The Final Fantasy Guild Of Mages

Dante watched as Xanther got into the car, and looked at the bodyguard in disgust. he grabbed the Bodyguards face with his right hand and lifted him into the air the body guard was mumbling in fear and from what Dante could hear he was begging for his life "please no, i have a son" Dante smirked "pathetic" Dante began squeezing the mans head and he began screaming in pain "I have a wife, a family who i love very much" Dante threw the Body guard across the stage and watched as he bounce as he hit the floor "YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT LOVE!!!" Dante shouted By this time three or four Bodyguards had stood around the injured one and pulled out their guns.

Dante smirked "Do you have any idea who your fucking with?" one of the BG (Body guards) stepped forward "Sir, please stop your aggression or we will be forced to kill you" Dante held his hands out slightly to the side "Obviously not" Dante then looked into the crowd and saw many camera's and families watching "I guess a demonstration is in order" Dante announced before hitting the group of BG's with a shadow flare spell, killing them all instantly, Shocking the crowd into running for their lives,Dante turned to look out into the crowd "I'm not the bad guy here"
Present time-''Shit he is taking so long,huh i will go look if shadows back from vacation.I never could had the fight with him what he wished.''Solidus left the temple and went to visit guild.''Huh,Shadows not here,hmm there were is he?''Solidus asked from pixie guard.''It seemed like he went to visit his uncle.''Uncle,hmm lord from valley of death?''
''Yeah,''pixie andswered,''but we are not sure about it.''
''Okay,i get moving then.''Solidus left guild and went to gates of valley of death.He entered them and Shadows uncle came to welcome him:''Long time no see!''
''Yes,but now wheres your coz,Shadow?''Solidus asked.
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Xanther had been reading well into the night when the call was made..

Alexander came into the room..

"my lord .. 4 of the bodyguards were killed today by Dante.. is this man still as powerful as before.."

"Probablly more powerful.."
"ah right.."

"Anyway if he failed to get into the car i provided i will go to him .. lets see if this still works"

Aiden099 opened up his mind and spoke freely..

"Dante... its Xanther... meet me in the podium room.

Aiden099 took out a very old piece of leather and a pen..

he wrote "Desert" on it and he was transported to her grave..

"Desert.. he's back... I think i'll be joining you soon.."

"For now farewell"

"Farewell my love."

OOC : the new age has brought spheres into the equation and the dead can be spoken too.

IC : Aiden099 walked to the podium ... and stood there.."

"Mr president.."


it was Alexander...

"I stay here as well... i have some new things dante won't have seen.."

"okay but stay over there.."

"Come on Dante where are you.."

Aiden099 could feel his wings pulsating as Dante drew closer..
As Dante heard Aiden's voice he dropped to his knee's and buried his face in his hands "Stay out of my head" Dante replied as he stood up, his Wings spread out of his back again and he looked to the sky. "I guess Alexander will be there aswell" he said out loud "Your a killer" was shouted at Dante from the crowd that had formed around him, Dante turned to see a young child "Like i said, I'm not the bad time, Kid" Dante then took to the skies and flew to the white house, upon his arrival he located the Podium room from the outside and blew a way in "Xanther, you die now" Dante announced and he saw as Alexander stepped in the way "you will have to go through me first Dante" Dante smirked "so be it"
"Alexander stop this foolishness step aside"

"Dante listen to me.. don't you want to know why i am here... and what went on 3 centuries ago.. why no one else survived.. or the guild of mages cannot be found?"

Aiden099 stepped down from the podium.. his wings had gone crazy and blasted a hole into a new jacket

"damn wings... "

"Mr President allow me..."

"Alexander Step Down!"

"No! I will not have you killed.."

Aiden099 saw Alexander run past him and he simply lifted his finger and a barrier imprisioned him

"as i said.. not now let us talk"

"So Dante wasn't it... ... do you want to talk... or want to fight... "
Dante could feel something strange, a feeling as to why the guild had been destroyed and why there was only a few people left alive and he looked at the floor "I have to let go of the guild, and i can't do that while your still alive, so i guess my choice is death for one of us" Dante unleashed a Scathe spell at Xanther "it will be you"
Xanther stood still and looked as he pressed a button behind his back..

"Spell's wont work in this century Dante.. there are Anti Magic barriers in these buildings.. a safety precaution.. Now let me talk!"
The Draconis reared back and swiped its massive claws at wolf who only just missed it except for the second swipe which sliced right through his body tearing a massive chunk from his stomach. Wolf screamed in pain. He fell back. As he looked up into the azure sky he felt the draconis breath down upon him. He could do nothing as it pinned him down and opened his jaws...suddenly he rememebered. it looked like a dragon but wasn't one

Wolf cast the dragon fire spell which blasted into the draconis' face blinding it. It roared back in pain. Wolf sprung up and lashed out with flurrys of sword slashes at the Draconis. It swiped blindly with its tail sending him flying. Wolf recovered witha simple backspin to land on his feet ready for more fight
Dante smiled as he found out about the anti-magic barrier, so he summoned the Gauntlets and boots he used for weapons when he was the flame elementalist "If you want to talk you can do it whilst i kill Alexander" he announced as he began an assault on Alexander, knocking him around the room like he was a stress ball
"Dante Enough!"

Xanther had seemed to learn a few new moves ... and he bound Dante with Mystical ropes and kept him there..

"I am not here to harm you.. i am not here to make you go back.. i am here because of my own stupid mistake.. i lost Desert for it .. that is punishment enough .. i want to make the world i better place for the next 30 years untill my life span decays and i go back to the planet..

Yes i am not a normal person.... these wings symbolise that.. but i can.. and must make the planet a better place before my death..

After the guild was destroyed in the Elemental war.. i was an outcast.. not needed anywhere... Desert was killed shortly after that war and once again i was Alone..

Garsol has been took over by his evil son. the bays of blood are now filled again and he want's me gone.. if i can... i want to seal the evil with my last words in 30 years time to stop Garsolen from coming up and killing everyone.. he has become more than me and Garsol ever where... he has become a god..

I foolishly went into hiding on the edge of the world with a sick desert... she died there...

Our Place to die was fighting alongside those in the Guild..

We left Air Wolf in the guild... all my warriors.. desert's father and his son...

Everyone we left and we ran..

I was at the top of the priority as Light Ruler... my head was worth the most so we ran.. i gave up all ties to aiden099 and became Xanther Seon von Alanowi... I took desert's family name..

We returned many years later to the guild...but found nothing but a pile of rubble and burnt bodies..
The deserts of the South Pacific now cover them and they are in a sandy grave - someone one day will dig them up and this story will be retold..

Dante i am offering you one chance.. help me seal evil one last time... it is i must say an old friends request..

his final request.. as my final order with the guild was to give them nothing but take everything from them.. my final request is that you help me.

I've lived in this time zone for a few good hundred years.. i can help you adjust to living here...

And when I die my body will reawaken in the Temple of Light - waiting to be Purifid.. i can stop all this happening.. I can take up 2nd in command of the Guild and i can Fight with the armies i controled and the men who trusted me to save the guild - maybe by then in your time it will become a shrine or a temple I don't know but i don't want to go back just yet.."

"Alexander ... Right hand"

Alexander clenched his right hand and used a teleport stone to teleport..

Xanther did the same and disappeared

in Dante's head he heard

"the choice is yours.. "

the ropes unbinded and Dante was free again..
Dante stood, without the mystic ropes binding him he looked at his hands "Xanther, it would appear we want similar things, live the end of your life in your way, and i shall in mine" he informed his old guild friend telepathically "Good bye my friend, and i will see you years ago" he continued before teleporting back to the moon.

"Send me back" Dante demanded as he entered Bahamut's throne room the leader of the temple looked at him "you have just arrived" Dante raised a scathe spell in the direction of Bahamut " and i now know what i must do to stop this future occuring" "you cannot save the world on your own" Bahamut announced "no, but i cant try to make it better"with this Bahmut sent Dante back to his time.

stood in front of the dragon lord Dante smiled "I'm back" he muttered "and if i were you Dante, i would help your friend Lone wolf" Bahamut replied "he is in trouble." with this Dante teleported to the water temple and walked through the gates "Dante, you cannot help him" announced Leviathan
Xanther took a deep breath.. so be it..

History Continues and Xanther rose as President of the US and became President of the World untill his death 300 - yes 300 not 30 years into the future and he saved the planet one final time and sealed Garsolen in the realm of darkness

in the past / present

Aiden099 woke up with a pixie guard poking him with a stick

"My lord aiden are you okay?"

"I'm fine.."

Aiden099 took out a piece of leather given to him by Solidus and he wrote on it " Desert"

he was teleported back to the guild..

"Desert.. i carn't do it.. I cannot take the light element.. i am going to refuse it and stay in the middle"
Solidus teleported to room where xanther was:''I was late my friend.Seems like Dante was not intrested in helping you.So i have been told to help you,order from above.I myself have no business with you or Garsolen,but seems that i am only one left living who can do Upperworld job down here by not starting wars between Dark and Ligt,Heaven and Hell.So you accept my help,Aiden or should i call you mr president?''
Solidus smiled to Aiden and took out his blade,it was Exalibut II,looked exatly like the blade what was destroyed:''I needed to say it one day,it was a copy what i gave to you,i never would give away my real blade.''And Solidus started smiling,while everyone could see old scars on his face and coldness in eyes.''

OOC:shit lols,you posted 2 secs before me:Danyway lets end the thing with Garsolen in future and then play present ok?

IC:Solidus feeled that Aiden is awake.''Hmm,srry lord,no time for Shadow this time,i will be back soon.'He smiled to Lord and teleported to Aiden:''Whoa,actually i didnt know that my body was ready to teleport.''Solidus smiled to Aiden.''So whats the deal master?''
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"Solidus welcome "

"I am not taking up light.. its not the right thing to do.. i have to stay with Desert and all you guys .. being an elementalist would push me to fight if elemental war began again.. and that is something i cannot do.."

"So training will continue in the morning"

Aiden099 turned to Desert..

"its time desert.. we need to visit the graves of the dead again.."

"Solidus you are welcome to join us to the sacred place of my warrior clan.. there will be no monsters there so there is no need for weapons"

Aiden099 opened his balcony and jumped down...

his wings were pulsating again ..

"hmm thats wierd"

"Well let us be off"

OOC: I no longer have control over my subconcious - i rememer nothing of the future..
Solidus looked down at Aiden and feeled the different aura of wings:''Hmm,could it be some mark or self-conciuos.''Solidus wondered.
Solidus followed Aiden and Desert and joined their conversation:''Afraid of wars?You are not a Spartan i could say.You know that old race of warriors that lived 2000 and more years ago.They lived for wars and i respect them for that because their families were always safe and homes protected.Anyway,thank you for calling me to your families Sacred Place.I am really honored master.''Solidus smiled to Aiden and Desert.
Aiden099 looked at Solidus..

"its not a problem.. its the lonelist place on earth to be alone..

And no solidus we are not Spartans.. but yes my family served as commanders in every war all the way back to the dark ages...... where i first started..

Solidus what you have to understand about my family is that we are a warrior family.. we rarely die - there are only 3 family members in this place

you know my brother is in the underworld
my father too
my mother and sister are in the upperworld
and my uncle.. well thats grey and we sent him to the underworld so :S

Alexander my best friend has a place in here as he has been with me since the start..

Aiden099 light the flame or candle fire in the middle and sat down

"Take a seat guys .... and watch.. the greatest story in history is about to be told by the spirts"

Desert came and curled up next to aiden

"whats going on?"

"The spirits i will summon them and they will allow you to see images of the past and how my family were.. back when we all lived together nearly 200 years ago.. now

but that was only the end of our family ... we had lived together like that for about 400 years

Then the dark ages came....."

"Oh and solidus yes i am afraid of wars - truthfully i hate violenece but i do what has to be done.. the blood on my wings and my hands can never be cleaned off"

"i think one day these wings will just be red instead of white with red spots .."
''Aiden,as you are as as old as you are,i have to reveal a secret.I think its perfect time now.Your dad surely told you bedstorys about him and a man called James.About their adventures,how they beated many threats to this world.And that the man was a legendary hero,who beated Kasak-the neutral Angel.You know i have to say that i know the man who was with your dad for some time adventuring with your dad.''Solidus smiled to Desert and said:''Its I.I am James,the watcher of earth.I and your dad were friends before your dad met your mom,i think your dad left me because of your mom.Last time i met him was at your dad and mom weddings,where you had just born.A cute baby you were.And about my powers back then.I dont have anything left from that time,but thats a different story.Surely i would like to hear what happened to your dad after the weddings and at dark ages for you.''Solidus took out a medallion and showed it to Aiden.''Thats the medallion of your family,your dad gave it to me to thank me for saving his life,but he said when i once met his sons,you and your brothers,i need to choose one,who i give the medallion.So now when i know more about your brothers i may give it to you.''Solidus smiled and saw Aiden had tears in his eyes.''You may know the great story of this medallion,your dad never told it to me,but i know it is big deal for your family.''
Aiden099 looked at the medallion..

"James is it.. "

Aiden099 clicked his fingers and the medallion went into his pocket and combined with his pocket watch.

"Yes my father once told stories of you..
But Alexander told me more... why did he just abadon you.. he was truley a coward giving into the darkness.."

Aiden099 shed a tear down his cheek..

"hey ..."

Desert walked over and gave aiden a cuddle..

"hey whats wrong babe.."

"Its nothing i'm fine... just flashbacks of the wars.."

Aiden099 fell to the floor and collapsed and then just disappeared

Fiends, monsters and alsorts of foul beasts started to come over the hill and surrounded Desert and Solidus


"In this fight i will control Desert.."

Aiden099 has been transported to heaven to speak with his mother
Shadow continued to outline his plans for cleansing the world of beasts, then smiled as a thought occurred to him. "if i'm going to fight, i will need a more powerful sword. i bet Aiden can get it for me." Shadow noticed Aiden was in heaven. "great, well maybe i could get Desert to persuade him for me" he shadow walked over to Desert and saw her and Solid in battle with fiends and monsters. "i guess i'll help them first" Shadow said then withdrew his blade and ran towards them. "i'm here to help!" Shadow shouted at them as he cut through the fiends.