The Four Aces

"Fine then lets'Saito said having both his sword appear in his hands and he ran at Stephan and slashed at him repeatively.Saito thought if this fight gets to rough I may have to go demon again .
fayd turned to the others and shrugged "Looks like were going to have to travel alone for a while, come on lets see what help is needed here before we move on"
as Saito charged Stephen a smirk arose on Stephen's face. Stephen began blocking the repetative sword attacks with Alpha as he dodged any he couldn't get his Keyblade to. After the attacks had slowed, Stephen spun and lunged at Saito with the Alpha Keyblade
Saito jumped out of the way of Stephan's attack at came behind him and kicked him to the ground.

"Hehehehe funny how you humans react to small things"Saito said smirking at him.
Stephen picked himself up, Smiling of such "seems as you faster, and stronger than me hows about i even the odds?" Stephen announced as he picked his Keyblade up off of the floor and began eminating a red Glow. Stephen stabbed the Alpha into the floor and then extened his arms outwards so he looked like a cross. then in an instand he widened out his stance and bent his knee's. he bent his elbows to 90 Degrees and as he did this he let out a loud "HA" And then out of knowhere All of Stephen's outfit turned red and he stood facing Saito.

"there, tables are not even, shall we dance?" Stephen asked rhetorically before charging as Saito and unleashing a hailstorm of thrust attacks with his Keyblade
Saito smirked when he seen Stephan's attack and guarded al of the attacks with his swords and slashed him back and smirked as he chuckled.

"Other than being Sora's cousin it seems you have inhanced his ability as well heheheh"Saito said.
OOC: My computer died, and I'm sending it over to Best Buy to have it fixed. So I won't be on until then.
As Saito's slash came in Stephen tried to avoid it but failed, taking a shallow gash top the right houlder Stephen smiled "Is this the best you've got?" He announced as he stood up and swung eradically at Saito, as the Omega Keyblade appeared in Stephen's left hand he continued to attack, but now with both Blades.
Saito guarded and jumped away from him and smirked.

"Interesting lets see how far you will go until your on your knees begging for mercy"Saito said smirking as he lunged up and slashed down at the ground making a dent and sending a red waves at Stephan.
As the Red beam came towards Stephen he peaked up onto his toes and jumped over the attack. he flipped in the air and landed behind Saito and Kicked him in the back "dude, seriously that was easy" Stephen then pointed his Keyblade at Saito "Blizzaga" he announced as a large Ice ball launched At Saito at great speed. "Die you, you Fool i will never fall against you"
Saito fell when Stephan kicked him and got hit by the ice but it didnt freeze or anything to him it just melted and now his eyes glowed a dark red and he ran at Stephan and grabbed by the throat and slammed him into a wall and start slamming his head in the wall.

"Heheheheh I wont die that easy boy'' he said before throwing him to the ground.
Stephen managed to Force Saito off of him and push him away, Stephen extended his arms in the direction of his dropped Key blades, and they vanished, reappearing in Stephen's hands The Teenager began smiling.

"Good, if you did die that easily, i would get worried" Stephen announced with a sense of arrogance in his voice "shall we finish this" Stephen announced as his body began to emit a golden glow. "I REFUSE TO FAIL." Stephen shouted as he felt more power course through his veins "MASTER FORM!!" he announced as his body set out a flash of light.

as The light dimmed Stephen was stood, still glowing slightly, he had a smile on his face, his outfit had changed from red to Gold, he pointed the Alpha Keyblade at Saito "You won't defeat me, i fight for everyone, everything, i will stop you using Kingdom hearts"
((As great as your battle is guys, id like a little less power-playing from you two... mainly louis sorry... i mean that ive seen you powerplaying before so i have to ask you to stop, or at least tone it down please louis?))

Saito hissed as Stephan changed into Master Form that was the other form he knew alot about since Sora used it alot but then he thought about the last form,Final Form which was Sora's strongest form one that almost killed him unless he turned into his true demon form.

"Hehehehe who says I want kingdom hearts"He said smirking"My master wants so much more than that much more"Saito said getting his sword ready for whatever Stephan was going to do next.
Stephen Smiled as Satio Prepared for his Slaughter "I guess you know this form well" Stephen announced "It was my cousins favorite form afterall" Stephen spun Omega back hand and then Launched it at saito, it spun towards him as Sora's Keyblade throw technique would have. But Stephen charged after it, and lept into the air, he was going to come down moments after the Keyblade got to Saito so if he blocked the thrown Keyblade he would need great skill to also block the downward slash from Stephen.
Saito seen the keyblade thrown at him and guarded it and seen Stephan jump up into the air and slash down and Saito guarded that and smirked.

"Persistent as well just like Sora"Saito said with a smirk.
As Stephen landed on the ground after being blocked by saito Stephen smiled. he extended his left hand and the omega Keyblade vanished from the floor and appeared in his hand "think you have what it takes to take me down?" Stephen announced as he sattbed both blades of his Keyblades into the floor and his body began emitting a White glow.

"you might recognize this from Sora's final Fight, the one written in the books of his fight against darkness" Stephen announced as his body unleashed a white flash and when it had vanished his outfit had changed again, it was now predominantly white, with a black trim.

Stephen stood still in his glory, he looked the spitting image of Sora. "so lets get started" he announced as the keyblades pulled from the floor and began floating and rotating behind his shoulder blades. Stephen was walking calmly towards Saito.
Saito looked at him and seen that he changed yet again to Sora's final form the one form that he fought in the last fight Saito had foughten with him before he went evil.He knew that he better change into his true vampire self so he decided that would be best.He started to glow black and red then he turned into his true vampire self.

"Yes yets"Saito said smirking.
"So the cowardly creature has a party trick of his own" Stephen announced as he charged directly At Saito and unleashed a long combo of Keyblade strikes, punches and kicks in a hope that the power of his final form would be enough to slay the creature. As Stephen attacked, flashes of his memories kept popping in and out of his head. Time spent with Sora, Time with Mickey training his Keyblade skills, stephen's entire life was passing through his mind as he attacked and attacked.
Saito smirked and guarded all the attacks and he smirked and slashed at Stephan and his sharp teeth slimmered as he punched Stephan away from him and walked toward him smirking.

"Is that all Sora's cousin has to offer it seems like Mickey hasnt taught you everything you need to know"Saito said smirking at him.