The Final Fantasy Guild Of Mages

Dante stood on his balcony, he could feel something wrong in the guild, but he couldn't care less. he walked through, the guild without the regular smile on his face, his walk was as confident as usual. he walked out into the courtyard and looked into the sky "i need to do this my friends" he muttered in the direction of the guild, he then teleported up onto the moon, in front of Bahamut.

"Bahamut, lay me to rest, put me to sleep" Bahamut glared at Dante "either put me to sleep or send me into the future" Bahamut Snapped his fingers and launched Dante into the future by like 300 to 400 years. to a time where his fellow guild members were dead.
Aiden099 laid in pain from mental trauma...

he knew that he could have saved Kratos...

"Aiden... are you awake?"

Aiden recognised the voice instantly...

he went to push himsefl up as much as he could
"Don't strain yourself babe"

Desert ran over from the door to his bed side..

"What happened?"

"Kratos.. said somethings... made the building collapse.. a large chunk fell on him.. i tried to save him.. he ordered me to leave and garsol threw me here..
and the knocked me out.."

"What did Kratos say?"

"he wanted me to take his wings back.. save them from evil.. become for lord of light..."

"What are you going to do?"

"I can take them.. but as Ultimacia's Decendant.. it must please you to see me in pain..."

"Aiden don't be silly .. i never ever own to that claim... i don't like to see you hurt .."
Desert's cold hands ran down the side of aiden's face...

"I'm so glad your back and safe.."

Aiden099 looked into desert's eyes..

"I need to go to the temple of light... take me there?"

"Okay darling.. give me a moment i will make some arrangements.."

Desert left and ran back in

"Aiden its Dante - he's gone!"

"Gone where?!"

"the control panel says to the moon but he is flatlined...."

"oh god.."


Aiden099 stood up unhooked himself from the machine and ran to the main control room...

"Doc he aint flat lined.. just in the future.."

"hang on! thats what kratos meant.. if i become the Lord of Light _ I will still be here when Dante awakens.."

"Quick there is no time let us go to the temple!"

Aiden099 was already out of the door before the others could get out of their chairs.
Shadow walked along the halls of the future guild, having been spying on Dante through the shadows, he was caught in the future warp. "absolutely great. first i find myself at a battlefield after my vacation, now i'm stuck in time." Shadow muttered insults at the dragon that had put him their, then calmed down. "well i'm sure there's a way out i just gotta find Dante. ah crap..." Shadow muttered as he noticed a few fiends outside the window. "BEGONE SHADOW THUNDERA" Shadow shouted pointing his hand at the fiends. the fiends were running away, but weren't dead. "great. Dante when i find you, you are going to send me back to my time or i swear to god i will make your life miserable."
OOC:Lol,actually i meant that Angel of Death is someone else,who putted Solidus to heaven but shit,you didnt give me a chance to tell it so let it be like it is.NIce Story btw.
Oh and Aiden dont be so happy about your wings,Kratos had a badbad reason giving them to you lols:Dbut make it like your character doesnt know it.

IC:Solidus stood up from his bed and said to Mark,who had just entered the room:''You know that Kratos planned that Aiden kicks his face?''
''Yeah,i did think about it,he wouldnt selfkilled his body if he wouldn had a plan and reasons.I never believe that a villian like he would ever gone good again,its against his nature and destinity.''
''So we dont give Aiden a clue?''Solidus asked.
''Nop,i want to know,what Kratos wanted.But still we can be sure that he wont do mind controlling,its too lame for him,but some mind talking,hmm meaby...''Mark said.
''Okay Mark,i feel myself kinda,hmm rusty i would say,shit that took alot of willpower to use a omnislash when i am in few months old body.Offcourse trance saved me but Kratos,i dont get it,he could finished me and everyone else off in seconds,why he didnt?''
''Surely he wanted to fight an equal opponent,and his plan,offcourse if we ever find out,it wont be in next years.''Mark answered.
Solidus looked at his desk and saw pieces from Exalibur II.''Whoaa,thank you god,it was a copy,hahaha.''
''Huh?...A copy,you lame dumbass,you gave a copy to Aiden,who fighted Kratos?''Mark was surprised.
''Yeah,that glowing in that blade,was only the power of piece of light,which i entered there before,thats the reason why Aiden didnt die when he got hit by some serious spells.And after the cristals power was out,the blade got destroyed.It wasnt a bad sword at all,but it wasnt anywhere near real ones.I get going now,say hey to Aslesa.''
Solidus left the room,took a bike from garage and started riding to temple of light.
OOC: Aiden the only way you could have possibly known that i had been sent into the future is if you were to converse with Bahamut,

IC: Dante stood facing Bahamut, "how far into the future am I?" Bahamut looked up "you have been sent exactly 372 years into the future, it is the same time as when you left to the minute" Dante smirked so be it" Dante turned around to exit the main chamber "Dante, i have set you up a bank account in this future, you have enough to get started with an apartment and hold you until you get a job" Dante looked over his shoulder "thank you, old friend" Dante then exited the throne room of Bahamut's temple and teleported back down to earth, the world had changed extremely, Cities now stood were forests were and the continents had split up (I'm now on present day earth, somewhere in America to be precise)

Dante strode through the streets of this new and strange city he had come across, he saw a large stone building with the letters 'B-A-N-K' written above the door, "I guess that is the bank" Dante walked in so he could collect some money but there was no way he could have expected what would have happened. While he was stood at the counter talking to the lady behind the glass panel three automatic rifle rounds rung out.

"Everyone on the ground now and no one will get hurt" Everyone asides Dante lay on the ground, Dante looked around in surprise at everyone's reaction "hey kid get on the floor" Dante turned around and saw a man wearing all black and a black balaclava "Kid get on the floor now and you won't get hurt" the man announced as he pressed the barrel of his rifle against Dante's cheek "lie down, and watch me and my friends empty the vault like a good hostage" Dante smirked "how about you leave this bank and i won't be forced to watch you die" the man smiled "and how do you intend to do that?" by this point Police sirens were singing outside and the vault was open "i won't do anything, but as for my boy over there" Dante muttered as the public who had gathered outside the bank began screaming about a dragon, the man turned around to see Bahamut stood in a hole where the door used to be the man and his complacences were so scared they dropped their guns Bahamut flew up into the air as the police charged in and arrested the men, Dante acted like another Hostage and cowered in a corner, he dismissed Bahamut and then went with the police to give a witness statement of what had happened.
As Shadow wandered the town, he consulted his memory from what some of the dead down in the realm of the dead had said. he picked his way through, then heard screams about a dragon. "Dante" Shadow muttered sprinting towards the screams. when he arrived, he saw a huge hole in the bank and Dante. "Dante you had better have a good idea on how i'm supposed to get back to our time." Shadow shouted at him.
Dante turned and looked at Shadow, "well to start with, i shouldn't help you because you were spying on me, Second i should probably have you eaten for spying on me and thirdly, I'm going to send you to the moon, from there Bahamut shall send you back Dante then placed his hand on Shadow's shoulder and as they teleported back to the moon Bahamut looked at Dante

"sick of this time already?" Bahamut asked "No, send him back" Dante replied pushing shadow in Bahamut's direction "Oh and Shadow, tell the guys at the guild, I'll return when...or If i am read, goodbye" Dante announced as Bahamut sent him back to the guild in the past "And good luck kid, i hope you guys stay safe" Dante then teleported back down to Earth and sat on a bench in a park as it started to rain Dante just sat and looked out over a lake, people were running for shelter or opening their umbrella's
"it's good to be back" Shadow muttered as he was back on the moon of his time. or at least he thought it was his time. "Bahamut i am warning you now, if this isn't my time, your going to pay dearly" Shadow then shadow walked back to the guild and found everyone staring at a computer screen reading Dante's status. "hey guys Dante is in the future by about 350 years. he'll be coming back...uhm actually he never said when he was coming back. he told me to tell you guys goodbye."
In future.
A police officer went next to Dante and said:''Huh i tought when you will come Dante,...dont recognize me?Oh yeah sorry i forgot about my new look,its actually only imaginal look,but i think i look modern.''
''Huh?''Dante was kinda shocked.
''Comeone you know that i am Solidus,i know you hadnt to do much with me at your present moment,but after that we came across some times.Oh and dont call Bahamut here,not atleast in the citys.And take this,its present money.''Solidus handed 200$ to Dante and smiled to him.''So want to know anything?''

Present time-
Solidus made it to the light temple,but Aiden was not yet there.
An Angel come next to Solidus and said:''You...?You know that Upper lord is very worried about you two brothers.One is down at moment but surely is into something and you...know more then you seem to.''
''There is nothing i need to tell you.I have no idea why Upper lord should be worried,surely Kratos had nothing in his mind and he is dead because of Aiden powers.Now i need you to accept Aiden as your ally,its all i ask and its somehting you need to accept.You know what forces will be included when you dont do a favor to me.Your lord owns me and you know it.''
''Okay,then you may leave now.''Angel said loudly.
''No i stay here,Aiden is my trainer,and i will follow him for some time.''Solidus said quicly and straightly.
Moments later everyone could feel that Aiden was getting near.
OOC: just going to refer back to my previous post here, don't think anyone took the time to read it please not the last line.

Bahamut Snapped his fingers and launched Dante into the future by like 300 to 400 years. to a time where his fellow guild members were dead.

so solidjuss, you say your still alive, can we please remember that we are all human in race so being able to live for 4 centuries, (okay 3.72 centuries) is like massively out of the question, this is part of my personal quest that must be done alone.

IC:Dante took the money from Solidjuss and looked at him "I don't know how your here, but leave now! and as for the advice on Bahamut, thanks" Dante then walked away from Solidjuss as he had his own shit to sort out before he could return to the guild in the past. Dante looked in a shop window and found an add for a single apartment, Dante went for a look around and then moved in. he went straight to bed because he hadn't slept much, as for in the morning he would go job hunting, he was planning to stay here for a while.
OOC:Sorry dindnt notice that all guild members are dead,but actually i am not guild member in that time anymore for some centuries.And also i will tell how i am so old,even in present time soon to Aiden,so you will get the point.If you want you can search me in future to get the picture faster.And sorry,just wanted to give you some money lol ;)

''Yeah,i am sorry for interupting you,but you will thank me sometime in past.''Solidus saw Dante leaving:''You always complained that you didnt had any cash and you needed to sleep under benches and steal food.So you will thank me sometime if you get the point.Anyway good luck.''Solidus said quietly.
He walked outside from the bank,when a bike stopped next to him:''Was it really him?...''A man with cold face asked.
''Yeah,it was Dante,and seems like he was alot colder when he was in time i knew him.''Solidus said.
''Okay,hope he will have good time,but still i dont think that he will go to searching of history.You know all that fights back some time that destroyed the big continent middle and separeted everything.So you wont still tell me the right reason why you came to look him?''that man asked.
''It was because i wanted to warn him,about not calling Bahamut here,atleast not in cities.You know that Bahamut never came back from future.It was actually a reason of beggining chaos after Dante's return.''
''Still i dont think it would change anything in the past.''Man said while he turned in the engine of bikes.
''It wont,i know,but he always feeled himself quilty of Bahamuts disappear.You know that we were good friends for long time,but meaby now we wont,because he has no reason to join me.Back then he wanted to change the future,and i helped him,now he wont if he doesnt call him.Anyway lets get moving Aidy.''Solidus jumped on the bike and they started riding really fast.

OOC:Aiden if you do your thing in temple, come to talk with Solidus.
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Aiden099 came into the temple and saw Solidus..

"Desert take Solidus to the guild and keep him there .. this is going to take a few days"

"Solidus my friend i am sorry for Kratos i did what i could..."

Garsol : " Solidus aiden speaks the truth - now he must stand forth for the transaction to light or war rages once more.."

Garsol patted aiden099 on the sholder

"Good luck bro"

"Garsol .. get them out of here!"

"Very well"


As aiden started to run into the temple he heard desert's voice behind him.. he knew she wasn't going to stay quiet


Come back soon okay?"

"hey babe, i'll be back before ya know :P"

Aiden099 winked and nodded at Garsol and ran into the temple..

"Okay i gotta work this thing mehself.."

Aiden099 pressed a few buttons and the purificiation chamber opened up.
"here goes.. goodbye world..."

Aiden099 walked into the chamber and closed the door and sat in the middle of the room and started to pray...

The Lights came from the ceiling and started to purify aiden....

In the future :

After the death of the guild and all its member's, and after aiden099 converted to being the lord of light he and desert were exiled from the guild for harvesting infomation on Dante's wearabouts..

Aiden099 and Desert lived on worlds end where their curse came back..

now 372 years into the future.. aiden099 is running for president of the united states of america - he is old and fragile but still a powerful leader... he has about 30 years left...

350 years passed and the curse wore off desert and she died from illnesss.. in aiden099's lengthy lifetime he has buried friends.. lovers... a wife but no one meant more to him than his second wife desert..

after this aiden099 gave up the noble art of magic.. denounced himself as lord of light and came back to live for another 30 years on the earth..

aiden099 may appear as old as Dante's grandfather now.. age does awful things to him. but he inside is still a fighter.. and is waiting for that final fight..

one last chance to prove to himself it was not all worth nothing... and that he did not make a mistake

in the present

the lights faded and aiden's wings came out of his back... and he collapsed but the lights of the temple were slowly healing aiden

OOC : he will be knocked out for a few weeks whilst in his head he is in the future
Dante was starting to get sick of all the talk about the general election, so he left to clear his head he walked and walked for hours, he eventually arrived at election HQ where one of the candidates was speaking trying to raise his public relations. Dante couldn't explain it but he was drawn there.

"and now ladies and gentlemen, the man your here to see" an announcer called out through a microphone "Aiden099" Dante became shocked as an elderly man walked out from back stage, he looked around 60 years of age "It can't be, but how" Dante couldn't contain it "you should be dead" he shouted as loud as he could gaining the attention of everyone, Aiden's face became just as shocked as Dante's.

Both of Dante's fists clenched extremely tight and his white and black wings spread from his back "now you die" he shouted as he threw a ball of Bio at Aiden Who's blood soaked wings split his Gucci suit in half to block "so it is you, you should have died with the guild" the Buster sword appeared in Aiden's hand "you shouldn't have left" Dante looked angry "you stole my sword" Aiden smiled "No lone gave it to me when you left, i became his second in command"
Wolf woke up in the center of the rejuvination pool dazed. he opened his eyes and dived out of the pool coughing up blood. He looked around. The water temple

Leviathan "About time. I dont think you are fulfilling your duties lone wolf. and as result i will have to kill you"

Wolf "Well no shit, i've been in charge of the guild whilst sephiroth alpha has been gone, what do you expect"

Leviathan "I will test your skills once more as one of the legendary elementalists"

Wolf "Fine with me"

Leviathan "Kill each monster you see"

All went black and wolf woke up on top of the ocean. Elementalist could walk on water if they so wished. rather helpful. Suddenly the water rippled and 4 behemoth snakes rose up from each side of him

Wolf drew his torrent blades and remebered something...these were water snakes that absorbed water magic...shit. He drained the magic just in time to dodge many bites and tail whips and dived forward slashing the flesh of one the snakes which reared back in pain bringing its fangs down upon him. Wolf held back an agonising scream and stabbed its eye using one sword and sliced its neck with the other killing it. 3 More, that was until one of the snakes grabbed him by its tail and held him up whilst the other 2 bite him with huge fangs...ow

Wolf leaned up and double cut the tail slicing it off imediately. As all three brough their head down wolf whirlwinded his sword decapitating all at the same time...that wasn't all though

OOC: Dante do you wish me to make an appearance in teh future:P
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OOC: i am guessing not, Dante wants to be alone.

IC: Shadow heard the sounds of battle, with Mith vs water monsters, then paused and decided not to go. "i'll go to him after he is done because i am getting sick of what these beasts are doing to the people of this guild. the first to die shall be Leviathan." Shadow muttered as he went towards his room and grabbed up his shadow pendant. "but first, i will need some help" Shadow decided to go get his uncle to helped, and shadow walked to the valley of death.
In present-Solidus sat down in a chair in temple and started meditating
Garsol asked:''Not coming?''
''No,i will be waiting here,i have somthing to explain to Aiden when he gets back.''
''Whatever.''And others left the temple,only Solidus was there.After few hours The Angel came and sat next to him:''So you think he will get it?...''
''So you figured it out,plan of Kratos!Hmm not so sure...meaby.''Solidus started smiling and was meditating again.

In future-While Aiden was fighting whit Dante a voice came to Aidens head:''Aiden you know who i am,you may finalise your job,i will take care of Aidy like i have done for last centuries,I will also once go look for Desert,and give that message to him,what you wanted me to give him after you prayed at temple of light.''Surely said Solidus voice,but it was a bit of darker and colder then it was at present.
''I thank you my friend!Now i need to concentrate to fight.''Said Aiden back to Solidus in his mind.
''See,its okay Aidy,now lets get to business.''Solidus said to bike rider.

OOC:Sorry for a making a son for you,but comeone a love story without childs :)
Present time-Solidus suddenly jumped away from the chair and left the temple.He jumped onto his bike and started riding.Few minutes later he made to the Burcaria-city of lancers and dragoons.Some guards welcomed him at the gate,when he rided towards the palace,he entered it and runed to roof.Some old friends were waiting for him there:''Whats the problem?You telled me to come fast.''Solidus said loudly.
''Yes,.. James.''
''Huh,how you know?''Solidus was shocked.
''Why i shouldnt?''said old man.
''Now tell us your story James!''Lancelot said.
''Hmm,okay,i will...''Solidus said.
''Darling,you sure about it?''Aslesa said.
''Yeah..No doubts about it.Okay i start from the beginning.I was born,or created...about 1200 years ago.Same with my bro,Lord of Hope,Tom.I and my bro was raised by an old man,called Dallas,a legendary hero,but we offcourse had no idea about it in that time.
''The one who single-handed beated Bahamut?''Old man asked.
''Yeah,you could say that,but thats a different story.Now he raised us and saw great talent in both of us,but he trained Kratos more then me,it was always liek that.After we had been trained for 25 years,he knew that we aged really slowly,because we looked like 16 year old guys.So after we had been trained for 25 years,a man,called Acelator,Legendary guard of King Turias II,wanted to train a real champion,so master Dallas gave him Kratos.I was left with master Dallas.He really didnt train me much to fight.But he trained me alot by making me to work for him.All the paintings and water bringing and so on.He trained me also good mentally.Meaby because of that,my mind has always been stronger then Kratos.So after 40 years beign at Master Dallas,Kratos came back.He was musceled and cold-hearted.He wanted to challenge me,so we did.I won him,offcourse my physical powers were no mach to him but i was smarter then him,so i won.He was shocked and mad about me,but he never told that to me.Then we both lived at master's place for 2 years when Master told one day,that we need to leave and travel.Kratos went five minutes before i did.At that time when Kratos was walking away,master said to me,that i am the chosen one,i may not seem as strong as Kratos,but i will always surpass him;That Kratos needs tons of more training then me to reach my level.So we left to travel around the world.2 years after we left,we heared that master had died,but he had called an Angel to us.So after few days an Angel came to us and took Kratos away,to be the protector against Kasak,the Lord of Hope,
to be trained by upper lord himself,God was he called.So i was left behind.I travelled for 50 years alone,when i first met a young woman,called Aslesa.''
''My mother!''Aslesa said.
''Yeah,Kary's mother.She teached me alot about life and knowledge.He told me the stories about Ancient ones,summoners,summons,life force and everything like that.She also teached me how to reborn.She was the leader of Ancient ones.We travelled together alot,for many years,i thinked about him always as a mom,when she one day left.So i was alone for some years,again.When one day i met an man called Mister,the protector of Hell and Satan.Offcourse he never told me about the job,but he travelled with me many years,and in that time he trained me alot.Then one day he bringed me to Hells mansion,that time it was called Passage to Hell.He aquainted me to Hell,so we became friend with Hell.Mister himself left to down,so Hell trained me for a decade.Then Mister came back,and started training me,he trained me for many decades.Just when one day a messenger came,talking about Kasak return.Mister was calm and said,once we beated him we will do it again,but Hell was really concerned.Then i first met Satan,he came from down world and bringed some ferious warriors with him.Then they took me and we went to a protal,far-far away from Hells mansion.We entered it and we were teleported to Heaven fields,where an Gray Angel was flying towards Gate of Heaven,while some Angels tried to stop him,but were no match for him.Mister teleported next to him and a furious fight started.The fight has been telled in songs and books,so i wont talk about it.Offcourse i was never mentioned by my name,they just told that a mysterious one beated him.So yeah when the fight was almost ending by our loss,Kratos came and started 1vs1 with Kasak,he was losing,he had no chance against him,but still he showed some really good battle and skills.Then Kratos just got into his trance form,when i used my blade,Exalibur II,and cutted down Kasak wings,that was a shock to everyone,even to myself.Seconds later,God came and attacked Kasak,Kasak was so shocked about losing his wings to a weakling like me,a weak mortal,who looked like a 60 years old man.So he teleported away,and told just before going,i will be back in my normal time.God gave me the title of Watcher,He made me Immortal,so that time wont never hurt me,he made me the one who always waches over humans.I had and 40 years old body once again.I feeled good,but Kratos was shocked,that he didnt beat Kasak.Offcourse,Kratos was made immortal too,but he was furious that he couldnt be the wacher over people,so he attacked God,and because God had teached and trained him for so long,he couldnt attack him.God got some serious wounds and after that he never will show himself to humans or immortals.Only his Archangel can see him in eternity.Kratos left to space,he went to search Kasak.''
''Did he find him?''Lancelot asked.
''I will never know that,but i think he did.So yeah i was a hero,a legend,so i travelled alot and did many legendary things and fought legendary battles.So one day i met Aslesa again,i think it was like 500 years ago,oh and Kary was with him,a young girl,something like 20.She told me that someday Kratos will return,and revenge on me.Also she told me the Legend of life force and planets hearts and Kingdom of Paradise.We all were together for 2 years,when suddenly one day,Aslesa told us that she will leave now,that she had wandered in this world for too much time.She talked with Kary private and called me just few seconds before she passed out and told me to take care of Aslesa.So we travelled together with Aslesa,when i fell in love with her.We were inseparable.We lvoed eachouther much.Then one day,i saw that se was older then me,i mean her body,he looked like 70 years old.I knew she gets older and me not,but it was somekind of too fast.So i teached him the reborn trick.So when she passed out,she was back after 10 years and she looked like 20years old.Then i told him to live her life,just for some greater reasons,what i am not in the mood to tell you...atleast not now.So yeah about 300 years back,Mister came to me and said that Kratos is soon back.So one day he came back,he was powerful,more powerful then anyone could imagine.He forced me to duel with him,so i asked him to fight outside form here.Then started a legendary fight.I wont tell you more about that fight,but only that i wont and killed Kratos.So after that i lived my life peacefully for 200 years,when suddenly one day i heared that King had a new child.I just feeled bad about it,i dont know why but i feeled something bad.So i asked Satan about it,and he told me the truth,that the child was Kratos,it was God's job,he wanted and hoped,taht if Kratos had no memory and when he is purified he will become the defender of earth.So yeah i went to kill him,beause i thought i knew alot more about Kratos then God himself,who had eben hiding for almost an millenium.So i rised my sword and hitted Kratos,but it seemed like God knew it and i died in the moment i tried to kill Kratos.So i lost my immortality,but i reborned,thanks to magic of Ancient Ones.So i reborned to Kings family,as son of Queen of Alexandria and son of King of Alexandria.I had my memoryes but i tried to lost them,but Prince Kratos,thats the name he was called,had no idea about his past and life before his death.You all know the story after that so i am not going to tell it again.''
''Yah,we know,buthow did Kratos get his memories back?''Mark asked.
''He readed my mind.He was still as talentful as he was back when he aws first born.He didnt get the whole picture at beggining,but i think someone told him a bit more.''
Solidus turned around and said:''Anyway i gotta go now,i hope you guys are more happier now.''Solidus runed down form the palace,jumped onto his bike and rided to temple of light.He sat next to Angel and said:''I told my story to some people.''
''Okay,watcher.''Angel said.

OOC: So yeah heres my story guys,i will tell the part from my prince life someday,adn alot more secrets and twists too :)
Wolf looked down to see a huge dragon creature spring from the water. It was biiger (and more powerful) than that of Ragnarok. Easy.


Wolf expected the 'dragon' to stop to his command. Instead it kept running, then wolf realised it wasn't a dragon. It was an ancient Draconis. Shit he hadn't seen these things in ages. Draconis' had the form and shape of dragons but were compeltely different altogether. Think Tiger and Lion

Wolf immediately dived into the water and looked up aiming his sword, just as the surprised draconis rushed over where he used to be wolf sprang upwards stabbing its belly ripping a good chunk form it. The draconis flew into an immediate rage followed by thrashing waves and heavy, heavy torrents of rain. It didn't hurt him just made things difficult for Wolf...
Aiden099 simply put his hand up and absorbed Dante's bio spell

"Aiden099 died alone along time ago.. he was weak..
my name is Xanther"

Xanther pointed his long fingers at Dante.. he knew this was a fight he wouldn't win..

"Dante stop this foolish fighting and came and talk to me.. after the election are announced"

"And the new president of the United States of America is........."

"Aiden 099 or Xanther or whatever he is called now"


Xanther leaned backwards and whispered to his bodyguard

The bodyguard walked down the stairs to Dante..

"Dante may i presume?

The President would like to meet you in person away from the crowds..

if you would like to come with me transport is arranged to the white house.. you can rest up and talk to the president in the morning"

Xanther left the stage taking a final look into the crowd and bowing

"Thank you my fellow americans"

Xanther got into a car in the back and drove alone in silence to the white house ... wondering what dante was going to be like when he got there..

Dante had 8 hours to calm down...

Xanther turned his head to his wings .. they slowly went back into his suit and closed up..

"damn it kratos.. why me.."

Xanther pulled into the drive and his jacket was ripped and blood stained..

getting out of the car his butler looked at him

"my lord are you okay?"
"yes alexander i am fine thank you. we have a problem though.. dante is here..."


Xanther walked into the house and closed the doors himself locking himself in his private study..
he would talk with dante in the morning
While Xanther locked himself to his room,a man unlocked it and entered the room.''Wait meaby,... is that the way to welcome old friend?''It was Solidus and a young man standing next to him.''Congratulations,mr.president.I know that there arent many guys like me,but still you should make your guarding more effective.So what's your business with Dante?He doesnt know anything about your wings,i didnt tell him it back then.''