The Four Aces

"Sora...." Eddie said, ", I have not heard of him. But what do you plan of him, once you find him?"
"I have heard of him" Stephen announced from Saito, he had teleported in whilst the others weren't paying attention "but what could you possibly want with my cousin?" Stephen asked, his Mere kat face looked either angry or constopated, but probably angry, "he hasn't been seen for around a decade now, what grudge could you possibly have against him?" Stephen asked politely
Saito smirked at him.

"Hehe thats something only me and my master know only"Saito said then when Stephan said that was his cousin he looked at him"So your his cousin then hehe funny because I was his friend his best friend I might add until he found out I was a monster."Saito said with anger in his eyes.
"That didn't take long" Eddie said, "So I assume you want revenge against Sora for this. Well I'll tell you this, it'll get you nowhere real fast."
Saito smirked at Eddie.

"Thats not even close"Saito said"me and my master are goimg to kill him for a different reason than revenge or maybe we wont even kill him at all"Saito said.
"Hmph, very funny." Eddie said, then turned around towards the view on the world. "You claim you and Sora were once friends but this friendship collapsed. Was it becuase of Sora's racism against people like you, or was it you, who tried to attack Sora at one point?"
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Saito growled at him and his eyes flared with anger.

"Fine then I attacked Kairi or so Sora thought she fell in the water at Denstiny Islands and tried to help her out but Sora seen this and thought a pushed her because from where he was standing it looked like I was trying to drown her.Kairi tried to tell him I was tryng to help her out of the water but he was too stubborn to understand.He later found out I was a monster and our friendship crubbled"Saito said looking at him with cold lifeless eyes.
"Then let me tell you this, if this is your reason to go an attack Sora, then I say that would be a big mistake." Eddie said, looking at Saito just as coldly as he is. "Whoever your master is, he is a fool for letting it get this far. I know, I've have seen it before."
Saito glared at him.

"You really think so and if you start a fight with or if I sense a heat of battle in our voice as I said to Simba his clan well be my meal so I wold watch your mouth"Saito said.
Stephen gritted his teeth as Saito announced that he would slaughter Simba's entire pride, a group who had been good to Stephen and his anger was building up "you scumbag" Stephen announced as he took a step forward the rage in his face was obvious "you threaten a group of Lions and lionesses who have done nothing to you to try and stop a fight, are you really that scared about fighting us?" After his statement Stephen began snarling, a rather amusing sight seeing a meer kat snarl.
Saito looked at Stephan and he started to hiss.

"And the same goes for you I never wanted I fight I just wanted to see strengths and weaknesses of this group of keyblade weilders but I could tell that the keyblades have made a mistake to chose you"Saito said with a hiss.
Stephen smirked as Saito informed him of the keyblades 'mistake' "your lucky your hiding behind your beloved threat, or i would be using you to mop the dirt off of the floor" Stephen announced with anger in his voice. Stephen then glanced over his shoulder towards Pride rock and then Back to Saito "But lucky for you, I can't fight you because of your threat, so Alpha and Omega shall not taste your blood" Stephen paused as he crossed his arms across his small meer kat body "For now"
Saito looked at him with anger flared in his eyes and he grabbed his sword and gripped a ungripped it he wouldnt fight but he was at the breck of it.

"Are you understanding me little merekat dont forget what I was about to do to your little Fayd friend if he hadnt slammed me into that rock"Saito said.
"Settle down guys" Fayd said "We dont want to fight on friendly territory, Saito, Does Your madness have a reason?" Fayds hands still rested on the hilts of his two keyblades, just in case
Stephen noted Saito's Gripping of his sword "yes, you may have been able to handle fayd, but he isn't as skilled as i am, And If it is this Meer kat form that bothers you" Stephen extended his right hand "take my Paw and I shall take you to a Battle ground, jus me and you, no way out for the looser" Stephen announced, Hoping that he would get a chance to Battle with Saito. One on One. In the collosium on Hercules' Planet.
exiled i have Changed the end of my post to better suit the back story of the RP, new Battle ground is the collosium
Saito smirked at Stephan as he extended his paw for a fight at the collieseum.

"Fine you got a deal"Saito said grabbing the paw"I always love a fair fight once and awhile.
As Saito grabbed Stephen's paw he glanced over his shoulder at the Keybladers, his blue glow was beginning to show "Don't come after me" he informed them as the pair vanished and reappeared in the collosium. Stephen back to his regular Human Self Saito, still ugly as ever. Stephen jumped back about 4 feet and Alpha appeared in his hand "Shall we get started then?" he asked, a sense of pride in his voice.