The Four Aces

Stephen stood back and watched as Fayd began battling with the other wolf, Prepared to step in at any moment if needs be. he glanced around to look for any other Wolves just incase the black one wasn't alone.
When the wolf attacked his neck he lifted his paw and slammed it into his left side making him fall.Saito knew this wolf drew a little blood from his neck which probably gave him an idea that maybe this wolf is like him.
As Eddie watched Fayd take on the black wolf, he thought, "Well, this might be interesting." However, he knew that should Fayd be defeated, he would step up to the plate, looking to either win, or die trying......
Fayd tumbled and rolled to his feet, which took a little longer than he would have liked. Fayd turned and made a feint but continued with the manouvre only ramming into the black wolfs side, then jumped backwards immediately and took up a defensive stance
Saito dodged the attack to his side from and clawed Fayd in the face but missed when Fayd jumped back and went into a denfensive stance.
Fayd dodged Saitos claws and went in with his head attack once again, but instead of stopping he slashed out with his claws, down at the closest part of the black wolf then he swung round and kicked out with his hind legs
Fayd said "Not as good as you thought you were huh?" Taunting the other, trying to make him make a wrong move. He was trying to create a rythym of battle he could follow, seeing as he was a singer, then a fighter he enjoyed following rythym.
"Guys" Fayd said to the others, "think you can materialise your instruments and give me a driving beat?"
((OOC: You are all successful and somehow able to play and so the rest of the fight is to this song, only played by the aces))

Fayd stood at the ready and closed his eyes, listening to the rythym. He opened his eyes and somehow he had become his old self. In his hand he held the microphone. "Sounds of pain!" He shouted before using the microphone. He let out an earsplitting note aimed directly at Saito.

((OOC: if it hits you will suffer, if not you will still be disorientated, Fayd retunrs to his wolfish self no matter what))
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Saito growls at him and jumps out off the way but gets a bit disorientated a bit and trys to shake it off,he has never gotten into a fight this intense since Sora.The one attack he wanted to use more than anything was the one that would over take him to his vampire side and he would go crazy and probably wouldnt be able to be in wolf form.He got very dizzy and stammered a little still trying to shake it off then he got awfully hungry for blood and his red eyes changed to black.He knew that right now wasnt a good time to fight in his condition and he started breathing heavy.
Fayd sensed hesitation and flew in this savage attack was ameans to an end. He was clawing and biting anything that was close enough to attack. His growls were becoming more feral amd they got louder

((OOC: everyone? noome seems to have noticed that krystal is watching, why oesnt someone get her?))
Saito seen him come and he growled at Fayd running out him slashing and kicking at him crazy like.He dodged alot of the attacks and jumped back he got scratched a bunch.He soon thought that his inly hope to win this battle was to go into his vampire inticnts in his wolf form.He closed his eyes then opened them and he was surrounded by a red aura and he growled intensely at Fayd ready to rip his head right out of body.
As Eddie watched the fight, he noticed Krystal looking from afar, "Stephen, stay here, I will be back quickly." He then ran his way up the hill towards Krystal's direction, where he said smiling, "Well, I wonder where'd you went..."
"Whats going to happen to fayd?" Krystal asked worried, she had seen the aura surround The black wolf and was scared by its ferocity.

Fayd Saw this and was slightly shocked. "So you do have extra power?" He said smiling slightly "Well, lets see what you can do against the heavens!"

((OOC:this is not a god-mod, both the twins have unknown powers, fayd figured out that he was special, krystal doesnt know about it yet))

Fayd was engulfed by a purple aura, it got so bright you couldnt see inside it. When the aura dissipated Fayd looked like a monster, if appeared to once have been an angel, but there was something very wrong with it, its wings were torn and it looked starved. "This ends soon, unless you leave" Fayds lower right arm began to glow blue and a blade of blue light began to protrude

((OOC: if you havent already guessed, this is Fayd here ))
"Whats going to happen to fayd?" Krystal said worring about her brother. When Eddie saw Fayd transormed into some Dark Angel he said, "I'm more worried about he's becoming." Eddie started to fear what Fayd was turning into, then he realized Stephen may be in danger. "Come on Krystal, we need to go!"
Saito then turned into his human form and he was smirking in a psychotic way,he knew that he had to be in his human form or it would never work.His eyes were blazing red and he clutched a mytserious sword in his hand,it was black and red and it looked like it was made out of blood.His vampire fangs grew and his power grew inmensely.
"You want to learn the hard way huh? I hope your ready for gods divine judement Vampire" Fayd said in a double tone voice* He lifted his riht arm and then in his left a seperate sword appeared. He brouht them into an x across his chest. Then out of nowhere was overcome with pain. He let out a cry of pain which altered into a roar. His eyes snapped open, black and void. he began to glow purple. When the low dissapeared, he was no loner Fayd ,but a demon intent on destroyin the enemy before it no matter what the cost

((OOC: Fayd will become crazy soon, everyone has to run before saito can move again, Spartan, Krystals yours for now oh and *= theres a second voice hidden inside fayds voice))
Saito hissed and blood red wings sprut out of his black they were made of blood, this was his one thing he would never use unless the fight was going to get bad and this one was.Saito punched the ground and made rumble under everyones feet and he just glared at Fayd waiting for him to make his first move.
Stephen saw the battle heating up and ran, he was intent on getting as far away from it as possible, all of a sudden he began glowing a kind of blue colour and vanished. he reappeared walking the corridor of the Disney castle, towards the throne room. he pushed the door open and looked at Mickey.

"Sire, why didn't you tell me the abilities of the new Keyblade users?" Stephen announced in anger "why wouldn't you tell me they had exponential power" Mickey looked at the outrage of Stephen "well, i was scared that you wouldn't help them if you knew they didn't need it" the King replied "thats stupid" he announced as he clenched his right hand and a light appeared in it as the light began to take shape it appeared. . . Stephen's Keyblade

Stephen then pointed his Keyblade at the king with Teeth gritted, "I trusted you enough to tell you everything, and you don't even have the decency to tell me that the Keyblade wielders have untapped power" Stephen spun and walked away. Teleporting out of disney castle before anyone could stop him.

As Stephen arrived on the beach of Destiny Island he stood, looking down at his Keyblade, the blue handle and grip, the cilindrical blade and the ice like ends. then another appeared in his left hand, Red in colour with a regular key end.

"I was bestowed with Alpha and omega many years ago, but i never really chose to use them, maybe it's my destiny to use them"

OOC: Stephen's keyblades
Eddie couldn't help but watch, then he realized, that if Fayd cannot control his ability, then it would be the end of all. "Krystal, let's go." Krystal said, "But what about Fayd, what if that black wolf....." Eddie interrupted, "I doubt that would be an issue, but if he does not control himself, THIS WORLD WILL BE IN DANGER!! We must find Desiree, find the leader of the pack, maybe we might calm him down I suppose."
((OOC: i cant move until tipsy next posts. we also need sephiroth to bring himself back, a few of us may have powers but they are too dangerous to use all the time. if fayd hadnt noticed that they were in danger if he didnt step up then he wouldnt have done it. i need tipsy to run and sephi to come back, we still need a guide for the worlds.))