The Final Fantasy Guild Of Mages

In dream land: Wolf lay on a beach in just a tanktop and cargo's. He was watching the hawt women pass by...he looked to his right and saw a rather stunning, slender brunette walk up to him

Brunette "Hey...wanna have some 'fun!'" the scene flashed to a hotel room where Wolf was now on a bed and staring at the brunette who was undoing her hair and getting ready to take her clothes off...


Wolf bolt upright, awake and saw Dante at the doorwar of his Ragnarok's den. Wolf staggered to his feet and straightened himself

Wolf "I was having a nice dream as well...damn it. What is it?"
"I know how we can do it, I know how we can destroy him" Dante strode into the den and stood next to Wolf "Bahamut needs to die, i know, wrong thing to say coming from his elementalist but..." Dante hesitated "It's the truth, he is plotting against us and he isn't including me" Dante turned his back on Wolf "I can give up the elementalist Title, if i gain a power stronger than or just as strong as it"

Dante looked at the floor "thats where i need your help" Dante glanced over his shoulder "I could relinquish the power of the non-elementalist if i had that Ring of yours, give me power to control the holy dragons and i promise you, i shall be your right hand until the day i die. I need you to do this for me Lone, please" Dante sat down and a tear rolled down his cheek "oh and if it's any consolation the power i would gain wouldn't be much, i would still be just as strong as you"
Wolf "And it actually possible to command both sides? The ring only gives you the ability to command them. As for actually being able to resurrect them like i did, i'm not sure. You would have to use my sword for that one. But that also means giving over the power of elementalist of thunder. Because the 2 swords are one and the same. So how long do you want the ring for, because i dont know if the dragons will listen forever knowing that you are also their enemy as dragon master of the dark..."

Wolf took the ring off. Ragnarok looked down quizically and growled at this unexpected decision. He held his ring out on his open palm. It gleamed silver and gold and was warm from his touch
''So they going for Bahamut right?''Kratos asked Solidus.
''Hmm,meaby feels so..still not sure about it.''Solidus said and sent an Ultima towards Kratos.
''Shouldnt you protect Bahamut?He has been your ally for hundreds of years.''Kratos said and slashed Turok leg so it started bleeding.
''No...It wont lead to my objective if i would defend him.Still i would like to help him,but its my duty to not defend him and let him die.Actually i would finish him myself out if he hadnt save my life once before.Now dont waste my time on talking.''Solidus rushed Kratos next to a wall and slashed him into the wall.''Haha,weakling.''Solidus started laughing while Kratos had teleported behind him and punched him.''Shithead,thats not fair.''
OOC: Better picture for Ragnarok

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Dante saw the ring in Lone's hand, "they will always listen, according to a literature in the grand library, when both light and dark join in the same sword, peace shall reign over all dragons"with this Dante took the ring from Lone wolf and slid it onto his left middle finger, opposite to the black ring on his right middle finger, as Dante stared down at his hands he smiled "you won't reg..." Dante's sentence was interrupted by an immense pain throughout his body and then instant combustion.

Dante's entire body was covered in Dragon fire his screams of agony subsided as his body extinguished itself, leaving nothing of his clothes asides very singed pieces of cloth covering all of the 'important' areas of Dante's body "Gotta love this innocence protecting outfits". Dante slowly got to his feet and the Dragon slayer blade appeared in his right hand, but the blade became so heavy that it stabbed into the floor, As Dante lifted it out of the floor it split in two, one sword was the dragon sword of death, the other was the dragon sword of life, Dante pulled the life sword from the floor with his left hand and it vanished into the ring, closely followed by the sword of death into the dark ring.

Dante held out his hand to try and call forth a scathe spell but nothing happened "It's done Lone, there is no longer an elementalist of Non" Dante then turned around and exited the Den "Ragnarok obviously still listens to you, your friendship is more important to him than his own life" Dante could feel this as now that he contained the power of all dragons he could speak the dragon tongue, previously un-speakable Dante returned to the Craft bay in which his new pet, that he had named after his late brother, and announced something in the dragonic tongue, the dragon bowed out of respect Causing Dante to smile.

Dante smirked "I could get used to this"
Wolf looked upa t Ragnarok and spoke in the dragon tongue

Wolf "Dont worry i know what i'm doing. Ragnarok...i think we have a dragon to kill"

Ragnarok spread his leathery black wings and Wolf got on his back. Ragnarok took to the skies headed for the moon

*an hour later*

Wolf blasted Bahumat's temple doors open. His eyes blazed golden and he had a big wide grin on his face

Bahumat "Kill him dragons!"

Wolf proceeded to walk forward followed by Ragnarok. The black dragons remained where they were and just looked at him

Bahumat "Why aren't you dead. There is no oxygen here...oh i see you're the thunder elementalist i've been hearing about. If memory serves me right, elementalist dont need air to breath"

Wolf "No shit"

As soon as he said this, a spiral of thunder beams shot at Bahumat...
Aiden099 had flown onto the Bahumut and landed in a graceful bow next to Dante..

He had heard the full story..

"If you are going to fight Bahumut.. you need these.."

Aiden099 removed his cape from around him and pulled out two swords..

"One Remade..
One True

The Remade needs to be fused with Lone's Weapon..

Also Here .."

Aiden099 removed his amulut of darkness and gave it to Dante..
"That will protect you from most of his spells.. its how i stay alive.."

AIden099 took a Gracious bow again and took off leaving two more swords stabbed in the floor infront of Dante..

"The Sword of Kings in both Light and Darkness Form.. an Amulut that absorb's most magic... and a ring of the kings allowing the body to be flooded with immense body strength.."

"Dante use them well..."

Aiden099 ran through to the command center and looked for shadow..


Aiden099 jumped off the SFB missing the rings only just and flew straight to shadow.. who was hiding just behind the guild ... inside the palin.. no magics.."


Aiden099 ran around the guild looking for Shadow.. he found nothing...

"Damn it where is he"

"Shadow come out.. am unarmed, no amulut, no rings no weapons no magic... come and talk"
OOC: nice pics guys! now for me to get involved.

IC: "look for the home of the family of shadow Aiden, that's where i am. It's surrounded by shadows, but i'm sure you haven't lost so much darkness as to not be able to enter"
Bahumat raised his black, feathery wings which protected him from the thunder wave blast


Wolf (dragon tongue) "Because of this"

Wolf raised an open fist and a blade appeared. It glowed both yellow and silver. The dragon sword...of life

Bahumat "..."

Wolf "Only difference between me and Dante is that he can control both light and dark dragons. I can only control light. I still have the sword, but only because it is infused with the thunder elementalist sword...meaning i still have the same powers as the light dragon die now"

Wolf strode ahead and jumped, with the dragon/thunder sword raised, ready to strike down...
OOC: text in spoiler tags is in dragon tongue

IC: Dante appeared between Wolf and Bahamut
"Wait, stop this madness, Lone wolf, Bahamut is mine"
Dante turned to Bahamut with a small mask over his mouth and nose "why aren't you dead" Bahamut announced "because im the dragon Lord" Dante announced as he extended his arms in both directions causing Bahamut to take notice of all the dragons surrounding the three bowing.

Dante smirked as the two dragon swords appeared in his hands
"you know what Lone, you can help me out, it doesn't matter because Bahamut is going to die"
Both of the swords vanished into Dante's hands and all but one of the dark dragons fled the Temple the one that remained charged at Bahamut but was struck down by a Scathe spell causing Dante to become angry
"Kifer, come!"
Dante announced, it would take one hour for the large black dragon to arrive and Dante smiled a ball of Dragon fire appeared in each hand "Let's play B" Dante announced as he through the fire balls at Bahamut
OOC: ooooooh battle scene. i'll send a few distance spells, if it helps any.

IC: "they may need help" Shadow muttered to himself, then pointed at a nearby shadow "SHADOW GRAS" he yelled sending the spell flying and making it come out of Bahamut's shadow.
Aiden099 stood on the hills...

"The family of shadows... enough darkness to enter?"

Aiden099 cast ryker on himself and returned to the guild .. and to a very relived Desrert

"Oh Aiden You're Back!"

"Yes i've Returned... Only Bahumut and Addralmach Remains"

Aiden099 removed his light mask and kissed Desert
his face was battle scorn and blood blisters covered his face

"Ah this will not do aiden!"


The blisters removed from his face it returned to normal.. well if you could call it normal

"Where is your ring.. your swords and your amulut?"

"Dante has them.. Dante and Lone are Fighting Bahumut"

"Are you not off to help?"

"I carnt its in space.. i cannot enter i need oxygen and we have no technology to get there.."

"What about the Bahumut?"

"The WHAT!

How do you know about the Bahumut?"

"I can read your thoughts.."

"you never told me?"

" you never asked.."

Aiden099 smirked.. it was the same answer he would have given
he jumped onto his bed and curled up with desert and went to sleep
Wolf "
Okay. Lets kill Bahumat. This will be a tougher battle that Ultima was

Wolf struck the dragon sword down upon Bahumat, but wolf was simply struck back by invisible energy bolts

Bahumat "You wont defeat me Lone wolf. I'm am far stronger than you think"

Wolf "
thats what shiva said funny enough

Bahumat roared in anger and flew with spread wings at Wolf whilst morphing into Esper form. Wolf looked calmy at the massive black dragon flying at him with open jaws. At the right moment Ragnarok darted from where he was sitting and slammed into Bahumat's side firing him into the wall. Ragnarok opened his mouth and fired a full wave of dragon fire, drenching Bahumat in molten fire.
Aiden099 awoke in a massive jolt

"Oh Course!"

"The Realm of Darkness..."

"Aiden.. whats the matter.."

"Shadow's Family are at the realm of darkness.."

"you cannot leave me now.."

"I know..."

"I won't"

OOC : The Guild of Mages is now Locked Down
No one can come in or leave....

It is locked down untill the battles above are over....
If it is attacked we will defend it with our lives those who are left in it.

Once the battle with Bahumut and Addralmach (spelling) is over i will unlock the guild...

I feel its going to take about 9 months in the guilds time.. because the guild has a lock down protocol of 9 months..

So go see your families... wreack havoc do whatever you want... I will be waiting for you all when you return.

Untill the battles are over my friends
''Aidy.Glad i found you.Do you wish to help Dante and Lone?I could get you up there and dont worry about oxygen.I got a spell for it.''It was Solidus who had teleported next to Dante.
'' seems like you got no blades.Dont worry about it either.We may visit Mr.Hells mansion.They got loads of strong weapons and armors there.So what you say?''A dragon flyed towards Solidus who turned around said something quietly and Dragon fell down dead.''Seems like Dragons dont know whos side they are.Harsh times for them.Now Aidy,what will you do?''Solidus asked.

''Seems like Shadow needs no help.Lets get to guild.''Bill said.
''Its locked...''Mark said.''Huh?What? you know?''Bill wondered.
''Aslesa,she is inside the guild so he told me.''Mark said and started moving towards exit of realm of darkness.''Okay,then lets go visit Mr.Hells mansion.I need to give back some things to armory there.''Bill said and started following Mark.
Dante watched Ragnarok's assault on Bahamut "Lone get him out of here, he won't survive" Bahamut's neck span round so his face was pointing at Raggy, Bahamut's mouth was wide open and charging a large ball of blue energy "Shit!!" Dante announced as he charged and jumped between Bahamut's face and Raggy moments before Bahamut unleashed his Mega flare attack.

The spell sent Dante flying through the air and slamming into a wall Dante was encased in the wall, a hole shaped around his body as he lay in the wall, smoke rising from his body
no it isn't, but if you are planning to join then you must do two things.

1. get permission from the high mage...(lone will post weather your accepted or not)


2. Read at least 3 pages of posts to get what is currently happening (if you really want you could read the entire thread so you know exactly what has happened and why it has happened)
isit too lat for me too join

OOC:Nop.The main rules are in first post i think and if you get permission from high mage you are welcome.I suggest you to read atleast 10 last pages to get know something about history too,not only things what are going on.If you get your permission make an entrance to guild.Now in war time it will be kinda hard but surely you can think something out :D

IC:While the fight was going on in Bahamuts temple,an army of thousand man had made it to the temple of thunder.It was the army of Alexandria and Burcaria.
''Should we do it?''General Marko asked.
''Yeah,its the order of Solidus and favor for him from me.''Lancelot said.
''Sir,the Dragons are away from here,something like 50 is here,so it will be piece of cake sire.''A soldier said to Lancelot.''Okay,are the airships here?''General Marko asked.
''Yeah...coming there,200 fine warships.All are warships what survived Alexandrian war.We can kill the dragons now.500 tanks here in 10 minutes too.Patriots are coming with war airships and tanks too.''Soldier said.
''Nice to hear.Now soldiers,lets get moving.50 elite lancers already entered the temple,i hope they will do good job.''Lancelot said.

Same time inside the temple.
''Addralmech...surrender,we have came to wipe you out.Your defenders are away.Only few are here.Surrender''A lancer said.
''Hahaha,you will die.''Addralmach said.Red glowing eyes were suddenly everywhere around lancers.''Attack''High ranked lancer said.More than 60 Dragons attacked lancers.They were surrounded,still it didnt seem like the lancers will give up.They were elite lancers,trained only to fight and kill.They had fight in dozens of wars.They had seen more stronger dragons then here was,but still back then,they had bigger army.The dragons were furious and dindt even seem to fall down.Only about 10 dragons were dead,but atleast 20 lancers had fallen.

The weather went rainy and lighting started everywhere in earth.
''Whaaaa...''a soldier shouted and everyhwere looked behind them.At least thousand dragons attacked airships.Still hundreds fell down before they made it to the ships,because of the fire of the tanks and warships but still,when they made it atleast 60 warships fell down.
''Sire,i call reinforcments.''a soldier said to Lancelot.''Offcourse you do.Bring atleast 200 elite lancers and all airships what Burcaria can spend.Also land forces are needed.''The soldier teleported away.''General Marko,call Shadows uncle.He had an army ready to war.''Lancelot said and jumped inside the temple.He saw dragons feriously killing his lancers.''Addralmach,you die now.''Suddenly Addralmech was next to him and hitted him,lancelot drawed his spear and started hitting him.About 200 Alexandrian soldiers had followed Lancelot and entered the temple.Dragons had no problems wiping them out.Only elite lancers where hard to kill for them.
General Marko had teleported next to Shadows uncle.''Hello mister,get your army ready.We are waging a war against thunder temple while most of dragons are defeating Bahamut.Its your last change Lucca to war(i think lucca was shadows uncle name but i may mis remember) and use your amrys what are waiting for wars.I know that your undead armies cant hold on long in peace.They will soon kill the guards of underwolrd if they wont have a change to kill in wars.I hope you help us dear lord.''General Marko teleported back to war.''Climhazzard''A Land dragon fell down dead who had sneaked behind Marko.''Sire,land dragons are attacking our armies.''one young soldier said.
''Fall back to tanks and send Patriots inside the temple.Their bodyguards go inside too.''Marko said.
''Okay sire.''Marko runed back to tanks and started defending tanks who shooted dragons uppside.''

10 minutes back.Mark and Bill where riding with their bikes to Mister Hells mansion while they noticed hundreds of tanks moving.
''Hey guys.''Mark said to a old friend fo his who sitted on a tank.''So whats going on?''Bill asked.
''We are going for thunder temple.We are there in 7 minutes.We are going to finish off Addralmach.''
''Whoa,we guys join you up.''Mark said.

Present moment.
Mark and Bill jumped off their bikes and runed in the temple.Same time Addralmach sent Flare spell to Lancelot.''Oh shit.''Lancelot said.Suddenly the spell was stopped.Bill was next to Lancelot and sent Ultima spell to Addralmach.''Arghh,you here.Ah i will wipe you out then too.''Addralmach said.
''Heya Bill,nice to see you here.I will handle Addralmach,you get those darn bodyguard dragons here and save my young warriors.''lancelot said to Bill.
''Sure''Bill was suddenly slashing dragons heads down.Still he wasnt too powerful,the dragons were perfect match for his skills.Mark took his gun out and started shooting Addralmach.''Flare.''And Mark fell down.Lancelot jumped high and fell down onto the neck of Addralmach and he pushed his spear into body of Addralmach.Addralmach flied into the walls of temple and Lancelot fell down tired,rusty and bleeding.The war outside was furious,only about 100 Warships were left flying and about 200 tanks,because the Land dragons were destroying them furiously.

''Only dozin left of us Mark.''Lancelot said.''Seems like you are passing out too.''Same time Patriots entered the temple.About 50 of their bodyguards too.''Now it will be your end.''Old Man said.Suddenly many dragons fell down and it seemed like this battle is not so hopeless as it seemed at first.

OOC:Sorry Lone for controlling a bit of Addralmach,but i think you wont be mad about it.I made him quite strong so dont be angry :D
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