The Final Fantasy Guild Of Mages

Shadow heard Dante's shout and smiled grimly. "oh Wolf is in trouble. still, he is my mentor, so i'm going to go help him" shadow said turning around and heading back to the training hall.
Wolf smiled...this would be fun

Wolf calmly stood

Wolf "Dante you're first to be angry with me, Aiden you can wait yet. I have a feeling i'm gonna need some of my energy for Dante first..."

"Yes Altair, nice to see you again :)"
shadow walked into the room where wolf was. "hey Wolf, your getting some help, because your my mentor, and i'd rather not find a new one again. plus, i'm looking for something to do" shadow said grinning as he touched his necklace.
LW "Dont you DARE let the shadow side in fact, do, but ONLY if its under control :P"

OOC: Btw, Shadow- I'm promoting you. Not as guild-leader-whilst-SA-isn't-here. But As Your mentor, i'm sure i'm allowed to do that anywayz. Its rather unfair how you've been a WA for this long. So rookie mage, your new spells-

All spells known by Wizards apprentice
Fira - moderate fire damage to one opponent
Thundara - Moderate ice damage to one opponent
Blizzara - Moderate ice damage to one opponent
Watera - Moderate water damage to one opponent
Quakea - Moderate earth damage to one opponent
Foie - A small fire ball launched from palm or foot
Ryuker - Opens warp back to Mages Guild
OOC: there is gunna be a lil bit o godmoddin here

IC: Dante strode up to lone and grabbed him by the scruff of the neck, he then pushed him up against a wall and lifted him off the ground "you better have a Fucking good reason for Killing Ifrit or your gunna see a whole new version of me, one I promise you will not like"
OOC: Oh? If thats the case...

IC: As wolf was pushed up against the wall, he pressed his hand against Dante's chest and blasted that Waterva spell he'd been storing. Dante stumbled back from the surprise attack

Wolf looked down at Dante with calm eyes "I've been well informed by leviathan that the fire temple has been making attempts to not only destroy the water temple because they pose a threat, but also to kill its angel and its I was given orders by Leviathan to assissinate Ifrit. And i'm glad i did, because it was because of him, that Ragnarok died. He is reborn and his egg is upstairs. I have to take time off from the Guild to raise that dragon now...retrain him. everything. the only thing that Ragnarok has is his memories of us and our past adventures...and besides, i've already seen that version of you, but YOU haven't seen my darker side...i recommend you dont"
OOC: YAY i'm now a rookie mage YAY now let's put these new abilities to use later on

IC: shadow walked over to Dante, grabbed him, and threw him out of the guild. "Dante, if you threaten my mentor again, i swear to god you will regret it deeply" Shadow said, his eyes starting to turn dark green and his necklace beginning to glow. "don't ever threaten my mentor if you value your life. this is your only warning" Shadow then turned around and walked away from the hole in the wall, pausing only to access a terminal and having the computer send in a repair crew to fix the wall.
OOC:Ty for letting me join,so i think i need to make a new entrance to the guild :)

IC:Just after Shadow left the room,where Dante and Wolf were,a new face entered the rooms of Guild.He,a man with cold face what was covered with blood,bumbled trough the corridors to find someone.Some Pixie guards noticed him,but they rather stayed out of that guys way because of his empty face.He walked and walked,finding noone than just some low lvl mages and guards.Then suddenly,when he almost made himself to the room where Dante and Wolf were,he collapsed.Some seconds later,a pixie guard,who was following him,saw the broken-down body on the floor.''Could it be because of the poisonus rain?''Pixie wondered.
''Help,we need a medic here,now!''shouted pixie.
Dante smirked after being thrown out of the guild "Lone, Shadow your forgetting the fact that i was the only mage in the guild who has studied under Sephirothalpha, or have you guys already forgotten his name?" Dante raised his hand into the air and a ball of scathe appeared in it "oh and BTW rookie mage, it doesn't matter who your mentor is there is no way you could possibly have the power to kill me, or even put up a challenge to my powers" Dante then pointed the spell at Shadow "so if i were you i wouldn't be so Disrespectful" the scathe ball then began to consume energy from the are surrounding it and grew larger and more powerful.
Aiden099 walked out of the guild into the courtyard

"SHADOW Stop this Nonsense!"

Aiden099 pulled out his pistol and fired some tranq rounds into Shadow..

"Medic - Get Shadow to the Single Room in the Infirmary"
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the spell in Dante's hand vanished into his palm and he looked at Aiden "thank you, you saved me having to kill another guild member" Dante cracked his knuckles and went to his room to collect his wyrmhero blade, but it wasn't there "great, it's been taken off me...again" he then grabbed his buster sword and slid it onto his back. "lets find me a ride"
Aiden099 looked at Dante " its not a problem- he won't awaken for a good few hours though.. i shot him with unicorns Tranqulisers :D"

"they are damn strong"

Aiden099 went into his garage and started work on his motorbike and equipped it with springs and things to make it easier to fight on
Solidus concious started to come back,he looked around and saw that he was lying on a bed.Then a beautiful girl stepped into the room and said:''You are a lucky one,most of rookies wouldn't ever survive the amount of poison you had in your blood.But that doesnt mean you can join the action.You will be lying on bed for a week atleast if not more.Training in your situation would be a suicide''.Solidus smiled and fell into asleep.

OOC:I will go to camp,so my character will sleep for a week.
Aiden099 walked into the Infirmary

"Desert. whats going on?"

"Aiden - We were not the only ones out in the Poision Rain - So was Solidus"

Aiden099 walked over and looked at his body..

"No man could survive this.. it nearly killed us - how come he has no real injuries.."

The medic flew in - "Well Aiden some of us come to the Infirmary when needed"

"Let me look at your wing"

Aiden099 expanded his left wing and laid it onto the table

"Thats a nasty hole.."

"I know.."

The medic injected aiden's wing with some syrum

"It will slowly heal"

"Thanks Doctor.."

Desert : "When are you off to get that Medallion and your eye back.."

"Whenever Garsol finds them"

"Oh he's looking"
"Nope but they will turn up eventually"

Desert walked over to Air Wolf and looked at him..

"Pull through this brother.."

"Desert i have to go see Lone i will be back soon"

Aiden099 mentally contaced mith

"Your in trouble.. my wings broken for now"
As Dante entered the Stables he remembered that Boko was dead, he then saw the car that Ifrit had given him and then he looked at the floor a single tear rolled down his cheek "so much has changed, i Don't belong here anymore" Dante climbed into the car which changed colour from crimson red to charcoal gray and then he drove out of the Guild.

as he was driving through the baron wasteland commonly known as a desert he had all of his windows rolled down, the sunroof was open and he had nothing to shield his battle scarred upper half. after three hours of driving Dante hit a large industrialized City, the buildings were high standing and the cities were more modern. "what happened here?" Dante asked himself
Shadow awoke in the infirmary, in a different room from Aiden."ow" he said getting up. the doctor entered the room. "hmm i am surprised your awake at the moment. Aiden fired enough tranq rounds into you to kill you. why you aren't dead i will never know. no matter, you should stay here until you are... HEY are you listening to me?" the doctor said as Shadow got up. "you should be resting at the moment, in your condi...*gulp*" the doctor was cut short by shadow's blade being pointed at his throat. "i am perfectly fine, besides the fact that i need to find Aiden and Dante, Aiden first. now where is he?" the doctor swallowed nervously and said "he's at the front room, but you need to rest" Shadow smirked "no i don't, now then, i noticed someone else entering the guild, who was it?" the doctor started to back towards an alarm system. "his name's Solidus, he's a new recruit, he walked into the poison rain" Shadow sighed. "i am amazed he's alive, i'll visit him later though." Shadow then walked towards the door. when he reached it, he opened it and shouted "AIDEN WHEN I FIND YOU YOUR GOING TO REGRET SHOOTING ME!!!" Shadow then started walking for the exit. as he continued to walk, he noticed the new kid. "hmm sucks to be him" Shadow said as he noticed what the kid looked like. "anyways, better find Aiden before he has a chance to run" Shadow started walking again, then paused. "oh yeah, new kid, forgot to do something, ah yes" Shadow walked over to the bedside table, and left a note along with a carefully covered dagger. Finally, Shadow continued to walk towards the entrance.
Aiden099 had gone no where..

Aiden099 heard in his voice the voice of the Medic

"Aiden you foo Shadow is after you"

Aiden099 walked out into the front yard

"Fight all you want Shadow.. you know the current situation niether of us will die.
and the rules of the guild - you will not attack any guild member unless vital.. i stopped you doing that once - don't make me do it again"

Aiden099 drew his pistols and threw a vial to shadow

"These are simple Horse Tranquilisers - the ones i gave you were diluted - only knocked you out for a few hours - because Dante needs to sort himself out"

Dante pulled over at the side of the road and stepped out of his car, "I haven't been here in 10 years, never got the chance after joining the guild" Dante walked further into town in search of someone who might recognize him which wasn't an easy task considering last time he was in this village it was actually a village and not a city.

after striding around for a couple of hours Dante heard someone shouting his name and as he turned round to see who it was he knew he would regret coming home "you Jerk why were you gone for so long" "Kara it wasn't my fault" Dante tried to explain to the blond haired 22 year old who seemed stressed "you left me on my own, when i needed you the most you didn't even say goodbye" by this time in the lecture tears were streaming down the blonds face and what appeared to be her boyfriend was walking over to Dante "who do you think you are making her cry" it was obvious that the man was angry because after his statement he punched Dante in the jaw causing Dante to take a step back.

Dante stepped forward and punched the man in the stomach causing him to fall to his knee's "Dante what happened to you?" the girl asked in disbelief "you used to be such a good kid, we never got into trouble and now look at your body, your covered in scars" the girl then placed her right hand on Dante's scythe shapped scar on his chest "dying does that to a guy"
Aiden099 had gone no where..

Aiden099 heard in his voice the voice of the Medic

"Aiden you foo Shadow is after you"

Aiden099 walked out into the front yard

"Fight all you want Shadow.. you know the current situation niether of us will die.
and the rules of the guild - you will not attack any guild member unless vital.. i stopped you doing that once - don't make me do it again"

Aiden099 drew his pistols and threw a vial to shadow

"These are simple Horse Tranquilisers - the ones i gave you were diluted - only knocked you out for a few hours - because Dante needs to sort himself out"

Alexander walked into the Courtyard
"Shadow stop this madness"

"Aiden is a Veteran Mage and with that in mind you need to do his wishes"
Shadow breathed heavily trying to break out of his sudden rage. what is wrong with me? Shadow wondered in his thoughts. i am not usually like this. Shadow struggled to bring himself under control, but only succeeded in fainting.