The Final Fantasy Guild Of Mages

OOC: ok i have been unconscious this entire time, so yeah. WHOOHOO I AM NOW A GREEN MAGE. now i can help you guys even more. for now, i'll take Shiva save ya some trouble. master of the ice temple is Shiva right?

IC: When Shadow awoke, he felt new power coursing through him. He had been promoted to Green Mage.
"Alright, maybe i won't need to get deathbringer." Shadow got up from his bed. "alright... let's go with killing Shiva for starters" Shadow shadow walked to the ice temple and banged on the doors. "OI SHIVA WAKE UP I WANT TO TALK YOU" the doors opened, and Shadow stepped inside to see Shiva freezing everything in sight. "What's the matter Shiva?" Shadow asked preparing to use anti on her. "levithian has been killed" Shiva said in her icy voice. "I fear i will be next" Shadow nodded his sagely. "Well you are correct, i've come here to kill here you. SHADOW ANTI!" Shadow shouted sending the spell at Shiva, weakening her magic strength. "hey guys you wanna come help me in killing this ice girl? i already weakened her magic strength for you" Shadow sent telepathically to the others.

OOC: sorry bout the multi colors, was experimenting, i'm going to be doing it like this, with different colors for the espers and beasts, and black for my text.
Aiden099 heard Shadow's call and took off from the guild to shiva's temple
"You called Shadow.."

"haha you should see Diablos - what a bloody mess i caused him to be.. I think it will just be me and you for this one - the others are a bit busy with the other elements.."

Aiden099 drew his air staff and looked shiva in the eye

"Don't open your mouth shiva.... i have a tendancy to ram my staff down monstaur's throats and rip them apart from the inside.."

Aiden099 looked at Shadow

"Don't think you need that sword anymore :)"
"Yeah good point. I really don't feel like doing this the hard way" Shadow reached up and touched his necklace, transforming him into his shadow form, complete with scythe. He smiled up at Aiden. "Which part are you going to hit? The head?" All of a sudden Shiva screamed and pointed her hand at them. "DIAMOND DUST" Shiva screamed with fury, sending ice right at them. Shadow jumped away and before she could attack again, pointed at her and said "SHADOW FIRA"
''You guys are evil,finsihing off all the elemental summons and stuff.Upper lords surely wont like it,but if you want my help then lets finish Shiva's life.''Solidus suddenly was next to Aiden.''I finished my business for some time.So i will help you guys to beat this one out.Shadow be welcome to call me too,i cant find everything out myself.''Solidus smiled to Shadow,while dodged shivas attack.Sudennly a gunshot sound was heared bye everyone.Mark had entered the place and started shooting Shiva.
''James,why you in this?Its not your business,you are not allowed to kill me,it will bring you problems.''Shiva said.
''Ahh shut up,upper lords are not doing shit to help you and they absolutly dont want to kill their only at middle who can enter downlands.So just die.''Mark shouted to Shiva while starting casting Fire spells and shooting explosive bullets.

OOC:''Heya guys i am back,actually was back yesterday,but didnt feel to post anything :) i would like some promotion some day too ;)
Aiden099 banged his staff into the base of the floor and cast fira into the ground melting the ice leaving the cold concrete..

he cast a barrier around his companions and looked at shadow

"oh my turn is it?"

Aiden099 ran at shiva and started to hit her with his staff.. after a few blows to the chest shiva fell to the floor..

"hmm now how to finsh this.."

"Oi i said do not talk..."
Aiden099 uppercut shiva's jaw breaking it instantly and a dark blue liquid ran out of her mouth

"you carn't say i didn't warn her :P"

Aiden099 turned around and ran backwards leaving her bleeding on the floor

"I will take my leave now and go help Lone.. You guys clean up here and then get yourselves to safety.. the biggest battle yet is going to commence soon ... the guild of mages against Bahumut.. We need you all to be at action stations in the guild.. please once you kill shiva go to the guild and lock it down - make battle arrangements.. we are on our own for this fight"

AIden099 flew off and stared talking

"Lone i'm coming to help"

AIden099 flew off towards Pandimonim's Temple

"Dante .. Shiva is almost dead she's unconcious the rookies are going to finsh her off"

"I'm going to help Lone at Pandimonim and them me and him will come help you"

"We have defeated

Shiva will be dead within minutes
Only left are a few..

Solidus looked at Shadow and said:''Huh,what i am doing here,you could have finished this weakling yourself.And Shiva,how did you get so weak,i remember times when i tought about you as an enemy who could challenge me,but now,when i dont have my old body,you cant finish off me,weakling.''Solidus looked at shiva and started to leave when he said:''Say sorry form me in Land of Summons.''Solidus and Mark left somewhere.
Solidus and Mark finally made themself back at their job where they were before.
'' are going in now?''Mark asked Solidus.
''Hmm..Yeah sure i need to end the business before they face Bahamut.Wait here..''
''Dont worry,i will be fine dude.''Mark said and started smiling.
Solidus entered a portal,at that point you could see that they were somewhere in far-far north where everywhere was snow.Solidus entered portal,his body started flashing and then dissapeared.Mark sat down and it seemed like he started praying.

''Krsrot,James kjatak nu sakor tasawat,ili oplakter,sutre Tom klor sarat.''
''Fine...My lord,King of everything.''Solidus was somewhere in space.His face was cold and dark.There was a voice talking with him,but no body was there expect Solidus.
''You...watcher,you havent done your job.You are letting the world to lose its magic and history.I never ask why,but you are playing with too much.World without free magic, world where everything works with rules,where nature dominates.Is it really what you wish.I know,that there wont be anything to do now..and i wont touch a thing.I met Xarak(Mister secret/old name) some time ago.I sent him to contact you,make you change yours and worlds fate,but you didnt.Why?''The voice asked
''Greater forces then you are in play,i know that there are no greater,but greater forces for us,ones that can manipulate and change our fates if they wish.And you dont.I know that you can control them,but it seems like you dont,not atleast in last millenium.''Solidus said.
''Hahaha,dont lie.That answer is perfect in terms of getting away living here.But i know that you lie.''
''I am not sorry,i am doing it for someone.Its my job...Its my promise, and i never broke my promises.That ... that the world changes,its not the promise to change it,but it changes because my promise.So, why the Upperlords?''
''They dont get it..that if the world is changin,their powers get decreases too.So i grant you what you want.But you know,that you cant help humanbeigns much because your powers arent for helping humans.Its only for your job,and for your job.''
A light and darkness came around Solidus,after taht all elements entered Solidus body.Fire,Ice,Light,Dark,Water,Thunder,Wind,Sand...
Suddenly it was all quiet and Solidus was gone,so was the voice.

Portal dissapeared,there was no Solidus,only Mark sitting next to the plaec where portal was:''Nice,seems like he overdid it.''
''Listen to me Mark,you will join the Guild,and complete my business at there.Let them teach you,dont use any Ancient powers.Say Hey to Aslesa from me,and say i love him and will always look over here.That i need to complete my job and hold on my promise.''A voice told in Marks head.
Mark rided back to guild,entered it and said to a lady:''I will join the guild and Solidus will leave.Take him down from list,and delete his info from guild computers.''
''Why?''Lady asked.
''You will never get it,because you wont live not long enough.''Mark said and left to training hall.Shadows program was in and Mark started it:''Shit thats hard,who the hell is training with training program like that.''Mark said after training for 10 mins.
''Hmm...must be someone who controls and knows about darkness,these light enemys are too strong to wipe out with normal spells.''Mark wondered.Mark smiled and started shooting at virtual enemys.After a hour of training he went to a computer while thinking:''Too hard for an oldschool dude like me.''He changed program to begginer and went back to train.''Atleas i can get some rest.''He smiled and started wiping out virtual enemys.

OOC:Solidus will join you guys sometimes,but Mark will be the main dude you hear about.Is it okay?
OOC:fine by me, we all occasionally take control of other characters we created, like my uncle and Desert. now we can finally end all of this madness. btw, DON'T DOUBLE POST that is all.

IC: "Bahamut..." Shadow muttered the name under his breath. The king of monsters, they were going after one of the most powerful beasts in existence. "I'd best get ready" he muttered, then he called to his uncle. "Uncle i need your help." He sent telepathically to him. Luka appeared in front of him. "What is it nephew?" "we're going after Bahamut, and we are getting everyone we can to help with this battle. you in?" "course i am, i'm always ready to end a monster's life." "alright, let's go wait in the lounge" Shadow and his uncle walked down to the lounge and took seats waiting for the rest of the guild.
Dante realized that Shiva and Diablo were dead and Pandemonia was going to fall soon "sorry Heshmal, it's time to end this" Dante then spread his legs and held his hands out infront of him "FINAL FLARE" he shouted at the top of his lungs as a large ball off non elemental energy appeared in both of his mouth's and between the palms of his hands the three balls shot at Heshmal and killed him instantly. Dante then unfused and fell to the floor he dismissed the two dragons and then drank an elixar

"the others will be planning to deal with Bahamut, this shit always happens to me" Dante then teleported to the lounge and stood opposite Shadow and his uncle "just so you know, Bahamut is the leader of my temple so I'll be with him on this one" Dante informed Shadow before teleporting up to the moon to warn Bahamut
"Don't worry Dante, i know there comming" he informed Dante as he arrived "and it is good to know you shall be with me untill the end"
Mark ended training and went wakling around the Guild.He saw Shadow and Shadows uncle.He joined them and started talking:''Going for Bahamut right?Hope we beat his shit out,and oh i am sorry that Solidus cant join the battle,he is kind of busy.''Mark sat down on a chair when Aslesa joined the rooms of guild.''i will join you guys too,if anyone goes down i will heal them.''Aslesa smiled to Shadow and said:''I am now the highest medic here,my stepmom retired.''Aslesa sat next to Mark and Mark whispered something to Aslesa who started crying:''Dont worry, he is fine,you will live long enough to see him.''Mark said to Aslesa.

Ten minutes before Dante teleported to moon-
''Good morning!''Solidus said loudly.
''You...nice to see you,i feel the end,blood will be spilled today,but its not you who spills blood.''Bahamut said.
''No, i got my own business to clear out.Anyway i wish you good luck..oh and hows about your servor?''Solidus asked.
''Dante?I think he is supporting me.''Bahamut said while smiling.
''Good to know,too bad i miss that fight out,...anyway it was nice to know you and fight alongside you back at IXth Dragon war.Goodbye.''Solidus teleported away.
Aiden099 flew into pandimondim's temple and looked at Lone

"Well this looks fun.. lets end this..

Diablos and Heshmal are all dead..

Bahumut is next
Once Pandimodium is destroyed

Aiden099 drew his staff out again..
"Hehe you should see the mess i've made of the other summons..

Ripped Diablos's head apart with Aeroga from inside his head
Broken, Dislocated and broke off Shiva's Jaw.

I think its about time i did some final...
"What do you think lone?"

Aiden099 landed on the floor and looked at him..

"I say a joint fusion ... me .. you.. and ragnarok 2 "

"Give us two heads so we can both fight.."
OOC : A few more posts yet solidjuss xD

Wolf looked over at Aiden

Wolf "No you're energy for Adramellech and Bahumat. I'll just kill this one the now and make things simpler. And you have one sick mind by the way. Did ANYONE deserve to die like that?"

Wolf dived upwards and aimed his hands down towards Pandemonium and whispered something...."Ark Blast"

The whole room become shrouded in darkness, where only wolf and pandemonium were visible. Lighting bolts and thunder crackles formed from the darkness and blasted into Pandemonium. Wolf slammed a thundava spell into his swords blade and thrust down upon Pandemoniums head killing him quickly. The darkness faded and Wolf was left with aiden surrounded by many many wind demons. Wolf knew who the next target might be so he left Aiden and teleported


Wolf "Adramellech. I'm back. I fear that you'll be next in death by my guild mages hand"

Adramellech "I only trust you to protect me"

Wolf "I'm afraid if the guild come after us i'm going to HAVE to turn agaist them till they see sense. For now i'll wait here"

Wolf sat on the seat to the right of Adramellech. His own personal seat awaiting...hopefully he wouldn't have to battle his own guild...
Light was everywhere,expect one man,Solidus.He walked in heaven plains,when dozin of angels teleported next to him.
''Lower your blade!''Biggest and strongest from angels said.
''No need for that dear Archangel Tyrael.It seems as almighty lord sent a nice welcome party for me.I thank him for that,but why he didnt come himself?Afraid of me?Afraid that i beat his and yours asses.You guys up here are ruined.Who promised you a safe life and good position after revolutions.Was it Tom(Kratos childhood name),or his master?''Solidus said while laughing.
''...You, how you dare...something this to say to us.''Tyrael said.
''You may be pure and listen only orders.But you are too old to see that God is playing with you and us.Some of your helpers are doign that too.Hahah,how stupid you are,oldest and smartest of all Angels.''Solidus said with evil voice.
''Is it true, my master?''Tyrael shouted.
''You dont understand it,its difficult,its hard to understand,you low immortals never get it.''A voice told.
''I said,he is ruined,he is blinded,and i am going to finish him off.''Solidus raised his Exalibur II and started slashing Angels.Few minutes later only 4 were standing.Tyrael,Old Angel,Solidus and an Dark Angel.
''Killing Angels,are you gone crazy?''Old angel asked solidus,the one who fighted with Kratos at Alexandria war.
''No,i am not.You wont live enough to see the real reason,but dont worry.I am not bad.''Solidus shouted:''Ultima!''and Old angel fell down.
''Argghh,these are no powers for humans or earth.These are powers from Chaos himself.No normal Ultima could finish off Angel.''Dark Angel said.
''No...I got nothing to do with Chaos,not at the moment atleast,but yeah,these arent from this universe.''Solidus cutted Dark Angel head.''Now Tyrael,show me what you got.''

The skies went dark everywhere in earth and lighting started.
''Seems that Solidus is in deep shit.''Mark said to Aslesa.
''Really?Why?And what?''Aslesa asked.
''No idea,he will tell if he comes back one day.You know that Existance met him.''
''...Why?First Mister and now him?''Aslesa started crying.
''I dont know,he didnt tell me much,i think he didnt know everything himself too.And after that he didnt tell me much.Anyway go get some Phoenix downs.''Mark said to Aslesa.
''Okay.''Aslesa left to medic rooms.

OOC:Solidus is doing things that eventually lead this world up to be what it was in Dante's and Aiden future visit.And dont worry,non of Solidus business will touch you guys.Atleast not in next 100 years ;)
And Mark will progress slowly in guild with his powers.He is kinda weakling atm,expect some awesome shooting skills and physical form but in terms of magics he is wuzzie/newbie.
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Two swords slashed into eachother,the faces dropped blood,dark blood in one side and white blood in other side.The fight was fearsome,Tyrael tried everything what he had learned in his long life,but Solidus didnt seem to fall down.Then when Tyrael was almost dead,something hitted Solidus hardly.''Argghh, its not your business.''Solidus said,when Mister walked next to Solidus.
''Actually it is,Existence told me to complete this job,but i got some complications on my way.So i tought i will let you do it,but then Existance contacted with me by a messenger.And told me to finish it,that you are needed elswhere.''Mister said.
''You mean...down?''Solidus asked.
''Yeah James,you know that i wont touch anything down,i think Existance figured it out too,so he gived you some powers.''Mister said.
''So its Existance game?''Tyrael asked while rising his sword.
''Not exatly,atleast not for me,but Mister listening to him yeh.''Solidus said and shouted:''Ultima Flare.''Tyrael fell down dead.
''Now go beat others asses Mister oh and goodbye.''Solidus said and teleported away.
''Goodluck to you too.''Mister said and started moving towards great halls of heaven.

Solidus opened his eyes and looked around,he saw thousands of Undead beasts around:''Holyaga,Light,Sun Rise.''Everywhere was light and the beasts fell down.
Then it went dark again.
'' finishing off old friend?''Satan said
''No..not you,you are already dead,but anticrist,yeah i take him down.''
An evil kid jumped out from lava river.''Die!!!''Said an evil voice.
''He is stronger then you think James.''Satan's voice said to Solidus.
Few hours later,Anticrist was down,but Solidus had lost one eye.''That was alot of evil.I now get why Mister didnt want to come down here.''Solidus started laughing and putted a piece of cloth over his eye,like pirates had.He teleported away from hell.Few moments later he was in upper halls of heaven.Blood was everywhere and light had lef.''Mister...played a bit too much?''Solidus said.''Hmm,wont say that.''Mister said while lying down at bloody floor.
''I see you met Anticrist,a freaking bunch of evil.''Mister said
''Yeah,now whats your next mission?''Solidus asked.
''Finishing you off and ...''Next moment Mister was lying down dead.
''And you,i helped you with second point,but not with first,i am sorry,i still got something to do.''Solidus teleported away.
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Dante was sat next to Bahamut anxiously "i know what i must do B, you have enough protection here?" Bahamut looked at him "I have my Esper form, and also Bahamut Fury and Gilgamesh shall protect me" Dante stood up and walked towards the Exit "I shall be back before they arrive. Dante then teleported into the Throne room of the thunder Temple "Lone wolf, it would appear we are in the same predicament, our temples need defending so we shall end up turning against our Guild members, i have come to terms with this, and considering your sat at addremelech's side as have you, no matter how this plays out we will end up having to battle each other"
''You again here?''Bahamut said
''Last change to ask it..Do you know anything about weapons location?''Solidus asked.
''At Unestos.''Bahamut said.Next moment Solidus had teleported away.
30 minutes later Solidus had teleported back to guild:''Aslesa,come here.''He shouted.Aslesa heard it and runed to where where the voice had come from.He saw Solidus there and started crying.''You stupid one.''Aslesa said.
''Weapons will defend you,you only need to call them and they will serve you,oh and i got to go now,goodbye...''Next moment Solidus had teleported away.Aslesa was left behind crying:''Was it Solly?''Mark asked when he had just entered the room where Aslesa was crying:''Yeh,he told me that weapons will serve me now.''Mark smiled to Aslesa and left the room.
Bahumat then flew high enough into space to see the whole planet he then used his legendary power.................Great Ultimaga Flare Which then caused the near destruction of the world
Then make your entrance to the Guild of Mages and Elder ones will decide.Anyway its fine by me that you join.Read at least last 4 pages to get whats going on ;)