The Final Fantasy Guild Of Mages

"FINALLY!" Shadow exclaimed with exhaustion and happiness. In front of him stood the Lunar Whale, the passageway to another world. "With the whale, you and I can find more warriors to aid us uncle." His uncle nodded with agreement, then walked over towards the ship. "Shadow go and get the men we have recruited and bring them here. We'll take them with us so we can attack the temple's at a moment's notice" "right uncle" Shadow shadow walked back to the hiding place while Luka remained and started up the airship.
Adramellech appeared by his side

Adramellech "Aiden, the reason why you have wings of that of the thunder temple is because i gave you them. When Dante allyed only with the holy temple and eventually killed it, i saw this as the begining of the lost prophecy...the begining of the elemental war. I gave you the wings to keep you alive, as you have noticed they changed recently from pure white to white and gold...or our wings to be more precise"

Lone wolf called the silver dragons off so that they went back to their perches again and sheathed his swords as he saw that Aiden was telling the truth

Adramellech "They reason why i kept you alive is so that you could ally with us and help us. for the greater good..."
Aiden099 bowed in Adramellech's presence..

"Then i must thank you Adramellech.."

"As i said to Lone.. I wish to join to fullfill the prophacy.."

"I just have one need .. we save the guild of mages that has been locked down"
When all of the warriors had assembled on the whale, Shadow anxiously asked his uncle "do you know how to fly this thing?" "course i do kid, now hang on tight" Luka hit the engines and touched the crystal, sending the Whale flying for an unknown world (it's actually going to be FF4 as i know the most bout that one) Shadow let out a whoop of delight as they passed by the thunder temple "WHOOOHOOOOOOOOOO THIS IS FLYING!"
Aiden099 turned and watched the Whale Sail past..

"Lone we have a choice.. we accompany them and help them fight bahumut and Dante... or we just crash their ship ... and loose thier hope and then me and you go after Bahumut..

Or we could unleash the battle defender for the realm of the kings... and have them fight the ultimate weapon..

My Sky Fortress.."
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Adramellech "Consider yourself our ally then. Aww fuck it, you and Wolf already fight together anywayz. You know what to do"

With that Adramellech disappeared back into his throne room. Wolf turned to face Aiden

Wolf "Welcome to my side. Here what happens here. 20 of the strongest Dragons and me guard Adramellech personally. Outside 50 dragons sit by the entrance. The other 30 are guarding the guilding along with ragnarok himself."

At that moment a gleaming white dragon, slender and dazzling landed gracefully next to Aiden

Wolf "This is one of my favourite dragons i trained. He's different from the others as you can see which is why i like him. He is as quick and fast as he looks and also more powerful as he looks. Ragnarok's species exactly, just a different colour. He is yours to keep...right now, i'm gonna go see Dante for a moment"

A second later wolf stood in the middle of Bahumat's temple. As soon as he teleported there he shouted "STAND DOWN" As the black dragons had already made a move for him. As soon as he shouted they recognised who he was and whimpered back in fear...this only worked with Wolf because he a dragon master

Wolf "Dante, i am here to tell you something. Good and bad news. Aiden has allyed with the thunder temple and will fight alongside me should we fight. Good news, is that Shadow plots to destroy both our temple's meaning both temples can pair up...and destroy his army. After that, we'll see...t'is your choice"

With that wolf teleported back to his seat in the throne room

Wolf "My answer by the way aiden is that we let them go after bahumat's temple. They would never ally with us. Because they plt to destroy both temples. Theres no point in crashing it if they're gonna get destroyed by Bahumat's the meanwhile. we should also unleash your sky fortress"
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"alright we're finally here" Shadow said as his uncle landed the Whale. Shadow turned to the warriors assembled "set up a base camp, we'll be leaving often enough without the whale, and it'll need protection." there was a chorus of growls and affirmatives, and Shadow turned towards his uncle. "come on Luka let's go find some powerful beasts."
''What?The temples ally and finish up Mark and Aslesa?I am sorry Kratos gotta go and wipe someone out.''
''No Turok,dont even think to move.You will be eliminated if you kill your fellow mates from guild who now serve summons.Now i got something to tell you.''Kratos said
''Ah,Bills with them,no change that Bill is going down from a weakling like Dante or Wolf.But Aiden makes me worry,his dad showed some really strong powers and so may Aiden.Now when he has the meddalion of his family,the powers of his will grow.And Kasak wings,why the heck did you gave him those?''Solidus asked.
''I didnt gave him, some eidelon granted him wings and i tought it would be perfect to control it a bit and make you guys fear.''
''Idiot,you always playing such childish games.Oh and why the heck Garsol didnt let aidy to save you?''Solidus asked
''He knows me a bit.He is lord of darkness,so think yourself.I think he fraded that i will take his position what i offcourse dont wish.''Kratos said.
''So wanna get your ass kicked bro?''Solidus said and started laughing.
''Shut up bich,i would have finished you back in Alexandria war if i wished.''Kratos said and rised his Dark Blade.
''But you didnt.Anyway what about Kasak?He should be here in 10 years.''
''Yep,his allys are already moving,and as you and Mister finished off hell and heaven,he should be here only to revenge you,me,Kary and all the living shitheads.''
''You mean Patriots?''Solidus asked.
''Yeah,4 original members.2 of them worked for heaven,1 for hell and one was neutral.''Kratos said while lowered his blade.
OOC: Lone are you forgetting i am the darkness dragon master, if yuo can control my dragons, i can control yours

IC: "that aregant bastard, thinks he can just stride in here and command my dragons, he will regret it" with this Dante stood up and and his Dragon slayer sword appeared in his hand "I'm going to end this war once and for all" "Dante wait" Dante stopped at Bahamut's command "what if i am attacked by lone wolf and Aiden when you are not here" Dante looked over his shoulder at Bahamut "they wont, trust me i know what im doing"

Dante teleported into the main entrance hall of the thunder temple and saw all of the dragon's charging him "Foolish behavior from dragons" Dante extended his left hand "STOP!!" the dragons realized who he was and stopped their charge "hey Lone, come get me!!" with this Dante began killing the dragons that were stood defenselessly. after the first 20 Dragons were mercilessly slaughtered Dante turned to face the door to the throne room. "Addremelech is next Lone, and if your in my way then your life ends today aswell"
Aiden099 got onto the back of the white dragon and rode to the coast.. he pressed a button that he took from his pocket and he saw a monstrousity of machinary arise from the sea.. he was instantly teleported onto it and he stood in the command center..

"Welcome my lord .. to the sky fortress Bahumut"

"Thank you Alexander .. now lets get this show undergo..

Move the Bahumut over the Guild of Mages. Construct the Ancienct Palin and defend the guild."

Aiden099 flew over the Whale..

"Shadow.. look to the skies.. your airship is futile .. this is going to go save and defend the guild :)"
''Hey,this airship is cool you know Bill.''Mark said inside the whale.
''Yeah,i have rided wiht it before too but i feel kinda rusty.Missing out all the action.You know that James is beating Toms ass right now.''Bill smiled to Mark
''Whaa...Really?Serious shit going on there.Where exatly?''
''Think at Galladium.The arena is perfect place there.Anyway Aslesa bring me some food.''Aslesa left the room to get some food for Bill.''I am no slave of yours''Aslesa thinked.

''So Turok lets get some warm-up before we battle against Kasak.I got a 7 years ticket for Arena.''Kratos said.
''Okay.''Next moment they were in big arena.Everywhere around the arena was a big energy shield.''That shield has never let anyone down so we may fight here.''Kratos said.Kratos raised his blade and so did Solidus.''SHOCKSHOCKCLIMHAZZARDSHOCKCLIMGAZZARDSHOCK.''Solidus shouted and Kratos fell down.''WHoa take it easy.Ultima.''The fight started.Two brothers hacked and slashed eachother restless.
Wolf walked outside the thunder temple and say the dead corpes of roughyl 20 dragons and he looked up and saw Dante

Wolf shouted words of latin. The dragons took flight to a destination only he knew they were going

Wolf "And there was me thinking we could be at peace once be it"

Wolf dropped his swords and whispered something of the ancient dragon language and a moment later a gleaming Gold and silver sword. Identical to Dante's just different colour. It wasn't a dragon slayer sword like Dante's. Quite the opposite. It gave life to dragons, and also served as a good fucking sword

The silver dragons around him "awoke" and knew instantly where to go. To Adramellech. He whispered something else in the dragon tongue. now those dragons would only obey his and ONLY his command. Not even the other dragon lord. Why? Because he had commanded them to. Clever really

Finally wolf looked with burning eyes towards the man called Dante

Wolf "When you slay my dragons that I brought up...i take this personally. They're are like my own children. I gave you a chance to be at peace, i only commanded them for the sole reason i could talk to YOU. But you throw these things back in my face. Always doing but never thinking of your actions. Look what happened with the holy temple farce. I will kill you myself if i have to Dante"

Wolf walked forward towards Dante with the Dragon Blade in his right hand and a concentrated thunderva spell in his other hand. All emotion left his face. The skies themselves opened up in rage and fury as thuder and lighting crashed mere meteres away from where they were. The rain hammered down with twice its force, sp that both him and Dante had limited vision. the battle would begin.
as the rain poured down Dante's face he smiled "Same old Tactic wolf, you always create thunder storms, same old wolf" Dante took a couple of steps forward "this would have been resolved peacefully if you didn't team up with Aiden and his Guild mates, they plan to destroy my temple, and that i can't allow" Dante pointed the Blade of the crystal like dragon slayer sword directly infront of him.

With one swing of the Dragonslayer a beam like attack flew horizontally through the rain, splitting it like cutting string "Lone, help me destroy the worthless Guild before they attack our guilds and you might be spared" all of Dante's movements were throwing water off of his body, "I'm glad i wore waterproof clothes or i could be in major trouble" he thought to himself
Aiden099 sensed the danger that was coming over the thunder and Lone..

Aiden099 got onto the top of the sky fortress and took off on the back of his white dragon..

"Come on.. Unicorna"

Aiden099 flew down with his wings extended and he flew down next to Lone..

"Lone I am here!"

Aiden099 removed his swords and commanded Unicorana away...

"Time for this to end"
"Aight these are the coordinates, you got them?" Shadow said as he handed a piece of paper to one of the octomammoth's tentacles. the tentacle signed affirmative, then went under water as it went to the meeting site. "that's the last of them, time to gather up and head for the temples." Shadow shadow walked back to the camp and searched for his uncle. he finally found him talking to one of the baron captains "and so we will need payment" "yes yes we know" Luka sent away the captain and muttered under his breath "they get to go first, save me some cash" Luka then turned to his nephew "is everyone set?" "yes uncle" "alright then, get the base camp cleared away, we're outta here" "ok Unc" Shadow turned to the assembled warriors "we are packing up and our first destination is the thunder temple. pack up and get on the Whale." there were cheers of happiness. Shadow turned and walked into the Whale

"Finally made it" Shadow muttered as the thunder temple came into sight. "FOR THE PEACE OF THIS WORLD ATTACK!!!" Shadow shouted as they landed at the temple and the amassed forces charged for the entrance.
Wolf "Oh for fucks sake! Dragons! Attack Shadows army!"

The whole hoarde of silver dragons came from the horizon and flew with speed and force into Shadow's "army" slaughtering any that got in their way. They ripped at the air craft damaging it and rendering it useless as the engines were blown apart

Wolf then swiped his sword through the rain ridden air and a silver wave of thunder energy shot out from his sword. The 2 beams of energy collided into each other and created a small explosion of sparks. Wolf was thrust back by the shockwave.

Wolf "I will help you defeat Shadow and his little army, but i will NOT let you destroy the guild itself. The guild stands for peace and unity. After taking down shadow here, we'll see what we can work out coz i sure as hhell didn't ask for this war. What say you, Dante, elementalist of non elements"
"NOOOOOO MY SHIP YOU SON OF A BITCH YOU SONUVABITCH I WORKED SO HARD TO GET THAT THING I WILL KILL YOU!" Shadow roared with anger as he activated his necklace. Once more he entered his shadow form only this time, the shadows of all who were dead rose from their corpses. "you want to fight me now? the mortals you slay shall come back as shadows, and the shadows themselves will multiply every time you strike. And now the top piece to my form!" Shadow whistled and a behemoth made of pure shadows in gigantic proportions flew out of the the temple's shadow to him. Shadow jumped up and mounted on him. "This would be my pet behemoth, Gana, the shadow of Eingana, who is the dragon god of creation and death. Now feel the wrath of our combined might!" Shadow roared a battle cry at the same time his behemoth roared, and then they charged at once straight for Adramallech.
OOC: No god modding or powerplaying Shadow. we can easily do the same. Also Adramellech is solely under my control. Likewise, Bahumat is solely under Dante's control


Wolf looked at the Behemoth bemused. He heard a screach and Wolf looked up. He saw a large black dragon swooping down...


Wolf and Raggy knew what to do as time itself stopped. In the next second neither wolf or raggy were to be seen, instead standing where wolf had been was Ragnamir in his first form.

Ragnamir (as a reminder) looked exactly like Wolf except giant black wings extended from his back and another set of gold and white white wings lay folded underneith them. Ragnamir's eyes were golden and his hands were now razor barbed claws. Best thing about the claws were that they had dragon magic imbued into them, making them mroe sharper and stronger. Also, it extremely helped in this case as it killed shadow creatures on contact.

Ragnamir swooped up and stood between Adramellech and the behemoth

Rag "Aiden...i think it's time you fused with Unicorna"
OOC: how was i godmoding exactly? and besides, i meant that a spell could kill them, but physical attacks would split them up. oh and i never took control of Adrallamech.

IC: "nice trick Wolf, now it's my turn" Gana formed around Shadow, then solidfied and took the shape of a four arm being with Shadow riding on its shoulder. "the first Gana was for show, this one is when i'm serious and up against a difficult beast. such as you Wolf. now then killing him now would only spur him to his final form, then killing him then would force him to finally have his being enter me, allowing to become a wielder of true shadows, a Dark knight. after that, i turn into finally the true shadow of the dragon itself, Eingana. unfortunately that shadow can only cause death, but then again, why would i want to create?" Shadow laughed as he looked upon the three magi once more. "however, i am surprised. shouldn't you three be defending Bahamut at the moment? Luka went there an hour ago with the four fiends to attack him" Shadow laughed once more. "Ah well, guess you can't expect others to fight your battle for you" Shadow then sank into Gana, disappearing from view.

Luka's view: "alright boys this it you got your servants ready?" "yeah Luka" Luka had quietly jumped off the whale with the four fiends when they were close enough to the moon. The fiends had each brought their own personal servants to aid in the fight: Scarmiglione had brought his zombies, Cagnazzo had summoned Baigan, The Magus Sisters came with Babarrica, and Dr. Lugae and Barnabus had come along for the ride. now the group was standing in front of the entrance preparing to attack. "alright we shall launch a mass attack straight through the doors when they open, followed by Rubicante setting off a blinding fire and the rest of us hitting Bahamut's servants. then we go after the big guy. we all agreed?" "yep" "alrighty then, CHAAAAAAAAARGGE" with a might roar cry Luka charged towards the entrance with the four fiends and their servants behind them.
OOC: you can't forget the 100+ dark dragons that are protecting not only the outside of the temple but the main entrance hall and the throne room (thats 100+ each for the three area's) and also the four fiends of the elements are Milon (earth) Cagnazze (water) Valvalis (wind) Rubicant but thats according to FFIV, but i have just started playing this game again and happened to have beaten the four of them again so what do i know :)

IC: As Dante heard Shadow's declaration he became enraged "that fool thinks he can Take down Bahamut with the four fiends of the elements this will be fun" Dante looked at Ragnimir "love to stay and help you completely annihilate these guys but got my own problems...cya"

with this Dante teleported to the moon, the throne room to be precise "Hey B, your safe don't worry,these guys will be a walk in the park, mind you they brought Rubicante" Bahamut began laughing "they are aware that they are on the moon, and with the lack of Oxygen up here their fire won't work" Dante shrugged his shoulders as he strode into the throne room "who knows"