The Four Aces

Stephen's movements were more fluodic than water, Stephen cut down Nobody after nobody like he was cutting the heads off of flowers. his Final form seemed not to be loosing power however hard he fought, his outfit stayed white, it was amazing. The power Stephen could feel was immense, like seeing Kairi gave him some sort of additional power.

Stephen cut down the last regular Nobody and took note of the boss looking guy striding towards him. the man was wielding two Swords and Stephen smiled "I am the new pirate king, i took over from davvy joneswhen i realized it was him who was ruling the Nobodies. I am Cervantes and you might be?" he asked Stephen who smiled "I am your death" he announced as he threw the Omega at the man who knocked the Keyblade away, but it vanished and appeared again in the now charging Stephen's hand.
Marius nodded to Fayd as he seen him leave and he held the portal waiting for the rest of his friends to come out.
((ooc: Cervantes????? that's soul blade... isnt that capcom and not s-e??))

Fayd leapt down into the courtyard "So... your death huh?" Fayd laughed. "In that case your going home" both keyblades were drawn and he leapt forward to attack
As stephen unleashed a combo he noticed Fayd's arrival and as Cervantes blocked the attack Stephen looked at Fayd "This is my fight" he announced as he threw both of his keyblades, one was blocked one stabbed into Cerv's shoulder "ARGH, DAMN YOU!!" the foe screamed as he pulled the keyblade out of his shoulder and launched it back at Stephen, who caught it.

(Yea he is from soul calibur, but he looks piratey so i put him in the Port royal world to add a bit of force to the world)
((OOC: you always take the boss fights.. its my turn))

"Like hell it is!" fayd brought his keyblades down in an arching motion so as to attack cervantes from behind in an attempt to surprise him while he was pre-occupied with stephens attacks "The only way your going to fight this old seabiscuit is with my help"
Both Eddie and Krystal headed for the portal, but not before telling Marius, "Thanks, till we meet again." They made their way into the Pirate World, "Port Royal, Jamaica!" Eddie yelled. Seconds later, Nobodies and Zombie Pirates started attacking the group. Krystal exclaimned, "You probably shouldn't have yelled!" Eddie responded, "Well, I was actually hoping for this to happen." Krystal's Keyblade appeared in her hand, while Eddie brought out a MP5SD, as well as his Keyblade, the Guardian Soul. He shot at the pirates while Krystal handled the nobodies. Together, they shot and slashed their way to Fayd and Stephen.
((OOC: eddy hope you dont mind if i borrow her a minute do you?))
"Hey Krys" He said as she got close enough "How about a little Raigeki Blitz?"
"Why not" Krystal said as she jumped forward in unison with fayd. Fayd unleashed a punch rush combo while Krystal attacked the other side with her keyblades then they switched fluidly now with krystal punching and fayd slashing. Then they jumped back drawing their keyblades and holding them in parallel with their bodies. Both of them then ran across Cervantes sides in a long slash

((OOC: shes yours again eddy))
After the attack from Fayd and Krystal was finished Cervantes was still standing "is that the best you've got, if Organization 13 couldn't defeat me what makes you pathetic people think you can" Cervantes announced causing Stephen to smile "because there is more of us, than there is of them. And there are no longer 13 members to the Organization, there is like 2 or 3 at most" Stephen announced with a smirk "I killed the rest"

Stephen then looked at Fayd and smiled "this is our fight, lets finish this" he announced as he began emmiting a white glow "Final attonement" Stephen announced as his body split into two bodies. one all in whit, one all in black. the two Stephen's charged wielding a keyblade each and began slashing at Cervantes. both hoping that Fayd would come in and lend a hand.
OOC: I don't mind, harder for me to do two people anyway.

Eddie turned around and fired a few rounds with his Covert SMG until his bullets ran out. He dropped the gun, and it dissapeared into light. He then draws out his keyblade, while looking at Cervantes fighting Stephen and Fayd. Looking at the Pirate's swords, he noticed the Pistol Grip on one of them. "Heh, I guess to counter something like that would be almost impossible. He picked up his Guardian Soul Keyblade and a MP5K(without the buttstock) appeared in his hand. Eddie charged towards Cervantes, exclaiming, "You're mine dead man." As Eddie continued his charge, he pelted Cervantes with 9mm fire. He jumps up and throws a flashbang, which explodes in his face, blinding and disorienting him. Eddie then came down on Cervantes's front with a downward slash with his keyblade. After he finished his Vanguard Strike finisher, Eddie then pointed his Micro SMG in the pirate's face, yelling, "PUT YOUR SWORDS UP NOW!"
Fayd and krystal nodded at each other. Krystal drove her swords into the floor infront of her she bowed her ead and closed her eyes. She, eddie Fayd and Stephen all started to glow green. Fayd felt it replenishing his energy. He closed his own eyes and when he opened them the blue blade was protuding from his arm again. The bone sword in the other hand he launched himself forward attacking any flesh he could find with his clawed feet as well as the blades
OOC:At this point when you guys are done fight cerventes and go to find Davy Jones many of you are going to get supicous of Marius you will see why soon.

Marius seen that everyone was out of the portal and with a snap of his fingers it closed.He seen nobodies and noticed they stopped in their tracks and bowed he knew if the did that Fayd and his gang would get very supicous of him.

"Dont treat me like a king to you if they see it will blow my cover"Marius said the nobodies then disappeared probably to tell the main baddie,Davy Jones and he knew that most baddies knew him and would address him as Sir or Lord which kind of freaked him out.He continued to where the fighting was but didnt fight he knew this was their fight and wasnt going to butt in.

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Cervantes, refusing to submit to Eddie, knocked his SMG away and shot him in the shoulder with the Nirvana, causing him to get knocked back. Suddenly he started to glow green. His wound healed rapidly and he started to grow angels wings. "Looks like I'm going to fly." He charged at the undead pirate, keyblade in hand, and ready to kill.
((AWW man why did you steal my thing? the wings are my trademark character thing.. meh, you can have it i guess, anyway i cant post until ste gets back on here and decides if my attacks did anything at all))