The Final Fantasy Guild Of Mages

Solidus raised his blade,it was Exalibur II.It shined as sun.
''CLimhazzard''Solidus shouted,his sword wiped enemys himself,SOlidus just needed to hold and control the sword.A five meter high Giant jumped next to desert,who almost fell down.''Shock.''Solly was next to Desert and that giant was gone for good.''I love you,Exalibur II,doing the job for me alway.''Solidus smiled to Desert,who was tired of beasts attacking him.''Desert take this but surely bring it back to Guild after you use it.I will only lent it and remember,never drop it,because it has some kind of personality.''Solidus gave Exalibur II to Desert,who started fighting with it.Shadow was wondering,how the hell could a woman use that kind of big sword so easily.''Fire,FIre,Lit,Ice.''Solidus shouted and few weak beasts fell down,Solidus took his gunblade and started shooting,while suddenly a bike landed next to Solidus:''JUmp on,we are in hurry,the portal appeared.''It was Mark.Solidus jumped on Mark bike and they started riding away:''Shadow defend Desert as you can,and surely watch over him when you bring him to guild later,i got some family business to do.''And so were Mark and Solidus gone,leaving Shadow and DEsert fight with hordes of monsters and fiends.Still it seemed like Desert is killing monsters easier then Shadow.''Hahaha,Why did you give real Exalibur II to a girl?''Everyone heard Mark shouting and laughing in time they left.''He will give it back,i hope.''Solidus said,but only Shadow heared it,because they were too far away from Desert already.

OOC:eek:k will be away for 2.5days :)
"stupid sunuva..." Shadow muttered under his breath as another beast fell to his blade. "ok now i'm pissed off DIE SHADOW THUNDARA" Shadow cast the spell at the remaining fiends and they were killed. "Desert i need to ask a favor of you" Shadow said turning to Desert.
Desert looked at Shadow

"whats the matter?
we need to get back to the guild and wait for aiden to get back.. what is the favour?"

Aiden099 sat in the clouds of heaven looking down onto the earth..
"Things change aiden.. you know that..."

"I know sis, but... the future cannot be rewritten can it?"

"oh course it can.. everything you saw.. its all because its offering you a chance to change.."

"and you took that chance"

Aiden099's mother had stood against a pillar listening to the convosation



"You disapprove?"
"no far from that.. i approve i really do"

Aiden099 looked to the temple below....

"The war of the elementals is coming.. and there is nothing i can do.. the guild is going to perish and i either run with desert.. and have a problem in 372 years.. and loose everyone..

Or i stand and fight with no chance of success and die with my friends.."

"Do what is in your heart"
"my heart no longer speaks to me.."

"Don't be so stupid aiden it does.. listen to it next time you are with Desert!"

Aiden099 found himself falling back to the earth and he landed on the hill just beyond where Desert was stood


Desert ran from Shadow and Solidus and knelt down next to aiden

"are you okay?"


"hehe i guess your back :)"

*"$*£% That hurt!"

" lets get you back to the guild and clean you up.."
"bout time you got back Aiden. your in no condition to help me, so i'll leave you alone for now." Shadow shadow walked to his bedroom and then went sleep immediately.
Shadow sat up in his bed. "I had meant to ask later when Aiden had recovered. With all the strange things going on, I figure I will need a new way to defend myself. After reading a few history books within the guild, I found a sword of terrible darkness, called Deathbringer. Whoever wields it would be swallowed by darkness, preventing no normal person to wield it. however, as some of my kin are shadows, i think i should be able to handle it safely. Thing is, the blade is in heaven, where no shadows exist, so i need Aiden to get it for me. Could you ask him to do that for me Desert?" Shadow asked, then he suddenly fell down onto his bed, unconscious.
Wolf lay on his back. Exhasted from the battle. The legends were true. The draconis were truly powerful. Wolf was ready to die. The draconis bent over him sniffing getting ready for the kill..that was until he heard her voice once more...suddenly he felt he had to survive. And then a strange happened. Wolf actually got angry for once. As the draconis' paw swept down in its final strike wolf raised his palm outward and it stopped in mid air. Like a shield was holding it back...which it was. His eyes glowed electric blue. Electricity crackled around his body. He was the elementalist of thunder and water in one

Wolf flipped up and hoevered in the air. He was now in the thunder elementalists ultimate form as well as the water one in one big powerful form. Wolf summoned a shit load of thunder swords which hovered around him. he spoke one word of latin and all went swooping towards the water draconis in one devastating blow. All slashed into it as it bled to death

Wolf looked down upon it pissed off and uncaring. Suddenly leviathan appeared behind him

Lev "You just killed my most powerful beast. You were meant to die"

Wolf "Oh yeah, looks like i'm actually here once again. You're forgetting something..its me"

Wolf landed and walked up to leviathan. As wolf walked up, leviathan stepped back. Wolf rushed ahead and started a flurry of slashes on leviathan with his water swords. Didn't hurt him but it was certainly painful

Wolf "Ever TRY and kill me again, i'll make sure you die"

Suddenly Adramelech appeared behind him

Adramellech "Looks like you've tryed to kill ANOTHER of your elementalists leviathan"

Wolf "..."

Adramellech "He lyed to you wolf. now that he used you to destroy the fire temple, he wants you dead. i should have warned you about this

Wolf "..."

Wolf stared as adramellech strode forward and blasted a thundava spell into leviathan's gut, killing him instantly

Adramellech "Consider yourself the elementalist of thunder once more. I'm sorry. i should have told you this might happen. Thunder is truly your element"

Wolf "Is this why i could always cast thunder spells and not any other bar water"

Adr "Precisely!"

Wolf, Ragnarok and Adramellech all transported to the thunder temple. Stood in front of the thunder pool

Adramellech "You know what to do. Purify yourselves children"
Once again Dante stood opposite to Bahamut, "why did you call me here?" he demanded "it is time, you have sen the future, it is now time to play your part" Dante looked at him "Dante, Leviathan is now dead, killed by Addremelech, your friend wolf is purifying back to thunder" Both of Dante's fists clenched tightly "thats three down" Bahamut looked at him "Indeed it is, finish them off" Dante smirked "Heshmal, Pandemonium, Shiva, Addremelech, Diablo" "you know what you must do, you are the only one who can" Dante looked at Bahamut "well it looks like the wars are inevitable" Bahamut looked at him "you didn't survive the wars in the future you saw, so make sure you change it" Dante then teleported to the entrance of the Earth Temple he blested the doors open with a Scathe spell "knock Knock" he shouted as the doors flew open
Aiden099 awoke in great pain ,
he rolled off his bed and onto the floor

A voice took over him

"3 elementals are dead.. only 4 remain..

Destroy them!"

Aiden099 stood up in a trance like and walked onto the Balcony
"Diablo! Awaken I your Slaugterer am calling you..

I King Aiden of the East World Demand you appear!"

Within moments Diablo Appeared

"Who Awoke me.."


Aiden099 flew a spell of Holy at Diablos hitting him straight in the chest

"how about we make this fair.."

Aiden099 ripped off his shirt and his wings expanded and he flew up to Diablos's Face

"Time for you Diablos... To DIE!"
Wolf woke up once more from what seemed an endless sleep.

He stood up and looked behind him, he had his wings once more. Pure feathery white with golden rims. The thunder element was so cool. Whilst he was asleep he had saw what had been happening. The guild was going to destroy the elemental angel to stop future much for wolf bringing THAT one up at the next meeting. He was way ahead of him on that one.

Adramellech "Now that 3 temples are destoyed 5 remain. Thunder, ice, dark, air, earth. I want this one to be the last one standing so that we have peace...Titan and diablos are already going to be dead. I suggest you start on another one

Wolf "Ok"

A moment later wolf was hovering outside the cloudy temple in the sky using his newly found wings

Wolf slammed a thunder spell into the front doors, blasting them open leaving a very prone pandemonium surprised...
OOC: can we at least have some reasoning behind the element lords, if your charging their temple like myself and wolf then you are going to run into some resistance

IC: Dante stood, facing into the empty Entrance chamber of the Earth temple
"something is wrong" Dante thought as he entered as he got to the center of the room he glanced around and realized he wasn't in fact alone "Entered you have" "leave you shall not" Dante grinned "prepared we are" "death shall be yours" all of a sudden two Bull headed creatures appeared in front of Dante one considerably larger than the other "we are Sacred and Minatour" the pair announced at the same time "and I'm Dante" Dante announced as he bounced a scathe spell off each of the espers
Aiden099 looked Diablos Straight in the face..

"Your time is nigh.. it is over your rule.."

"So be it"

Diablos cast Gravija and started to suck the life out of aiden


Aiden099 was in luck.. the spell stopped being cast on him and drained into diablos

"I am no weak push over"

Aiden099 rose his hand and cast the largest holy ball he could and threw it straight into Diablos's chest

"Damn no mp.."
"oh well time for hand combat"
Aiden099 pulled his sword of kings and started to charge towards Diablos with it... he only used the light charged one.. the darkness one would heal him.. so he removed his light pistol and as he sliced into diablos a holy round was placed and embedded in his skin.. he would be feeling the pain constantly..

"You think that getting rid of the angels will stop wars.."

"It will stop one thing.."

"This guild should live on forever.."
And with that Diablos Disappeared into thin air..

"Damn it where's he gone?"

"Search for Diablos.."

"I called him back " said Garsol

"What do you mean called him back?"

"Well you forget i am the lord of darkness.. Diablos is my pet.."

"So be it.. i must kill you to kill your pet... the fate of the world's rests in the mage's hand.. if you don't co-opperate you will be slain.."

Aiden099 took a drink out of an elixer and felt alot better..
"The choice is your Garsol kill your pets and join us one final time to save the world.. OR don't and be killed yet again.."

Garsol looked at aiden and threw 300 darkness enemies at him into combat


The darkness creatures start to surround aiden who fights with all his skill and power and magic to hold them off..
100 down and he is already knackered..

"Damn it Garsol!"

Aiden099 took to the air with his wings and summoned the riders of the eastwold as his summon... this was more of a cry for help...

Aiden099 saw as the 300 riders collapsed by the hand of Garsol..
"Oh no you don't aiden.."

Alexander still remained...

He drew he sword and walked straight to Garsol and stabbed him with it..

Garsol leaked a pure black blood and fell to the floor..

"Well done my friend.. Now Diablos.. Alexander get the wounded back to the guild .. leave the dead"

"What about you my lord?"

"I go for battle of destiny against the biggest pet ever... Diablos..... its time to play again"
OOC:due to SA's inactivity i believe it is only fair that both Shadow of seed and Aiden gains a promotion as they have been active and their post quality has stayed good

IC: Dante was giving the battle everything he had, but hand to hand combat against Sacred and Minataur was a little more difficult than Dante first imagined he was panting heavily and he had taken much damage "you guys are starting to agrivate me...Bahamut, king of dragons, i call thee forth" after his announcement Dante blew a hole in the ceiling of the temple to make room for Bahamut to enter.

The large drago landed next to him and Dante pointed at the larger brother "Bahamut, he is yours kill him" Dante then charged the smaller brother while Bahamut attacked the larger of the two. within moments Dante and Bahamut's superiority began showing through and the twins were in trouble, in preparation for Heshmal Dante called to Bahamut for their fusion and the two joined as they did weeks ago against Kara.

With his Dragonic wings, tail, and claws Dante stood smiling at the two brothers "still think you can kill me?" he announced "indeed" "we do" they replied with confidence Dante then flew 15 feet into the air and unleashed his Mega flare attack , and with a direct hit on the brothers it killed them. Dante then landed and strode over to the throne room entrance "next, its Heshmal"
Diablos had cast Gravaja again which broke aiden099's Reflect and sent him flying backwards..

Garsol's body leaked a dark black substance and he started to melt into a thick black liquid..

Aiden099 drew his darkness sword and tried to absorb the Gravija spell to no success - it simply smashed the sword..

Aiden099 threw the broken handle at Diablos

"damn it"

Aiden099 drew out his ninja sword and flew straight to Diablos..

This battle was alot harder than he thought..

"Without the power of light how can i beat a summon lord.."

Aiden099 felt a large power come down from the heavens and hit Diablos in the head..

A loud dark scream was heard as diablos grabbed aiden and threw him into the wall of the guild..
Dante strode through into the throne room "Heshmal your time is now" as Dante confidently announced this he was hit with a Quakeva spell that knocked him into a wall "Titan, i will handle this" announced the leader of the temple as he transformed into Esper form Dante stood up and smiled "thanks for the warning ass hole, first you die, then your right hand there is gunna die" Dante announced confidently
OOC: I was thinking that too. Shadow- you are now promoted. Aiden, you're not coz you have a gf and i dont. Ko. Aiden, you're promoted too

IC: Ragnarok fluttered alongside Wolf. They looked at each other. Ragnarok was in his adult form now. He had grown quickly within the past months. Ragnarok roared as he flew at the throne roomo door...only to be confronted by wind demons, Roughly 30 of them

Wolf drew his swords and got started with a full whirlwind of sword attacks upon the mini horde killing a good few, followed closely by Ragnarok's tail and claw swipes. Within minutes they were dead. God this was an easy job with Ragnarok around again

Pandemonium "Enough Lone Wolf! This temple will not die because of Adramellech's weakness'. 3 Are already dead. I am Not joining them!"

Wolf "Tough shit. die bitch..."

Wolf and Pandemonium flew at each other on valiant wings ready to collide swords with each other...
Aiden099 felt a large force of power flow through his body

he had been promoted to the rank of Master Mage

he pulled his hands together and cast magic breath onto Diablos who hit the floor burning with heavy magic damage
Dante and Heshmal became locked in battle, exchanging powerful spells and physical attacks "i wont loose to a human" "I'm not human in this form" as the dragon armored Dante and Heshmal battled it was obvious that they weren't holding back Dante then summoned Bahamut fury and Heshmal Smirked "time for you to die" Dante announced as he fused with Bahamut fury, and in his already fused state he became a twin headed dragon soldier, one head of gold, one head of black. "think you have what it takes now Heshmal?" the two heads asked at the same time

Dante and Heshmal then continued battling, but Dante's superiority became known as the fight went on
OOC: Fuckign sexy fusion move dante :P You've given me and idea...


IC: Wolf twirled about in the air dodging and diving with agile speed with his wings. Pandemonium threw waves or powerful air magic at wolf, however, it only threw him off balance in the air.

Wolf "Is this it?!"

Pandemonium snarled as he dived backward in the air and disappeared. All went silent until a sudden force gust began spinning around wolf...he was in the middle of a fricking tornado!

Wolf flew upwards to the mouth of it and floated outside above it where pandemonium was flying. Up till now he had only been using air magic but when Wolf got to where pandemonium was he was holding the biggest fuck off sword you've ever seen. Bigger than even the buster sword...shiiiiit

Ragnarok came screaching down as the sword went cleaving towards Wolf. Wolf raised his palsm and caught te blade. Just as he did this ragnarok arrived and belched molten hot dragon fire upon the wind demon. But not after shoving 10 thousand volts of electricity through him first...
Aiden099 crawled out of the hole and cast Magic Breath again but this one burnt off Diablos's wings


Diablos was in soo much pain compared to the pain of Gravaja hitting him and magic breath hitting him in the face

aiden099 landed infront of him and he roared and screamed at aiden099

aiden099 took out air wolfs air staff and stabbed it into his throat casting Aeroga into his mouth ripping his head into shreads..

Dark blood spilled everywhere and aiden099 emerged victorious over the darkness element..

"one down"

"Dante - Diablos is gone"