The Final Fantasy Guild Of Mages

Aiden099 sat up with a sharp shock..

"Dante.. Lone!"

He stood up instantly and fell to his knees..

"i have failed them.. there is one thing to do.. it will hurt like hell but i need to.."

Aiden099 kissed desert and cuddled each of his children.. and patted sepiroth on the head
"Doctor i leave these women in your capable hands.."

Aiden099 did a flip out of the window and flew out the palin towards the fight..

he carried only his air staff but he morphed with Unicorna to form Aidicorna...

"time to end this"

he flew to bahumut's temple and stepped down

"you guys can never win a fight without me.."

"Whoa this is gonna be a big un.."

Aiden099 flew into the air and shot a ultima spell straight into bahumut's head..

"Dante use the items we gave you... the rings are the only way to kill bahumut..

wear them..
use the swords i gave you - combine the broken one with Lone's sword
wear the amulut"

Aidicorna fainted and aiden morphed out of his body and his body returned to the planet..
Kinte pulled himself out of the wall and his sword slid across the floor and jumped into his left hand "I tryed being nice but it just doesn't work with you does it Mr Bahamut" Kinte Ranted in a sarcastic tone as he strode to the middle of the room and watched Rag throw Bahamut into the wall "haha, as if you let him get that close rag, your slipping" kinte joked as he threw another Molten rock ball at Bahamut"
Rag "Me? Never! :P"

Ragnamir flipped up and floated in the air...this was gonna be sore. As soon as the molten rock hit Bahumat Wolf charged energy between his hands/claws. A faint yellow ball appeared. It began to grow and grow until it enveloped him in bubble.

Ragnamir "You think your mega flare attack is bad B? Check this shit"

The bubble suddenly condensed and a huge spiral beams fired straight at Bahumat hitting him square in the chest. Rubble from collapsed ceiling above B fell on top of him burying him. Not enough to kill him unfortunately, but enough to slow him down. The blast was so powerful, Rag had been blasted in the opposite direction into the wall

Ragnamir "Oww!"

As Rag got up he shut his wings, they had been damaged in the blast. No matter he still had his black wings
OOC:Ty lone for promotion but i have to correct you :D I was already rookie mage,so now i should be Green mage i think :) Look pages back you will find it eventually.Its near where you promoted Shadow last time.

IC:The battle was devasting.More than thousand of dragons flying and hundreds walking on land.The other side had more than 400 airships and 2000 tanks.More than 4000 soldiers,some of them were veterans,some of them young mans,whos childhood had just ended.Both sides armies were big,but there were more dead ones then living.The dragons were no longer ressurected by lone and if some time passes their death,like 10 minutes,they can no longer be ressurected.Addramelch was fighting with 4 elite warriors in their 50 years and Lancelot,whos hits were powerful and blocks could even block up direct attack from dragon.Still the fight had lasted for too long and everyone could see that Lancelot is tired and rusted.While the battle was going on outside,dozens of bodys were lying down inside the temple not moving.Only one was trying to stand up.It was Mark.He feeled new powers moving to his body.
''Hmm...rank up.Nice,already moving up the ladder.''Mark standed up and walked outside from the temple.A soldier runed next to him.''Sire,we got help from Burcaria,Lancelot private army and all of Alexandrias army.Deya sent about 400 tanks and 20 Deyas Gigantix warships too.These have helped us out alot.Dragons cannot destroy them by suciding so they wont go down so easily like other ships seem to.''Soldier said.
''Okay,wheres General Marko?''Mark asked.''I think he is onboard of Turok Gigantix.''
''Thank you young boy.''Mark started running through the battlefield which was full of tanks and warriors fighting land dragons.''Fira.''He shouted.Dragon who got hit,didnt even notice it.''Shit they are strong.''Mark said and runed into the side of attackers.

Same time in Gallantium.
''So why not helping your army?''Kratos asked.
''I dont want,no need for it.Even if they lose i may go and finish off Addramelch.''Solidus said.
''Want to lower dragon numbers?''Kratos asked and sent an ultima spell towards Solidus.
''Shithead...i wasnt concentrating.Anyway i want to lower the amount of war technology.It will make some wars not start in future.''Solidus said.
''Hmm,yeah.Would you want me to go fight in batlle?''Kratos asked and slashed Solidus into a wall.
''Argghh....No,they dont need you.I believe Lancelot can handle it.Marko will get surely all nations to support them.''Solidus said,teleported back to Kratos and punched him through the wall of Grand Arena.

''Bill,where are you?''Mark shouted when he made himself to the back line of Solidus army.
''Yeah boy,what you wish?''Bill asked who had teleported next to Mark.''Seems like you are in the list of livings again.''
''Get me to Marko.''Mark said.''Its urgent.''
Next moment they were in board of Turok Gigantix.''Marko.''Mark shouted.
''Yeah?''General Marko asked.
''We need army of underworld.Take contact to Shadow himself.It seemed like his uncle didnt listen to you.''Mark shouted.
''I will see what i can do.''Marko said and teleported away.
''Shadow,we need your help.Do this favor do Solidus and yourself.Get your uncle and his army to battle thunder temple.We are winning but we need more mans to survive the hardest time of this war.So will you help us?''General asked.
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Kinte ran over to Lone to help him to his feet but stopped when he was around 1 meter away from the elementalist as he could hear a roar that sounded familiar "oh shit" as he turned around the pile of rubble exploded in a golden flash and the dragon that stood up from underneath it was Bahamut Fury the dragon was twice the size of Bahamut "oh shit" Kinte muttered as he began walking away from lone "here puppy puppy puppy puppy" he shouted as he clapped his hand and patting his legs, like he was trying to get the attention of a small dog. "now I'm pissed off" Kinte then figured that it wasn't the smmoned version of BF it was Bahamut's transformation.

Kinte threw a ball of molten fire at Fury's head but it just bounced off, the Large dragon then charged at Kinte to bite him but Kinte jumped and grabbed his jaw's, one hand on top one on bottom) and as he landed on his feet he was sliding back with the power of Bahamut fury's charge, he kept sliding back until he was slammed into a wall but the dragon didn't stop there in his mouth was a charging ball of Exaflare "Lone you had to go and piss him off didn't you"


Bahamut had unleashed his attack, inevitably hitting Kinte the dragon then snapped his head around to throw Kinte across the room, Kinte slowly tryied to get to his feet but couldn't, he was severely injured but he was still trying to get up
''Aiden,come please.I got something important to tell you.Hold on to me and i will teleport you to Gallantium.I need to tell you something about your future.Offcourse if you wish to know.Bahamut can wait,your help wont end him anyway,but after you have heard what i have to tell to you,your help may be bigger then it is now.''Solidus said while he had teleported next to Aiden.

OOC:Just wanted to contact you guys more.I am getting kinda lonely :D
OOC : Solly i have returned to the lifestream.. there is no way to get me back at the minute

Don't Worry though i will be back..

IC :

Desert and the Doctor were always sat at the control panel...
Ever since Desert saw aiden099's blip go out on the control panel and she had contacted the Bahumut and they did not know where he was she was scanning the world for him..

She loved him she wasn't going to give up on him..

Aiden099 had died though... he was dead and wasn't coming back...

His soul had wandered into the great Abyss where a dark stranger met him

"Welcome home Aiden"


Aiden099 ran forwards with his staff..

"You Shall Not Stay Here!"

"Aiden.. don't i have something to tell you.."

Aiden099's father put up a barrier that aiden099 hit and bounced of

"damn it!"


"You are not dead.. you are simply going through a phrase.. your body melted away but was in the depths of the training room in the guild but its dead.. all you have to do it return to the body via swimming up the river and back through the portal.. and you will live again.."

"father i carn't.."

"you must.. you are the prophet son.. you will save the world and end the war that is going on you must return.."

Aiden099 entered the deep waters and started to swim up against all the dead bodies flowing down it...

"oh and fail this swim and you stay forever"
''Do i need to help your boy?''Solidus asked.
Father of Aiden looked madly at Solidus.''You may not be here.I know that you arent living,neither you are dead,so leave.And about my son,help him after he gets out of here.''
''Okay,but you know that the swimming will not be easy.You tried it and so did I.I did it,you not.''

OOC:Is it okay aiden that i talked to your dad?I can change the post if you wish :)
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Kinte's keyblade slid across the floor and stopped in the palm of his right hand "I won't be beaten" Dante announced as he stabbed the blade into the floor and used it to pick himself up, blood seeping from his face, his armor chipped and dented From Bahamut's attacks when he was stood Kinte pulled the blade of his keyblade out of the floor and nearly dropped it, "you can hardly stand, you have lost" as Bahamut was saying this Kifer ad Dante's fusion ended.

Kifer fell to the floor dead, and it faded away Dante dropped to his right knee, his right hand and His Keyblade hit the floor simultaneously. Dante managed to force himself back to his feet with the Keyblade in hand and he charged at Bahamut "to easy" Bahamut muttered as he tail lashed Dante sending him across the room and into another wall, Dante bounced off the wall and hit the floor quite forcefully
''Bahamut,stop the maddness,you are killing your own elementalist.Its order from Existance stop it.''Solidus said when he teleported above of Dante.He made a Barrier around Dante.''Dante,do you need my help?You surely cant beat him all by yourself.I may not touch him but i can defend you.''Solidus said and blocked a flare spell what Bahamut had sent to him.''I dont want to kill Bahamut,neither do i want to kill you.I need that your temple survives and if there isnt you or Bahamut,the temple wont survive the war waging in earth.''
Dante used Solidjus' leg to get to his feet and he smiled "you really are far behind kid, i relinquished the elementalist title so i could do this Dante clapped his hands infront of him and the marble dragon statues came to life and began spraying molten Dragon fire at Bahamut Dante then pushed past Solidjus and walked towards Bahamut calling the Keyblade to his hand
''I am sorry,but i dont have time to see everything.I had harsh times to enter lifestream and then left it.Anyway if things are going so then...Curaga,Haste,Protecta,Float,Boost!''Solidus shouted and suddenly Dante started glowing because of all the spells he had on him.

OOC:Solidus is a superman powerhouse.He has nothing to do with my ranks and spells in Mages guild.He left the guild a while ago.So dont be surprised if he uses spells what my lvl mage cant :D
as Dante stopped glowing the spells cast on him bounced back at Solidujus "you moron, this is an auto reflect chamber, all magics bounce back at the cast you complete fool" Dante announced as he continued his walk towards Bahamut who couldn't move as he was being showered by Dragon fire Dante switched his Keyblade from his right to his left hand, he then raised his right hand and clicked his fingers. the dragons all stopped their attacks.

Dante pulled a small test tube from his belt and popped the top off "so are we going to stop this fight?" Dante drak the glowing green fluid that was in the tube and his body began glowing. once it had finished glowing his wounds were healed "or am i going to be forced to kill you"
Aiden099 swam up stream and got caught by a branch at the top..

"damn it.."

Aiden099 broke free and swam into the bright light..

"he was back.."

he awoke in the training room

Desert was already there.

"Aiden !"


Aiden099 collapsed

Desert had seen aiden099 appear on the map as he reached the lgiht and ran for the room..

"You really are a silly bugger aint you.."

Two days later

Aiden099 was in the control panel again

His leg had been severed and infected with Mako poisioning.. he had to walk on a stick the rest of his life..

Aiden099 sat looking at the battle.. there was nothing he could do but wait..
Suddenly Solidus started laughing.
''If you wish so.''
The time stopped and Solidus was standing next to Dante who couldnt move himself.
''Dont even waste your time trying to move yourself.Now...first you call me kid,then you call me fool.Who the hell you think you are.About that i am kid?Huh...You know you missed with that one tottaly.I am more than millenium old.So how i am kid?Yes i know that my body is young but not i.Now that i am a fool.Bet you have made mistakse too.It seems like you are ego kid.You got talent,thats true,but you are nowhere even near to your top of skills.You have a long way to go until you may call me fool.Now if you think you can handle Bahamut all alone,then go for him.''
Time started flowing again.Bahamut had suddenly flyed high.He had his wounds cured.
''Hahaha,Thank you James,my old friend.''Bahamut laughed.Then he looked down to Dante.

''Aidy,nice to see you again.You know that your dad asked me a favor some time ago.But i am not helping you because of his order,i need you myself.Now would you like to hear why?''Solidus said when he had teleported next to Aiden,just after he teleported away from moon.
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OOC: you know what Solidjuss, being over one million years old, having the ability to stop time, being able to use spells above your level...this is all power playing so until you can abide by the rules im jus gunna ignore your posts
OOC:Hmm,i could say that you are power modding your villians too.Solidus is a villian for quite a long time now.Mark who is my real character is a weakling,only using spells what his lvl mage can and powers what are nothing compared to other guild members.So why i cant power modd my villian like you are yours.And sorry for that but i dont think its wrong.Meaby i shouldnt touch your character but still i think you have readed my posts and get his story and powers so you dont need to call him a kid and fool.
Aiden099 sat every mintue of every day now in a wheelchair ..
the mako poisioining had gotten soo bad..

the only cure was death and rebirth..

Aiden099 was waiting clingining onto life untill the other members came back
OOC: considering the age of your character 'looks' is the reason Dante would call him kid, and as for fool Dante has called every member of the guild fool and how the fuck am i power modding my villains, i don't think you have noticed but Im battling the ruler of one of the elemental temples its not going to be a walk in the park is it?