The Four Aces

Hidden Love

Jul 16, 2008
blackness fades to the numbers 07:09

we pan out and see that the numbers are on an alarm clock that is rested ontop of a pile of playstation magasines as we take this in the numbers change to show 07:10 the alarm goes off and continues as we sweep the room seeing posters of different final fantasy games as the camera turns to face the door we see a my chemical romance poster... the door opens and Fayd's mum enters

mrs miyumi: wake up Fayd its a lovely day

she opens the curtains and turns to the bed. when she pulls back the covers and sees that fayd isnt there she screams. she continues to scream as the camera turns to the tv next to the bed the camera zooms into the snowscreen and the picture distrupts

Fayd: i dont want to get up yet mum!, mum?!!

he opens his eyes to see that his mum isnt there, not only that but there is a girl looking down at him with a small smile...

girl: im not your mum, but if youd like to tell me your name ill tell you mine

Fayd: i am alex nice to meet you...

he slowly gets up

girl: i am yuffie and its nice to meet you too, now if you want you can come with me but, i cant look afetr you on the way, youll have to defend yourself.

Fayd: defend myself with what??!!

yuffie: did the fall really do that much damage to your head... your sword silly

she points to a wicked looking blade that is sat on the floor
as Fayd picks it up it glows blue

Fayd: wow i didnt know i had this...

yuffie: (to herself) why is it always the wierd ones... first cloud now him... what have you got yourself into yuffie??

Fayd: hey hangon a minute... i think i know cloud do you mean cloud strife from nibelheim in final fantasy 7

yuffie: i dont know where final fantasy 7 is but he is from nibelheim yes... we are going to see him now, he said that if any other of you lot fall from the sky then i should take you straight to him

Alex: what do you mean any others?

The story now is that the entire of the group known as "The four aces" were transported into the world of kingsom hearts. They are all split up currently and will meet when ever...

you choose where you wake up and who is with you... Krystal is currently on the world of Halloween town and Fayd is situated in Hollow Bastion

remember even though they are main characters your character introductions are more important. i will wait until a few posts and post krystals introduction. then the real fun begins
OOC: You said anyone right? So it'd be fine if i pick Tifa?

Desiree could feel the tingle of the sunlight on her pale skin. Like always, the light was nice through the sunroof of her attic house. The mouldy wood smell also seemed rather familiar. The best thing was, there was no one that would come and wake her up...well, maybe Aria, her tiny orange tabby cat. As if on cue, Desiree felt a wet tongue like her on her nose. Ah, Aria, not now. The licking stopped and she felt the shadow of her cat cross her face and his tails landed on chest. Hm... so warm and fuzzy, your tails....TAILS!? The fact hit her like a sledgehammer and Desiree bolted up from her sleep. A small fox-like animal tumbled onto her lap before reorientating itself into a sit position on her lap. Aria...? Desiree managed to mutter. The fox gave a mew before jumping onto her shoulder and wrapping itself around her neck like a scarf. If her cat changing was shocking, where she woke up was even worse.

All around her, Desiree could see castle walls and battlements. She herself was lying on a small little garden somewhere in what seemed like a town. While still fascinated by her location, her hands shot back to her back and was relieved to still find her guitar bag there. With practised ease, she flipped it onto her lap and opened the zipper. What met her hand was something foreign on top of her Gibson. Her tapered fingers gripped around something like a handle and Desiree tugged what was inside out. A Intricate red and black blade shaped like a key came out from her guitar bag. She was staring in awe of it when someone leapt over the low wall hedge she was lying behind and landed right in front of her. you're awake now? What a strange place to nap. Desiree's eyes narrowed into focus as the woman in front suddenly leaned in close, within inches of her face. So what's your name? In an instant, Desiree recognised her from all the time she played Final Fantasy. Ehh! Aren't you Tifa Lockheart?! Where ever she was, it was obviously not Earth. So you know me, but what is your name? I don't think i've met you before. Uh...Desiree Elsman...Her sentences were still incoherent from the shock. Desiree slowly stood up, swinging her guitar bag into her shoulder before glancing around. Hey, do you know where i am? Tifa gave her a weird look before answering. Hm... you must have bumped your head if you don't recognise this place. This is Radian Garden. EEEH! As in Kingdom Heart Radiant Garden? (i assume KH is out from where we came from?) Kingdom Heart? Are you sure you're alright? Tifa asked, putting her hand on Desiree's forehead Anyway, i think you should go see Cloud. He did sa bring any kids that fall out of the sky to him Quick as a flash, Tifa grabbed Desiree's arm and dragged her along into the streets of Radiant Garden.
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((way to go tipsy... one thing... that now means that the group from one world is also split up too... if you wanted to wake with tifa i think it wouldve been better to be in hollow bastion... but if you dont want to change it then go ahead... i wont stop you.... so everyone knows... you control all characters that are not already chosen by another person... even add characters if needs be (except main bad guys)))
Carlas eyes burst open and she shut them almost as quickly. the sunlight was a little bright. She felt a wrm orb like object tapping against her cheek. When she turned to look at the object she saw that it was jusr a ghost dog... A GHOST DOG!!!??!!!... Ok something both strange and familiar was going on. She sat up and petted the ghost dog. She looked around at the area she was in and marvelled at the pumpkin patch she had awoke in. "Excuse me doggy" She said. "Will you take me to your owner?" The dog barked in reply and slowly led the way out of the pumpkin patch

((can you tell i like bright colours??))
OOC: OHH!!!! so thats what you meant. i thought you meant seperate seperate (world wise. i'll change it.)

EDIT: Okay, i changed it. I'm in Radiant Garden/hollow bastion.
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Eddie opened his eyes, and found himself in a gutter. Well typically, when you drink too much you probably wind up here because of the bartender, and he surely was drinking. That was until a dog (Pluto) came by and tried to wake him up, when he realized that Eddie won't wake up, he used his forelegs to kick him in the chest. "Ok, ok, I'm awake. Ow!" Eddie yelled as he struggled onto his feet. As he walked out of the alleyway, it came to the realization that he was not in New York City anymore. "Where am I? How did I even get here?"
(ok here i go with my first two character post.... wish me luck guys)


Krystal was waking up when she noted that the earth seemed to be moving. As she opened her eyes she let out a scream "Wh- Whats going on!!" She said as she reached for her bass and nearly cried out when it transformed into a blade like key. "whats all this about?" She asked the assortment of creatures. "We are taking you to see jack" They replied. "Well then," She said calmly "put me down and i will walk with you to see this jack"


Fayd had followed Yuffie all the way to cloud. Cloud had explained what was going on and Fayd now sat there contemplating the information he had been given. He picked up and swiped around with the "keyblade" as Cloud had called it Then focused on the object with great concentration. It turned into a microphone and he laughed as he put it up to his mouth. He was about to sing when the door was flung open and Tifa entered.

((well that wasnt too hard was it?))
Carla was following the transparent Dog through winding streets and through a courtyard passing a fountain and onward towards a large house on a hill. There was a group of people heading towards it. And in the middle of them was...

"Krystal!" She said running towards her friend "So your here too?" She looked around expectantly "Wheres Fayd?"

She looked Crestfallen that her love was nowhere to be seen "Wheres Fayd?" She repeated slightly more quietly
Still trailing after Tifa, Desiree stumbled into the room after her. Found another one that fell out of the sky, Cloud. With a gentle push, Desiree stumbled forward. Eh! Damn, i must have drunk too much. she muttered as she saw Cloud and Fayd. Aw man, what the hell is going on? Where the hell am i and why is Aria like THIS?
Fayd stood in shock when he saw Desiree. He listened to her many questions, all of which he couldnt answer right now "I dont know" Fayd said as he gave Desiree a small hug "Have you seen Carla and Krystal?" He asked adding "How about eddie?"

"Cloud says that we can get to other worlds by ship if we want to search for our friends what do you say? will you come with me?" He continued looking to cloud for support

"Thats true you can take my ship the S.S. Nibelhiem" Cloud said As tifa walked over to him and kissed him on the cheek


"Wha-" Krystal said as she turned hearing a familiar voice "Carla? What are you doing here?" She said looking in shock at her. She listened as Carla asked about Fayd. Her face dropped into an upset look. "I dont know, I just dont know" She said sadly. "But i know someone who might" Krystal said.
As Eddie was walking through the streets of Traverse Town, hw noticed that his drumsticks were missing, "Aw man, I must've left it back in the gutter. I hope that dog didn't bury them." he may his way back to the gutter, where he saw the drums. "As Eddie picked them up, they transformed. One of the sticks turned to a Sub-machine Gun, the other became a Keyblade. "Well, I recognize the sub-machine Gun, but what is this other thing, a giant key?"
"Have you seen Carla and Krystal? How about eddie?" Are you kidding Fayd? I g=just woke up and got dragged around town by someone that was supposedly from a game. But seriously, i have no idea. By this time, Aria had scurried up to the top of her head and curled up into a ball. "Cloud says that we can get to other worlds by ship if we want to search for our friends what do you say? will you come with me?" Nope....nah. I'm just joking. Of course. i'll come. As long as i have Aria and my guitar, i'm all good. Let's bounce.

"Ok, lets go then Desiree" He said picking the Gummi ship keys up from the table that Cloud had placed them on "Bye guys, well see you again later" He said to tifa and Cloud, Yuffie had dissapeared earlier. They walked out the door of the building and he pointed down a road. "The hangar is that way Desiree" He said as he walked ahead slowly with his microphone in his hand and the keys in his pocket. He finally reached the hangar and went to the place where 's.s. nibelhiem' was parked. He entered and turned to see where Desiree was. "Where did that girl go" He said to ihmself, Then he had an idea. He put the microphone to his mouth and called "Desiree"



Krystal had been about to tell carla where they could find someone who could know how they were here, and why, when suddenly she felt her Bass vibrate and heard Fayds voice call out 'Desiree' "Carla did you hear that?" She asked worried that she was going even more crazy than she obviously already was "Tell me you heard him too"
Whoa!! No need to shout Capitano. I'm here! Desiree ran into the hangar after Fayd. The girl was too busy looking around at the town and lost sight of Fayd for a few seconds. Stumbling about the winding streets, the clear, booming voice of the band's vocalists directed her to the hangar. Seriously, Fayd. You have to tone down the volume. You're capable of blowing out my eardrums and every single window in the town. Desiree smirked before strolling towards the S.S Nibelhiem. So is this the baby we're riding...? Come to think of it, do you even know where Krystal and Carla is?
"No, but if that worked i am sure they heard my voice. Maybe i should call to them too?" He said as he started up the ship. It launched into space and Fayd looked at the navigation screen. "Should we go to the world shaped like a pumpkin or should we go to the world shaped like a coliseum?" He asked Desiree. Then he drew out the microphone and, quieter than before, he called out again "Krystal, Eddie, Carla? Where are you? play your instruments and call out to me"

Krystal heard the voice again, clearer than before and listened to what it said Immediatly she began to play her bass to the tune for their song "Hearts spill love like you spill milk" "I hope he hears this" she said. She continued but nodded to carla as if to say "play your keyboard woman!"

Fayd looked at the moniter when he heard the tune. "The reading seems to be coming from the pumpkin planet. But it could be a trick" He said "What do you think desiree?"
Trck shmick. Either way, its worth a try. It's not like we lose much if we go. From her bag, she pulled out her Gibson and plugged it into her headphone. Starting off with a few warm up chords before ripping into the song. In any case, how is it that they can hear you? The planet loomed closer in the porthole and a queasy feeling filled her gut. Ugh... i hate halloween... As if agreeing with her, Aria scampered down from her head and wormed into her collar behind her neck.
As Eddie walked down Traverse Town, he noticed a shiny aircraft. He never seen aircraft since the war. But this was an aircraft he never seen before. "It is a gummi ship" said a girl with blonde hair. Eddie said, "Who....who are you?" The girl laughed, the said, "My name is of no concern to you, but you're free to fly it if you want, but if you want to keep it running, you have to smile." Eddie, being the skeptic, said, "So this craft runs on feelings. Well, that's new. Ah well, then again, I'm must be on a different planet or something. Thank you, whoever you are." "You're welcome", said the girl before leaving the area. Eddie then got into the cockpit, and left the world, looking for the rest of the band.
Fayd gasped as another ship came up on the radar "No problem Desiree it looks like were going to the coliseum. its closest" He set a course to the coliseum immediatly and as it was flying he turned and decided to tell desiree everything he knew. "Desiree, you know we were going to make a virtual tour of the world?" He said slowly "Well i accidentally hit the wrong keys and we opened a portal of some kind into this dimension" He admitted "So i guess its my fault we are stuck here" He sighed gazing at the radar once more "My fault were lost in this world" He paused for a long time "I... I am sorry Desiree" he finished sadly