The Four Aces

to make matters worse, Fayd just informed Desiree that her other friend just stole their ride from here. She let out an even bigger sigh, stood up and slapped herself with both hands. Okay! Enough moaning. Eddie Fayd, over here, NOW! Desiree ordered her two friends impatiently before continuing on, pacing the floor. We now do not have a ship and in a world we have absolutely no idea of. What is even happening and what is to be done is not even clear. So first things first, i say we find out BEFORE we move again.
Eddie, figuring out that his friend just left said, "You forget I have a ship too, you know. I hear Stephen mention of a guy named King Mickey, I say we find him, maybe then we will finally understand the situation." He then picked up his P90 sub machine gun and said, "Come on, should be enough room to carry all of us."
"Sounds good to me" Fayd said. "We need Steven to drive though, We dont know the way ourselves." He looked around and out the window "Where is he anyway?"
As Stephen opened the Door's to the throne room Mickey was sat at his throne. His face became filled with anger moments after Stephen's entrance "Stephen, why are you here and not protecting the Keyblade wilders?" he demanded to know causing Stephen to smile. "Sire with all due Respect, they don't need my protection, they managed to re-seal oogie Boogie of Halloween town without my aid" he announced "I don't care if the killed Sephiroth of Radient Gardens, they must have someone who holds knowledge of all the worlds to guide them. return to them" the King announced "And take them to the Pride lands, they must Discover their inner animal" Stephen Gritted his teeth and nodded "Yes Sir" he replied as he vanished into a gray ball of matter.

As Stephen reapeared in Jack's house he looked around at the Keyblade holders "where is the other one, the other Girl?" he asked with a tone of worry in his voice ~If i have lost one of them Mickey will kick my ass~ Stephen thought to himself.
As they trio was about to move on, Stephen came back into the house. Eh? Hey, i thought you left? What is wrong? The boy was a mystry, to be able to travel through portals of swome sort. However, now was not the time to be amazed. Krystal was missing and they had an extremely poor knowledge of the planets. Even with a Gummi ship, it would be a while to find back their friend.
"I ain't going anywhere, i have been ordered to take you to the Pride lands, A planet not un-like this one, your appearence shall change again. That is to be expected so do not panic, you said you had a Gummi ship, then we shall go to it and travel using it" Stephen informed the group of people "Don't worry, i know the locals in the Pride lands, you guys should remain out of harms way, and off the dinner plates" Stephen announced before chuckling to himself slightly.
"The other girl, Krystal, she flew off in a gummi ship." Eddie said, sitting on the windowsill and looking out of a window. He heard Stephens joke, and although not amused, he didn't really care about it. "I guess that if you were ordered to take us to the Pride Lands, I think we may as well should go there. This place is already depressing as it is."
Stephen Exited Jack's house, leaving the door open, Stephen glanced over his shoulder at the others "come on then, we better head for your Gummi ship, lead the way there and i shall fly you to the Pride lands, a place that brings out everyone's inner beast" Stephen informed the group as he walked towards the town center.
Eddie, gave a weak smile at Fayd before leaving Jack's house. "Come on, the Gummi ship is in a cemetery. Ironic though, since the people here are undead." Eddie left for the gummi ship, hoping that Stephen, Fayd and Desiree would follow him there.
"Desiree, Fayd Lets get going" Stephen announced as he followed Eddie. walking through the town center Stephen felt something was wrong. he clenched his hands into fists and prepared for a fight "eddie, we aren't al..." his sentance was interupted by a heartles hitting him in the stomach, then out of nowhere many more started appearing "crap" Stephen announced as he knocked the First heartless into the ground and began fighting "Lets take them down Eddie" he announced between punches and kicks
"These creatures start to annoy me" Eddie said, clenching his fists. As heartless started to jump at him, he grabbed him and tossed him to another heartless. Eddie's Combative training kicks in as he starts to use a single legtakedown on a Large body Heartless, destroying it. He then launches a right hook and a left uppercut at another soldier. "I guess they are good at fighting." Eddie said as he was punching a soldier in the face before destroying the heartless with a powerful left hook.
Fayd summoned his key blades and launched himself into technical manouvres, swiping, ducking and weaving through stephens and eddies attacks, hacking down heartless after heartless. "Damn these things just keep on coming" Fayd complained bringing hells gate down on yet another pumpkin heartless
OOC:is it okay if i post right now

Saito was on a building in halloween town and happened across four or five people fighting heartless and they were pretty good at it too but it seemed like the heartless kept coming from an unknown place and seeing that Saito had nothing less to do he jumped down and toke out his weapons and attacked the heartless.
Stephen took note of the new guy who had just showed up and began attacking the heartless, Stephen was suspicious, nobody in Halloween town would help you without an alterier motive. as Stephen beat down the final heartless he turned and looked around "guys lets get moving" he announced as he ran for the Gummi ship.

Upon arrival at the ship, he entered and watched as his outfit returned to normal. he strode over to the controls and started up the ship. "Come on guys, hurry your asses up" he cursed as he waited the other's arrival
"I am hurrying" Fayd said as he threw off the last few heartless and entered the ship. he turned to face the others and hoped they would get there soon, he didnt like the look of the new guy too much
Eddie, after hearing what Stephen said, ignored the rest and ran off. As he entered the ship, his clothes and appearance started to return to normal. "So, who's that guy that's helping us?"
Desiree hacked tiredly at the oncoming heartless. All she needed was some sleep, to wash away everything for now and concentrate on getting home. The sleep would come when they jump on the ship. THe gummi ship grew steadily as they ran. Before long, Desiree's stilleto's clattered on the ramp if the ship before she slumped into a chair inside. Huff, puff...These shoes are really not good for fighting... looking out at the man still fighting, Desiree urged him to hurry up, just in case those heartless guys boarded the ship. Yo! DUDE! Hurry up!
((look colour changes... you know what this means))
"Leave him" Fayd said, "he isnt one of ours" All he wanted to do was leave this fray and explore another planet, if it was anything like this one, it would certainly be interesting. 'but wheres krystal and just who is this guy?' too many questions were unanswered in his head but these two were the foremost

Space stretched out in front of her. Stars dotted here and there lit up the darkness she floated through. Closer to her there were other lights, flashing lights. She ran from the engine room to the cockpit "Damnit, i wish i knew what i was doing!" She pressed a few buttons and then looked out the windscreen of the ship "Oh no..." She trailed off as she crashed the ship into a mountain terrained planet. Minutes later a lynx came out of the wreckage "Whats happened to me!" Krystal said
Stephen push a couple of buttons closing the hatch and then another few that light up the dash and the boosters came on, launching the shp from the planet.

20 minutes later...

Stephen slowed the engines as he entered the atmosphere of the Pride lands and he could feel himself changing "here we go" he announced as he flew the ship in and landed in a large opening around 100 meters from Pride rock Stephen stood up and walked towards the back of the ship "I hope you guys are ready for this" he announced as he pushed a few buttons and the doors opened. As the door hit the floor a light engulfed Stephen and then Stephen's human body was replaced by that of a single foot tall mere cat that was covered in mousey brown fur and black front paws, "Right guys, lets go" he announced as he began running on all fours out the ship and towards Pride rock.