The Four Aces

Eh? Another change? This time, Desiree looked down at her own body and realised she had changed, again. This time, it was a little more agreeable with her as she had transformed into an African Wildcat Kitten. Aria appeared right next to her, still smaller than her kitten form, but obviosuly delighted that her master was smaller. The little animal leapt onto the back of Desiree, clinging onto her fur. Hm...this reminds me of the safari i went on when i was young. Cute little tiger cubs, deers, antelopes. How nostalgic. She then suddenly remembered Fayd and was then curious as to what he had turned into. Hey, Fayd, whatcha look like now? Bettter than the skeleton?

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"I've only seen this kind of place in books and movies." Eddie said, "This is like the Serengeti." As he walked out of the Gummi ship, he transformed into a Side-Striped Jackal, "Heh, at least I'm not a werewolf, but I'm still a dog."
Stephen slowed his four pawed run to a walk on his hind legs. he turned around and noticed that he had only covered around 15 meters "Holy crap" he announced as he dropped onto his back "Hey guys, could one of you come give me a piggy back or summit?" he shouted as he climbed back to his feet "love this form, hate it's size" he muttered to himself as "so you need a lift" a familiar voice came from behind him, he spun around and smiled "Timone" he announced as another mere cat jumped off the back of a wart hog and hugged him "how you been Stephen?" asked the creature "just great, king mikey told me to bring the new Keyblade weilders here" Stephen replied causing both mere cats to begin laughing.
((OOC: ahem ME! ))
"Guess who got wolf guys" Fayd said in a low growl as he crawled from the ships hold. He shook his white mane and walked to the head of the group "Where are we?"
aw man, I wanted to be a wolf, aw well. He stalked around and found Stephen with another meerkat, "Hey Stephen, whose your friend here?"
Stephen turned to face the group "this is timone and Pumba, they are the two friendlyest tour guids you will meet in the prie lands, everyone else will try and eat you" Stephen informed the group before hopping onto Pumba's back and telling him to go to pride rock, as the warthog and two mere cats began their trip Stephen turned to the group and shouted "Hey guys, come on"
Fayd shrugged with his hunches and followed suit. "The sooner we get where were going the sooner we can find my sister"
Desiree gleefully lopped along the dirt with her new form. Aria clung to her fur on her back, enjoying her masters new form as well. What she did not realise was her lack of control over using four limbs to move. As Desiree approached the group of two meerkats, a warthog, a wolf and a Jackal, she tried to stop smmothly . Instead, her legs got tangled and she went down with Aria into a roll, ending up at the feet of Stephen. Ehehehe. Sorry. Can your friend also give me a lift? she asked, signalling at Pumba.
Fayd walked over easily "Why not ride with me?" He asked, trying not to sound too eager. 'Why does every form desiree take have to make her look so cute' he thought annoyed at the fact that she aroused such feelings in him, noone had ever made him feel so hopeless. he knew he had no chance with her, maybe this was the closest they would get, so he wouldnt miss out on the oppurtunity "I mean if you want to" He added sheepishly glad that wolves couldnt blush
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"Smooth, Fayd" Eddie said, "Anyway, let's come on." He then ran up towards Stephen and said, "So, What is Pride Rock like, I assume it's like a castle, is it?"
"Leave it out eddie" Fayd said 'how does he know' Fayd thought. He shook his fur and said, "Well the offer still stands" Fayd said
Stephen looked around at the group "Pride rock isn't really a castle as such, more a home base for every lion in this world" he announced with a slight smirk "but don't worry, as long as they know your with me you won't become their next meal" Stephen joked as him and timone jumped onto pumba's back "lets go P" Stephen announced as the warthog set off, runnung, towards the large rock that was in the distance.

Upon arrival Stephen jumped down and walked into the cave "Hey Pumba, could you stay here and tell the others im inside" he announced as he vanished inside "okay Stephen" he replied as he looked around "I'll stay here with all these hungry lookin lions"

Stephen strode in and saw a large male lion stood next to a female of similar size, the pair were talking to a monkey of some kind, "Hey Simba, hey Nala" Stephen announced before the monkey turned to face him, a look of madness in his eyes "Yo rafiki, long time no see guys, how you all been" he asked "hey stephen, why are you here?" Stephen smiled "I have been sent by the king, he asked me to make sure the new Keyblade wielders survive" Simba looked worried as did Nala, Rafiki on the other hand smiled, the ran out heading back for his own cave whilst shouting "it all makes sense now, it all makes sense" Stephen wached the mental monkey then turned his attention back to Simba "what does it mean" asked the lion, "I don't know, but i suspect someone is going after kingdom hearts again" Stephen replied looking worried.
Without an answer, Desiree punced onto Fayd's back with Aria while laughing. Desiree really like her new shape, much better than the halloween form. In the cat form, she felt so free and carefree. Ah, your back is so fluffy, Fayd. Desoree gave a cat stretch before lounging lazily one Fayd's large wolf back. Even with all the lions around, she was not overly concern. After all, Stephen was with them.
Fayd was yet again thankful that wolves couldnt blush he steadily followed stephen onward "How far is this pride rock from here then?" he asked
OOC:i changed what my guy looks like so you can understand why he is a black wolf

Saito looked at them while they left and smirked and shook his head and he walked off to his ship and jumped in and and seen where they were going and heading in that direction it seemed like they were going to the pride lands and he knew being there would change his appearance to a bat or something along those lines since he was more vampire than anything.He then landed in the pride lands and jumped out of his ship and his appearance didnt change to a bat but a black wolf with his red eyes and two sharp fangs he smirked and ran around the world to find then he found them looking around for something probably pride rock he landed infront of them smirking.

"Hello are you the ones i was fighting with im halloween town"Saito said smirking
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"Why do you want to know." Eddie said, suspicious of his intentions. "And more importantly, who are you?"
Saito smirked and show his teeth and the fangs shimmered in the sunlight.

"Saito Belmont"He said walking around in circles around them"Born in Destiny Islands knew Sora and his friends"He snarled at the name "friends"."anyway why do you need to know and why so tense i helped you didnt i in halloween town and now your being rude shouldnt look at people of how they look."Saito then smirked and lent a low chuckle escape his chest.
"No, it's not how you look." Eddie said, "I just can't afford to trust a lot of people these days. Having seeing friends die."
Saito smirked again even wider.

"well thats true because i guess your looking for the guy who wants kingdom hearts well....."Saito smirked"It seems like you found him.