The Final Fantasy Guild Of Mages

OOC: Way to dawn- welcome aboard. The story is that we are currently in an elemental war. I suggest you pick a side. Shadow promotion for you. Red mage i believe? Solidjuss because you do so many Aidens (big fuck off posts) you are now a rookie mage. Dont god mod addramellech, he is under my control

Wolf felt a stabbing pain and kenw instantly what was wrong. HE whispered a thunder elementalists spell and both wolf and raggy were teleported to the throne room of Adramellech who was sitting, in front of which was 30 or so silver dragons, many ay dead/ Wolf pulled out the sword of life and pointed it at the dragons. The ressururected instantly.

Wolf "
follow me

Every remaining dragon followed Wolf outside where yet MORE dead lay. In the next second they were reborn from the sword of life. Now, all 100 dragons were alive and were attacking Solidjuss' army back with fire and claw.

Wolf extended his white and gold wings and flew into the air throwing bolt after bolt ito the massive army (where the hell did you get this army from?)

The sky blackened and Wolf initiated his favourite weather trick. Lighning and thunder exploded into the ground and into hoardes of the army

Wolf "If you actually think you can beat an elementalist then think again. Surrender or face the power of my legendary fusion form...Ragnamir. If not. You die"

Wolf (telepathy)"
sorry dante. i had to leave so early. I have a temple to protect
Due to SA's prolonged abscence i'm gonna update the first post.

Members (Number indicates rank in guild)

1. Sephirothalpha - Grand Master Mage - Missing in action
2. Lone Wolf- Elementalist of Thunder- Leader - Senior
3. Dante's Prime - Light and Dark Dragon Master- Second in command- Senior
4. Aiden099 - Master Mage - Senior
5. Hidaychi - SA's trainer and a guide to the mages
6. Shadow- Red Mage
7. Solidjuss- Rookie Mage
8- Waytodawn- Wizards Apprentice
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OOC : you are a wizards apprentice to my knowledge

IC : 3 months had passed in the normal time frame of the guild ... it was becoming tiring sitting each day looking out not being able to leave

"Aiden.. whats the matter?"

Aiden, a some what older man was stood at the window with a full beard.. they were slowly running out of food and things..

"Nothing Darling.. just what if this war never ends.."

"Then we will have to leave.."

Desert walked over to him..

"When are you going to shave this off?"

"Ah whenever i get a free minute when not staring at the stars.. training or upgrading things in the guild..

"not alot can be upgraded.."

"I know but what can be done will be done.."

Aiden099 shut the windows..

"The lump isn't showing alot today.."

"Its only been 3 months darling.. there is another 6 months.. let it grow.. but he or she will be born into a war.."

"As was i darling.. i was born in the dark war and at the age of 3 i was fighting..."
"Then they will be king or queen..."
OOC: lone i am the dragon ruler, my only ability (of magical type) is the ability to control Dragon fire and of corse all dragons

Dante heard Lone's telepathic message and decided to help him out (telepathically)
"dragons, if you are within 100 miles of the Thunder temple, travel there and Aid in the battle against the human forces"
Dante then continued his battle with Bahamut, which wasn't going to well, but he continued to fight as hard as he could "Hey lone though you could do with some help, you should be recieving around 300 dragons of Dark and light in nature to come to your aid, there going to be killing all humans so i suggest you Ragnimir up"
OOC: RED MAGE WOOT now i'm getting bored. time for some action

IC: Shadow felt power growing in him, sign of another promotion. "3 months. and Aiden still hasn't seeked me out. time for action" Shadow stood and whistled Gana to him. "Gana, let's go, we gotta help Lone" Gana growled assent, then began to form around shadow to their first combo form, Ganas the spider spider. "Lone, we're coming to help" Ganas sent shadow walking to the temple and catching a human on his scythe.

OOC: for a description of Ganas the spider, think of a gigantic spider with a human torso and head wielding a gigantic scythe. i'll look for a picture later maybe.
Ragnamir looked down upon the army that the silver dragons wre crunching away at the now large army. Everytime one died, they were resurruected by the dragon sword. All of a sudden the light dragons stoppe what they were killing and soared sky and floated along side Ragnamir and prepared to belch dragon fire...

Ragnamir "what say you solidjuss? Do you surrender"


OOC: Waytodawn. Yous start as a wizards apprentice and work your way up the ranks via promotion which you have posted enough. The first ranks are easy to get the senior ranks though are trickier. You know just the basic spells. Fire, ice, thunder cure etc. The first post tell you which spells you have. The more ranks you get the more spells you obtain. At certain point you pick which rak you like such as elementalist, blue mage, master mage or summoner, but we come to that later xD And yes you can pick a side such as mines, dantes, shadows. Then again you can make your own should you wish to live dangerously :P. Aiden is on my is dante in a way and shadow and solidjuss are together as well. At the moment we are in the centre of an elemental war which has lasted quite some time
"hmmm on second thought" Shadow said to himself, then swung his scythe around the dead bodies, Gathering the energy around him. "SHADOW RAISE" Shadow called, reviving the men to fight once more. jumping over them all and landing beside Solid, he looked at him and said "the apprentices had best stick together, eh?"
Dante had drew the Dragon slayer "this is Fitting B, i will kill you with the sword you crafted" Bahamut smiled as he clawed at Dante slashing through skin and causing the young mage to bleed, but he kept getting up and kept fighting the two wee definitely not evenly matched, Bahamut's superiority was shining through "i have been fighting for millions of years, what makes you think you stand a chance?" Dante slowly got to his feet, heavily wounded only just able to life his Dragon slayer "Because i fight for love, honour, and friend..."

Dante's sentence was interrupted by a large cough which showered Bahamut's shoulder in blood, and the sound of crystal hitting the floor as Dante dropped the Dragon slayer. Dante's eyesight shifted between focused and unfocused as his head dropped he could see Bahamut's claws stabbing into his chest as Bahamut removed his claws from Dante's chest Dante fell to the floor lay in a pool of his own blood Dante knew what came next, he had been here before.

"any last words?" Bahamut announced, but Dante could only gurgle as his throat was filling with blood, his own blood, "oh yea Dante, i should have told you this, the future you saw, is the same future you have caused here the guild shall die all of your friends and family with them" Bahamut grabbed Dante by the throat and lifted him into the air and Bahamut could tell it was over, Dante's limp lifeless body was in his hand "send him to the thunder temple, let them know they are next" Bahamut announced as h through Dante's body to the floor and his temple mages teleported Dante's corpse to Addremelech's throne room,

OOC: thats right folks, i know how y'all like a twist so i have died...again
Ganas saw Dante's body fly in front of him. "oh shit, RUN FOR YOUR LIVES" With that, Ganas entered solid's shadow and hid in his family's home, preparing to leave for the guild soon after.
At that moment the darkness dragons appeared in the horizon. Ragnamir and both the light and dark dragons swooped down into the temple entrance and shut the door behind them via magical sealing. RAg carryed the body of Dante into the throne room and lay it on the alter odf thunder

Adramellech "I cant do much. He isn't born of the thunder element meanign i cant revive him. You will want to kill Bahuma for this i presume?"

Rag "Damn right...and what do you mean i cant do anything. there must be SOMETHING!"

Adramellech "There is...but it means sacrificing elementalist's powers are great. Only you can revive him."

Rag "Then so be it..."

Rag unfused with ragnarok and Wolf, the elementalit of thunder stood in front of the altar. Adramellech took the sword of thunder and stabbed Wolf with it casting his life energy into Dante...

As Wolf felt darkness overtake him, he fell onto the ground....dead...

Dante was alive
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Dante's eyes shot open and his first breathe of life was a deep one he stood up and looked around "how am i" he saw Wolf's body and knew what had happened "fool" as Dante strode to Wolf's body to pick him up a small lightning charge shot across his hand it spooked Dante who began shaking his hand "shit shit shit shi...thats how he did it" Dante then picked up Lone and placed him on the Alter "Addremelech, he is born of thunder, revive him" Dante then turned around and looked at the dragon's who need a leader "I relinquish my title of thunder elementalist, give it back to lone when he is alive" Addremelech nodded as he began reviving Lone, the process would take 10 minutes
Wolf was darkness he could no longer feel the power that coursed through his blood of that of the legendary elementalist's. He was dead. he couldn't feel anything...where was he. What should he do

??? "You do not belong her"

Wolf whipped round and saw a cloaked figure in all black

Wolf "..."

the cloaked figure disppeared and the darkness suddenly became brighter...and more electrical

Wolf gasped air and shot up. Ragnarok's head liften up in alarm. It had obviously been crying. Wolf was back and it was joyous to see him

Wolf "We have a fucking dragon to kill Dante. Lets go"

Wolf took 2 steps and suddenly felt the rush of electricity pass throuh him. He was the elementalist of thunder once more.

Adramellech "I take it you wanted your powers back to fight Bahumat"

Wolf "Of course"

Wolf's white and golden wings spread as Wolf flew up to Ragnarok's back

Wolf "Lets go Raggy. Dante...
command the dragons to protect addramellch. they can deal with the army outside. For now, lets kill this bastard...
Dante smiled "then lets do this, boys defend Addremelech with your lives" Dante announced as he jumped on Kifer's back and they took flight and headed for the Temple of Bahamut,

After one hour they arrived at the temple and waited for Lone and Raggy to arrive, Kifer and Dante were around 2 minutes ahead of them
*an hour later*

Ragnarok landed on the cold stone of the moon next to Kiver. Wolf jumped off and drew his fusion sword. The thunder/life dragon swords and walked towards the entrance of the temple and blasted it open with a simple thunderva spell

"Round 2 bahumat!"

Wolf's golden eyes blazed with fury
Dante smirked "this shit aint gunna happen to me AGAIN" Dante then unleashed his fusion with Kifer turning him into his dragon form, this version was similar to the original Bahamut fusion asides the new Kinte fusion had Armour that was pure black instead of gray the dragon slayer and dragon healer appeared in his hands and he fused them together to make the dragon blade that looked like a Keyblade it was Both white and black.

Kinte then followed Lone into the temple and Smirked as bahamut became shocked and scared "your dead" he announced "correction, you killed me, i was revived by Addremelech, thanks to some help from my best mate here, now Wolf what say you to finishing this war"
The Guild of Mages.. Sealed

The Guild was a cold place now.. its only occupants..

Desert and Aiden
Asula and the Doctor Moogle..

There was a cold wind outside but none of them could feel it.. they were sealed inside..

Asula : "Aiden Quick its desert.. its time.."

Aiden : " Already?"

Doctor on speaker : "Aiden hurry up she's in labor"

Aiden099 got up and jumped the sofa and piano scrathing the top

"damn it lone's going to kill me!"

Running down the corridor he ran into the infirmary..

aiden099 saw 3 cradles with babies in...

"my children.."

Asula Collapsed..

"What is going on doctor?"

"Asula is going into labor as well.."

The moogle grabbed aiden by the neck


"nothing i have desert remember..."

Aiden099 was lowered back onto the floor

Asula gave birth to a boy.. when born it already had long silver hair... she called him sepiroth..

Aiden099 sat in the lounge with desert and his 3 children..

2 boys..

Maximus and Xanther
and a girl.. Rose..

"Aiden they are soo beautiful.."

"I know they are like their mother..."

9 months had passsed

since the warriors were constantly fighting they seemed to only fight a few hours but it was months..

"Do you think they will come back?"

"they best do.."

Aiden099 sealed the training room with his new keycard..

he walked to the control room and looked at the pegs with their hooded robes on..

he had placed a keycard on everyone's hook

"someday they will come and this place will be finshed.."

aiden099 took out the polish and cloth

"better get rid of that scrath before Lone see's"

Aiden099 was starting too loose hope that they would never return..
he was starting to loose his marbles.. the guild was their home..
maybe it would become their tomb as well

The children spent hours what it seemed in the courtyard in the darkness of the locked down guild... they played sword fights but of course sepiroth being taller and much stronger than the others always won

Aiden099 had gone soo weak he could hardly get out of bed..

he kept mumbling words that this was not what the future held for him...
OOC: my sword that i mentioned in the last post

IC: Kinte could feel something strange as he charged at Bahamut for the second attempt on the dragon lords life, Kinte began combo attacks on the dragon's skin trying to break through although it was difficult Kinte wouldn't give up he switched the sword from his right to left hand as a ball of molten rock appeared in his hand "have some B" he announced as he threw it at Bahamut. he switched his sword hand back to prepare for a continuing assault.

Moments later Kinte knew what he could Feel "Hey lone, we have to make it through this, I'm pritty sure that Aiden will be pissed off if his Kids aint got any Uncles, thats right two Boys and a girl and...oh shit" Kinte could also feel the Doctor's daughter's child but couldn't focus on him for long as he got a torso full of Tail from Bahamut knocking him into a wall with an "OWCH!!"
Ragnamir "way ahead of you on tht one. Dont want Ragnarok missing the action...ya know i love how i have 2 sets of wings on my back. One pair white the other black. T'is rather cool"

Ragnamir's expression changed to seriousness as he looked to Bahumat. Two large balls of thunder appeared in his hands. Rag flung them which burst in mid air into smaller more concentrated balls which all exploded into Bahumat. Bahumat just staggered back from the impact.

Rag then summoned aroun 20 thunder spears, all incuding the poison in them, hurled themselves at Bahumat piercing him.

Ragnamir strode forward with claws extended and began to slash with quick succession towards Bahumat. After roughly 4 slashes to the torso, Bahuamt caught them and threw Ragnamir back. He dashed up to Rag

Bahumat "I'm now going to kill you the way i killed Dante"

Bahumat's claws exteneded and he stabbed them to Ragnamir's black torso, but the claws didn't get very far as Ragnamir's sythed tail swooped up and slammed into Bahumt knocking him into the wall