The Final Fantasy Guild Of Mages

Aiden099 looked at Lone

"Lone she is too young to fuse....."

"Anyway i have a better idea.."

aiden099 pulled out a walkie talkie and spoke down it

"Bring the Bahumut in range with the long cannon.. Aim for Shadow's Army"

A Loud Roar was heard as the Bahumut flew into range of Shadow's Army

Aiden099 extended his wigns and took to the skies and jumped back onto his dragon's back.. he started to cast spells down onto shadow's army.. when he ran out of MP he jumped off his dragon's back and drew out his swords and was slicing down enemies untill he came level face to face with shadow himself...

"So.. Shadow how shall we do this... you can surrender your forces to the element thunder or you all die on this field.. and think about it.. you have your fiends yes.. and the 4 elemental monsters .. but we have dragons, the element of thunder itself and me and lone two very high powered mages.. The choice is yours.."

Within seconds of aiden099 finsheing talking the Bahumut came into range..

Aiden099 removed his walkie talkie..

"Shadow stop this madness or the Bahumut opens fire on your army and annihilates them."
Ragnamir spread both wings and hovered of the ground. A whole legion of shadow beasts charged at him. Ragnamir roared and flew at the legion and swiped with both claw wing and tail. Shadows jumped at him He swiped his long claws at the creatures which burst into sparks with one touch of the razor claws. Rag then did a 360 twist that completely threw any shadows bacl from a asive tail whip.

After finishing off one group of shadows, he took to the skies and looked down, hovering in mid air. Ragnamir held his claw/hand in front of him, a small golden ball appeared, glowing. It gradually became bigger and bigger until it completely covered Rag. Ragnamir whispered something... "Ark Blast"

Multiple Bolt of thunder shot from the electric bubble that enclosed Rag as well as the sky. All blasted into the groups of shadow. After that the bubble itself exploded creating a huge electric blast, not only healing Rag (coz thunder healed him duh!) but blasting like a shck wave into the hoardes, incininirating them. Not many shadow's were left by the time he was done

Rag swooped down in front of Shadow and hovered next to Aiden

Rag "Surrender or you and your army dies"

Ragnamir looked like some form of dark angel with his black and white/gold wings under the darkened, flashing sky. His claws gleamed every time thunder flashed. Rag raised his claws prepring his next attack in case Shadow was stupid anough to not surrender

The silver dragons had finished their work as the landed all around Wolf and Aiden and growled at Shadow

Rag "Join our cause. Live...or die"
OOC: hey guys i'm inside my beast here. but i will deign to answer your questions. oh and Dante those names i have are from the DS remake.

IC: "hmm very well, seeing as you struck down my army i will join you guys, not Dante" Shadow contacted his uncle "the plan's off unc, the army was demolished" Then Shadow resumed speaking through Gana "so what am i doing exactly?"

Luka: "ah great, meh fine Shadow on my back" Luka turned to the four fiends "well your on own tah tah!" Luka then walked into the shadows back to his home in the valley of the dead, leaving the four fiends to their own devices.
OOC: hey guys i'm inside my beast here.

That sounded wrong :P


IC: Ragnamir sheathed his blade as Adramellech appeared beside them

Addy "Welcome to the army of the thunder temple Shadow"

Ragnamir turned to Aiden

Rag "I was expecting him to fight as now that Shadow is out of the way...shall we play defencive or attack the temple of Bahumat, or attempt to make peace. I want a joint decision which is why i'm asking..."

Ragnamir landed on the ground. The thunder storm suddenly stopped and the skies cleared to a pure blue colour.
"i don't really care at the moment, i just wanna test out this form" Shadow said, popping up on top of Gana's shoulder. "i got loads a forms here i want to test out, so if we fight Dante, i will gladly join. Oh we might wanna get the fiends outta there before they die."
Wolf "Shadow...i dont know if you will have any advantage over the dark dragons Dante controls due to the fact that you and the darkness have a bond. But...if you wish you can go all out attack on the dragons only, so that not only are you destroying his defences but you can test your forms out. After all theres something like 300 of the bastards. If you wish i will send in my silver dragons to assist you. They are bigger than the dark dragons but there is less of them. Your choice"
Dante saw that shadow's units on the moon had left "great" Dante then cast silence on himself and transported to the thunder temple "Lone, i am here to talk, i have been thinking for a while now, why should we risk Armageddon over a stupid girl, yea thats right" Dante smile in disbelief "Bahamut and Addremelech, the only reason they want to destroy each other is because they both fell for Shiva, but she is dead now and there is no need to fight"
Wolf looked at Dante and called off the silver dragons which were playing their defencive role of protecting the temple

Wolf "Back dragons! So you are telling me Adramellech and Bahumat are jealous of each other because both want their hole. If so then why is shiva even dead? I dont understand"
"well that one is easy" Dante then looked over at Shadow and the other low level mages "well Lone" Dante extended his right index finger at Shadow "thats their bad,"
Wolf "Well then doesn't that mean Adramellech and Bahumat are gonna go after Shadow and the low level mages :wacky:"


OOC: Do you see where i'm going with this? xD
"they come after me, i will Fucking murder them" Shadow said to Wolf and Dante. "I will personally kill them with one of my many new forms. i would seriously advise you guys to restrain your temple masters" With that, Gana turned and shadow walked down to the valley of death. Once there Shadow summoned darkness and started to forge a dark temple "Diablos and the temple of darkness shall be reformed once more" Shadow muttered as he began to create the temple of darkness.
OOC: powerplay much shadow??? the only reason me and lone can kill temple masters on our own is because we have the direct power of the temple masters, and we have spent years homing ur powers to gain the rank of the elementalist...last time i checked your like a rookie mage or something so you have nowhere near the power to be able to destroy a temple lord or ressurect one for that matter, remember your only a weak level mage, and you are not a god, the power that me and lone gain from our fusions is because we have the capability to contain the power, someone of your level would simply be torn appart by the power, thus causing your instantaneous death
OOC: sorry, but i can rebuild a temple. last i looked, i don't need magic to create a temple. Anyways, i am darkness remember? it's my very being, so Diablos can be summoned after rituals and crap. and i'm a green mage.
OOC : Diablos is dead - he will remain dead - he has NO HEAD for christs sake...

i looked personally to that one :)

IC :

Aiden099 removed his walkie talkie

"Move the Bahumut back over the Guild and recontruct the Palin"

Aiden099 but away the walkie talkie.

"Lone.. What are we going to do?

Attack or Defensive..

The choice is
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OOC: sorry Mr green mage but think logically here, yes you can build a temple without using magic BUT it would take many Many MANY years and as for the summoning Diablo, even if you did use a ritual to summon him, you would half to slaughter some kind of creature and once summoned he wouldn't listen to you due to your lack of experience and power
OOC: Dante's right Shadow, you're still a low leve mage for now. Once you become a senior you can get to do the massai uber stuff. If you wish to resurect diablos...many sacrifices would be needed, not a simple spell


IC: Wolf looked at Adrammelech

Addy "What!? She had a sexy ass...really!"

Wolf "You want to go after Shadow...dont you"

Adramellech "What as in rip his lungs, heart and other internal organs out...YES!"

Wolf "Hold it back for now...i'll deal with him when everything dies down. I cn see why it was necessary"

Wolf went into the throne room with Adramellech along with the silver dragons who sat around wolf and Adramellech. Ragnarok sat by the doorway watching over wolf.

Wolf "Aiden, lets play defensive for now. I dont see Dante attacking. My main concern is Shadow..."
OOC: fine, i'll get my uncle to work on building the temple. meantime, i'm going into hiding. and i'm not going to revive Diablos. i've decided to not have someone ordering me around. oh and Aiden is the one who killed Shiva, i just weakened her

IC: Shadow sighed after finally getting the basics down on paper. He called to his uncle and asked him to build the temple for him because he was scared for his life. Shadow then shadow walked to his hiding place and went to sleep.