The Final Fantasy Guild Of Mages

As Famfrit vanished and the rain began hammering down again Kifer smiled and Dante shot him in the head with a Shadow flare spell "Kifer, i am stronger than you, give up and return to your prison or Die" Dante announced "that is no way to talk to your own flesh and blood Dante" "my brother died when he was taken from our village" Kifer took a few steps forward "I was taken against my will" Kifer announced throwing a waterva spell at Dante "and when i came to help you, you decided to stay" Dante replied knocking away the spell "so you have made your choice, stopping me from having one, i have to kill you Kifer" Dante then shot a bio needle from each one of his fingers and both of his thumbs 7 of the needles hit, knocking him on his ass. Dante then charged over and began a physical assault with the Buster sword
Shadow watched the byplay with amusement, then got bored and sent a spell at the one called Kifer. "SHADOW THUNDARA!"he yelled sending the spell at Kifer.
Shadow's spell hit Kifer knocking him back slightly and Dante heard aiden's Question "attack by your own decision" he replied before unleashing Siphon and drain alternatively one after the other to keep himself in fighting condition whilst harming Kifer both physically and mentally.
Wolf walked up behind Kifer and back kicked him sending him forward. Kifer immediately got up and blasted a whole barrage of waterga spells. About 30 waterga spells were summoned in mid air and on the wave of Kifer's hand they all went speeding at wolf who stood, bored, as each waterag spell crashed into him. The shockwave created was enormous, creating a whole layer of dust in the air

As the dust settled in the rain, Kifer looked forward and saw Wolf calmly leaning on his sword out of tiredness

Kifer- "You should be dead. Jesus, you weren't bluffing"

Wolf "No shit"

Wolf drew his sword from the ground and walked forward and launched himself into the air with a jump. He timed the attack perfectly so that whilst in midair, he flipped and turned landed right behind him.

Wolf "You do realise that i can turn invisible in this rain as can you, you just need to think it. However only i can turn invisible in this sort of un shadow-ey rain."

After whispering this, Wolf disappeared and grabbed Kifer throwing him backwards to Dante who had his swords draw ready for some mincing time

After saying this,
Dante stabbed the buster into the floor and caught Kifer with his right hand "well it looks like this is the end" Dante announced "kill me and you will die, by the hand of death himself" Kifer announced "been there done that, Death is nothing" Dante then pulled the Buster sword out of the ground and rammed it with great force through Kifer's torso, Kifer coughed out a mouthful of blood "It is over for you Kifer" Dante announced as he threw him to the floor, Dante then slid the Buster sword down his back and walked over to sam's body, "Sam, you deserve a proper buriel" Dante then picked him up and walked out of the city, he teleported back to the guild so he was outside the main gate and as the Gate opened in the rain Kara was stood on the other side to see Dante striding in with her dead brother in his arms.

"Dante is that..." a tear rolled down Dante's cheek as he watched Kara realized who it was "No, Sam it can't be" tears began streaming down Kara's face and she ran over and grabbed her brother's head "come on Sam wake up, Sam wake up" Kara was shaking him and slapping his face trying to wake him up "Dante do something" she screeched "I can't, i cannot play with death" as Dante took Sam to the Graveyard Kara fell to the floor crying "I'm sorry Kara, i have to bury him" Dante whispered. after Dante buried sam he summoned a tombstone and used his knife to carve some words into it. it read "Sam, loving brother and friend"
Aiden099 came out of the shadows of the graveyard..

"God Damn i hate graveyards"

Aiden099 walked over to Dante and Kara

"Dante you know there is one thing you can do.. but with Garsol in jail it could be hard.. and if you don't want to play death then its your choice.

Am sure Luka and Shadow would be happy to help you... Its your choice.. one final msision to the realm of the undead?
I know the way.. and how to get into the room... If we go... I seal the entrance so we can never play god again..
Dante its your choice ..
Sam's Life is in your hands.. Go to the realm of the Undead and rescue his soul and return it here.. Or Let him stay dead and leave him in his grave.. The Choice is yours"
"I'm leaving him dead, there is no point in bringing him back just so he can be killed again" Dante then walked up to Aiden and placed his right hand on Aiden's shoulder "he was always getting in fights, he would simply die again" Dante then walked towards the exit of the graveyard with Kara "and the grim reaper isn't very nice, he kinda wants my head" Dante and Kara then went to Dante's room to get some sleep, even though there wouldn't be much sleeping as all Dante could think about was that he had just killed his only living relative
"the grim reaper wants all our heads Dante" Shadow called to Dante as he left the graveyard. "hmmm i think it's about time to visit my uncle anyways" Shadow said then he walked into a shadow and found himself next to his uncle. "UNCLE" Shadow yelled hugging his uncle Luka as if he was a young kid of 6. Luka ruffled shadow's hair and said with surprise "my how you've grown." "yeah i know, it comes from being related to you" "good point, what do you need?" "well uhm..." Shadow was hoping he could persuade his uncle to come live with him at the guild, but he couldn't say it for some reason. Luka knew what was on Shadow's mind though, so he laughed and said "of course i'll come with you, nephew." "Really? YAY" Shadow hugged his uncle again, and then he took his uncle's hand and stepped back into the guild. he decided to introduce his uncle to Dante. "hey Uncle? you remember Wolf and Aiden right?" "uh-huh" "well there's one more person i need to introduce you to. over here uncle" As Shadow walked over to Dante's room, he saw a DO NOT DISTURB sign on it. "signs never held me back before" Shadow muttered then pounded on the door and yelled at the occupants of the room "HEY WAKE UP I NEED TO INTRODUCE YOU TO SOMEONE!"
Aiden099 walked past.

" Dude do you have a death wish?

Don't disturb it says - leave Dante and Kara alone for a bit
Anyway i'll be back later off out with Desert.."

Aiden099 turned around and walked off picking up his long coat to cover his suit.

"Lets go then Desert"
"Fine then. hey Uncle want to go into the training room with me?" Shadow asked his uncle as he walked away towards the training hall. "Sure nephew" his uncle replied. A minute later, there were robot bodies littered across the floor. "i fought more powerful fiends than these pieces of junk in the realm of the dead" Luka muttered as he sliced off the head of another robot. "oh yeah, i forgot how strong you were. one sec uncle and i'll put on my training program" Shadow walked across the room, activated the training program, and let the doors close as his program initiated.
Dante heard the pounding on the door and the shouting of Shadow "naive little bastard" Dante muttered to himself as Kara rolled over "D, what is wrong, why aren't you sleeping" Dante stood up and ran his hands through his hair "I killed him, i killed my only..i killed my own brother" Kara stood up and rapped her arms around Dante hugging him "you had no choice, he would have killed you" a tear began rolling down Dante's cheek "if i can do that to my own brother then...what happens if i..." Kara placed her hand gently upon Dante's cheek and wiped away one of the tears "you would never hurt one of your fellow guild members" Dante stepped back and walked over to the balcony and placed his hands on the ledge "I have done it before, what happens if i do it again, what if its you" Kara followed Dante out, hugged him from behind
and wrested the side of her face on his back "you would never hurt me, because you know how much i love you" Dante turned around and looked Kara in the eye "i love you to" Kara then raised herself up onto her toes and kissed Dante
OOC: Jesus, Well Shadow, would YOU like to unveil a hidden romance?

IC: Wolf looked down upon the dead body of Kifer, Dark Elementalist of Water. Wolf bent down and blessed the body and looked up. ragnarok was waiting

In 10 minutes wolf and Raggy were back at the guild watching over the burial ceremony

Wolf "Ok guys. Its time i told you about this whole thing. Kifer is what we in the temples call a Dark Elementalist. Dark elementalist know the spells of a normal elemtnalist, but with added strength and obviously with darkness in them. Evil spells if you like. Each temple has one, and back in the past, they tried to destroy each temple together, so, they locked them up in special magical barriers in the opposing temples. It was when i turned into a water elementalist from the thunder one i think he escaped from the thunder temple. he used the lack of security to escape, but i still dont know how exactly. The other dark elementalist are locked up dont worry"

Wolf cracked his neck from fatigue

Wolf "Which brings me to another thing. The dragon. That dragon was under Kifer's control. And to do that he needed help. Dragons dont obey just anyone ya know. The dragon lords. There is 2. One is good, one is bad. There was a dragon war between the two 500 years ago. Many species of dragon were killed, but they are still numerous today. The good dragon me. The bad one, was supposedly killed, but that is apperently not true. Kifer was working with! Which means, the dragon lord will die. to avoid a future war and to keep peace among the dragon race and i know exactly where he is. The dragon temple in the antarctic mountains way north. I will go with whoever wishes to come. Just beware, if you do come, you are under constant risk from dragons attacking you. Only dante and me are fine because we are dragon masters ourselves. Who wishes to come? if you do wish to come then it is CRUCIAL that you do NOT kill ANY dragons"

Wolf looked up for any volunteers

Wolf "I will leave at sunset"
''Huh,like what the hell is going on.My head.Shit,how much did i drink.Oh now i remember,that shitty rain what almost took me down.''Solidus looked around.''Huh,this place has changed,i feel something strong.Meaby an elementalist.Hmm,atleast he must be someone.''Solidus raised up and looked at a note.''Hmm,looks like Shadow is kind of a writer type,hahaha.''Solidus walked outside his room and feeled good.''Feels like i got new legs,heh.''He walked and walked around Guild when suddenly he heard:''Turok,here you are,i have been searching for you,your aura was down for a long time,how did you do it?''Solidus freaked out:''You,how did...its not possible.I am going to get you, you damn freak.''Solidus started running,when Aslesa(medics daughter) called him.''Hey Solly,how are you.''Solidus looked back:Srry no time for you,please stay here,Kratos wont recognize you with your new identy.''Aslesa flinched:''Kratos ....,it cant be,please be safe.I already lost you once,and almost lost twice,dont do it again,please.I won't,''said Solidus.He went outside of the Guild and started walking.''Hmm how could it have survived,i was sure i took it down.''
OOC:i am back,and because i am working for few weeks,i needed to get outside of the guild,because i will be semi active.Anyway,be cool dudes :) You will also hear a lot about my character backstory for that time ;)
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OOC: Don't worry wolf, this is going to be short lived, a twist i have been planning since i was in that town :)

IC: Lone don't worry, I'll be comming with you" Dante informed his ally telepathically as he walked through the guild to the courtyard, Kara chased him "Don't go" Dante looked at her "i have to, lone needs my help" Kara grabbed Dante's hand "then im comming with you" Dante smiled "you don't mind riding Bahamut with me do you" Kara became a bit worried "as in the dragon king Bahamut, isn't he a bit big" Dante smirked "yea, but he is friendly i promise" Kara smiled and followed Dante

upon arriving in the courtyard Dante summoned the massive black dragon and as he landed it began getting aggressive towards Kara "Bahamut, settle down she is a friend"
Solidus had walked for a quite long time when he heared a voice of a motorcicle.''Huh,motorcycles in this kind of a wasteland.''A dark bike was riding towards Solidus.He was ready to cast a fire spell,but when bike stopped next to him,he let his hand down.''Nice to see you,could you give me a ride?''Solidus said.''Hahaha,your a dumbass as you always have been,asking a total stranger for a ride.Idiot.''said a heavy man,whose face was covered with scars.''So should i have attacked you Mark?No you shouldn't,but you should had taken your blade out,oh hahaha i forgot,its in my hands you dumbass.''Mark took out a finely crafted gunblade from his bag.''Here,be happy.''Solidus took the blade and wached it.''Its beatyful as always,so how did you find me?''Mark started laughing:''Hahaha,you had your aura down for quite a long time,but at the moment it came back,i knew that noone else besides you and Kratos have that big aura.Offcourse not many people can feel it,because both of you hide it,especially Kratos,but for last month,you did it better,but now you came back with all of your aura,idiot.''Solidus started to wonder:''Hmm meaby that ancient magic bringed my aura back for some time,cured my spell whit what i hided it.''Solidus sat on bike and said:''okay i am ready to go,to Mr.Hell's mansion.Mark flitted away while having Solidus sitting on the back of bike.''So how have you been Solly?''Solidus laughed:''I am not in the mood to talk about it,and besides don't call me Solly.''The bike eloigned.
Aiden099 heard Lone's call

"Lone One of us best stay to look after the guild.. with the curse flying around at the moment I wouldn't want to push my luck..

Me and Desert and Air wolf will stay here and look after the Guild..


Desert looked at aiden..

"are you sure?"

"i don't want to die again.."

Desert walked over to the balcony

"aiden!" you best look at this!"

Aiden099 ran to the balcony and say Solidus on the back of a bike

aiden099 dived off the balcony onto his motorbike and sped after him

"hmm i wonder where he is going"
Wolf "Fine, just you and I Dante"

Ragnarok fluttered down and as he landed he looked up at the massive black Bahumat

Wolf "Dont worry you'll be that size soon enough, mabey even bigger"

Ragnarok tilted his head and lowered his wings to let Wolf up onto his back

Wolf "Lets go!"

Ragnarok took off. It would be hours of flying before they got as far north to the temple...

Many hours later, Wolf was standing in front of the fire temple on top of the Mountain
''Someone is following us,is it your boyfriend?''Mark started laughing.''I am not like you,geyboy.''said Solidus while having a smile on his face.Mark freaked out and kicked Solidus,Solidus fell down from the bike and shouted:''Fire''but Mark didnt even notice the spell,he looked back and said loudly:''You will need to find a new way to get to Mr.Hell's mansion,idiot.I will be waiting you there.''Solidus looked back and saw aiden on a motorcycle riding towards to him.''Meaby he can help.''