The Final Fantasy Guild Of Mages

Aiden099 woke up.. but his body did not move..

his spirit was transported to the bottom of hell..

Satan : " Welcome to Hell Aiden099 Master of the Light"

Aiden : " I am not a Master of the Light.."

Satan : " Well your Parents and your accomplise's think so.."

Aiden : " I am not anymore.. Anyway I Wonder .. Satan can you fix these wings?"

Satan : " No i am afraid not.. they are not work of me.. they are work of Ultimcia who you and your friends sent to the grave.. to get them removed you must find the next decendant of Ultimacia and seek her or him out and request they fix you.."

Aiden : " Who is the decendant?"

Satan : " A Lone Warrior from the old continent.. A father...... of a beautiful daughter of the valkeries.."

Aiden : " No.."

Satan : " Yes Desert.. Is the next Decendant of Ultimacia..

Aiden : " Send me back.."

Satan : " You must fight your way out.."

Aiden : " So be it.."

Aiden099 drew his sword..
Satan : " No one can help you now.. no one can get here but you.."

Aiden : " Well bring it..

Satan drew a huge arse sword a direct copy of the Buster sword..

Aiden : "What the!"

Satan sliced at aiden slicing his sword arm clean off...

AIden099 flew backwards and his wings carried him away..

Satan : " Damn!"

Aiden099's wings flew him across to the real world and back to the guild.. he flew through the floor and fell to the floor and landed with a large crash..

Aiden : " Des...ert.."

Aiden099 Collapsed again..
Dante stepped in front of Ragnamir "you know Rag was too young to fuse, you won't be able to last as long as normal with his younger form" Dante muttered as he looked at the now weakened Drakon, Dante charged, threw himself into the air and came down in the same way as he did at the start of the battle "now you die" with one slash of the buster sword Drakon began stumbling back further "this can't be i am the lord of the darkness dragons" Dante smirked "looks like your about to loose your title, Lone when he die's i shall take the power of the darkness dragons, that way we can make sure there aren't any unexpected warlords trying to destroy the guild" Drakon stopped stumbling back "yes Dante, but what you have to remember is im not dead yet"
Desert had sensed something wrong and came onto the balcony and saw aiden099 collapse..

"Aiden! not again!"

Desert ran down the stairs and into the courtyard and picked aiden099 up.. with the help of Air Wolf they carried aiden to the isolation room in the infirmary..

Doctor : " hmm this is getting too often.."

Desert :" he stays here now "

Doctor : " okay"
Ragnamir looked at Dante and nodded.

Rag "I'll take care of the dragons and retrain them to be of good nature"

As Rag walked to where drakon lay, Drakon unleashed a full wave of dark scathe in front of Ragnamir. Raggy simply swiped the scathe spell which went shooting into one of the pillars destroying it. Raggy jumped and brought his claws down upon Drakon stabbing him as the razor claws sliced through his torso. Drakon then vainly struggled as Ragnamir picked him up whilst he hung on the end of his claws and tossed him to the middle of the room.

Ragnamir "How would you like to the dragons, or by dante's hand. It would seem fitting that the person killing you would take your title, but it would seem even MORE fitting that the very creatures you command have killed you

Drakon "and how would THEY kill me. they obey me"

Raggy "Wrong, they obey me when they have the choice between both me and you"
Dante spun the Buster sword around so he was holding it back hand "I shall save the dragon's the effort" and with one final stab of Dante's blade drakon was dead, "buster sword through the brain, bound to kill anyone"

After Dante removed the Buster sword from Drakon's skull he slid it down his back, and watched as a small Black orb floated out of Drakon and hovered above his corpse "who shall take the title of Dark dragon master?" a voice announced, it was the Orb "I shall, Dante prime of the Mages guild and Elementalist of Bahamut's Temple!" Dante announced "so be it" the Orb's voice announced as it flew into Dante's chest and absorbed into him Bahamut and Dante's fusion ended with a flash and the large black king of Dragon's towered over Dante.

"i saw it a neat fit that i should rule over the Dark dragon's when one of my summon's were one, don't want any scary surprises" Bahamut nodded, then lowered one of his wings to the floor so Dante could get on, "Ragnamir, hurry back to the guild, I'm leaving now" Dante mounted Bahamut and then began the long flight back to the mages guild.
Aiden099 shot up and sat straight up


Doctor : " Take it easy aiden. you look like you've been through hell.."

Aiden : " thats just it doc.. i did.. Even the lord of hell wants me dead"

Aiden099 stood up

Doctor : " oh no i'm under direct orders from your wife that you remain here"

Aiden : " I need to speak with her.."

Aiden099 went for the door
and the doctor stood in his way

"Then i shall call for her"

Within a few moments Desert came in

"Aiden.. your awake"

"Yeah i am.. i need freedom though .. i need to move.. Its time we left this place.."

"What are you saying aiden?"

"I'm saying.. i'm not safe being a mage.. I need to leave.. We need to leave.. return to your father's side and let me take over as General.. and prince.. not king.. For not only do my family want me dead.. but the Lords of Heaven and Hell also want me gone.

And i Know Ultimacia runs in yor blood line..
And i know you are the next blood relative to her....
I know you have to take up the role of Elementlist of Light.. but to do this you have to kill the guardian.. the angel..."

"Aiden no.."


Desert ran out of the room in sobs of tears and aiden099 ran after her

"Aiden! I cannot and will not kill my husband! I love you, i cannot do that!"

"But don't you see.. all you get out of me by killing me is the Light part of me.. the King part of me and myself is still here.. i will return to life just remove the light and take it!"

"No i carn't!"

Within a few moments Desert closed the door to aiden's room on him

Aiden099 punched the wall and slid down the opposite wall and sat banging his head against the wall..
"Desert.. if you don't do it... Satan will and i will be gone forever.. if you do it you can keep me forever.."

There was a click and the door unlocked..
Wolf stood again with young Ragnarok standing beside him. Wolf knelt down beside the corpse and held it and his tears shed

"I'm sorry it came to this brother. You always like the darkness and dragon, as i liked the light and dragons too. It was only fitting we became to drakness and light dragon masters...goodbye"

Wolf used the dragon fire spell to cremate the corpse on the spot. He looked up at the whole hoarde of dragons looking down upon him with saddened, sympathetic eyes...

"You have a new master. Me. I will look after you all and care for you now. Come with me and Ragnarok to the guild with us. You can be free and live there. lets go"

Every dragon nodded in agreement


Many hours of flying later as the pixie guard looked out the window he saw Ragnarok and Wolf and behind them...a full army of dragons. The pixie guard was taken aback by the sight. Raggy landed in the courtyard followed quickly by the other dragons who landed on the walls and grass.

Wolf "I'm back. With allies"

the pixie guard came running up

PG "Do you command all these beast"

Wolf "Call them beasts once more and i'll singe your arse like dante did and feed you to them :D And yes, you didn't think i wore this ring for nothing"

Wolf signalled down to a gleaming white ring with a dragon carved into it
the pixie guard took a look at the ring, "master Dante was wearing a ring just like that one, but it was made of a black stone, Sire what does this mean?"

By the time Lone had returned Dante was stood in the training room contemplating his actions "i should have let Lone kill him" Dante heard the door's open and close swiftly "hey Kara" Dante announced but he then heard an Evil laugh as he turned around he sw Kara dressed in elementalists robes "Kara why are you wearing my robes?" Kara began laughing "who says there yous" Kara then threw a scathe spell at Dante which hit him directly, knocking him back "what the hell! how could you pos..." Dante then remembered what Lone was saying when they were fighting Kifer "no, you can't be" Kara threw another scathe spell at Dante "yes, thats right Dante, i am the dark elementalist of Bahamut's temple" Dante drew the Buster sword off of his back "then it is my duty to Defeat you, and either send you back to your prison or to the grave" Kara began repeatedly throwing Balls of Scathe and Scourge at Dante but he simply knocked them aside with the Buster sword, "hey lone when you get a spare five minutes i could really use some help in the training room" Dante announced telepathically
Wolf sat among the dragons getting peace in the courtyard getting peace then he heard Dante's message

Wolf "Oh God, just when i sat down. You know the dragons need trained"

Wolf walked into the training room and ducked as he narrowly avoided a scathe spell

Wolf "You needed shit!"

Wolf dived out of the way of about 3 other scathe, poison and ultima spells. He casts his rain spell so that it rained heavily. Wolf was invisible. He snuck up on Dante and held his shoulder. Dante disappeared too

Wolf whispered "Like my trick. I can make you invisible too. Now! Cast the biggest shitload of spells before she finds us"

Wolf used the rain to his advantage as it charged his full barrage of wave, waterva and poison spear attacks that all flew at Kara
Solidus was riding with taxi, when he suddenly said:''Shit, what the heck is that?''
''A patrol of the Emperor, new king of Alexandria who has conquered whole east, calling himself as a Emperor.Oh and these monstersi would call them Destruction and Rampage,both 10 meters high.''Said the taxi driver.''Yeah i see that they are damn big.''Said Solidus.
''So you got your ID card with you?''driver asked.
''Hmm i think so.''Solidus answered.
''Oh and by the way,are you any way related to Prince Turok?''driver asked,''you look similar to him,if i remember right.''
''Yeh i am,i would call myself Turok.''
''Prince?....Holy shit,i am driving with Prince.''Taxi driver put his head out from the window and shouted:''Let me throught i got a Royal Member in my taxi.
''The monsters jumped out of the way and taxi started driving towards to Alexandria.
Same time in Mr.Hell's mansion.
''Mark, are you finished?''Rotten man asked.
''Yes Mister,i am.Oh and where's Hell?''Mark asked.
''Down, talking with Satan i presume.Anyway i gotta go, i need to end a job.''
''What kind of a job, mister.''Aslesa asked.
''The owner of neutral angel Kasak wings, Aiden was he called, i have some business with him.A order from the above.''said the mister.
''He is from the Guild.''Aslesa said.
''Okay,be strong,i will go to see him,goodbye.''And Mister went out of the mansion and soon started flying towards Guild of Mages.
''I hope Aiden is alright.''Aslesa thinked himself.
Kara extended her hand out infront of her and a non-elemental barrier rose around her blocking all of the poison spears Lone threw at her, and causing the waterva spell to burst and fall to the floor "your forgetting that i have been able to study each of you, whilst playing the poor helpless girl" Kara then snapped her fingers and smiled as Dark Gilgamesh appeared and stood next to her, Kara's barrier broke and rose into the air reforming as a sort of umbrella to stop the rain getting through, This Caused dante and lone to become visible again "shit Dante announced as he dove forward and threw two scathe spells at Gilgamesh
The noise aiden099 had heard was not the door unlocking of his room..

He opened his eyes and found himself back in Hell's Mansion.

"God Damn It!"

Aiden099 stood up and took a flaming torch off the wall and started to walk the vast maze of the hell's mansion.

as he got onto a vast staircase he heard Solidus's voice

''Aiden?''Solidus turned around and saw Aiden calling him.
''Huh,what are you doing here?''Solidus asked.''You know i went to find you from the Guild about a week back,but you weren't there,then i started thinking about some words that Mister told me a while back, about the wings of Kasak, that when Kasak comes back after every 1000 years, they are starting to act by their own.In next 20 years he will be back most likely.He also told me that the wings where given to a man,who they hoped who will be the new Lord of Light.Then some weeks ago i saw you collapsing and heared Desert talking about your wings,that you cant control them anymore.So when i was looking for you i tought the only place you will be expect Guild will most likely be here, because Satan was urgenly searching you to get his hands to your,or i should say Kasak's wings.''Solidus smiled and looked to Aiden's back.''As i see you dont have your wings anymore,so dont worry that you will lose control over them.Now follow me,oh and i don't suggest to go back to Guild,because Angels are searching for you.''Solidus smiled warmly to Aiden and showed wich way they will go and gave him a piece of lether and said:''If you miss Desert,use it,the instructions are same as last time.''

OOC:Aiden sorry for about a little bit of god modding,but i think it's nice way to make your life more intresting.Oh and it's 1.5 week later from the time when Mister was coming for you.You heared the door unlocking and then Mister opened it and used dark magic on you so you collapsed,after that he took you to Mr.Hell's mansion.
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Some time back when Solidus was riding with taxi to Alexandria.
''Whoa,it's really going modern.''Solidus wondered himself.
''You see that tower there,it's new airship tower, it holds up to 24 airship and it has about 14 Air Crusader 2's inside it and offcourse new Emperor's Galaxy.''
''Nice, it really seems big, so what about my airships?''Solidus asked.
''They are no longer making Turok Warship's.I think they were too expencive to make.''Taxi driver said.
''Not in my time.''Solidus said happily.
''Yeah but most of the money goes now to hiring Dragonriders,assasins,making new war airships and for developing the spaceship.''
''They haven't still finished it?My dad started the project and he assumed it would be ready in few decades.''said Solidus.
''Yeah, but in new Emperor time, they have made it for use in war, making some plasma and crystal energy cannons to it,but as you know, we don't have any gigantic crystals after your brother took them away.''
''Hmm okay,take me to front of palace.''Solidus said.
''Okay sir,''said taxi driver and they started riding towards palace.
Solidus jumped off the taxi and said:''Be cool driver,it was good to talk with you.''
Taxi driver smiled and drived away without asking any money.
Solidus marched towards palace doors,the guards were looking at him and said:''No citizen can open doors of Emperor's palace.''
''No citizen, but i can.''Solidus touched the door and it opened himself.
''What?....''guards just looked at door and Solidus and wondered.
''Solidus runed trought the palace until he made himself to throne room.
''Hello Turok, nice to see you again.''said an old man.
''...., you?.''Solidus was shocked.
''Yes Turok, so could you now tell me where have you been all that time?''old man asked,''And be fast,Emperor will be back in two days.''
''Okay uncle.''Said Solidus.
Solidus telled everything to his uncle what had happened in last two decades,when he had been away,same did his uncle.After two days being with his uncle,Solidus left the Palace beign afraid of Emperor,who surely with no doubts would have slain him.
Solly was for few days in Alexandria, when he finally realised that Kasak wings are in control of Aiden, he went to Guild.
Solidus was walking along the hallway when he saw Desert:''Hey Desert,wheres Aiden?''
Desert started crying and said that Aidens not there.
''Dont worry Desert,i think i know where he is,and i think his life is not in danger now,but still i reccomend you to go away somewhere and take this piece of letter and hold it with yourself,i give the other piece to Aiden,if you both have it,you can teleport to eachother.''Solidus smiled and left.
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Aiden099 looked at the leather..
"hmm lets see how this works.."

To Desert..

Meet me at the place we buried Unicorn.. we need to talk..

Yours Forever


Aiden099 wrote it and then looked as it disappeared

"damn i hope i don't have to stay here.."

Aiden09 was stood on the roof of hell's mansion.

Within a few moments of the leather going blank his wings spurted backto life and flew him to that location and he saw a tall, brunette figure on the edge of the cliff wearig all black


"Aiden! thank god.. i got your message.. whats going on.."

"I am being hunted.. i need to stay out of the way for a while.."


"because of these things. aiden099 expanded his wings.."
"Speak to solidus and he will explain"

"i have to go my angel.. i love you"
Aiden099's wings expaned and he just managed to fight them long enough to give desert a kiss and hand her a necklace..

"This will let you communicate via the mental path the mages use.. you can get hold of me with it.."

"AIden! I love you please be careful"

"hey ... i'm coming back.."


"I promise babe"

AIden099 then was thrown back to the roof of the hell's mansion

"Damn it!"

he wrote on the leather


Don't try to find me.. i'm lost

Stay with Air and ALexander in the guild

I Love you

AIden099 sensed a presence behind him..
he turned around

OOC: I will allow solidus to decde who the person or thing is beihind me..
Three things and one man looking madly at Aiden.Just seconds later Solidus rushed to roof while Mark was next to him.Mark raised his gun and said:''Emperor himself,and ... Kratos.''There they were all standing, Mark pointing his gun to Emperor,Solidus pointing his gunblade to Kratos,Mister and Hell who were standing next to Emperor teleported to roofs farside.Aiden was looking it all.
''Mr.Hell come back you idiots!''said emperor madly.
''As we both said,our deal is complete,now just end your job here and leave.''said a red faced man,who looked like a bull.
''Kratos,wipe these two out.''Emperor shouted.
Kratos jumped to Solidus,kicked him down and teleported to Mr.Hell.Hell kicked Kratos but he didn't notice it.He took out his gunblade and teleported to near cliff.''Come now my fellow fighters''.Mr and Hell both teleported to that cliff and started fighting with Kratos.Same time Solidus standed up and started looking at the cliff near there.
Suddenly all the field turned into light beams.Mark said angrily:''Solly,dont go near there,they are using ultima rains,it would kill you in your new reborned body,dont go even near it.Suddenly Emperor rushed towards Aiden and raised his blade:''I want your wings!''He shouted while started to slash Aiden with his Blade of Emperor.
OOC: Solly, just post everything in te one post, there isn't a limit to the length of it


Wolf "Why is it never as simple and 'bang, you're dead. Ya know ragnarok might not be at his full power yet, but i am!"

A blue aura blazed out of his body, and his eyes shone their normal bright blue. His azure feather wings appeared. He was in overdrive mode

Wolf rushed forward a lightning speed and slashes with twice the power than what he usually can do at Kara. She simply stepped aside from each attacks

Kara "Oh come on! I need a better challenge"

At this point the pixie guard walked in and sat on the ground checking kara's arse out.

Pixie guard "Oooft!"

Kara looked round with fury in her eyes and lauched a scathe spell at the guard. Wolf used the opportunity to grab her from behind (sounds wrong i know) and hold her arms back so she couldn't move. He whispered the elementalist magic drain move so he could distort her mental focus enough for Wolf to shove a poison waterva spell into her gut. Kara stumbled forward spluttering, winded. her weakness was...her weakness. she wasn't as physically strong as the Dante and Wolf

Kara snapped her head and muttered something. In the next second the biggest shit load of scathe spells flew at both Wolf and Dante


OOC: No pixie guard were harmed in the making of this post, the pixie guard had ran out the room before the mighty scathe spell of doom could hit him and kill him like the pervy pixie bastard he is
Dante stood and absorbed the scathe spells thrown his way, for what Kara lacked in physical strength she made up for in tactics and magic power Kara looked at Dante, the fury still in her eye's "Dante this might be a good time to mention, your parents weren't killed a dark wizard like i told you, the village was my doing, along with your parent's death" Dante became shocked and furious in the same moment "wha...bu...why?" "i was proving to the elements that i was evil enough to take the power" a single tear rolled down Dante's cheek "then i have to kill you" Dante looked at the floor as the pendant given to him by Bahamut began to float away from his neck "not only for me, but everyone you have killed" a shock wave shot from Dante as the small golden stone on the end of the chain shattered and a loud screech of a dragon could be heard, then a large golden Dragon burst through the roof of the training area "no, Bahamut fury, he is only a legend" Kara announced as the dragon landed next to Dante " your life ends now" Dante announced

OOC: for those who do not know how awesum Bahamut Fury is, watch this video