The Final Fantasy Guild Of Mages

Dante sat in the throne room of the temple of non element "B, calm down, Shiva is dead and your still thinking of war!!!!! what is the point in fighting for someone who no longer exists" Bahamut stood up out of his seat "she exists in my memories and i wont let myself believe she would pick him" Dante smirked "I'm going back to earth, to the guild, give me a shout when you get over your childish views" Dante then teleported back into the guild and sat in his room. he climbed onto the bed and lay down "As if he could love an ice Queen"
Wolf got onto Ragnarok's back and they took to the skies alongside Aiden...Wolf switched to one of his less used senses...sensing, wher he could feel the entities around them and distinguish them. Wolf began hunting for Shadow
Dante's opened as he heard Aiden's voice, he lay for a few moments "they can handle him without me...they can handle him without me" Dante then stood up and summoned Bahamutand jumped on his back "Fuck it, it might be fun" he announced as he took to the skies alongside Lone and Aiden "Don't make me regret this, or you two will"
great they are hunting me Shadow thought, knowing this would come after killing Shiva. "Well they killed everyone else, how was i suppose to know that Shiva was off limits?" Shadow muttered to himself. "time for a bit of fun" Shadow said to no one in particular, summoning shadow clones of him. "go and hide in other spots" Shadow said to them, and they all sped off to different hiding spots, one in particular going past the three senior magi.
Aiden099 looked at the other two..

"you guys we should split up.. shadow will only clone himself and hide in places.. we can handle him.. he's only a rookie :S - find the real shadow and hold him and summon the rest of us there unless bahumut gets him instantly.."

A few moments later a large noise was heard as the Bahumut had joined the search linked to the guild computer reading shadow's vitals

Lone i can track him from the Bahumut - i'll fly over and see where the REAL shadow is hiding"

Aiden099 did a 180 spin and flew straight into the docking bay of the Bahumut and ran to the command station..

"Lone he's south from here let us go"
Shadow was watching all of his clones and then heard Aiden from a spy Jet gem that all of the seniors had, given to them by Shadow. Shadow did a quick mental calculation and then figured out they were coming straight for the real him. "time to switch" he muttered, switching places with his clone heading west.
Aiden099 had hit a few buttons throwing a techician out off the controls..

"Argh get out of my way we are going to loose him!"

Aiden099 brought up a map of the world and displayed a dot on the map of where Shadow Was

"Now Follow Him"

"Send that map to my ship!
Aiden099 ran out of the command center

"Oh and look after Unicorna"

Aiden099 ran down to the docking bay and got into his ship and flew out of the Bahumut

A few seconds later a transmisson came through and his heads up display turned on with a map displaying shadow on the run west...

"Lone i am following him in my ship.. follow it.. he carn't hide i have his Vital statitics showing on my hub i'll chase him down"
Dante watched as Aiden's ship flew past them "Lone you go after him" Dante then commanded Bahamut to take him into space, so the large black dragon did "Okay, if my calclations are corrct then i should be able to find him using this Dante pulled the spy gem out of his pocket that Shadow had given to him and threw it bak down to earth, the gem was insinerated as it re-entered orbit.

Dante then had Bahamut unleash his Mega flare in the direction that Aiden was traveling "come on Shadow, show your ugly ass face so i can low it off" Dante announced with a large cheesy grin on his face.
Aiden099 had spotted shadow's stat's had hidden in a small cave

Aiden099 had to outrun the mega flare

"Thank's Dante - just try to kill me now!"

Aiden099 landed the ship and decided it would be better to walk to shadow.
Shadow heard Aiden's remarks but remained there. Shadow trusted Aiden, because of the fact that Aiden was in a sense his opposite. He called out of his cave "Aiden get in here, and quickly, i have to leave before the others find me"
the Mega flare attack nearly hit the sky fortress Bahamut and Dante grabbed his radio "Dante to the sky fortress, come in sky fortress" he announced "this is sky fortress, what are you thinking up there" Dante smirked "yea, sorry, you guys are faster than you bad" Dante replied as he put his radio back in his pocket. Dante and Bahamut then flew directly at the SFB (sky fortress Bahamut) and as they got close enough they flew through it's glossier ring (sp)

Bahamut landed near Aiden and Dante jumped off his back the dragon slayer sword appeared in Dante's hand and he called out some small black dragons that looked more like lizards "Aiden these are sniffer dragons, they have keen sense of smell, they will find Shadow"
"Sorry Aiden, i only want to meet with you alone. You'll have to track me down once more" With that, Shadow shadow walked away once more, leaving the seniors to track him down again.
the Dragon's that Dante had summoned stopped moving around and started sniffing heavily with their noses held high in the air they then began hissing as they looked around frantically and sniffing heavily "oh crap, he has gone again" Dante whistled loudly and Bahamut strode over. he dismissed the small Sniffer dragons and mounted Bahamut "Aiden, get back to the SFB and find him, then radio me the co-ordinates" Dante and Bahamut then took to the skies in search of Shadow
Ragnarok plummeted...30 feet from the ground, Wolf dived off and landed with a roll on the ground to break his fall, Sword drawn...right before his eyes he disappeared.

He had heard what Shadow had been saying

Wolf "Fine, let him play his game. Aiden, you go to him. I'm gonna be inside the Sky fortress with Raggy. Dante you can come with me if you want"

Ragnarok hovered fr a split second abover the ground- long enought for wolf to jump up and grab on to his neck whilst he took off again to the sky fortress roof, where there was an opening ready for the dragon to dive in. It was originally used as an opening for fighter jets to shoot out, but Ragnarok and Wolf used it now as their den

Wolf "Aiden, i'm putting you in charge of daling with Aiden. Call me if i'm needed"
At least Lone understands Shadow thought as he remained in the realm that his family had crafted for all of them. i'll wait here until Aiden finds one of my clones
Dante flew through the skies on the Back of Bahamut when he was teleported to the Temple infront of the master "Dante, you shall stop using Espers as your own transportation system" Dante looked at Bahamut "so how do you expect me to..." "your the dark dragon lord, use your imagination" Dante was then teleported back down to earth "wow i have pissed him off" he muttered to himself he then called a large black dragon of the same race as Ragnarok and Unicorna and he mounted it.

the dragon Dante had brought forward was large, it had black scales and had Glowing red eye's it snarled at Dante jumping on it's back at first but Dante and the dragon connected quickly and soon they were trusting enough for Dante to ride confidently. "you shall now be known as Kifer, when i call you, come to my aid...please" the Dragon nodded in agreement and Dante flew to the Sky fortress Bahamut and landed in one of the Air craft bay

OOC: seems as i haven't really given that much of a description, this is my new pet.
OOC: Ragnarok and Unicorna look nothing like that!

Silver Dragons-


(pretend ragnarok is navy in that one. I'll find a better pic evetually)


IC: As wolf slept under Ragnarok's black wings, Ragnarok's head was high and watchful...noone was getting near either of them
OOC: well my dragon looks more sinister which is needed for a dark dragon.

IC: Dante walked the halls of the Sky fortress, he couldn't sleep because he felt unsettled almost as though Bahamut was planning something without discussing it with Him "we are going to have to kill him, but i can't help the like this" Dante thought as he paced around. Date then strode to the Sky fortress' Library, it was a vast area filled with books and scrolls for research.

he began Reading through books about masters of dragons and eventually found the book about the Dark and light dragon lords, Lone and himself, as he read through he read through the 400 page book he took a seat as he knew it would take a while.

*2 hours later*

Dante slammed the book closed and stood up "thats how we can beat him. He put the book back where he found it and walked back through the halls, in the direction of Ragnarok and Lone wolf, as he entered the hangar in which there Den was Rag's head spun around and glared at him "WOAH!!" both of Dante's hands extended "Raggy, I'm a friend and i need to speak with Lone, its urgent
OOC:Heya guys,i am back.Seems like i missed alot of action but will be soon in the story back :)

''Good morning Shadow.Seems like you are in trouble.Need a helping hand?I could beat every shithead in earth now.''Solidus was suddenly next to Shadow and looking at him.Mark and Bill where there too.
''Seems like you dont need help?I will go then.Mark and Bill will support you if you wish.''Solidus teleported away.Mark and Bill where left behind.
''So wish any help?We couldnt had any good fight back in whale because it seemed like war didnt start but now i would love to use my blade.''Bill said and Mark started laughing.''Comeone Billy...Always fighting,would you never like to rest?''Mark said
''Nop,so Shadow,need help?''Bill asked.

In Galladium.
''Back so fast?Tought you would kill some weaklings.''Kratos said.
''So tought i,but it seemed like the war didnt start.Shadow,that young boy,was afraid that his ass would be kicked i think,so he escaped and noone started the war.But it seems like Dante is going to kill Bahamut.''Solidus said.
''Hah,i bet Bill is kinda angry.Anyway do i know Dante?''Kratos asked.
''Dont think so.He is kinda strong but young.No match for us but would be match for Bill.''Solidus said.
''Strong as Bill?That guy must be talented.Bill is freaking old and skilled.No newcomer coudl beat him with eas.''Kratos said,took out his blade and started training with Solidus.
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