The Four Aces

Bastard! Desiree gave Fayd a playing tap on the head. I don't think our friendship is so limited that i'll hate you for something like this. Looking out the window, she saw space srawl out right in front of her. It'll be a nice adventure in any case. Desiree was actually worried about Krystal and Carla. She didn't have a large amount of people she would actually call a real friend, so finding them would be priority. However, she seemed nervous as there was really nothing she could do as Fayd flew the plane, so she played Classical Gas while she waited.

As he listened to Desiree play he thought of the only perk of having lost everyone. Carla wont be constantly trying to get with him. It annoyed him to no end, when all he wanted to do is be with the one person who he was with right now. Snapping back into reality he looked and realised he had flown to the wrong planet. The large pumpkin loomed out of the space ahead of them. He glanced at the radar. It seemed the other ship was faster than them as it had gained some ground since the last time he checked. Moments later they landed on Halloween town and he turned to look at Desiree. Her outfit had changed. He looked at himself and realised his had changed too. He looked like a skeleton. Desiree looked amazing.

((ooc: Tipsy.... i need you to post soon so i can say what you are wearing... i cant control what your outfit has become merely that it has changed))


one second she and her friend were sat there normal and then suddenly both their outfits had changed. There she was in a witches outfit and before she could see what carla looked like they were attacked. The guitar turned into the key-thing and instinctivly she fought against the monsters. Carla it seemed had been too late and after the assault lay dead on the ground. "Carla" Krystal dropped to her knees crying

((sorry guys but she had been inactive for too long and also the four aces only needs four characters in the band... we had five... recently noticed))
OOC: I am soooo sorry for not posting. i forgot about it. And lol on killing your friend there. btw, my character is a slight bit gothic. Just slightly. Well, i went with a witch, and you said amazing, but i am not sure of what you have in mind, so i went with something a little girlie, since she is tomboyish. If you have something else in mind, tell me. #1 and #2. Personally, i go with two.

Slipping her beloved guitar back into the case, Desiree had just realised that they had landed not on the wierd planet Fayd pointed out, but a very halloween themed one. Oooo, nice. Always being one fascinated with the darker side of life, Desiree stood up and was about to move out when her foot wobbled on the floor. With dreaded slowness, Desiree looked down at herself. On her feet, instead of her converse, there were bloody heels. Instead of her beloved clothes she always wore, she had a rather risque looking witch outfit. What the hell? Why do i look like a skank? This is something a dumb cheerleadre would wear at halloween! Tell me, Fayd! Do i look skanky in...this? And why do you get a cool skeleton outfit! Argh! It was Desiree's worst nightmare. At school, it was the cheerleaders against her. Now, she looked like one of them.
((ooc: personally i like to put romance in my rps... hope you dont mind a bit of love and seeing as how you reacted with krystal in the kh rp i decided to give it a go with you in this as well))


"Hey personally i would prefer your outfit to mine" Fayd said. "At least your doesnt take the p!$$ out of your figure!" He indicated his accentuated slim build shown in stark obvioussnes by the skeleton outfit. He looked up and down at Desirees outfit, it really made her well... eye-catching. He hoped the trousers of his outfit werent tight... ((take that to mean what you want)) ... And he pressed the button that opened the hatch to the ship and. Microphone in hand, leapt out of the ship. He looked left and right then called for desiree to come out.


She was sat crying when she saw a bright light. The body of Carla was engulfed by the light and dissapeared. "At least she went to a better place" Krystal said standing. Then there was another bright light. A different light. This one was joined by a noise of engines. She folowed the noise until it stopped. She looked around the corner and saw as two figures emerged from the strange craft "Great, more monsters" She said adjusting her grip on the keyblade. She readied herself for the attack
As Eddie landed in Halloween Town, his clothes and appearance changed to that of a werewolf. "As if nothing else happens to me today." He then turned towards a group of other monsters (and a skanky witch of some sort) that were at the courtyard. He walked casually to avoid looking stupid and said. "I wonder if anybody knows where is this place?"
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Stephen sat up in his bed in Disney Castle to a banging at the door. "Come in" he announced as he Stepped out of bed and pulled on his Gray Sweat pants. and then stretched. the doors swung open and an Ace of spades card with arms and legs came in "King mickey wishes to see you" it announced before leaving. Stephen smiled "I guess I have a mission to attend" he muttered as he slid on his socks and shoes and walked towards the door. he picked up his black Vest on route towards the door and tucked about an inch of the top into his trousers.

Still topless Stephen walked towards the throne room. Stephen strode past Donald and Goofy who both told him to put his Vest on and after a couple of minutes of walking Stephen arrived at the entrance to the throne room. He removed the vest from his trousers and pulled it on over his head. he then nodded at one of the two guards stationed at the doors. The two guards then pushed the door open, Stephen strode through the throne room and bowed to the throne that Mickey was sat in.

"My king, how may i be of service to you?" he asked "Stephen get up, and don't be so formal you know that i rely on you" Stephen stood up and smiled "whats wrong Mickey, where do you need me to go?" he asked. "Please head to Halloween town there are four people there i want you to keep out of trouble, they are known as the four aces" Stephen nodded and spun around he began walking towards the door of the throne room but instead of going through it he extended his hand and a gray portal opened "See you soon my king" he announced as he walked through. the portal closed behind him.

As Stephen exited on the other side of the portal his outfit hadn't changed much. now he was in all black with a hoody on. he was wearing a black beanie that had a visor and also a white face mask. "I always seem to have no identity when i come here" he muttered as he looked around the square and saw a group of people who looked lost. ~I guess thats them~ he though to himself.
OOC: Spartan, its a witch costume, not a cheerleader. if you need, press #2 on my last post, but i really doubt you need to. Your guy is our drummer right?
@ RE, yea, no problem, but its going to be a bit hard for your character since she is a bit of a tomboy.

"Hey personally i would prefer your outfit to mine" Good, you can swap with me then. Desiree shot back, sticking her tongue at her friend before wobbling unsteady out of the Gummi ship. If i had my way with the person who made this, I'll personally shoot his nuts off. "I wonder if anybody knows where is this place?" Still getting used to her shoes, Desiree answered without looking up. No idea, its some Halloween place. Gritting her teeth, she made several more steps before falling flat on her face. Definately going to kill them...she thought when she suddenly recognised the man's voice. Eddie, is that you? It's me, Desiree! Fayd's over there. Help me up will ya? More and more people were gathering. To be percise, two. Another witch, whom she couldn't really see from where she was and a mysterious guy that seems to resemble a tonberry from FF.
OOC: who is in a tonberry outfit? thats pritty cool

IC: Stephen strode over to the girl who had fallen over "Welcome to Halloween town" he announced to the girl in a revealing whitch's outfit as he extended a hand to help her up "looks like your not used to wearing high heels" Stephen announced with a smile. "But then again, what do i know" Stephen then looked around at the others who had gotten off of the Gummi ship "where did you guys get the Gummi Ship?" Stephen asked
OOC: You. The goody and the blank mask. Reminds me of a tonberry, with the brown hood and blank face. They scare the shit out of me. Always OHK my characters.

Grabbing the offered hand, Desiree pulled herself up and wobbled a bit more as she stabled herself. She instinctly pulled down at the really short skirt before answering. Cloud. Cloud Strife. And if you want, we can swap shoes? Taking a look around, Desiree continued Do you know where we are? She waved for Fayd to come over. FAYD! WE GOT SOMEONE THAT CAN HELP US! With the exertion of her voice, she wobbled again, but was beginning to get the hang of her shoes.
Stephen smiled "your in Halloween Town, well the town Square of Halloween town anyway" Stephen paused a moment before glancing over his shoulder at the empty Square "where is he?" Stephen muttered under his breath "I'm Stephen, and you are?" he announced as he turned back to the girl and extended his hand.

Fayd had walked over to the small group when Desiree had called to him. "Yeah sure we can swap shoes He said laughing... IF You want ill swap outfits too, but it would look a little funny dont you think." He noticed the mans outstretched hand and took it into a handshake. "Stephen huh? well my names fayd and this is my girlfr- i mean erm, Friend, Desiree. Thats eddie and over in the shadows is krystal my sister, She never was any good at hiding. Hey sis," He called over to her.


Krystal watched as she recognised the three individuals who approached the strange man who looked a little like a tonberry from ff or a strange version of vega from street fighter. She walked forward when Fayd mentioned her and said in return. "Hey" Her sad tone gave away that something had happened even before she got there


Fayd heard Krystals tone and knew somthing was up "Whats wrong?" He asked immediatly "Have you been hurt, or have you seen Carla?" Fayd was worried about his younger sister. They were twins really but he was like 4 seconds older and with twins... 4 seconds is alot to fight for. He looked at her forlorn face and wondered what was wrong.


"Fayd, im fine, but its carla, she... she..." Krystal couldnt say it, She tried so hard but couldnt voice the true words. They hurt too much so she opted for a different way to say it "She is Gone." then when fayd looked confused she started crying and fell to her knees repeating the words "Shes dead... shes dead...shes dead" Krystal sobbed and sobbed


Fayd was dumbstruck and fell like a ton of bricks to his knees, Like the words were a hammer stroke and he was a nail. "Shes dead..." For the first time in years a tear fell out of his eyes
" can't be serious......are you?" Eddie said with a confused and sad look. "How did she die? Did somebody kill her? How did this happen?!?" Eddie shed a few tears himself as he was asking these questions.
After the hand shake with Fayd Stephen looked around and noticed a familiar face running towards him "Stephen, come quick" the man shouted "whats wrong Jack?" Stephen replied "Oogie Boogie has Escaped from his Prison" Stephen Gritted his Teeth "Sorry to be blunt but this is no time to be crying over a fallen Comrade" Stephen announced before he sprinted off after Jack and to the pumpkin patch.

As Stephen jumped the gate he caught Sight of Oogie Boogie. "Shouldn't you be locked away underground for ll of time?" he announced as he walked towards him, "Shouldn't you be more scared?" Oogie replied Causing Stephen to smile as he slid his Black Gloves onto his hands "I ain't never bin Scared of the big bad boogie man. Stephen took up a fighting pose and prepared for the upcoming fight.

Fayd wiped his eyes and said "Hes right, She wouldnt want us to mope about, shed want us to make the most of life." He picked up Hells Gate and Heavens Messenger. Then he ran To the pumpkin patch after the other two. He saw the looming shillouette that is oogie boogie and said "Ooh your a big one arent you?" He readied an attack and said "Prepare to Hear the truth"


Krystal stood slowly as her brother talked and watched as he headed for the pumpkin patch. "There will be time to cry later, right now we are going to need to help Stephen and Fayd" She picked up her Guitar and ran after her brother. "Lets see how you handle the driving beats of Rhapsody" She said as she took up her stance near to Fayd
Stephen noticed as Fayd and the Krystal stood slightly behind him, preparing to fight. Stephen also took note of the Keyblades in Fayd's hands "you better be able to handle those" he announced. "A Keyblade wielder, it must be my lucky day" Oogie announced.

"HA" Stephen shouted in a mocking tone as he dropped his stance and took a couple of Steps so he was stood between Oogie and Fayd "gotta go through me" Oogie Smiled "why protect this boy, he wields the Keyblades, he should be able to defend Himself" Stephen smirked as he raised his Stance again "Because Mickey Ordered me to" he announced.

Oogie Paused "so your Mickey's right hand" Oogie Questioned causing Stephen to let out a laugh "I prefer to say I'm his muscle"
Desiree was wrecked by the news, moreso than the others. As she did not have many true friends, this news had hit her hard. Gritting her teeth
Desiree, pushed the emotions back, psychologically unhealthy, but what were her choices? Running up behind the trio, the wierd weapon popped into her hand again and she gripped the hilt. For some reason, it just felt right. Sorry for lagging behind. It's the shoes... she sort of chuckled half heartedly. She wanted to hide her sadness, but did not quite pull it off. Even the size and ugliness of Oogie boogie did nothing to take her mind off Carla.
Eddie sighed then said, "You're right, the time for mourning is over, it's time for fighting." Eddie knew about fighting, he served in the military for some time before joining the band, though he doesn't often, if ever, talk about it. He ran through the pumpkin patch, picking up his Guradian Soul keyblade and put in a holster as he brought out his P-90 Sub Machine Gun. "'re the guy whose escaped...." Eddie said to Oogie, "Well then......I hope your bag is bulletproof!!!" He aimed his P-90 at the ol' bag of bugs.
Fayd laughed as Stephen thought he could protect Fayd, Fayd didnt need protecting, he could feel his sadness fuelling his anger. His anger fuelling his power, his will to fight. He listened only slightly to the conversation. The voice he listened most to was Desirees. She sounded almost dead inside but she was trying her best not to show it.
"It was your fault Shes dead!" Fayd shouted his anger overflowing. He continued "And even if it wasnt you, Youre the first im going to blame!" HE was about to run forward with his prepared attack when he winced in pain. something was happening. 'Let me out, i can take him' Said a voice in his head ' i can make them all pay for carlas death, just let me out' Fayd thought 'ok'. On the outside Fayd began to glow with a purple aura Wings Burst from his back and horns sprouted from his head. His scream of pain became a dual-voiced* laugh. ((OOC: *= this is the voice of fayd and the voice of pandemonium at the same time... mixed to gether. Pandemoniums voice is never used on his own unless fayd was completely unconcious at the time of the posession))

The Dual-voice rang out in clear words. "Lets get this going on!" Pandemonium Ran forward and lifted Hells Gate into a position from which he could slash downwards. "Infernal Rage Of The Demon!" He said bringing Hells gate downwards. IT danced with eerie fire now and Pandemonium unleashed its force onto Oogie
The Bullets hit Oogie's Bag of Bugs and did nothing "foolish" he announced before the sword slash came downwards Which Oogie dodged, just. ~they are fighting for the memory of their friend~ Stephen thought as his arms dropped down to his sides ~If i died, would i be missed?~ Stephen began questioning his own reason for helping Mickey.

So what, his cousin was Mickey's helper before he vanished that was Stephen's only reason for helping Mickey, because he wanted to find out what happened to his cousin. "Sora, where are you" he muttered as the battle between Oogie and the others raged on.

OOC: Oogie is an NPC you specify weather your attacks hit him or not.
Before Desiree could jump in, Fayd, changed into something unexpectedly. He seemed like a completely different person and she was scared. One by one, her friends seemed like they were changing. Suddenly, these little black globs of monsters formed from the ground and danced around a bit before rushing towards the remaining people. On self preservation instinct, Desiree
sweep away at the monsters killing them without the actual conscious mind of actually knowing what she was doing. Uagh! Get away! Die!