The Final Fantasy Guild Of Mages

OOC: im not on earth, im stood outside the temple of non, its located on the moon but im about to return to earth.

IC: after Dante's rain of spells obliterated the forest Dante teleported back down to earth the anger still streaming through his body, he was stood in the center of what remained of the destroyed forest he looked around and Saw Mithrandir and Ragnarok, and then he remembered what Bahamut had said "this must be the battle in which..." Dante muttered to himself "Mithrandir send Ragnarok home, this isn't his battle" he shouted over as he walked towards Mith
Aiden099 ran through the clearing they had made and saw dante and mithrider in the middle..

Aiden had got changed he was now in full battle armour and following him were the 500 Eastwold riders, Maximus , Alexander and Desert..

Aiden had merged with Unicorn again and was charging ahead carrying the banner of the eastwold..

"This is no longer a hunt this is a battle."

"Maximus whistled and an undead army rose from the floor beneath them..."

"If i may maximus i give you the key to the realm of darkness.."

"Become its master, take control.."

Aiden099 removed the darkness sword of kings and handed it to Maximus..

"You never wait for us aiden"

Aiden099 recognised the voices behind him..

he unmorphed with unicorn and stepped off her back..

"Grash my good friend you came like i asked , i am eternally gratefull"

"Us orc mages have magic powerfuller than the grand master himself"

"We shall stop this shadow.."

Aiden099 looked to the skies and desert has summoned the air fleet of female valkeries..

"All of this all meeting for one person.."

Aiden099 got onto unicorns back and shouted
"Generals meet with the high mages"

Aiden0999 charged forwards to the middle of the forrest and removed his helmet..

"Dante, Mithrider.. It is time for this to end.. he either takes control of the darkness or he perishes."

"1 Final Request...

Mithrider infront of everyone all the riders and the armies and yourselves..
marry me and desert, then the onslaught begins..

Orders began to fly aroud

"Riders of the Eastwold - Scan the hills"

"Orcs of Maroj - Check the Caves"

"Army of Knights (undead ) - Cover the area"

" Royal Sky Patrol - Check the skies"

there was silence for a few seconds and then all you heard was the orc drum beat and a loud shout of " Aye General" Was heard through the valley..

Aiden099 Turned to his generals..

"Generals please stay a moment - let us marry and then ... we search with the mages for Shadow"

"Mithrider if you will"
Mithrandir stood straight and walked up in front of the couple who were tighly holding each other.

Mithrandir "Unfortunately due to the threat we have out here, this will be simple so...lets get this marriage underway"

Mithrandir summoned an advancley powerful water barrier all around the site, protecting them.

Mithrandir looked at Aiden

"Aiden. Do you wish to have Desert here as you're dearly beloved. You're wife. To hold, love and protect. To have eternal compassion and forgiveness for her and cherish to the end of your days"

Mith paused briefly

"And you desert. Do you take Desert here as you're knight in shining armour. You're husband. To love, kiss and hug. To have eternal compassion and forgiveness for him and cherish to the end of your days"

Mith then paused for their answers
seconds before Mithrandir had raised his magical barrier Dante exited it's area of protection and began charging a large ball of Scourge in his hand and began speaking to shadow telepathically "i know you can sense my magic, and i know you can feel the large army that aiden has brought with him, if i had my way kid it would be me and you but thats not gunna happen, come fight me and me alone. we shall end this here"
Aiden099 replied with haste yes i do

desert replied i do

aiden099 turned to desert and kissed her..

There was an Uproar from the army of cheers..

The valley was full of cries of joy and aiden099 shook mithrders hand..

"So dante the response?"
Mithrandir "Then by the power of the elemenalist, you are now pronounced husband and wife"

Mith turned around and drew his torrent sword and then faced the army

Mith "Due to the fact that we dont want our two new couple getting hurt before their wedding night. I will lead you all to this battle. Now lets teach kids a lesson"

Ragnarok blasted into the air searching like a hawk for Shadow
Aiden099 mentally contactedMithrider

"Mith don't worry about it.. we are both warriors we fight for the right we shall not retreat jst because of a wedding"

Desert :

"Aiden and my father shall lead the attack on the ground... you and i shall take the skies.. Dante boko is waiting with unicorn in the riders go to him."

Aiden099 kissed desert for a final time and she took off into the skies - she can fly -

Aiden099 mounted Unicorn and places his helmet back on

Aiden099 reached over and shook maximus's hand

"For the East Contry!"

Aiden099 waved the banner and unciorn got onto her hind legs and took of with maximus and alexander following..

they came to a sudden halt..
in the distance...

Warls Wardrums were beating..

the Warls were coming to ambush them..

the warls are the immortals of the south..

this is going to be fun

aiden099 , Maximus and alexander formed a triangle and aiden099 shouted

"Army of the Eastwold Abandon Search - Immortals come from the South"

aiden099 turned around

"Maximus take unicorn i'll fly out and scout!"

AIden099 flipped off unicorns back and the riders were charging at him to regroup...!!

Aiden099 burst out his wings and took to the skies flying high above the hills and seeing a large army

"Mithrider" aiden said mentaly

"Continue to search for shadow we HAVE to find him soon"
"My army will combat the immortals"

"It's time i met my brother in combat again"

OOC: yes my brother is king of the south..
Aiden099 removed his helmet and put his hands on it..
it changed to his crown..

Aiden099 took off to the mountains and then flying the same direction was his brother

"Well Aiden its been a long time"
"What are you doing here garale?"

"For a fight of course, our mages saw you coming and we headed you off"

"Shadow has gone to the south?"

"no i havn't seen him - but i want to meet him - he would make a fantasic replacement for father..."
"He will not become the lord of darkness"

"What are those things?" Garale pointed to aiden's wings?

The wings of light..

"ha light always fails... light is for women look

Garale expanded his arms and pure black wings came out..

"You've accepted your darkness?"

"Yes and i am ever so powerful now"

AIden099 drew his sword of light( desert's family sword) and said

"Well since you are darkness i will have to STRIKE you down"

"oh you have a new sword""new wife?"


"do i get to meet her as your little bro?"


"aw why not?"

"because i don't want the darkness meeting light"

Aiden099 removed his other sword

"Ah.. the sword of kings"

"i did have one waiting for me in the darkness realm but u seem to have beaten me too it"

"The lord of the undead army has it"
Dante noticed the army of immortals coming towards Aiden and his men. Dante then charged after them whilst summoning Bahamut. upon the dragons arrival Dante leaped onto its back and chased after Aidens army when the dragon and the elementalist cought up with the army Dante began unleashing Scathe and bio spells in the direction of the immortals and he had Bahamut unleash it's fireball attack.

Dante had Bahamut land so he could dismount and then had Bahamut take back to the skies and unleash his mega flare into the crowd of immortals whilst Dante cast scathe into the front line
"you know this book is simply amazing" shadow said halfway through the book. "hmm so if i do this i can cast ultima, however as i alone do not have enough physical strength..." he smirked "my turn SHADOW ULTIMA" shadow said aiming the ultima spell at dante mith and aiden. "it's a good thing that the fiends are being a nice distraction. now what do we have here... oh. ohohohohoho yes i so am going to surprise them."
As the Ultima spell flew towards them Dante turned waved his hand and a large barrier of non elemental magic blocked the spell "Bahamut, you saw where that came from, Mega flare" After saying this Bahamut turned away from the army and launched It's mega flare attack directly at Shadow "I knew if the kid thought i wasn't paying attention he would attack us" Dante though to himself
"hmm i should have known it was a trap" shadow said then summoned a small fiend to take the attack for him. "fine he wants to play like that" he said then gathered together many shadows for a summon spell. " come forth mighty Sin and bring retribution to those who have attacked your spawn" good thing i put some sinspawn within the fiend army shadow thought. they will be dead within the hour due to Sin's massive power.
OOC: WTF Sin as in big ass ugly thing from FFX who was eventually destroyed by Tidus' and co way back at the end of 10
wow, nice this should be easy

IC: As the giant creature Sin strode towards the members of the mages guild Dante walked backwards slowly in the direction of Mithrandir "we could have a problem" Dante grinned "but then again we might not" Dante then cast bleed, followed by Drain and Syphon repeatedly on Sin, so it's health was constantly being depleted whilst Dante's HP and MP were constantly getting replenished
Aiden099 looked at his brother

"We have bigger fish to fry at the moment"

Aiden099 reached out his and his brother grapped it and they spun around a bit ( like dante and virgil)

Grasol threw aiden099 down towards Sin and aiden099 expanded his wings..

"This should be fun the power of light and darkness"

Aiden099 remoed the sword of light and stabbed sin in the back of the neck.

"Riders - Evasive Arrows 1"

The riders of the eastwold took out their bows and a volley was launched in sins direction

"Aiden099 somersaulted off sin's back and drop kicked seymour"

"Seymour... time to die"

Aiden099 took up his sword and his brother landed behind seymour.

"The power of light and darkness seymour. Live or die.. the choice is yours. Stop Shadow and become a hero or die here and now"
As his battle with Sin raged on with great Ease Dante took notice of Seymour being tag teamed by Aiden and his sibling "non of you creatures stand a chance shadow" Dante then Un-sheathed the Wyrmhero blade holding it in one hand alone, used a Scathe spell shot directly at the floor to propel himself high into the air and as he came back towards earth he stabbed Sin between the eyes with the large broadsword, Sin then fell to the floor as it slowly disappeared he removed the sword and jumped onto Bahamut's back who returned him to the ground.

Dante then looked in the direction of Seymour "this is for every person you have ever killed" Dante then unleashed a shadow flare spell directly at Seymour's head knocking him to the floor. Seymour started to laugh "Feel my pain come..." Seymour's sentence was interrupted by his lack of ability to speak, blood began dribbling from the side of Seymour's mouth and as he looked down Dante's sword was stuck through the center of his left chest, Directly through his heart, "I guess there will be nothing to save you now" Dante muttered as he watched the man die. Dante then turned his attention towards shadow and as he pointed his sword at Shadow he smirked and then muttered "your next"
Aiden099 and Garosl * carn't spel anymore* took off to deal with shadow..

"Army - Retreat from battle Mages have it under control"


"Desert ride unicon to the guild with alexander and maximus - lock the guild down and stay there till we cme back"
OOC: hey shadow just so you know, you are going to loose this match, even Sephirothalpha who is actually a grand mage and is able to use the spells in the book would loose this fight, and also the guild is for GOOD mages and the fact that you cannot control the shadow side of yourself proves that you are unworthy to be in the mages guild

Dante sheathed his sword an looked in the direction of Shadow, he then glanced around at the crowd of people who were stood staring at him, "Well shadow, i think you might be slightly outmatched...Mithrandir, Ragnarok, Aiden and his brother, and myself all against you" Dante then took a couple of steps forward "this fight is over"
Garsol : "Immortals withdraw from combat, I have this"

Aiden: "Shadow its time to decide.. Live or die ..."

The Immortals ran over the hills again and back south

The Riders rode east back to the guild

Desert and Alexander and Maximus were leading the retreat

"Okay shadow its you vs all of us, the strongest mages in the world
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OOC: nah man this is just something to make this story interesting, after this little episode i'll keep it under control until i become a time mage. then it gets worse\

IC:"hmmmm you know i think i have a better idea" shadow said then grinned wickedly "hehehe i can give my shadow form to someone else so they have to deal with it. so then SHADOW SOUL" shadow said sending a shadow ball at aiden. all of a sudden he felt relieved. "finally that stupid shadow form was stealing my energy now i can finally fight again. by the way i still have shadow powers, just i now have control of myself." shadow turned back and waved his hand. all of the fiends disappeared. "as they were my creation i can dismiss them at will" shadow turned towards the others "let's go home now"
as Dante saw the Shadow soul flying towards Aiden he leaped into it's path taking the blast Dante laughed "that all you got kid" Dante then dropped to one knee "an overpowering shadow my arse" Dante then got back to his feet glaring at the new Guild member "hey kid loose control again, and i won't hesitate to put you on the sharp end of my sword" Dante then opened a portal back to the guild which Bahamut and himself passed through.

Upon arriving back at the guild Dante dismissed Bahamut and went to his room for a shower.