The Four Aces

OOC: Whoops, srry i keep forgetting to post here.

Desiree had been dragged along a small way from the fight by Pumba. She could still see her friends as dots in the distance, but that was it. Hey! Stop! STOP YOU PIG! I need to get back there and help. Huh, what can you do in your size? She knew Pumba was correct and sat still. Hey, no need to get sullen. We should head over to the Rock and seek shelter and protection there. Desiree nodded sadly and kept an eye on the fight. It seemed to be even more vicious now, which worried her.
"What are we waiting for?" Asked the demonic voice from the unrecognisable being that was fayd. He unleashed a cross slash with both blades and swung the sword Back in a second slash. The blue blade dissapeared for now and he punched the being that was saito in the chest, his power was amazing

((OOC: How many rounds do you think youll take without running away?))
OOC: Hmm, well a fair bit, considering, i have a keyblade (held in mouth). Since my character is small, speed is what makes her better than the others. Still, not very long.
Saito guarded the attacks by Fayd's sword and grabbed the hand that came at his chest and threw him to the ground making a dent in it.

"Maybe when I am finished with you would be back with your dear parents again"Saito said in a dark voice that sounded noting like him.
Still stood on the Beach Stephen held his Keyblades, "What should i do" he muttered into the vacant planet "I need help" he continued in his monoselabic voice. Stephen then brought the two keyblades into his sight range and looked at them. "It's time" he muttered as he vanished into a blue glow.

reappearing in Disney castle he entered the armlet room, and over to Peter pan, his keyblades vanished into nothingness and he looked at Peter "Give me the armlet that prevents you shifting form when traveling between planets" peter nodded and handed him a bracer. Stephen nodded as he slid it on. then vanished into his signature blue glow. he reapeared in the Pride lands, near where the fight was taking place, ready to help Fayd if it was needed.
Fayd groaned as he stood back up. He turned and slid in with a low kick, followed by a three punch combo. He span picking up his sword and slashing down with both hands. As he moved from that, he extended the blue blade a foot from his hand and punched with it
Saito smirked when Fayd attacked him yet again and chuckled and dodged every attack that was thrown at him with his amazing speed and was behind Fayd in a matter of seconds.

"Heheheheh too slow"saito said before kicking Fayd in the back"Just like your weak parents they were so easy to kill their screams and cries for mercy, hehehheehehehe"Saito said smirking at him.
Something triggered. it was strange to see him get more primal. Fayds claws grew, his teeth became sharper and his growls louder. his eyes were rapidly turning black, it wouldnt be long before the demon was in full control. The following attacks were released in rapid succession. The blue blade slashed this way and that, Along with the other sword. Which after a few swipes fayd stuck in the ground and leapt onto Saitos body. He stuck his claws in and attempted to tear the flesh from Saitos bones. The teeth aimed for the jugular. Fayd then attempted to throw saito to the ground.

It was frightening that fayd could lose control this quickly

((OOC: seph.. you may have to bring me down after this fight... try not to kil me though))
Stephen realized that Fayd was loosing control and he gritted his teeth "good thing i aint a mere kat right now" he thought to himself as the Alpha appeared in his hand (the blue one) As Stephen glanced around he noticed that Desiree wasn't there, Pumba must have taken her to pride rock, good" he muttered under his breath as he returned his gaze to the battle.

OOC: okay then Ex but dont make it to difficult
((OOC: hey you can teleport and stuff... fyads form is just primal... i sure it wont be a problem for you))
OOC: but teleportation drains alot of energy if used excessively, and its pritty much his only ability.
Eddie and Krystal started running towards Pride Rock. Along the way, he encountered Desiree, who was riding on Pumbaa's back. Eddie said, "Desiree, Fayd....he's becoming a monster. Apparently, it looks like an even match but from how strong he is, I doubt it will last a few more rounds. We need to find whoever rules this world. "That's my pal, Simba" Pumbaa said. Eddie said, "Alright, let's find him and tell him the situation, he probably might know what to do."
Desiree's frown appeared more like a snarl on the kitten's face. Fayd changing into a monster was the last thing she wanted to hear. This is great. We get dragged into some wierd universe, one of my friend gets killed and one gets turned into a monster. What else can go wrong? Jumping off Pumba, Desiree with Eddie and Kyrstal walked further into Pride Rock for Simba.
As Stephen stood watching Fayd in his new form the Alpha vanished from his hand, and in it's place appeared Omega, it was being held backhand "Fayd, you must control it" stephen announced "you cannot allow the demon to control you, you must remember why you transformed, it was to protect those you care about" Stephen was trying to get Fayd to control the demon instead of the other way round "if you become some rampaging beast then there is a chance you will harm those who you care about, Desiree, Eddie and Krystal" Stephen glanced over his shoulder hopeing the others made it to pride rock. "It's your choice Fayd, will you control your powers and use them for good, or will you allow them to control you and destroy everything you hold dear"
((OOC: i apologise in advance for the obvious bit of god-modding as neither of our characters should be having this big a fight this soon))
Fayd was in turmoil inside. He heard and understood what stephen had said, but it was easier said than done. Fayd took one last roar and threw saito into a wall. where he fell unconcious and bloody as fayd turned to stephen. Trying to return to his original form he cried out in pain. His lower jaw reformed painfully and his voice returned.
"ARRGGGHHHH!!!!!" Fayd said bringing his hands to his face to feel his jaw. it felt different. He then realised that his teeth were still elongated and his hands werent hands at all but claws "Whats happened stephen?" fayd said in a deep inhuman voice
Saito felt this punch and it he slammed into the wall before he could see the damage he turned back into his regular form and fell unconious.His sword disappeared and his teeth went back to there original size his bloody wings disappeared ina bloody mess and he was covered in blood.
Stephen watched as fayd began returning to normal "Fayd, you have untapped power, but you shouldn't have to use it, try to fight the darkness that is consuming you, if you can't you will kill everyone" Stephen announced as he took a step towards Fayd, the Omega vanishing as Stephen knew he wouldn't need it.

"you transformed into your deark form and it took over you" stephen announced "the Transformation back shouldn't take to long but it will be painful" Stephen announced "but don't worry, you will be human again"
((OOC: Fayd will be remaining this way. he still looks more human Than demon, except he has claws and fangs, he wont change his look on any worlds anymore))

Fayd looked at his hands and stood for a minute in silence. He then remembered everything all at once. His head burst in pain and his body shook. Fayds hands werent returning to normal and he ws trying to force them.
Fayd let out a cry of pain and then opened his eyes, they had returned to normal, his feet were feet again, his teeth were almost the right size again and his voice had returned to normal, only his hands and fangs showed his hiden non-human side. He looked to stephen and asked "Where are the others?"
Stephen smiled as he removed the bracer as it turned from a gold colour to a copper colour and then disintagrated. "they have headed to pride rock" he said through his mere kat teeth "think i could purch on your shoulder for the trip?" he asked with a cheeky smile.
"Get on" Fayd said picking stephen up so his shoulder was nearer to the meer kat. "And hold on tight, im going to try something out." Fayd looked around at the rock formations nearby and ran at them. He jumped up it and dug in with the claws. "I think i like these" Fayd said using them to climb rapidly up the rock face. Upon reaching the top he looked along the plain and spotted a small group making trcks along it. Fayd said to stephen "There they are, Hold on to your fur" Fayd leapt from rock formation to rock formation, covering large distances in short amounts of time