The Four Aces

Marius seen someone appear in the disney castle and looked to see it was Stephan he remebered Saito telling he about Stephan,The cousin of Sora.He smirked to himself as he went over to him to help him up.He needed his trust the most than anyone elses off of his group he could tell that if he did one wrong move it would his plan so he had to be very careful.
Stephen stood up and bowed his head to the king "Sire, it was a close one, but i am still alive" Mickey smiled "Didn't dobt it for a second Stephen" the king replied in his mouse like voice. Stephen noticed the man walking over to him and out of nowhere Alpha appeared in his hand and was pointing at the stranger "And you are?" stephen asked, a hint of aggression in his voice.
Marius stopped and looked at Stephan and then the keyblade pointed at him.

"Really is that any way to treat someone"Marius said"Anyway my name is Marius De Romanus, monarch of my world"Marius said in a friendly voice.
Stephen spun the Alpha as it vanished and smirked "you will have to excuse my behaviour the last guy who showed up in my life unannounced attempted to kill me" Stephen turned and looked at Mickey "And nearly suceeded" Mickey gasped in shock "but how?" he asked causing Stephen to smile "If i knew that, i wouldn't have nearly been killed" Stephen then strode out of the throne room whilst shouting "I'm going for a shower"
Marius looked at Stephan before he left a yelled in a friendly voice.

"I think I know you did that to you, he has been causing me grief as well"Marius said to Stephan, he smirked to himself.
Stephen spun around as he heard the voice of Marius and strode back into the throne room "you say you know who did this" he announced, the rage apparent in his voice as he continued his stride until he was directly infront of Marius, a mere Inch between the tips of the two men's noses.

"Share the information of the hinderences location and I shall end his existence myself" Stephen announced, his teeth gritted his mouth almost snarling.
Marius seen his rage and was about to chuckle but held it in.

"Calm yourself now,the man who attacked is named Saito Belmont he used to be friends with Sora as you may know already since Saito has a big mouth and likes to dish out stuff like that, he's a vampire like me but not as strong he may seen all high and mightly but really he is a weakling."Marius said.
Stephen smiled as Marius mentioned that Saito was a weakling and smiled "yea, i noticed his lack of strength when i fought him, sadly i held back to much, and allowed my arrogence to get the better of me" Stephen then looked at Mickey "I promise you Sire, if i get another chance i will not make the same mistake again"

Stephen then looked back at Marius "Anyway, I might see you around, I'm heading back to my Room for a shower and a bit of rest" Stephen announced before heading to his bedroom. Stephen threw open the door to the smallish room, it was tidy, very tidy, almost spotless. One of the walls was covered in Photographs, another had a large picture of himself, Beast, Simba, Belle, Cloud, Tifa, Cid, Aerith,and other various people from the various worlds. it looked kind of like a poster.

The bed was A regular Single bed, with brown bedding on it. A desk housed a notepad that was quite warn out and very full. the was a chest of Draws that housed all of His clothes. Stephen then stood infront of the wall of pictures and his eyes welled up with tears, he was looking over his memories from his entire life. Kairi, Sora, Riku, Even a couple of pictures from his training with Mickey that were taken by Goofy. There was also one picture of Stephen and Sora stood holding their Kingdom key's.

Stephen then lay on the bed and closed his eyes, planning to take slight break before getting a shower, but he ended up falling asleep and dreaming about the Hooded figure who had been looking after him.
"Indeed we shall I have some business to attend too"Marius said and when Stephan left he turned to Mickey.

"Well Marius really who and what does this Saito want"Mickey said.

"That I am not sure but one thing is certain he wants the key weilders died,and who he is well he was Sora's friend surely you know a bit about him"Marius said.

"As a matter of fact I do he used to be a tag along in Sora's quest against Ansem but after that I guess they parted ways"Mickey said puzzled."Marius you told Stephan that Saito came to your world why was that"Mickey said.

"He knew I was a monarch vampire to newborns like him, who were just changed ,we are like the police and people who can help train them well he was in disperate need of being trained but I could tell I could not train him he was too, how shall I say,childish and reckless and well he went into bloodlust which is bad for vampires like him and caused ruin."Marius said.
The Gummi ship landed at Disney Castle. With Eddie taking up charge, "Alright, you guys stay here while I handle things here." He left the ship only to find two chipmunks named Chip & Dale. "Come on sir!" Chip said. "We will lead you to the King!" Dale said. After following the two for a few minutes Eddie eventually came across to an open door straight into the library. Eddie then saw the vampire and a mouse. He turned towards the mouse and bowed his head. "I am Eddie Alvarez, and you must be the King." He then turned towards the other figure. "And you are....?"
Marius turned to see Eddie standing there he wasnt surprised to see not alot of people knew him which was good.

"My name is Marius De Romanus, Monarch of my World and you must Eddie right"Marius said.
"Correct sir." Eddie said, then turning to King Mickey. "Have you found out anything on Stephen?" Mickey responded, "Yes, he's here."

"So I assume he won out."

"Actually, he lost, but is still alive though."

"Figures." Eddie said. "But may I ask, who sent out a man named Saito?"
Marius looked at Eddie as he asked about who would send out Saito.

"To my knowledge, his master was banned away a long time ago and wants revenge on all the worlds, you see he was a keyblade weilder himself but..."Marius said but went into a deep thought.
"So his master was also a Keyblade warrior, like us." Eddie thought, "I now realize, that he will be a formidable opponent."
"Dont be getting too overconfident his master is stronger than you think he is after all he was the one who changed him"Marius said reading Eddie's thought."And before you ask yes I can here your thoughts"Marius said.
STephen sat up straight, sweat pouring off of his head, panting heavily. His dream had left the gentle hooded figure and moved onto the fight against Saito. "how did i lose, I't like he knew what i was going to do next" Stephen climbed out of bed, and got the shower that he had origonally gone to get. After His shower Stephen got dressed and returned to the kings chamber in order to speak to mickey "Sire, I am taking a leave of absence, I shall be back as soon as i can. Please do not follow me" Stephen then looked at Marius "and stay out of my head or i shall remove yours from your shoulder" Stephen thought, so Marius could have heard him, as he caught the last part of Marius statement.

Stephen then began eminating his blue glow and Vanished.
"Heh" Didn't you know that's invading a person's privacy?" Raven sarcastically said though impressed at his ability. "So, he was a former Keyblade master who's now...a vampire? Well, he will be tough, but I know he will be a threat. "So, what brought you here, Lord Marius, or should I call you Marius?
Marius hissed at Stephan as he left and turned his attention back on Eddie.

"You may call me Marius, only my pupils call me Lord Marius, anyway I am here to travel through the worlds pick up the mess Saito has started I heard he bit a loin in Pride Rock and caused some mayhem in other worlds as well"Marius said.
Stephen was stood on the beach at the Little Mermaid world, looking out on the Ocean "where did she take me?" he asked himself as he watched Dark clouds roll in and Rain begin to fall "Why Can't i remember the cooridinates of the PLanet, why can't i get back there" he announced as a tear formed on his rapidly dampening cheek.

he then remembered Passing Kairi off as a holuscination "KAIRIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he shouted at the top of his lungs in anger. Stephen dropped to his knee's on the wet sand and fell onto his hands as well, Tears falling from his face, nearly as heavily as the rain "Kairi, I'm sorry for letting you go" there were memories flashing through Stephen's head of years ago.

"Kairi, Don't go" Stephen announced "I have to Stephen you know that" she replied "No, you don't, you want to, but if you do we might never see each other agin" he announced. Kairi Stepped closer to him, Stephen was covered in cuts and bruises, holding a Kingdom Key "Stephen, I would never leave you perminantly" she announced before she kissed him Gently.

As the Kiss ended Kairi Turned and ran through a portal left open by Axel with Stephen shouting after her "KAIRIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"