The Last Trip! (OOC)

OK..I will write more,and I know that it will be with horror and other stuff,I read the main Plot.. :d I am not afraid jeezz..
I will edit my chara then[now] and maybe I can join after...and thank you!
Lol when i referred to brolly i just meant the same body build not body SIZE i don't actually think he would be able to even fit in the train if he was brolly big.
I dont wanna be nitpicky, but i still dont see any explanation as to why your character can use a gun. As a coffee waitress, i dont see the connection, even with the abusive background. Eg, my character, Eiji, has a gun because he is an Interpol officer.
I dont wanna be nitpicky, but i still dont see any explanation as to why your character can use a gun. As a coffee waitress, i dont see the connection, even with the abusive background. Eg, my character, Eiji, has a gun because he is an Interpol officer.

I agree with you in here..Thank you and besides,I was gonna say that she got the gun from her older father...><
I hope it's okey for me to make an character
I used a spoiler tag at some places couse I personally felt I was alittle graphic even thou I might not have been

Name: Natalia Ravenheart
Gender: Female
Age: 19

Appearance: Natalia is a thin girl with a cute slim face. Her eyes are blue, but due to her contact lences they are shaded in a transparent pink color. Her nose and lips are small and cute fitting her face perfectly. Her lips have also a soft shade of pink. Her hair is naturally extremely curly, but curls them extra much and always have her hair in a ponytail, knit up with a blue and white ribbon. She is also unusally tall being 5'9''.

Reference Picture :

Clothes: Natalia wears mostly unusal clothing. The clothes she currently wear is a frilly white tanktop covered with another blue and tighter top. The top has two white lines going across her chest area on each side and at the bottom have severeal white dots going all around the top. On the top of her chest she has two black ropes that is connected into a ribbon. Also the top have a ribbon on the backside of her top aswell, showing off her love for ribbons. She also wears dark denim pants and a pair of high heeled leather boots.

Baggage: She packed very lightly having only two bags with her, one for clothes and one for her electronics. Among the clothes are a pair of slim low heeled shoes and a plain white dress she adores. She also have a few black tight t-shirts and a baby green skirt. She also have alittle too much underwear. In her electronics bag she has her cellphone, a charger and a emergency charger that has elextricity already charged within it. She also have her mini-laptop she bought for traveling.

Personality: She is a sweet and kind girl with a kind of shyness towards people. She is also kind of a scared girl that is quite supersticious when it comes to the supernatural.

Job: Computer Hacker - Not a job she was too proud of now at the age of 19, but when she was 16 and up to the age of 18 she was a expert hacker that earned money through hacking scams and other illegal activities.
Dance & Self Defense Teacher - At the age of 18 and up to 19 she started to teach young girls and boys in dancing. And also was a voulenteer teacher for self defense classes.

Physical shape: She is quite slim, but not be fooled as under that small package there is a girl who can pack a punch if needed too.

Abilities: She is unusally aware of how to handle knives as she explains herself often is becouse she used too cook much and was always aware of how dangerous a knife could be, but it does not explain how she accurately can throw a knife, either way she is truuly skilled with the usage of a knife.

Knowledge: Thou alot of her hacker knowledge is faded she still knows how to work around a computer. She is also somewhat knowledgable in the supernatual.

History: Natalia, a girl who has lived her entire life alone as she herself would say. When she was around six years old she already took care of her father when her mother was at work. Her father was lazy so she did everything in the house until her mom got home. Thou when she got 12, her mother lost her job and got a new job that allowed her to be home more often, but more tired meaning her father wouldn't get the sexual pleasure he would normally get from her mother. This lead to years of sexual abuse from her father almost every night from the age of 12 to 14.

The thing that changed her completely was when she approached the age of 15. Her mother had come home from work and her father had started a alcohol problem. They both started to fight in the kitchen wile Natalia was in the livingroom and as she went into the kitchen to try to stop them with her crying face
she witnessed her mother's head getting slammed to the kitchen table and was shot in the head.

She then was forced to bury the body to help her father unless she wanted to get killed aswell and suffered from serious mental trauma. She then started to gain a high interest for knives and computer hacking and one day when her dad was going to do his deed with her as usual she
took a knife and stabbed it into his neck
. Shortly after she called the police and the case was seen as self defense.

Since then she moved into her own place still being mentally unstable and had several breakdowns including illusions of seing demons and the devil at several ocasions making her well known with the occult and supernatural. She finally managed to get a hold of herself at the age of 18 being able to escape from alot of trouble and problems she started teaching in Dance and Self Defense until she got a call from her aunt in Europe that wanted her to visit.

And so she is in the train..
hehehe.... thats pretty good Hope. And it wasnt too graphical. Solid did say this was going to be a graphical rp, so im guessing there should be worse that will come.

On a side note, i just realised we have an unusual amount of hackers on the train :P
Oh. We do?
If I have seen that I would have changed it, but.. now I don't think I can be bothered as it fits her kinda.
And yeah, I kinda forgot the fact this was going to be a graphic RP so *facepalm* no need to spoiler what so ever.
Hehe, that's really nice there Hope :) ACCEPTED!

And yes, absolutely no needs for spoilers.

Oh and AkaHime, you will be accepted if you wish it. But consider the fact that I expect you to put effort in every single post you do IC. If you don't, I might get mean. If that's fine with you and you think you are capable, I ACCEPT :)

And the gun thing, still doesn't seem to be answered?

I'm waiting for Music and few others to answer if they will be on board when the RP starts.
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Hehe, that's really nice there Hope :) ACCEPTED!

And yes, absolutely no needs for spoilers.

Oh and AkaHime, you will be accepted if you wish it. But consider the fact that I expect you to put effort in every single post you do IC. If you don't, I might get mean. If that's fine with you and you think you are capable, I ACCEPT :)

And the gun thing, still doesn't seem to be answered?

I'm waiting for Music and few others to answer if they will be on board when the RP starts.

I ACCEPT IT...don't worry..^^ I can be evil/mean as well..^^ fufuu
and the gun I said I will sya it in the story..:P
Well, I am still keen on this idea. Already mentioned it in the previous page, but I'll mention it once again! I SHALT BE BACK!
Okay I finally makes a character!

Here he is!

Name: Mark Seithia
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Appearance: Mark wears black jeans and a blue tshirt. he has black tangly hair and a black ripped jacket. He wears the metal look proud and wears red colored contacts. He wears a backpack shapped like a blue monkey from his favorite anime/manga: Supermonkey Ninjas. He is very much into fantasy and anime and his whole look almost puts him out there like he is from another fantasy world. He has a tan complexion and always wears a confused look on his face, especially when he's thinking. He is a tall teen about 6 feet and has a good build because he works out alot.

Clothes: Rawrs, um. I just said that above!

Baggage: Mark carries an ipod in his pocket. He always wears his headphones. HE carries alot of books in his backpack and carries a DS game system. He also carries nunchakus which are souveniers from his fav anime show Super monkey Ninjas.

Personality: Mark is a very shy person to strangers. Once you get to know him, he tends to be a different and odd kinda guy. He sticks out like a sore thumb in crowds and can make a conversation turn odd in a second. He tries to model himself from the many anime shows he has watched and tries to mimick the characters from Super MOnkey Ninjas. He can be bold when he wants to be, but rarley tries to be brave.

Job: He was a student

Physical shape: Mark is a decent fighter but cannot overpower a grown man. Since he works out, he has some strength but not too much.

Abilities: He practices kickboxing from his favorite anime show. He can be clumsy at times but he basically has the moves down pat if he concentrates.

Knowledge: Mark is somewhat of an airhead. he tends to be so attracted to fictional worlds that he rarley pays any attention to the real world. He knows little about complex things but he isn't completely stupid. He knows about the simple things in life.

History: Mark has always been a loner throughout his whole life. When his dad died when he was at age 9 his mother had gotten so twisted and hard on him that she began to beat Mark(child abuse). Years afterwords, Mark became a loner in school, not being able to fit in with anyone and he later began to learn that he never could. After discovering Anime, Mark had created a haven for himself. He becam emersed in the fictional worlds and wanted to become a character to escape his harsh reality. Mark has sense been trying to get back out into the world with a new attitude. One day after visiting an anime convention, Mark boards a train to get back home...
Yeah. It appears most of the role players, or all, have already posted here to express their interest in this role play. Furthermore, for those that are still interested, they have already waited for quite some time too.

Can't wait for it to start. :D
Hehe, well I'm ready to start. But as some know, I will be away from 25th to 29th ... so I'm not sure what I should do. I could make the first post and then you guys can make your firsts and then wait until I return or I won't do it before I return. So what do I do?
Looking forward to this RP. ^^
My Character :highfive:
Name: Goes by the name White, but his real name is Wilhelm.

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Appearance : He has Long Blond hair that comes down a little past his shoulders. Purple eyes. He is about 5.7 feet tall. His first appearance to others is that he is a punk, who likes to smart off who is weak. Has a tattoo of a red cross on his lower neck in the back.

Clothes: He likes to where a white button shirt with the first two buttons not together, so that his neck does not feel tight. He has blue pants, and black shoes. He wheres a leather jacket, two pockets, and some inside pockets, and no hood. He keeps his ID, and Badge in his wallet in his left pants pocket.

Baggage: Some extra clothes. Another suit case full of money. His last suit case has a computer lock on it that takes 2 keys, and a password, with several files inside titled Top Secret. With both keys someplace where someone would never look.

Personality: He actually is a very nice guy, and is what you call a revolutionary. Has he is smarter than most people, and trys to better humankind. He is afraid of cats. Not good around people period. But once he becomes your friend, you realize that he is actually a good person, but thinks the world it self is dirt, and needs to be changed, has telling him you have done crime would not surprise him nor would he care so long has the person does not try to get his package/secret files.

Job: He works for the government, and helps the army choice plans for how to attack their opponent every now then. Has he would be classified has a tactician or strategy person. However he works for the CIA at the moment, with secret intelligences, and makes lots of money selling the army his inventions.

Physical shape: He is not to strong, he would be a little under average, tho not a total weakling.

Abilities: Strategy, has you may be able to kick his butt, but while fighting he was smart enough to get that banana pill ready and in the right spot, has they fall, and bust their head open.

Knowledge: Genius would be a understatement. It would not really be the kind of person to know how to use a computer, but know how to build a computer, or take it apart.

History: He was born and raise by his parents which were both major scientist. Has they raised him with building and taking apart a computer at the age of 7 as a game. Has the next 4 years he played some online games of strategy...with adults. Has he finally won online championship in things like war games and such. Till the age of 10 when a general came to their door..has he was ask to come and take part in a test, to see if he could beat their current strategy even tho I was so young. Has we did the game of chess, and I kept on being several moves ahead of him, has they ask me to help them with their next plan for a mission..has from there I helped them for some years till I was 18. After dealing with weapons strategy, I was now able to make some new weapons my self. Has I sold them for money, and became the richest men of the earth by selling stuff to all the countries of the world. Has I joined the CIA, and worked with them for the past years...till today that I was taking some secret documents to the capital city, and was going by train. Has his 3 body guards come with him. They are very big, and scary looking with their handguns. Very Tall, and in their black suits.
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@Solidjuss: Why don't you get a sub Rp director for the time you'll be off? And is my character accepted? Gah! I'm sensing tragedy if the wait gets any longer....
uh...a not important detail, but how can he be a revolutionary, but still work for a govt?