The Final Fantasy Guild Of Mages

Aiden099 quickly drew his swords of kings and blocked the emporers attack

"you will not take them for the greated evil!"

Aiden099 hovered and took control of his wings and hovered over the edge of the cliff

"Now you choose you surrender - or i stop this madness and i drop to my death and snap the wings on the way down.."

Emporer : " You are a fool just like your father.."
"Katros .. take control of those wings.."

Aiden099 grabbed his left wing in his hands..
"damn this is going to hurt"

Aiden099 snapped his wing and dislocated the bone in it..

"I will do the other one too if you don't stop.."

Katros ran towards him

"So be it"

Aiden used all of his power and snapped the other wing and started to fall to the sharp cliffs beneath

"here goes.. Float!

Aiden099 remembered he needed no wings to fly and took his body back up to the top of the cliff

"you miss me! anyway these wings are useless now!"

Aiden099 placed his feet on dry land again and drew his swords

"So now we have nothing to fight over.."

aiden099 pointed his swords at the emporer and cast a combination of Holy and Flare from his hands..

"Party's over!"
Wolf looked at the mess bahumat fury had made from crashing through the ceiling

Wolf "Long time no see my friend"

BF "Yes, miss me"

Wolf "Of course :P Well what we waiting for, lets kick her ass :D"

Wolf in his legendary form rushed forward with more energy and blasted bolts of lightning water (thunder elementalist powers remain inside me a little xD) Kara shrieked in pain at the sheer concetration of the attack. He charged his sword up with water energy and began to slash at her with many a flurry of attacks. the magical energy blew through her shield and allowed the sword to hit her full force

Bahumats turn :P


No pervy pixie bastard guards were harmed in the making of this post.
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''Noooo,that idiot, what will kasak do if i dont get his wings to him,argghhh, seems like i cant make him my ally then.''Emperor shouted and jumped to a fast-riding airship what was just passing the mansion.''Kratos i will see you later.
Same time Kratos was battleign with Mister and Hell.Normally Mister could eliminate Kratos easily but after he met Lord of Existance everyone had wondered how he can even breath.Solidus jumped down to Aiden and said:''Aiden get the hell out from here,you dont know Kratos, he is my brother and i know what he is capable of.If you think he is only a young one who just plays overpowered man,you are wrong.He has expierience in dark arts for about 1000 years,meaby even more.I know its not possible to live so long normally,but i will tell the story some other day.Now go.''
Suddenly a beam of laser came towards Aiden.Solly rised his gunblade and said:''Ultima dispel.''The beam dissapeared but Solidus fell down unconcius.Mark saw that and jumped down:''Ahh you idiot,why you always forget that you dont need to be hero, Aiden would most likely survived it,even if it was full of dark energy.''Mark took Solidus body and runed into Hells mansion when suddenly Satan jumped out from the door.''Whats going on.''He shouted,Mark looked back and said:''Its Kratos,under commands of Emperor,trying to take down Mister and Hell both.''
Satan got really angry and jumped onto the hill where battle was going,he got it by dozens of ultima beams but still was standing.''You,who didnt listen me, a dark messenger like you was called,who runed away from me,will now be killed because you didnt listen the orders from down.''Satan put his hand together and said:''Hades, come, now and kill Kratos,the unbeliever.''
Suddenly a dark hole was in air,the ultima beams stopped.Kratos was covered with dark blood,and Hell was barely standing,there was no chase of Mister.A dark mass came out from the hole.''Nooo, it cant be Hades,god of all dark summons.''Kratos wanted to start running but Hades magic stopped him.Everything turned black.
Same time at mansion Aslesa came out from the mansion and said to Aiden:''Come now fast,Hades magic wont do anithying to this mansion,but everything surrouding in 10miles will be destroyed,now jump in.''
After few minutes of everything being dark,suddenly light came.Hades had dissapeared,Hell was lying down dead.Satan walked towards hell and said:''i am sorry,that was the only way.''
Suddenly someone started laughing:''You killed your own men but not me,hahaha.''
It was Kratos lying down on land,but he had changed.He was dark black at some points,from some points universy reflected,some points were flashing with electricity.
Kratos standed up and looked at Satan:''I thank you really Satan,i never tought that anyone could beat up trance from me.''
Satan raised his hands and casted a flare skill to Kratos,but Kratos didn't even notice it.''Hahahaha,its the legendary Trance.''
Satan got in rage and started casting Flares and Firagas and Ultimas on Kratos but he didnt even notice it.Then a moment later,Satan was lying down dead on land and his body dissapeared.''That was too easy.''Kratos raised to line of heaven,when he noticed Mister Hells mansion still there:''Hmm,really good magic that protected it.''Then he flyed away towards Alexandria.
Aiden099 stood in hell's mansion
"damn it.."

Aiden099 pondered on what to do..

"Wait one final idea.."

Aiden099 took out his leather and wrote on it and then he disappeared

"Garsol "

Garsol appeared next to aiden

"Whats happening bro?"

"Kratos is trying to get these "broken" wings.."

"He's killed satan?"

Garsol : " Damn it.

Garsol stood on the roof of hell's mansion and started to summon..
This was the ultimate summon.

Odin came running down from the hills
Phoneix came flying down from the skies
Ifrit came from hell itself
Shiva came running from the ice caverns 20 miles away

"Time to end this.."

"SUmmons ! Attack Kratos"
Kratos saw the wings and started to flying down to them,in the moment he took the wings to his hands he feeled something:''Garsol?Ahh you idiot,dont even think to oversummon me.''Kratos turned around and saw four graet summons coming towards to him.''Hahaha,in my trance form,i will survive it,hahahhaa.You made a mistake by not calling everyone,hahaha.Emerald,Ruby,Diamond and Sapphire weapon,come and serve your master.''
Emerald weapon came from forests,Ruby from lava,Diamond from mines and Sapphire from sea.Few moments later,all weapons were looking next to summons.
''That will be an intresting fight,but i have no time to watch it.''Kratos flyied away with ultimate speed,even the summons wouldnt catch him.Then the summons attacked weapons and a legendary fight started.
Same time at mansion.Solidus wandered:''hmm,Mark,if weapons serve heroes family who had beat him,then they should listen me too?''
Mark was walking around hall and said''Yeh,thats possible,you may try,because if you dont end this fight,our planet will look alot lonelier.''
Solidus jumped out of the hall and shouted:''Weapons of universe,you serve always your master,but if your master dyes,you serve the oldest in master's family not the strongest.And the oldest in family is Kratos uncle,so you have been missused.''
Weapons stopped time,only Solidus and weapons could move and said:''Then we have been betrayed and as you know the order,if our commander betrays us,we will no longer follow anyones order,expect new master.So challenge us and become our master.''
''I am sorry,but i am not in the form to battle the strongest weapons in the universe.''
''Then we are no longer needed here,goodbye.''The weapons dissapaered and time started flowing again.After the summons saw that there were no weapons anymore and Kratos was gone they left.
Solidus entered the mansion again and saw that Mark had left with Aslesa.''Hmm are they gone for Kratos?''solidus whispered.

Some minutes back when Solidus went to talk with weapons.Mark said:''Aslesa we need to go,please come,if the weapons lose their master,the monsters will come back because there is nothing they frade anymore.So lets get to Alexandria and hope that we make us there before Kratos.''They runed to garage where they saw Mister sitting on a small airship called SpaceVenture 360.They jumped in the airship and Mister started riding towards Alexandria.Aslesa asked,''Will we make there before Kratos?''
''Offcourse Aslesa,we got the fastest airship ever made,also i added some power of crystal inside it,so we will be in alexandria in few seconds.''
Suddenly the airship was gone.
''whooaa,i feel bad.''and aslesa puked out from the airship.
''we are here,just next to hideout.Warn the Patriots Mark.''
Mark jumped out from the airship and entered the bar:''Listen everyone,Kratos is back and in form of trance,evacute now and get every Patriot Bodyguard against Kratos,they will win us time to evacuate.''
Suddenly everyone started moving and doing their job,like they had it planned.
''Oh and meet at central square.''mark shouted and left the bar,jumped into the airship and said:''Get to the square.
Half minute later,they were in the central square.
''Whoa,never seen you all,''Mark said.There was standing 50 mans,everyone with different personaliyi,body and face.All seemed like lifetime soldiers and veterans.
Then a man falled down from the skies:''Mark,you have grown,i heared Kratos is coming.''Said a half horse with tail wearing a famous spear.
''Nice to see you too Lancelot.''Mark said.
''Okay now my 200 spearers went running towards Kratos,they should be fighting with him already,i think they can hold him up for 5minutes not any longer,if i think that Kratos is in Trance form noone will survive,but we may hope.Is the evacuation going on?''Lancelot said.
''Yes''said an old man wearing royal clothes who just came to the square.
''Whoa,comeone,dont fight,you are too old for it,''Mark said to old man,who was Solidus uncle.Old man did like he didnt notice the words.
''Now where are the airships?''Lancelot asked.
''10 of main will be in 3 minutes in Alexandria.but where is Alexandrias legendary Airship army?''Lancelot asked
''Emperor left with them to his stronghold about week ago,but still we got like 10 Turok warships here,Emperor never liked them,because he wasnt allowed to change their name to his.''Mark started laughing after the words of old man.
''Now where are the Patriots safe?''
''We are,but we will fight for our families.''Said twelve warriors who just entered the square.
''Okay,bodygaurds get moving,you will have to hold Kratos back for 10minutes,we hope that you can do it.''said lancelot
All 50 bodyguards started running /teleporting/jumping/flying towards the spot where serious explosions came.
''I think they are 50miles away from here.''Lancelot said.
Suddenly a lancer teleported next to Lancelot.
''Sir,its not only Kratos,there are like 100 silver dragons,only listening Kratos,100 Alexandrian warships,tons of tanks and more.And it seems like they are coming to destroy their hometown.''Lancer teleported back to battlefield.
''Sad news indeed.But Burcaria airships are here in any moment.There they are!''
everyone saw about 100 Warships flying over the city.One stopped above the city and a man,who looked like pirate jumped down.
''Nice to see you Elto.''said old man.
''What are you looking here,come to airship,about 1000 tanks are in the battlefield in next ten minutes.''Everyone entered a big heavy-armored airship expect Mister who started flying with his airship towards battlefield.
Burcaria airship started flying in the middle row of Burcaria airships.
''We will be in the battlefield in 2 minutes i hope.''Elto said.
''So will Dunon support us?''old man asked.
''Yes,about 2000 tanks and 50 airships are on their way,but they wont send anymore,just in case if we lose here.''
''Okay''said old man.
''I need to go,''Lancelot said,''my mans are waiting for me,if they still are alive.Patriots,will your men come after they evacute Alexandria?''
A Four handed man said:''yes,lance.''Lancelot teleported to battlefield.

Same time in the battlefield.About thousand Silver Dragons and hundreds of Emperors warships and tanks were attacking few Lancelot tanks,airships and men.A heavily musceled man and Mister were fighting with Kratos in clouds.Suddenly Lancelot teleported to them.''hahahaha,Lancelot,i tought were you are.Now come and test my powers out.''Lancelot smiled ironicly and started casting flares on Kratos.Same time down in the battlefield Leviathan joined the battle.''Huh?Leviathan,that means Aslesa is here,hahaha.''said Kratos and started hitting and shooting Mister,a powerful lancer and Lancelot.

Few seconds back in the airship.''Wheres Aslesa?''Mark asked.''She left to battlefield i think.''old man said.''Argghhh i will go too.''Mark teleported to battlefield.

Present moment in the battlefield-Leviathan was fighting with silver dragons but he alone had no hope,when suddenly Burcaria's Tanks made to the battlefield and started shooting Silver dragons and Emperors army.The battle was cruel and furious,but the hardest battle was in the clouds,where three hereos were facing Kratos,who didnt even seem to get hurt.Lancelot was using his spear as fast as he could,but it had no use,Kratos was faster.About and minute later Burcaria airships made to battlefield.Aslesa tought down in the battlefield while casting as much holy's as he could by not killing himself:''Huh thank to god,i already tought leviathan will die.''Airships rushed to dragons with all their power,while the battle down against Emperors men and tanks was ending for Emperor,about 3-4 thousand beasts runed into the battlefield.Also some tanks form Emperor supporters.Aslesa got hit by a tyrannosaurus and could had been killed in next few seconds when Solidus hasnt came and slashed Tyrannosaurus head off.''Hey Aslesa,i and some mages of Guild will help you down here.Solidus started killing beasts and Emperor men with no stopping.Just when Lancelot almost lost his head while fighting Kratos,Mark teleported to kratos back and shot him to head.''Argghh,you never learn anything weakling.''Kratos slashed Mark so hard that he fell down from the skies to a friendly airship.

OOC:Aiden i let you decide your and Solidus way to the battlefield,but i hope you metion that you and Solidus went throught the GUild and called some help.oh and dont noone else beside me end this battle,you may make some serious changes and swifts but no ending,because i wanna make it myself out:)
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Aiden099 looked at the base of hell's mansion..

5 floors

i can survive 5 floors

aiden099 dived off the top of the mansion onto the floor.


Aiden099 jumped on the back of his motorbike and pulled up next to Solidus.

"Come on Solly jump on.. we have to get to that battlefield.. no one can out ride me"

Aiden099 pulled his pistols out of his holsters on his bike and put them onto his belt and started to remove swords from his bike
Solidus said:''wait a second,i forgot that if there's no one in this mansion anymore i can allow some blades and guns for us''
Solidus runed to a near room and looked at walls.
''Holy shit,even in my old mansion there werent so much weapons.''Walls were covered with weapons wich every one had a story and legend to told.
''Whoa,Exalibur II,hehe i cant let it here.''Solidus took exalibur II from the wall:''Shit its hard.''He took dozens of grenades and Magic crystals.He took also some Guns and loads of ammo and put it to a bag he found there.Also Solidus putted many pelts on himself,wich he filled with weapons,crysalts and ammo.Then he runned out from the room and jumped down to bike.
''Arghhh,shit i almost broke my back,so much things in this bag and in pelts that i am not very light.Oh and this crystal,Aiden you may take this,it may become handful.''Solidus handed a yellow crystal to Aiden.''Its a piece of Light.It is from a star that fall down 4000 years ago.There were pieces like this all over the world,but now,i dont think there is left more then 100.Put it next to your heart and it enters you.It will revive you once you die but it will dissapear from you right after you are revived.I just touhgt you might need it some time.''
"Thanks for that Solidus"

"Lets try this crystal out.."
Aiden099 looked at it..
"hmm looks like it may fit into the bike.. might get us to the fight faster"

Aiden099 pushed the crystal into the bikes engine and it roared and aiden and Solidus rode off to Alexandria..

"Solly.. be careful it'll be a hard fight.."

Aiden099 drew his swords as they rode into alexandria

"This party's over!"

Aiden099 braked the bike outside the main section of alexandria and stepped off

"Come on my friend follow me and keep it quiet.. we need to sneak up on Kratos and see how we can do this.. see if i can take a clean shot.."

Aiden099 put on a cover over his face and startedt to hide in the bushes and took a sneaky step up the stairs into a abandoned house

"Sneaky :D"
''Seems like the battle is 2 miles away from alexandria but i dont get why the city is full of Alexandria guards.oh shit,meaby Emperor conquered the city while others are fighting.Anyway,Aiden look over things here and find a guy kalled Kalypso,you will know him when you see him,he has three eyes.I am sure he is somewhere in city trying to defend people who were left to the city.Give this letter to him,and come find me after that,if i am alive at that point.''Solidus gave a letter to Aiden.''Anyway i am going to join the main battle,oh and your idea to shot Kratos.It isnt good idea,most likely he will notice your positon and come for you,or at least send some spells for you.''Solidus quietly runed out of the building and started running to battlefield.But he was too noisy so some guards noticed him and started following.''Huh,why they always want to die.Fire.''Solidus casted fire on guards and they falled back,but still new guards started following him.
Few minutes later he made to battlefield.
Present moment.
The battle was going on hard,Solidus was smashing with his gunblade every monster he could,Aslesa was healing ally units;Mark,Lancelot,a spearer and Mister were fighting Kratos but it seemed they had no chance to beat him.Burcaria and Lancelot airships and tanks were fighting with silver dragons but it seemed they will never win.Just when a dragon was going to hit Mister from back,it got slashed into pieces.''You,you are not allowed to join battles of earthlings.''Kratos shouted.
''I am''said an Angel,with 2 meter long heavenly blade.''And now die.''Angel started flying to Kratos when kratos said:''Stop.''Mister,Mark who had joined the battle again after waking up on an airship,Lancelot and a spearer fell down.Mark falled into a airship,same with spearer but mister and Lancelot falled to ground.Noone of them was moving.
''I didn want any disturbing factors this battle.''Kratos said.
Angel rushed into Kratos,but it seemed neither of them was going to win,still Kratos feeled like he has some lead.

OOC:Sorry Aiden that i didnt let you to kill Kratos,but that would ahve been lame death for a supervillian who is in trance form.
Dante didn't say anything, Bahamut Fury knew exactly what he was to do, the massive golden Dragon flew into the air and unleashed his Exaflare overdrive Dante could do nothing but watch as the immense attack hit Kara directly, a shreek announced that she was in agony and a tear rolling down Dante's cheek showed that he wouldn't have been able to end her life.

As the dust cloud from the attack cleared Kara was lying on the floor, coverd in her own blood Dante strode over to her. as he stood, towering over her body a tear rolled down her blood stained cheek "Dante, you came back" Dante crouched down next to her "why did you allow her to use your body?" "she promised me that i would see you again, and i have, even though it was on my death bed" Dante lifted Kara's head as he had done to sam, days before "i should have stayed in the village" a tear rolled Down Dante's cheek as he could tell Kara was drawing near to her last breathe "i should never have left you kid, I'm sorry" Kara managed to raise her hand p to Dante's cheek "Don't be, you had your reasons"

Moments after Kara had said this she passed away, a slow death to say the least Dante couldn't contain the feelings he had, he had just killed the only person who had known him all of his life. dante immediately left the training room and went to his Bedroom , he dismissed Bahamut Fury on the way.

OOC: oh and lone, hate to be a picky SOB but Bahamut Fry has been locked in that pendent for over 10 centuries, as Bahamut's temple has been lay dormant for that long, just one quick question, if you know bahat fury...just how old are you ?????
The battle was furios,Angel vs Kratos.Normally Kratos would have won with no probs,but this time,the angel was no ordinary one.''A blessed Angel from the times before Ancient ones,this Angel had seen much more then Kratos could imagine,but Kratos had been trained by Almighty upperlord himself so even an old Angel could beat him.''said Solidus to Aiden who just had made himself to battlefield.''Dont even think going to fight Kratos,stay down here and help us to destroy all these monsters and Emperors army.''Solidus said loudly.
Same time Aslesa found Mister's and Lancelot bodys and took them to medic's tent a mile away from real battle.''Lance,your body and Misters too,it has been stopped.I cant do anything to save you,i am sorry.''Then the Old man came next to Aslesa and said:''Dont worry,i think i can save Lancelot,but what about Mister,i dont know,he is already too old to strugle for his life,you know 2100 years is alot even for an almighty hell's guard and now when Satan and Hell both are dead,he had no reasons to live anymore.''
''But revenge to Kratos?''
''He wasnt that kind of person.''Old man said sadly.
''Now,Dispel,Lifaga,Curaga,Dispel 4th,Lifaga,Curaga,Stona,Curaga.''Old man said and it seemed that Lancelot started breathing,but nothing happened to Mister.''Aslesa,take him to other medics and come join the battlefield,there are many humans needing your help.''Old man said,while he started teleporting towards battlefield.

Same time on a airship:''Huh,arghh my back,where am i now.''Mark whispered.
''He looked up and saw Elto's face.''You dummy,twice you fall to my airship.''Elto shouted.
''Huh,how the heck i am alive?''Mark asked.
''A gift from the Patriot,self-sacrifice i think.''
''What?Why?Not my dad or?...''
''I am sorry Mark,but i think it was your dad,his body is lying next to you.''Mark looked to left and saw his dad's body lying down on the floor:''So he did came back afterall.''
''Yeh,two weeks back i saw him last time,he was searching for you,but why he was down here,i think some upper business.''Elto said,''And now get the hell out from my ship and go kick everyones ass.Mark looked at his dad's body when it dissapeared and jumped out of the airship onto the back of a Silver Dragon,shot a dozen of bullets to it's head and jumped to next dragon.
Same time at Alexandria:''Heh this freaky guards ar killing everyones.I ill sho them my powers.''A three eyed man shouted:''Firaga,Thundaga,Blizzaga,Flare,Thundaga,Blizzaga,Firaga,shock,shock,thunder slash...''Few moments later whole center square was full of dead Emperor soldiers.''Haha tha was eas.''Kalypso laughed.''Now time to enter real battl.''Kalypso started running towards Battlefield when three bombing airships started bombing Alexandria:''Huh,my hmetow,idiot.''Kalypso transformed into a 5 Meters high Cyclops and started destroying the airships.Just when last airship fell down a Legendary Airship came up to Alexandria:''ooo shiiiit.''Kalypso started running,few seconds later,there was no Alexandria,only a empty hole.
Minute ago in the battlefield:''Shiiiit,its Immortal Crusader.''Solidus shouted.A gigantic airship rided over the battlefield,even higher then Kratos and Angel were fighting.Half minute later a big explosion wave passed battlefield:''Noooo...''Aslesa started crying after he saw that,Solidus face turned cold,he took Exalibur II from his back and said:''Its time that you lead me,because i am not in the form to lead you.''Solidus said to EXalibur II and it started glowing.''Shock,Shock,thunderslash,Climhazzard,Shock,CLimhazzard.''Solidus laughed these words and the sword in his hands did all these magics himself.A minute later Emperor soldiers started running while shouting.''Get cover,Destruction and Rampage coming.''Few moments later two 10 meter high monsters rushed to battlefield and kicked out tanks and everyone else.Solidus shouted:''Aiden,these two are for you,i need to deal with Kratos,dont worry about me,if i die i will be back sometime.''
Aslesa shouted to Solidus:''Be back,promise.''
''I promise''Solidus said and flyed to highs:''Wow,this sword is more powerful then it was last time i used it.''Solidus thinked himself.
''hahaha,Hello Turok,dont you see i am busy?''Kratos said to Solidus and casted an ultima spell towards Solidus.
''You wont be busy after i have finished with you.''Solidus shouted.
''Exalibur II,i think you got a chance.''Angel said.
Dozens of ultimas flyed to Solidus,but he didnt fall.While Kratos was busy with killing Solidus,Angel had telport to his back and slashed him wiht his blade,Kratos got a big wound into his face.''Huh,hows that possible,my powerful body could take a hit from weakling like you,no its not normal.''Kratos shouted.He kicked Angel away with Windaga and turned to Solidus and started casting deadly attacks on Solidus when he said:''Doomsday!!!''Solidus face turned cold and he said:''Your lame tricks wont stop me.Few seconds later comets flyed into Solidus,darkness was everywhere now,the whole planet was covered in darkness.''Hahaha,atlast you are dead,haha...whaa?''Kratos saw a glowing body flying next to him:''You tought you are the only one who can use legendary trance.''Solidus shouted.Angel teleported next to Solidus,rised his blade and said:''Light''.The darkness was gone,the battle was going on,but now the light revealed Solidus glowing face where blood was flooding.Kratos falled back and said:''Hah you may have trance but you dont have powers compared to me.''
''I am sorry brother,but you are not the one who i knew,at least not for last millenium.Omnislash.''Dozen of blades appeared everywhere around Kratos.Solidus flyed to each one of them took them and hitted with each blade throught Kratos body.''Nooooo...''Kratos started laughing:''I will be back,sooner or later i will,and then there will be noone who can stop me.''Kratos teleported in front of Solidus and pushed his blade into Solidus hearth.''Shock''Angel shouted and cutted Kratos head.After that KRatos body dissapeared and Angel teleported away.Solidus fell down next to Aiden and Aslesa:''Dont worry my friend,i will be back and will make you feel proud of your student.And Aslesa,dont worry about me,just defeat Emperor.Oh and Aiden feel free to use Exalibur II.Solidus closed his eyes and Aslesa started crying when an Angel of Death suddenly appeared next to Solidus body and took it.Then he dissapeared with Solidus body.Aslesa was left behind crying.

OOC:Aiden you can tell your battle story until the spot where Solly died and after that the battle will go on,end it like you like,but dont let any my friends die and offcourse make Emperor escape.
Aiden099 ran into the city and snuck past the guards..

he found Kalypos

"Kalypos.. i have a letter for you from Solidus.."

Aiden099 handed him the letter

"So Solidus is dead?"

"What no i just saw him"

"this letter has his death certificate in as well - he died in the open battle.."

Aiden099 looked.. " Damn it Solidus!"

Aiden099 ran to the gates of the City and took out his Mystical Horn and gave a Powerful blow into it.. the roar of the east was heard for miles..

Aiden099 ran to his bike and drew his swords and rode for war..

"My Leige!"

Aiden099's ride for a mile and a half had been intercepted by Alexander and the Riders..

Alexander gave aiden a new horse instead of his motorbike and aiden099 statshed his swords and rode with the riders.

The riders would take care of most of the enemies..

All Aiden Cared about was Solidus.. his friends.. Kratos and the Emporer..

Aiden099 rode through the enemy slicing them down as he rode.. a few rouge spells flew at him but he simply dodged them..

one spell of earthquake sent him flying from his new horse onto the ground where he lay next to Solidus's cold dead body

"OI leave that sword be!"
Mark came running at aiden

"Mark its me i'm on your side!"

"oh sorry aiden"

Aiden099 picked up the Excaliber 2 and drew his own sword of kings and merged the weapons together.. it turned into a large great sword...

"where are you going aiden?"

"Alexander.. i'm going after Kratos.. and then the Emporer. take care of these people.. make sure none of them die!"

Aiden099 looked at Mark - oh give Solidus this potion.. it'll cure him..
Aiden099 threw Mark a phoneix down and he stode off towards Kratos who was killing off some innocent fighters..

"Oi ... Party's Over.. Lets do this!"

"My Wings!"

Kratos ran at Aiden but he simply moved out of his way

"Come on old man your better than this.."

Kratos cast a spell which hit aiden099 in the chest and sent him flying..

at this point aiden099 heard the horn of the south being blown.... Garsol had retaken the south and rode out to help... the enemy were surely crushed

"Garsol! Don't let the emporer Escape!

"I'm on it bro!"

Garsol rode off in a different direction to the warriors of the south who charged to the battle with swords drawn.. bows firing and mages spells flying..

Garsol rode after the Emporer's horse... this was going to be a long fight.. Garsol the lord of the darkness verse the Emporer..

Garsol drew his bow and started to take out some of his bodyguards whilst riding..

hopefull the arrows would scare the horses...
While Aiden was hit from spell by Kratos,every man could see that Kratos has no power left,because of Omnislash what Solidus did.''Ahh,i need to go.''Kratos shouted to dragons and teleported away.
(A bit of god modding now).Aiden fell down near to Garsol while Garsol said:''Aiden,Solidus,someone took him away,it looked like Angel of Death,but i am no sure.But seems like Kratos left the field,now come and help me!''
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Aiden099 looked at Garsol - "Brother i will go after Solidus .. you go after the Emporer .. keep him here untill we get back..

With that aiden099 took out his leather and wrote Solidus on it..

"Carn't Run away forever Kratos.. now leave Solidus and lets fight... just me and you.. to the death"
OOC: sorry i was gone for a while guys, i received a virus and had to sort it out. do you guys mind going with the explanation that i went on vacation for my absence?

IC: Shadow was heading back to the guild when he heard Aiden's voice in his head. "right when i get off vacation" Shadow muttered tuning in. It seemed that Aiden was going to hunt a down a man named Kratos. Shadow remembered the new kid, Solid, joining the guild. "well at least i got a vacation." Shadow muttered as he walked into a shadow and found himself on a battleground. "hi guys i''m back what did i miss?
Aiden099 split excaliber 2 and sword of kings to two seperate weapons..

"Bring it Kratos!"

"Give it all you've got!"

Kratos went to cast a spell but he then remembered he was low on MP

"Damn it..!"

Aiden099 looked at his swords and clenched his fists around the handles enfusing them with his body and with the spells of Flare and Holy..

"My Turn!"

Aiden099 ran at Kratos and slowly sliced at him getting closer through the barrier protecting him everytime..
OOC: Aha Dante! The plot thickens...

IC: Wolf gazed down at the body of kara, bloodied and beaten. He hated seeing these deaths recently. He'd seen his sort of thing thousands of times, yet each and every one felt worse than the last. Would it never end this emotional torment?

Wolf walked away with no emotion in his eyes. He had trained himself to do such a thing. He walked into the Control Room eyes downcast...he missed her soo much. Se left him hundreds of years ago but truth be, she was the only one he truly loved. Why he woul never forget, he wouldn't know. She had treated him like shit, yet each and every time, He had taken it and loved her even more especially when she was actually herself and loved him back...supposedly...Wolf was torn apart although he never showed it

Suddenly a blue dragon appeared by his side

Wolf "Go away Leviathan, i'm not feeling in the mood..."

With no warning whatsoever, Leviathan struck at wolf knocked him unconscious instantly. In the next second the room flooded with water and both Leviathan and Wolf wanished. Ragnarok was nowhere to be seen either...
Kratos had enough and smashed aiden099 against the wall..

"God damn it Kratos.."

"mighty guard!"

A shield came around aiden099 and he looked at Kratos

"Come on then"

Aiden099 looked at his arm carring his weapon .. it was glowing a wierd colour

Aiden099 pointed his hand at Kratos's arm..



"Just as i thought... Kratos's arm had been affected by Zombie..."

"Damn you aiden... Holyva!"

"Oh S*£$!"

The Holy flew straight towards aiden099 who tried to absorb it into his sword but it was too powerful and his sword exploded shattereing them both in shards of powerful sword...


Aiden099 stood up and tried to control the Holyva spell with his hands and keep it from hitting it

"Just about .. .got it!"

Aiden099 pushed his hands forward and the spell flew straight back at Kratos whose reflect spell and it bounced off and hit the ceiling which started to collapse

"Oh sh"*$!"

Aiden099 grabbed onto Solidus's body and cast Ryker onto it..

"Damn it Solidus..!"

Aiden099 found himself laid on the guild floor..


"AIden your back.. "

"Save Solidus i have to go"

AIden099 kissed desert and then teleported back to the room with kratos..
he cast protect which stopped the higher bits of rock falling onto him..

Kratos was not soo lucky..

a large chunk of rock hit him and struck him to the floor and made him trapped..

"Kratos you can take that off.."

"Aiden.. the battle's over.. take my wings.. become the light.. this will be my grave.."

"No Kratos i can save you!"

"Aiden you have to teleport"

"Teleport Son.. the battle is over.."

AIden099 tried to walk out and save Kratos but he was stopped by Garsol

"Garsol get out of my way.. i cannot let him die!"

"you must aiden! Garsol threw a teleport spell back and rugby tackled aiden into it

"Kratos! No!"

Garsol sealed the portal and aiden099 found himself back in the guild

"Garsol Why? what about the emporer.."

"he's dead.. he was ambushed by ninja's before i got to him"

"But why kratos as well!"

"Aiden your angry and i am sorry"

"Sorry for what"


Garsol punched aiden in the face reducing him to the floor and knocking him unconcious...

Garsol carried aiden and solidus into two individal rooms..

"Doctor you have work to do..!"

OOC : Garsol has returned to being an Ally