The Four Aces

As Stephen picked himself off of the floor, Memories were still running through his mind, this time of Kairi, how they spent alot of time together when they had been captured by Organization XIII, the feelings they developed for each other, how Stephen fought with all his strength to stop her getting hurt.

Stephen looked at Saito "No, it's not" Stephen announced as he glared at Saito "I will defeat you, for everyone i hold dear to me" Stephen then extended his right hand out in front of him and sora's Keyblades appeared floating behind him as his did "My cousin left me these incase anyone tried ending the worlds" Stephen announced, Oblivion and Oathkeeper floating with alpha and Omega.

"This will be one of our final fights, I shall not fail until you are dead, you will not give up until you have killed me" Stephen grabbed the handles of Alpha and Oathkeeper. "I won't fail, i must Find Kairi again, i will save her from whoever holds her captive" Stephen then unleashe a Blizzaga spell from Alpha and Oathkeeper, he smiled as the Two giant Ice balls flew towards Saito.
Saito dodged the ice orbs as they flew toward him and heard that he wanted to find Kairi and a smirked formed on his face.

"Hehehe Kairi you still havent found her hehehe funny because my master as held her captive"Saito said with a wide smirk"Dont worry she safe we arent interested in hurting her all we want is to find Sora and destory him she is perfectly safe"Saito said.
Stephen Glared at Saito "Thats a lie" Stephen announced as he gritted his teeth "SO STOP LYING TO ME" he shouted as he threw alpha and Oathkeeper and then charged towards Saito again, this was the same technique as he had launched earlier, but this time there was a combination of Keyblade strikes fom the spare two keyblades Stephen had floating behind his shoulders.
Saito smirked at guarded all the attacks that were thrown at him jumped back from Stephan so he could look straight into his eyes.

"But it is true she misses so much same with Sora but I promised her she would see Sora soon"Saito said smirking at Stephan.As he rushed at Stephan.
Stephen smirked at Saito's charge and awaited the right moment to dodge out of the way and throw Oathkeeper at the back of Saito's head "take some of this you Lying, Lion cub threatening scumbag" Stephen shouted as the Keyblade left his hand and flew towards Saito's Torso.
Saito eyes went big as he ran into the keyblade and he looked at the keyblade through his chest and he grabbed it.He had a perfect plan in his mind that not even Stephan could guess he would fake or act like he is dying then attack when he is defenseless he smirked to himself.

"Agh..."He said before he coughed up blood, he was good a faking death because he couldnt die since he is already died after his master changed him.
Stephen extended his right arm as Saito spat out blood, and the Oathkeeper returned to his hand the other three keyblades were floating behind his shoulders. Stephen's outfit returned to normal and the four Keyblades dropped and stabbe into the floor, blade first. stephen pulled Alpha fromm the ground and the other three vanished. Stephen strode up to Saito and lifted Alpha above his head and prepared to swing the blade downwards to put Saito out of his misery "your reign of Terror ends now Saito, say hello to the underworld for me"
Saito smirked as he looked down his wound was healed that was shot through his chest and noticed that Stephan changed back normal he chuckled to himself.

"HAHahaha do you really think that can kill me"Saito said before he grabbed his sword and slashed at Stephan at a fast pace.
As the Sword stabbed into Stephen's torso his gaze became blank, the shock was apparent on his face. he looked down to see the sword stuck in his chest, everything appeared to be moving in slow motion, Alpha vanished from his hands and Stephen fell to his knee's, his arms dropping to his side.

A tear rolled down his cheek as he couldn't believe that it was over, he wouldn't be able to recover from this wound on his own. his eyes dropped in and out of focus, as he fell forwards he placed his hands on the floor to keep himself upright. tears now falling from his cheeks. rain began to fall heavily from the sky as Stephen collapsed to the ground, Blood seaping from his torso.

Stephen was having trouble breathing, only staying conscious because of the rain. Images of kairi, Sora himself and Riku flashed through his head. "this can't be the end" Stephen muttered as the memory of Kairi and his first kiss came to mind "Will i never see you again?" Stephen muttered before he fell unconscious.

Stephen was engulfed in a black light and then vanished.
Saito smirked at chuckled as he toke his sword out of Stephan and seen him disappear he smirked to himself as he changed back to his normal self his black-reddish eyes turning back into his glowing red his fnags also returned to their normal self.

"Hehehehehehe the world will see no more of you"Saito said before Stephan disappeared "You will be truly missed"Saito said before looking up into the sky smiling as rain fell on his gentle body.He lifted his hand to his face and seen he had blood on his face from Stephan and more on his sword and he licked it off before he washed off his sword and walked out of the Colliseum and disappeared in a flash of darkness.He was going to his master and to tell of this misfortunate indevure with Stephan.
((OOC: i am sorry for pointing this out but saitos powerplaying still. I dont care what you are you couldnt have blocked all those attacks and you wouldnt have healed that quickly so if anything this battle shouldve been over sooner and stephen shouldnt have died))
OOC:Sorry I just dont want my character to stay in one place for the reminder of the Rp and when I attacked Stephan I thought he was going to guard to back I didnt except him to die so quickly.
Lying in the darkness that he didn't recognize, Unable to move as intense pain filled his entire torso. Hardly breathing, stephen's hea turned as he looked around the room, praying for some light or a figure, anything but the blurred darkness.

"So I did save you in time" a voice came out of the shadow's "i thought i was to late" it continued, "don't try to talk you dont have enough energy" as Stephen searched around he finally caught glimpse of the hooded figure from earlier "I am the one who saved you, Cousin of Sora" Stephen tried to talk but ended up gargling, the figure walked over and dabbed acloth accross Stephen's forehead wiping away the sweat "Don't worry, you'll be safe here, just rest for a while"

OOC: and who said i was dead like?? Barely holding onto life yes, but not dead quite yet.
OOC: are you going to take charge of the rp or did you want me to put my other peices in order first?
OOC: I edited my profile on my character and made my character's boss which I am going to act for almost the remainder of the Rp if thats alright Saito basicly is in lock down or punishment but none of your characters know who his boss is but you can become supicous because he is a vampire.

Saito entered the castle of his home world where a man with glowing silver eyes full of rage looked at him in anger.Saito knew off the bat that he was going to have the lecture of his life,Marius,his master told him to beome friends with the key blade weilders but yet did not which in turn Marius found out from one of his pets or demons as Saito likes to call them.

"Welcome back,Saito"Marius said as he got up from his throne.

"Master"Saito said bowing"I have killed one of the of keyblade wielders and..."Saito contiuned before Marius interrupted him with a hiss.

"You what I thought I told you to not kill them but make friends with gain their trust so you can complete your mission but I seems that you have voilented that"Marius said full of rage.

"But Master"Saito started to before Marius held up his hand in silence.

"Enough I should have known better to send you a young one almost freshly made, no matter it seems I have to take matters to my own hands, guards take Saito away show him what I do to people when they dont follow my orders"Marius said then two guards came and grabbed Saito and dragged him off into the dungeon.
OOC: It's official, my computer is dead, I'm using a library computer for the time being.

IC: With Stephen and Saito gone, Eddie went and said to Fayd who said, "Looks like were going to have to travel alone for a while, come on lets see what help is needed here before we move on" Eddie responded, "Well, if I'm correct, the gummi ship is still where we left it. Stephen did say before he left that we have yet to meet the King, I suggest we head over there, find out about Saito and his master."
Stephen slowly regained consciousness and looked around the room, his body was definately healing as the pain in his chest was nearly gone. he tried to sit up, and nearly managed to until he noticed his hands and feet were in chains and cuffs, holding him to the bed. he tried summoning Alpha, but it didn't work. "I wouldn't bother if i was you, Keyblades cannot be summoned here" a voice came from the darkness "Who are you?" Stephen shouted to which he got no answer.

"how could you loose to him?" the same voice came from the darkness "How could you not have helped me?" a dark figure walked out of the shadows, he was in an Organization XIII outfit "thats why" Stephen announced "So, where are the other 12 crownies?" Stephen asked, a hint of anger in his voice "there are only three of us left" the figure announced "and we are never on the same planet at the same time, to avoid detection" Stephen smiled "So your turning over a new leaf?" "on the contrary, the leaf has already turned" the figured turned it's back to Stephen "After all, i did save you didn't I?" Stephen gritted his teeth as the figure spoke "The other Keybladers will Kill you" the figure laughted "I think not, not after you brough me the Oathkeeper and Oblivion, the Keyblades of Sora, I am now undefeatable" the figure announced.

Stephen looked away ~what have i done?~ he thought "Let me fight you?" he announced causing the figure to laugh "I am no interested in fighting Stephen, you should know that" the figure announced before vanishing. "DAMMIT, COME BACK HERE" Stephen shouted into the darkness.
Marius disappeared from his world and appeared in Disney Castle and started to walk into the castle.He seen the enterance to the throne room and before he could go through the door Queen Minnie seen him and a gasped.

"Oh, hello sir how can I be of service"She said walking over to him.

"Your Highness, sorry to intrude but I need to talk to King Mickey"Marius said in his soft voice.

"Ok he not excepting anyone at the moment, just go right in"Minnie said before walking off.

Marius nodded before she left and entered the throne room where the king was sitting.

"Oh are you a keyblade weilder looking for Stephan and his gang because I think they are in the Pride Lands"Mickey said with a warm smile.

"No I am not, your Highness, but I need to meet them I am sure they will come here for answers"Marius said.

"Stay as long as you like the Library is right around the corner if your not fimilar with this world"Mickey said.

Marius nodded but stayed in the throne room against a wall looking around.
Lying in the darkness Stephen couldn't believe what he had done, he had lost Sora's Keyblades to one of Organization XIII, but who had the ability to wield them, only Roxas Stephen thought, but he dissapeared with Sora. As Stephen attempted to sit up again, the chains stopped him and a voice came from the room "Don't fight it Stephen" it was female and when he looekd Kairi Stepped out of the Shadows "Kairi? you can't be real, you dissapeared with Sora" Stephen announced "Maybe your right, but then again maybe i never existed"

Stephen shook his head "NO, I know you were real, but not now" Stephen looked at her with tears in his eyes "Please, tell me what happened to you" Kairi shook her head "I can't answer that, because you don't know" a tear rolled down Stephen's cheek "you are just in my head" Stephen looked away from Kairi and she vanished into the shadows again.

Stephen lay in the darkness, looking up at the ceiling when the Hooded figure walked back into the room and Stephen's chains broke. Stephen jumped off of the bed and glared at the figure who was holding the Oathkeeper "You are free to go" the figure announced before pointing the Oathkeeper at Stephen "Disney castle" the figure announced before a white beam hit Stephen from the tip of the keyblade and he was teleported to the throne room of Disney castle.
Eddie was figuring out the gummi ship navigation, in order to find the location to Disney Castle. After about a good half hour, he said, "I think I found it." It also showed him whether to warp there. "Yo guys, it's time to go. Fayd, Crystal, Desiree, let's go."