.."

Aiden099 ran through his room and seemed to throw himself off his balcony..

he landed on the floor and there was a loud crunch as all his bones seemed to shatter..

and then the light came back..

"Oh no you don't aiden" a voice said in his head..

"I didn't do anything."

"Go to the elements temple and talk to their priests and their guardians about how to remove the wings.."

"Okay my lord"


Desert had run down the stairs after seeing aiden099 throw himself off the balcony

"Are you okay!?"

"I am fine."

"I need to go for a while when the mages get back.."

Mental contact Lone Wolf :

"Lone my wings are back..
I need to visit ALL the temples to see if they know a way to have them removed.. Something is controling my wings though.."

With this aiden099 collased again... into deserts arms
As the dust from the colliding attacks began to settle Dante could hear the evil laugh of Drakon "Lone you pathetic water spells cannot harm me" dante then saw a shadow of a figure in the dust cloud that had to be Drakon Dante smirked "he ain't pathetic and he may not harm you but i can" With this Dante threw a scathe spell into the cloud, which hit Drakon head on in the chest, the spell was so fast it cleared the cloud. Drakon slid back a few feet but stayed standing "there is no way to kill me Dante" Drakon began walking towards Dante "even if you did know all the pain i have caused you" Dante threw another two scathe spells at Drakon both of which had the same effect as the first, "what do you mean?" Drakon smiled "everytime you or someone you know was attacked by a dragon, i released it" Dante gritted his teeth "Fuck this" Dante announced as he unleashed a shadow flare attack and then began muttering in the ancient language Bahamut began to glow outside and then he converted into a small glowing ball of energy that shot directly into Dante's chest.

twas a flash of light that emanated from Dante, and when it subsided Dante was stood side on with a rand new set of armour on, the armor looked exactly like Bahamut's scales the helmet looked like a dragon's head Dante's wings had converted into those of Bahamut, and he was also had a tail "no way of killing you, so why do you look so scared" the Buster sword then appeared in Dante's hand but it appeared more powerful and it was now glowing. "ready to test just how immortal you are"
Wolf "Ahh, so you've learned how to fuse with bahumat. Very good. And as for you drakon, i'm far from pathetic"

Poisonous rain began to pour from the ceiling, not potent enough to hurt anyone, the atmosphere was very moist in it. Wolf raised his arms and spoke 2 words of latin "poison spear". The light rain in the whole hall stopped and condensed into 50 spears of highly concentrated poisonous water energy. Anyone normal that touched these would be dead within hours

Wolf slammed his arms down to his waist and the 50 or so spears went flying. All towards Drakon. Each and everyone of them pierced right through his torso. Drakon staggered back coughing

Drakon "Is that the best you can do"

Wolf "Dont tempt me"

Wolf whispered another word of latin..."fuse". Ragnarok roared outside as Wolf buckled and his body transformed into his legendary dragon and "man" fusion. Black leathery wings sprung from his back, razor sharp claws and paws formed where his hands were, his neck and head became snake like and sharper, longer teeth formed. His long black tail also sprouted and his legs became like that of a quadraped with the mobility to stand up. Cooler still, his eyes, changed to very bright blue. The sign of a pure water element creature

the dragons began to sit up interested in the sudden turn of events

Ragnamir "No, you see..THIS is not the best i can do"
Some time back,just after Solidus stabbed himself.
Mark was riding with his bike when he feeled that Solidus arura had dissapeared.''Huh,that idiot,how the heck he is going to beat Kratos,when he has no skills.''
Mark turned around his bike and started to ride towards the spot where Aslesa had fell.''Now i need to help her myself,damn,i am going to lose so much time that most likely Kratos will get away.''
Some minutes later Mark made himself to Aslesas body.''Kary, are you alive?''
''I think so.''whispered Aslesa.''Wheres Solidus?''she asked.
''Reborned i think,that dumbass.''Mark said angrily.
''He cant play with knowledge of ancient ones, it's not as easy as he thinks.Everytime, when he reborns, he losts some of his spirit.''
''Hahah, then after few times he will lose even to me huh?''
''His physical powers will come back,but his spirit will be devasted.''Aslesa whispered.
''Heh,so he will be a madman soon,i hope he can beat Kratos before he gets totally mad.''And Mark started laughing, as did Aslesa.
In present moment.
Mark and Aslesa where riding towards Mr.Hell's mansion.
''Are we there?''Aslesa asked.
''Soon, Kary don't worry,we are almost there.''
''You can call me Aslesa,it's my name for last 10 years.''
''Okay kary..i meant Ka...Aslesa.''And a smile came to Aslesa's face.
After few minute riding, Kary shouted:''I see it,it's beautiful as always.
A beautifil mansion lied down the road.
''The more beaty,the more danger''said Mark.
They jumped down from the bike and started walking to mansion.
''No welcome commitee,hmm...!''Mark took out his guns and walked forward to door and opened it.
''Kharak su na tonato,Kratos aka ikaros flotade sincrade.''
''Yes i know mister.''Said Mark,''but is there anyway to stop him releasing the monsters?''Mark asked.
''No...!''Answered a mysterious man.
He revealed his face,a half skeleton,half zombie.
''....what happened to you?''Aslesa asked.
''I met lord of existance.''said rotten man.
''Huh,must be joking.''Mark started laughing.
''Anyway,lets get to job,''said Mark urgenly.''Oh,and that Holy was great,i didn't know you can learn it so fast.''
''Thank you Mark,i gived my best,and if you think now,i had already learned that a while back!''Aslesa smiled.
Solidus got out of his bed, took out his gunblade and started walking towards the training hall when he saw Desert with a sad face.
''Whats the matter?''
''Its about Aiden.''Said Desert sadly.
''Okay, it's not my business so i wont annoy you.''
Solidus walked towards to Aidens room,entered it and left a note to his table.
''You will find me with this info anytime,just but your hands on the piece of leather and follow the instructions okay?I hope you heared me.''Solidus left the room,walked out of the Guild and entered a taxi what just came to there.
''To Alexandria please.''Said Solidus.
Taxi started riding to east.

OOC: If you wish to get to me,just put your hands on the leather and say some words what i wrote to letter(think them yourself) and you will be teleported to me.