The Four Aces

as stephen clung on for dear mere kat life he thought for a moment and smiled "I'll see you there" he muttered in Fayds ear before vanishing into a blue glow and appearing infront of the group headed for pride rock "WOAH guys, I leave you for five minutes and you go wandering off, come on, i gotta know i can trust you" he joked as he looked at the groups faces.
It toke Saito awhile to wake up, he looked around and seen no one around he growled and tried to get up but ended up falling down on his butt.

"Ow, damn they got away"He said before using the rock behind him for support.

He looked around more and seen he was bleeding from the back and there was a mess of blood on the ground he toke no notice to his injury and walked off he knew after changing into his true vampire form he wouldnt be able to change anymore in worlds.But the one thing that kept going through his mind was Fayd he knew that was the same boy that lost his parents to his hunger and power he remebered a girl too but forgot what she looked like.He walked to a rock and himself down so his wounds would heal.
Fayd heard the meerkat say something and felt the weight lift suddenly "Damn i wish i could teleport" He said as he rushed onward in great leaps, gaining on the group. When he got close enough he leapt into their midst and said "Miss me?"

((OOC: if anyone wants a second character then they can have krystal who is currently in spartans control))
Desiree reared and jumped backwards when Fayd jumped in from no where. Her miniature claws came out and her back was arched ready to attack from instinct. It took her a good few seconds before she registered it was Fayd. Damn it Fayd. That isnt good for a girl's heart. Especially me. I am a friggin kitten here and lunch for anything else bigger than me. Don't do that. There was a slight pause before she continued. So, what happened to the other guy? Whats this about you turning into something?
Eddie smiled, then after a short period said, "Funny, how things work out in the end. But Iagree with Desiree when I said this, he turned towards Fayd. "What happened to the vampire?" Krystal added, "What happened to you, bro?" She couldn't help but look at her brother's claw for hands.
Stephen glanced around and became worried, before Alpha appeared in his tiny hands, it had shrunken down to a size that was perfect for the mere kat "we can talk later" Stephen announced as he spun around and saw Heartless appearing from the floor "Guys, break!" he announced as he ran at one of the heartless that was twice his size, jumped and with a downward slash he killed the creature "Boo ya" he announced as he began swinging his keyblade, cutting things down
"Ill explain later" Fayd said as the fight broke out. He tried to call his keyblades but they didnt turn up, instead Gloves appeared on his hands "Allright then" Fayd said as he launched himself into the fray, "hand to hand combat it is." He pummeled a few heartless then grabbed one by the head and crushed its skull. it then threw the body into a group of heartless nearby
Though he was clearly capable of drawing out his Keyblade, Eddie didn't want to, (it wasn't necessary to slobber up the grip), instead he rushed towards one of the Black Monkey Heartless and pounced on him, then jumped towards another one. Eddie then turned around and bit another heartless.

OOC: Uh...what animal was Krystal's again?
Fortunately for the small kitten, her own keyblade seemed to transform to her own liking, a two sided keyblade held in her mouth. Biting hard onto the grip, Desiree dashed forward towards the enemy, digging the keyblade deep into the monsters before twisting her head and tearing open its stomach. The monster disappeared and Desiree gave a nasty grin. Not so useless am i?
Saito got up from his rest and his wound was fully healed after four potions, he got up and walked around the desert until he found a big rock in the distance he smirked he knew this was the Pride Rock Fayd's friends were going to and where Simba was.

"Maybe I should pay a little visit to Simba"Saito said with and smirk and running at light speed and getting there in a flash.

He seen none of Fayd's friends here yet so he just lended next to a rock and waited.
Stephen slashed down a few heartless and noticed that they had stopped appearing, after cutting down a few more Stephen noticed that the heartless had stopped their attack and vanished "Odd" he muttered as he looked at the group, his keyblades disapearing "lets keep moving" he announced.
Fayd shook his hands and the gloves dissapeared "Well that interesting" Fayd said as he continued to move toward their destination. Fayd picked desiree up "Im keeping my promise" He said putting her gently on his shoulder and walking onwards
As Stephen strode onto pride rock he looked around and was faced by the massive crowd of Lions "We are friends of Simba" he announced as all the lionesses lay back down "guys, don't step outta line or they will eat your faces" Stephen announced over his shoulder to the group.

Stephen then spun his gaze to the cave where the eccentric monkey Raffiki lived "I'll be back soon" he announced to the group behind him.
Saito seen Fayd's friends come and he smirked his red eye shimmered in the sun he didnt want to get into another fight so he just looked at them smirking.
"The people here are proud," Eddie said to Stephen, "Simba must be an excellent leader to show his people honor and respect."
Stephen stepped into Rafiki's cave and looked at the eccentric monkey "so you have arrived keyblade wielder" he announced as he moved about the cave drawing on the walls in paint. Stephen smirked "why did mickey send me here?" he announced "to find truth in what you seek" Rafiki replied "I don't have time for this" Stephen announced as he turned around "fine run away" Rafiki muttered as Stephen stormed out of the cave "just like you always do" he continued after Stephen left.

Stephen strode back over to the group "Simba's cave is over there, we should head over to it, to see Simba, after all he is their leader and he will stop them eating the smaller animals among us" Stephen turned and began walking carefully towards simba's cave "such as me" he muttered so no one else could hear it.
Eddie said jokingly, "Well, I can't blame ya, if it weren't for the fact that we're new and if I was an enemy, well...."
stephen strode into Simba's cave with a smirk on his face "Simba, you in here" he announced as a group of lionesses looked at him as though he was a hamberger ~wow, i have the attention of the room~ he thought to himself slightly paniced. "Stephen, wealcome back" a manly voice boomed from the back of the cave "Simba. . . thank god your here, could you like stop them turning me into breakfast please?" Stephen shouted in reply as the great lion strode through the group "Ladies, this mere kat and his companions are off limits to all of you, the price for eating him is eternal banishment for you in the wastelands"

Stephen smiled "Not very fitting punishment but it will stop my ass gettin eaten" Stephen announced with a smile he then turned to Simba "The chosen ones are outside" stephen announced to Simba "but i thought you were. . " "Lets not go there" Stephen interupted. Simba nodded and both him and Stephen headed outside to the new keybladers "Guys meet simba" Stephen announced "Simba these are the guys i was telling you about" Stephen then glanced to the group he arrived with "guys introduce yourselves"
"Hello, sire." Eddie bowed his head, as if he was speaking to Queen Elizabeth II. He then said nervously, "My name is Eddie.....Eddie Alvarez. It honor to meet you."