The Four Aces

Desiree was hoping to stay out of it and let Eddie handle it, but things didnt seem to be going too smoothly. Sliding down Fayd's tail, Desiree loped next to Eddie and looked at the black wolf. "well thats true because i guess your looking for the guy who wants kingdom hearts well....."Saito smirked"It seems like you found him." Found him? Who are you talking about?
Stephen looked towards the entrance of the cave him and simba were in, "Simba, somethings wrong, lets go2 he announced as he jumped on the lions back and the two charged back towards the Gummie ship.

On route Stephen saw a Black wolf stood infront of the keyblade wielders and jumped off the Lions back, sprinted between the black wolf and the new kids "get out of here, you woun't find a fight here" he announced as the mere cat clenched his fists "Go back to your boss, and tell him he aint getting his hands on Kingdom hearts, i wont let him"
"Allright," Eddie said, "What in blazes is Kingdom Hearts?!? What purpose does it has, and why are you so interested in it?!?"
"Eddie be quiet, everything shall be explained to you later" Stephen announced as there was a slight tone of aggression in his voice as he returned his gaze to the Black wolf. "Leave here or suffer a fate worse than death" Stephen announced through gritted teeth, the funny side of Stephen's statement was obvious, a mere cat threatening a creature more than four times it's size.

The black pawed mere cat had a smirk on his face as he clenched his paws. "guys, there is a large rock" Stephen announced as he raised his arm and pointed a finger towards Pride rock "there, get moving now, Leave this guy to me" he announced
Saito glared at all of them and laughed at the remark that the one they called eddie made.

"You truly are clueless arent you well you will just have to find out on your own"Saito said and smirked a little more when the man that just came clenched his fists.
Stephen smiled as he glared at the black wolf as he began smiling at stephen. "you think I'll be a push over, then you think wrong" Stephen announced as he cracked his front paws. and took a step towards the black wolf so he was stood closer to the wolf than the group of keyblade wielders.
Saito looked at him with murderous red eyes and walked toward him he wanted so bad to bite him in the neck but had resist it longer to make sure me knew exactly who he was dealing with.

"So what is your business here"Saito said.

While there was still space between saito and stephen, Fayd pounced forward. It was kind of like a nice piece of art, the white wolf staring into the eyes of the black one "Our business here is to find our friend. Not that its any of your concern" He purposely didnt say sister incase this guy tried to pull something "Now back off" Fayd raised his hunches slightly, so he stood taller than the other wolf. He began to snarl, hoping to drive the other away without fighting him Fayd could tell that this one was a formiddable opponene and so not one he wanted to fight without full knowledge of his current capabilities But just then he saw something else, something smaller


Finally she had made it to the bottom of the mountain that she had "Landed" on, if she was human she wouldve made it ages ago but as she wasnt too sure of four legged movement she had taken it step by step all the way down. Then she saw a large rock juting from the ground about 500 km away. Now more sure of her footig than she had been on the climb down she started running, knowing that in this form she would be able to maintain this speed for a while. it was about 4 minutes before she spotted something, it was like a piece of art. a great white wolf facing a large black one, when she got closer she noticed others around them, meerkats, a lion cub, a warthog and other felines surrounding the two wolves, it looked like there was a fight brewing

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Desiree suddenly felt that her chosen state was a bad idea. Not only was she small, but she was helpless. Aw fuck. she cursed, the words seemed too rough from the cute kitten. From her perspective, the large wolf was very capable of jsut leaping suddenly and swallow her whole. The little feline dug further into Fayd's fur, the human equivalent of hiding behind someone's back. Damn it, Stephen. Is this guy friend or foe?
Stephen jumped onto Fayds back, next to the similar sized cub "most definately foe, if a fight breaks out, i want you to run as fast and as long as you can" he muttered to Desiree. before jumping down between the two larger wolves ~oh crap, why dont i think about this shit before i do it~ he though to himself as he remembered he was breakfast to these two "back off wolfie, we shall go about our business, and you can go about yours." Stephen announced from behind mere kat teeth
"Hehehehehe a poor little kitten is in your group her blood does smell good"He said while walking around the wolf in front of him smirking his smirk."Poor little kitten cant fight cant do anything but run, ehehehehehehehe, pathletic. Saito said before clawing the ground infront of him making a dent.

"Des, ste, step back and give me some room" Fayd said. Then he turned to the wolf and stared him right in his eyes, silver into red. and said "Sure, she may not be able to fight or defend herself but it doesnt matter. oh no, and do you know why?" Fayd said as he moved to block the others from the wolf "Because i can fight for them, i will not lose to you" He kneaded at the earth with his claws
Grudgingly, Desiree leapt off Fayd's back and onto Pumba's. She hated to admit it, but she was quite helpless in this situation. Most she could do was probably gouge out his eyes ina fight, if she was lucky. Kick his ass Fayd! she shouted. Desiree had an unshakable bad feeling about this foe that she couldnt get rid of. Whatever it was, she hoped it wouldnt affect them too much.
Eddie looked at Fayd when he said those words, then snarled at Saito. "He's right, If you're looking for a fight, JUST.....BRING IT!!!!" He opened his mouth showing his fangs glisten in the dusk. His claws rubbing with the earth.
"HAHAHAHAHHa, what these other weaklings cant fight for themselves how pathletic and you call yourselves the keyblade weilders, hahaha"Saito said still smirking clawing the ground making a dent in it.
Stephen dismounted from the back of Fayd and glared at the wolf, he noticed Puma was now in possesion of the small kitten "Pumba, get going, leave this guy to the stronger Animals" Stephen announced with a smirk "Timone, you go with him" He added, the other mere kat nodded then jumped on Pumba's back.

Stephen returned his gaze to the black wolf and cracked his front paws, like cracking the knuckles of a human hand "I may not be the biggest animal in the pride lands, but that don't make me the weakest."

OOC: Tipsy, you control weather Pumba takes you back to pride rock or not.
"Tough talk for someone who isn't a man of action." Eddie said, "Come on, impress me." He was daring the black wolf into making the first move, which the smaller and agile jackal was making sure it'll be his last.
Fayd had decided that this is the way it should be and said to the others "Guys go! Ill take this guy, i trust you guys to find krystal" Fayd said turning his eyes to the grou for a second. "All of you go, this guys going to play with me for a while" Fayd said as he started to circle the black wolf "Go!" He roared to the group "This fight is between me and him" at which point he turned to the black wolf and said "You smell my blood? Want a taste? because i cant wait to taste yours" he growled
"Heheheheh then come and try"Saito said circling around with him, he kept his red eyes locked on him, like a predatory to his prey.His eyes were blazing red with anger so he just ready for him to attack first.
Fayd had continued to circle for a few moments longer then geinted an attack to the wolfs left flank, hoping to draw a mistake from the over confident enemy

((OOC: this next piece is for if your character does a sephiroth and falls for it))

As the wolf moved to block its left side from ttack, it opened up his neck to fayds jaw, fayd attacked quickly, drwing little blood and jumping back

((OOC: if you decided to block against me, that hits, if not you probably avoided it and are ready to counter))