The Final Fantasy Guild Of Mages

OOC: aiden, no offense but your grammar on that last post sucks, i could barely read it

IC:"why is my life like this?" shadow said to himself then shook his head "because of my powers, that's why" then he shook himself and jumped off the cliff after aiden. at the bottom he noticed a bomb right behind aiden "AIDEN BEHIND YOU WATCH OUT" he shouted to warn aiden, then raised his hands "SHADOW BLIZZARD" shadow said causing black ice shards to go after the bomb.
Mith floated in the middle of the water. He was thinking...ragnarok slumbered underneith him, the bubbles gently tickling him if they reached him

Mithrandir wanted peace. No more fighting. He had seen to much in the past...the great thing about this pool one could see his tears

OOC: Aiden mahn, wit ye like. My names Mithrandir, no mithrider lol. To make it easier just say Mith haha

Btw, i dont see anything wrong with Aiden's grammar. The sentence structure may be off, but its perfectly elligble to me. Higher english yas
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Dante was in agony, his mind could only focus on the pain, his eyesight blurred, in and out of focus. "get up, elementalist" Bahamut Ordered. Dante just sat and waited for the final blow "Get up Dante" he shouted "I am not worthy of the power you bestowed on me, end my existence" Bahamut raised the Wyrmhero blade "so be it" Bahamut charged at Dante who shut his eyes knowing what was about to happen.

there was a large stabbing sound and Dante's eyes shot open, only to see the blade and handle of the Sword stabbed into the wall next to his head "If you die, this temple returns to slumber until the next worthy Child is born" Bahamut helped Dante to his feet "you think i feel like an eternal slumber so soon after i wake up, Get this elementalist to the Rejuvenation chamber"
Mith woke up feeling pain within him...Dante

Mith "Dante. whats wrong, if i dont get an answer soon me and Ragnarok are coming up to that temple of yours in full armour and weaponry...i have a feeling you are in pain"

Mith shot up from the water gulping in the piercing air. Water trickled down Miths face as he waded out of the pool...he'd leave Ragnarok. let sleeping dragons lie. he'd found THAT one out the hard way
As Dante lay in the rejuvenation pool his wounds healing slowly he heard Mithrandir's message and it made him laugh "hey, i thought you were leaving, had you asked twenty minutes ago i would have said sure thing, come help me against the temple's lord" Dante laughed, which Mith probably heard "he was beating some sense into me, very literally but hey, its sorted now"
Dante then stood up as his wounds were healed, the pool had also sobered him up without causing a hang over "hey we should get one of these installed in the guild" he muttered to himself.

Dante strode out to the Chamber of the temple lord, where he saw a sculpture of himself "hey, taking me seriously aint you?" Bahamut looked at him, "it's to go with the past Elementalists" Dante looked at the row of 'Past elementalists' "umm why do they all look...decomposed" Bahamut smirked "because our statues react like the people they represent" Dante had a puzzled look on his face "really?" *WHALLOP!!!!* Dante took a fist to the nose, causing it to bleed "OW what you do that fo..." he then saw the statue's nose bleeding "It's so we can tell if your about to die, so we can teleport you out of the fight" Dante smiled "make me a promise B" Bahamut looked at him "Don't save me, not until the very end" Bahamut looked worried "wh..." "Because if i am getting killed then the others of the guild don't stand a chance" Dante interrupted "Myself and Mithrandir are the strongest in the guild, if we are dying then Aiden and Shadow are..." a tear rolled down Dante's cheek "you don't want the future i showed you, do you" Bahamut asked "No"
Mithrandir had tuned into Dante's mind

Mith "I'm coming up there for a visit"

ragnarok sprang suddenly from the pool with a roar. Mith jumped onto his back

Roughly an hour later, Ragnarok landed upon the moon rock ground and saw the temple, hidden among the bleak greyness of the moon

Mithrandir stepped inside
Dante stood and saw Mithrandir entering the temple "took your time didn't you" Dante then lifted his arms up so he was in a cross like shape "welcome to my home...temple"
Mith "My hair's still soaking from the pool, freaking magic water. It doesn't dry up easily"

Water dripped all over the floor as Mith strode up to Dante as his expression became more serious

Mith " Bahumat. I wish to talk to him in private"

OOC: I know i could simply control him myself but i want an atmosphere xD
Dante looked at Mith "okay, i deserved th beating, and he aint gunna see you until your hair stops dripping on his newly polished floors" After saying this two of Bahamut's minions ran into the hall and began mopping the floor "thats not the point" Dante then turned around and began walking farther into the temple "he is this way"
Mithrandir looked in the direction of where Dante was pointing

Mith traveled down a long marble corridor and saw a door at the end. He knocked and didn't await an answer and walked right in. he saw Bahumat with his back turned to him. He turned and for a second Mith swore he saw a flash of fear rip through his face as he looked at the elementlaist of water

Mith "Now...what gives you the right to hit an elementalist and a friend of mine. You do remember me. 50 years ago. You owe me...If you ever hurt Dante with cold blood like that again, i'll come after you"

Bahumat "...yes Mithrandir"

Mith *stares*

Mith then walked out and saw dante standing in the entrance chamber with raggy
Dante strode over to Mithrandir "hey mith, you mind if i hurt you" Dante then threw a needle of Bio past Miths head and took up a fightin stance "come on, we haven't sparred in a while, and last time we fought you had the rain on your side" Dante announced with a grin
Aiden099 ducked down and picked up the frozen bomb and disarmed it and looked at it..

"hmm grey's technology"

"Very intresting.. looks like he wants rid of me again"


Aiden099 closed his eyes and contacted his brother

"It is time again.."

"Come shadow take my hand we need to get back alot faster and prepare for the battle of earth."

Aiden099 extended his arm to shadow and extened his wings
Mith looked at Dante and his serious expression changed to a wide grin.

Mith "See ya outside the temple then"

Mith walked outside and walked about 30ft away from the temple. Being elementalists theu didn't need oxygen

Mith threw back his black cloak to reveal a black tanktop and Dark blue bagy jeans. At each side of his hips were his torrent swords, Mith drew them and stood in a defensive stance awaiting Dante
Dante strode out of the Temple and unsheathed the Wyrmhero blade "think you can keep up?" Dante charged at Mith but was blocked by Bahamut's wingspan, the dragon lord had landed next to him "do not fight another elementalist" Dante smirked "yo B, it's just some fun, now can i please cause some pain" Bahamut returned to human form "don't complain to me when you get hurt" Dante let out a short laugh "i will" Dante then unleashed a bio spell directly at Mith "lets have a short warm up"
Mith summoned a wave of water which made short work of the bio spell

Mith charged at Dante, he jumped and brough both swords down above Dante. a simple but clean move

Mith "This will be fun"
Dante raised his sword to block both of Mith's and then swung the blade in an attempt to put some space between them, after shooting a quick ???? spell at mith Dante jummped back a few yards
OOC: A "???" spell. Lolwut xD

IC: Dante successifully parried his attack and forced him back a few feet. Mith had barely got his balance when eh saw the deadly super mega ultra ??? spell coming at him. Oh no.

Mith reached out and caught the ??? spell. It glowed. Mith threw it into the ground and it evaporated

Mith sheathed his swords back into their holster thingys and he raised his hand. Mith then shot his ??? spell at Dante which flew with force and speed
OOC: Mith its ???? not ???, i call it 4 questions and it is a non elemental spell that deals random amounts of damage haha, but don't worry, my spell list hasnt been added to the front page so I'll post it here for y'all to c

Bio-causes sap and light non-elemental damage
Shock- medium non-elemental damage
Scourge- Causes sap and heavy non-elemental damage
Scathe- Heavy non elemental damage (smaller MP cost than scourge)
Shadow flare- massive non-elemental damage
????- random non-elemental damage
Drain- absorb HP from one enemy
Siphon- drain MP from one enemy
Sap- slowly reduces enemies HP (all opponents in range)
Bleed- quickly reduces enemies HP (one opponent)
<o:p> </o:p>
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Bahamut (FFVII)
Gilgamesh (FFXII)
OOC: nice spell list dante, my spells are pretty much the ones that i am supposed to know, except with the added power of shadows as is my birthright

IC: "war against the earth? good. it's high time i fought something that isn't human." shadow took Aiden's hand "will we be needing Dante's and Mith's help for this battle Aiden?"
Aiden099 held on tight

"yes we will"

moments later aiden099 landed shadow at the guild
"Shadow please go tell Alexander that it is time for the legend to be completed"

Aiden099 took off

"oh and shadow tell desert... that i'll be back soon"

Aiden099 took off and flew south fast
"Mith, Dante it is time you need to return the legend has started"

Aiden099 landed in his brothers kingdom

"Garsol where are you? Legend has began.."

Garsol was in the palce aiden099 flew into one of the rooms which happened to be the thone room

Aiden099 pushed past the guards

"Garsol allow me to speak"
"Stop blocking my messages"
"War is amongst us brother"


Aiden099 stumbeld backwards and drew his sword

"Where is Garsol Steward?"

"The realm of darkness"

"get him back now!"