The Four Aces

"My lord", fayd said kneeling and bowing his head as the knights of old wouldve done. "Key knight Fayd Miyumi, at your service." He extended his arms in an action of complete surrender and friendship. He was careful not to let Desiree fall as he moved.
Simba looked at Stephen and smiled "hey, Steve are these guys always this formal" Stephen stretched his paws to the back of his head like he was scratching the back of his head. "i can't wait until they find out your not the king, Mickey would be gutted if he saw them doing this for you" Stephen joked causing Simba to smile "Eddie, Fayd, get up, Don't be so formal, it's not like im the king or anything" simba announced.

Simba then turned his head to Stephen "why here?" he asked "the king thought it would be better for them to find out that they changed into an animal now, rather than later when we are engaging the enemy." Stephen looked up at simba "it's mainly so they dont freak out later on" Stephen then looked at Simba, "the king wants us to visit him next" Stephen informed him
"Your not a king?" Fayd said "Thank god for that, im not really a knight yet either, its a self given title" He relaxed visibly then turned to stephen and simba both before saying, "So we were here for a warm-up? But we did engage a strong enemy not too long ago on the borders of your land"
Eddie raised his head, and said, "That is a good point, Fayd, but he was the same guy who was helping us at another world." He then pondered about the situation, and said, "In any case, I fear there may be more that meets the eye."
"Helped us? oh yeah" Fayd said scratching the back of his neck in thought "But... then that means we cant trust anyone in this place. if helpful people fight us the next minute, besides which eddie you forget we had already started leaving before he 'helped' us"
Saito walked away from the group that were talking to Simba and made sure they didnt see him once out of sight he seen a stray lion from Simba's tribe of lions and he toke this moment to feed before he attacked infront of a bunch of people.The lion screamed and he was sure that the group and Simba would hear it so he ran to a rock and sat there close to the Pride rock so he could still hear them talking.
both Simba and Stephen heard a stray scream from one of the lion cubs and Stephen paused for a moment, Simba on the other hand charged out and began hunting for the lost cub "he is back" Stephen muttered as both of his Keyblades appeared in hand "this isn't good, guys lets go" he announced as he ran out of the cave and searched the horizon for a dead or dying Lion cub "this isn't good" he was muttering as he searched.
"So, he came here...." Eddie thought, ".....not a very smart move on his accord." He then said, "It would be best if we split up, cover more ground. Hopefully, we can find the lion cub, and whoever is responsible for this." Eddie then looked out on pride rock and then thought, "That vampire, he's gone too far this time! But he knows something, something about this Kingdom Hearts, if it was a weapon, he knew that we will have to defeat him once and for all."
Saito looked at Stephan group approch and he smirked he thought of jumping down there and giving them one good fight but he thought "maybe I should have a little of fun with them this time especailly with Simba now there walking with them.Now he was part of Sora's group when they went against heartless a long time ago until Sora found out that Saito was a vampire and he started to hate Saito.Saito ended up deciding to pay the group a visit and jumped from the rock and right infront of them smirking.

"Well hello there Simba how long as it been"Saito said smirking.
"Well, all you've did was save the trouble of looking for you." Eddie said calmly, "I gotta hand it to you, this wasn't your smartist idea, you've got yourself surrounding by, about 3-400 lions and lionesses and you've got us. There is absolutly no way you can possibly win!" Eddie looked at the vampire black wolf with a tranquil anger in his eyes. "So, are you gonna back down or are we gonna....feast upon your bones?
As Stephen saw Saito jump down he smiled "you have a lot of nerve comming here Vampire" Stephen announced as his Keyblades appeared in his mere kat paws "I think you should leave here at once" Stephen announced as Simba stepped forward "It has been along time Saito, i thought we had an agreement that you wouldn't feed on this world" Simba announced causing Stephen to grit his teeth "what?" he announced "stay out of this Stephen" Simba announced causing Stephen to get angrier "fine" Stephen announced as he was shrouded in a blue light before he vanished.

Simba took another step towards Saito "what do you want in order for you to leave my pride and this planet alone? Name your price, you can have anything"
Saito smirked when Simba walked forward.

"Hehheheh I will talk with these Keyblade weilders and they will not start a fight no matter what I say but if they dont follow this all of your pride will be lunch you understand me"Saito said looking at the keyblade weilders.
Fayd stepped forward ahead of the others and said "Guys, i think we should hear him out for now" He didnt want anyone else to die if he could stop it from happening, and he decided that this was the best course of action. he made sure his hands were on the handles of his keyblades just in case though
Simba nodded "and so it shall be" he turned around and looked at the Keybladers "If you even think about attacking him, know that the blood of my pride, is on your paws" Simba informed them as he walked back to pride rock.
"So be it." Eddie said, with a smirk thinking "Finally, he will explain to me what he wants." He then says, "I'm all ears."
Fayd nodded to simba as he walked away and shouted after him "These are claws not paws, and they are good claws too" He turned to saito. the humour gone from his face he said "Talk"
Saito looked at the keyblade weilders with a straight face this time he wasnt going to joke around.

"Well I bet the first thing you want to know is why I helped you in Halloween Town it was to find out where you would be going next"Saito said"And second you are also wanting to know why I followed you here, simple I looking for someone and that is all I can tell you"Saito said.
Sat on the lonely beach of Destiny Island, Stephen gazed out over the water "what can i possibly do to save these worlds when i get nothing but lies fed to me" he muttered as he stood up and walked out waste deep into the ocean "why can't i get some truth" he shouted "keep fighting, and you shall find the answers you seek" a voice came from behind him. Stephen spun around and Alpha appeared in his right hand "who are you?" he asked the black cloaked figure "that is not important" the figure replied, "keep on fighting the right cause and you shall recover the answers you seek" the figure announced before Vanishing into a black Aura similar to Stephen's teleportation.

"Keep fighting and i shall recover the answers i seek?" Stephen asked himself, now confussed
Eddie looked at Saito, this time with the same straight, emotionless face that Saito put on. "So, I assume you want us to help you find whoever....or whatever you're looking for? Hmph, you have a funny way of showing it."
Saito looked at them.

"I know you people know who it is a boy named Sora maybe or is he gone and not saving the world anymore"Saito said smirking to himself.

The onyl reason he wanted Sora was so he could kill him that he was almost close to 10 years ago.